MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 661 Can we bring something normal?

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However, it wasn't long before Wang Aiguo was lying in bed, and suddenly he heard the horn on the ship ring, and then there came the voice of Captain Fan who took them on board in the morning.

"According to the report from the superior, there was a typhoon approaching us, and all the crew members were ready for the big waves."

As soon as he heard this voice, Wang Aiguo sighed a long time. Sure enough, the naval enemy was Typhoon.

However, when they patrol, they can still hide when they are patrolling. However, this ship cannot hide. This ship has to sail long distances, so it can only run away from the typhoon route.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Wang Aiguo. This time, he didn't come to sail the boat, but to participate in the race, so he was still calmly lying in bed.

However, after lying for a while, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a strange stare staring at him, and Wang Aiguo opened his eyes in confusion, only to see the monk looking at him with horror.

The monk's eyes surprised Wang Aiguo.

"What are you doing, brother?"

"No, I'm a little nervous. What a storm, will it be dizzy?"

After the monk said, Wang Aiguo rolled his eyes. What kind of special soldier is this? After more than a year of seasickness training, I didn't get it.

However, after thinking about it, Wang Aiguo comforted the monk: "Relax, the ship is relatively large, and it should not be particularly dizzy!"

The monk thought about it, and felt that this was also reasonable. Indeed, the wind resistance of the ship would be greatly improved.

So the monk took a bath and went to sleep happily.

But two hours later ...

The monk's life fell into the toilet between death, this is the 15th time he vomited.

Then when the monk vomiting was about to collapse, he just got out of the toilet, and saw that Wang Aiguo was sleeping and squatting there, passing by while he was sleeping.

Looking at the appearance of Wang Aiguo, the monk felt that the whole person was bad.

"Just make sense, I really don't think you are like a human, you are really tmd like a monster!" The monk watched Wang Aiguo's tears almost shed.


Long-distance ships generally take the avoidance route, that is, the route to avoid typhoons.

So in general, a typhoon will not have a particularly large impact.

After the monk vomited for two hours, he found that the ship's swaying degree gradually decreased.

Then he also went to sleep.

At 4 in the morning, when Wang Aiguo was sleeping well, he suddenly felt a little pain in his cheeks.

Wang Aiguo opened his eyes aggressively, and then saw Monk Town looking at him with an angry look.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Brother, I don't want to say anything, but I still want to say something, I really can't carry it!"

Wang Aiguo froze, then looked at the monk with curiosity: "Can't carry anything? Hedi? Are you going to die?"

The monk looked angrily at Wang Aiguo, and then pointed out this room loudly: "I said what exactly did you eat last night, you can put it all night and serve you, and how did you get this fart It ’s been a long time! My row of fans stayed there for a long time, but it did n’t come out. I found that I managed to carry seasickness, but I did n’t carry your ass. How do you let me live? "

After the monk spoke, Wang Aiguo took a deep breath, and found that, um, the smell of this room is indeed a bit nasty.

But this is an old question, what can he do? He can't help it. If he takes the medicine like last time, it may cause death in a short time.

Thinking of this, Wang Aiguo sat up helplessly, then looked at the mobile phone around him, and found that the time was 4 am.

With a bitter smile, what did you wake up so early this morning?

Wang Aiguo looked at the monk, and helplessly spread his hands, and said lightly, "Well, it should be impossible for me to stop farting. Just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Wang Aiguo said that the monk was stunned. He actually woke up Wang Aiguo just because he was angry. As for what to do after Wang Aiguo woke up, he didn't think about it.

At this time, Wang Aiguo heard a thunderous sound. Of course, it must not be the thunder outside, but the belly of a monk.

Hearing this voice, Wang Aiguo fell into deep silence, and the monk felt a little embarrassed at this moment, but there was nothing he could do. He vomited more than 20 times, and if there was anything in his stomach, he wouldn't As for this.

"Well, should we find something to eat?"

"I think the idea is very reliable!" The monk gave Wang Aiguo 666 praises without saying a word.

So the two started to look for food in the room. There must be no other place to find food, but the two of them are so big that they have something to eat, right?

As a fat man, Wang Aiguo's first reaction was that he definitely brought food, so without saying a word, the monk opened Wang Aiguo's box, although Wang Aiguo had tried to stop him.

Immediately after opening, the monk found that it might as well not be opened.

"Brother, what the **** is this?" The monk stared at Wang Aiguo's box with a grim expression, totally unaware of what was put in the 32-inch box.

To make sense, Wang Aiguo pulled this 32-inch box and it didn't look so big. The average person pulling this 32-inch box may appear in the illusion that the box is bigger than the person.

The monk took the first thing out of Wang Aiguo's box and looked at Wang Aiguo strangely.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Wang Aiguo looked at the bag in the monk's hand, then nodded: "I'm afraid I will be constipated, so I brought some crotons."

Monk: "..."

"Then what are you?" Then, the monk took out a second bag.

Wang Aiguo looked at the bag and said a little embarrassingly, "This is soy. I think there may not be soy milk to drink abroad, so I plan to grind it myself!"

Monk: "..."

The monk took out a third bag.

"What is this treadmill?"

"That tofu powder, I'm afraid there is no tofu abroad, so I plan to ..."

Before Wang Aiguo said it, the monk waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to say anything, and then listened to it, the monk felt that he would really have a myocardial infarction.

Soon the monk continued to turn over the box to Wang Aiguo's box.

"What is this?"

"Oh, this is bean curd!"

"No, why is this tofu milk green?"

"Oh, this is stinky tofu, don't open it here. This is open, we can't stay here!"

The monk rolled his eyes. Have you ever seen anyone go out with a bottle of fermented bean curd? And it still smells bad!

"Nervous, take this thing abroad?"

Wang Aiguo scratched his head awkwardly, then looked at the monk in doubt: "Take this offense?"

The monk was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. This is not illegal, but it is very neurotic.

Shaking his head, the monk took out another thing, which was by far the only thing that looked like food. However, this thing cannot be eaten directly. Of course, there is no need to explain it by Wang Aiguo. The monk can see at a glance what this is.

Holding this salted fish, the monk made a gesture in front of Wang Aiguo.

"Are you okay to go abroad with salted fish?"

Wang Aiguo scratched his temple and then said, "What should I say? I don't think foreign friends have seen this kind of salted fish. They don't know how delicious Chinese salted fish is, so I plan to bring some They taste. "

The monk almost passed away on the spot of myocardial infarction ~ ~ The fat man's brain circuit is really different from ordinary people.

After searching for a long time, the monk finally found a can-like thing from the compartment of Wang Aiguo's box.

The canned monk thought this should be edible, and then Wang Aiguo flew up and stopped him at this time.

"Brother, although this thing can be eaten, it can't be eaten here?"

The monk looked at Wang Aiguo with great doubts: "Why?"

"This is canned herring, and it ranks first in the world for the most stinky thing!"

The monk almost spit out old blood. He could understand everything in the box, but Wang Aiguo put salted fish, stinky bean curd, soy beans, and this canned herring in it.

He really couldn't figure out what kind of person would go out of the parliament to bring these things. Alas, the competition is better than others who want to smoke others to death?

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