MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 691 Is this an amputation?

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The girl is very beautiful and looks very young, with exquisite makeup on her face, big eyes and bright eyes.

The girl looked at Wang Aiguo strangely, and then tentatively asked, "Fat Dragon?"

Wang Aiguo looked at him, and in front of her was a little loli wearing a Gothic loli suit, not big, and frowned slightly.

"You are, kk?"

After Wang Aiguo spoke, the girl in front of her suddenly shook her head and said, "No, I'm red."

This time Wang Aiguo was surprised.

Ai Guo looked at Red in front of him and snorted and said, "Look, every time you talk, you look old-fashioned. I thought you were in your 40s, and the result is ... **** it!"

This person is not someone else, it is one of the eight deities of the heaven and earth red net.

Owner of the extremely dark wings.

Seeing Wang Aiguo's look so surprised, Red couldn't help but smile.

At this time, another girl also appeared in front of Wang Aiguo carrying her handbag.

Wang Aiguo looked at the girl in front of him. This girl was wearing a azure plaid dress with a hat on her head and a not-so-heavy spectacle lens on her eyes. She looked very gentle.

The girl walked in front of Wang Aiguo, looked at Wang Aiguo, and looked at the red next to Wang Aiguo, and then whispered, "Do you know a man named Fei Long?"

"I rely on, kk, I always thought you were a girl who would be very detached. Didn't expect to look so sober?"

Wang Aiguo looked at the girl in front of his face in surprise, and the two girls in front of him looked exactly like their names were reversed.

However, this is not a place to talk, plus people have already received it, and Wang Aiguo has no nonsense. He turned around and brought the two women to the large army.

This time, one is because of the large number of people, and the other is that someone is actually arranged to respond, so everyone did not go to the destination, but went directly to the parking lot.

Soon a group of people came to a designated place in different cars. Different cars took different routes, and their arrival times were also different.

Anyway, this scene is similar to the plot of many agents or agents movies.

However, Wang Aiguo felt that it was not particularly useful for this behavior. First, because they were very careful, no one should be staring at them all the time. The second is that when they returned to the urban area, it was already 7 pm, and at 7 pm in the rice country, the street was empty and no one was there.

Of course, be careful and not wrong, as long as everyone arrives safely.

After arriving at the designated place, everyone was stunned because the destination was actually a house similar to a small bungalow.

Everyone looked at Wang Aiguo in surprise. This house looks different from everyone's imagination! Shouldn't a safe house be a secret house?

This house is so high profile, can it be a safe house?

After walking into this three-storey house, everyone was a little surprised. Everything in it was fully furnished and the decoration was very luxurious.

After entering, Red looked at Wang Aiguo with a surprised expression: "Fei Long, did you buy this house?"

"How is it possible? Although our house can afford such a house, there is no need to buy such a house here. This house belongs to state property, which is a state appropriation. The big house built here is hidden in the city's safe house. ! "

After Wang Aiguo spoke, everyone was relieved.

This house is also regarded as a high-end residence in the Miguo District. At least normal people want to buy such a house, and they may have to eat or drink for about 200 years.

If Wang Aiguo bought it himself, then everyone should doubt where the money came from.

"Living in such a safe house, wouldn't it be too ostentatious?" Mike walked to Wang Aiguo and frowned.

Wang Aiguo touched his chin, and then said, "In fact, although I think this safe house is exaggerated, it should be really safe."

"Why do you see that?" Aya said puzzled.

Wang Aiguo was silent for a moment, then pointed to the house and said, "Look, the safe house in the movie is the kind of unpretentious house with a lot of money in it.

But our house is different. The exterior is bright and beautiful, and the interior is still bright and beautiful. The people who live in it are also strange in shape. And the more it looks like this, the more different it is from an ordinary safe house, so no one can imagine that this is a safe house. "

"Fuck, this reverse thinking is really quite reliable!" The monk could not help but nodded.

And everyone is watching the monks and Wang Aiguo with the eyes of idiots. You think ... nothing to say.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Wang Aiguo clapped his hands, and then smiled and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, now it's over seven. Everyone should be hungry. Let's get something to eat and finish Everyone rest early! "

Shen Long nodded, and then proposed: "Since it's so late, we are not familiar with life, and it is not appropriate to go out to buy food or eat, otherwise we will order a take-out, anyway, there is also take-out here."

Not long after Shen Long finished speaking, everyone fell into a brief mess.

why? Because there are many Libras in this group.

Do you know what it looks like to eat with Libra? So after more than half an hour of discussion, everyone finally decided to order a steak.

Then Shen Long found the takeaway phone of this steakhouse online.

After three hours ...

When Wang Aiguo and others packed up their rooms and arranged their luggage, even the beds had been laid, and even the baths had been washed.

The takeaway they ordered finally arrived.

Taken away.

When Wang Aiguo looked at the steak that had been completely cooled.

The monk looked at the hamburger whose cheese was like vomit.

When KK and red looked at their favorite ~ ~, they were already as hard as a saucer-like pizza, and everyone was silent.

Looking at the package, Wang Aiguo and others all turned their attention to Shen Long.

Shen Long was full of embarrassment, and then said helplessly: "Don't look at me like this, I don't know if this takeaway can be delivered so slowly!"

"Takeaway delivery is so slow. Should you take the main responsibility? Did you pick a takeaway that was too far away?" Wang Aiguo looked at Shen Long in doubt.

Shen Long looked down at his take-out order, then looked for the address on the mobile map, and then checked the navigation.

Later, Wang Aiguo and others were surprised to find that Wow, this shop is just opposite their house, which is the distance across the road, which is less than 200 meters in straight line.

Looking at this straight distance, everyone was aggressive, Didi, this takeaway incidentally did an amputation operation, and then climbed back to give them?