MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 693 Anyone want to cooperate?

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The moment Wang Aiguo finished speaking, he saw the eyes of everyone like a lion hungry for three days and saw food.

The next moment, let alone Aya and others, even the monk and Shen Long started rushing into the mall without saying a word.

A shopping trip of 1 million dollars, this is so crazy!


On this day, everyone was anxious to take a container truck to load things in the mall.

In the end, almost all people had all kinds of shopping bags hanging on them.

At this time, all the clothes that everyone wore when they came have been put away, at this time they are all brand-name.

Originally, Wang Aiguo was also worried that Aya ’s too crazy shopping would attract the attention of the mall, but later he realized that he was thinking more.

What should I say? There is no lack of Chinese in the big shopping malls, and every Chinese looks with them.

So crooked nuts have long been strange.

Looking at the crazy shopping crowd, Wang Aiguo smiled slightly, he also bought something, but not much, he spent more time helping everyone to keep accounts.

At 8 pm, everyone had a beautiful meal in an upscale western restaurant, and everyone returned to the safe house together.

After everyone put their belongings back to the room, Wang Aiguo held the first task seminar.

And this task seminar almost caused myocardial infarction to everyone.

Because the first meeting of Wang Aiguo was not about a mission plan, but they reported to each of them their respective bills.

Although shopping is crazy, in fact they all cost more than 100,000 US dollars.

In fact, if you really do n’t buy a car or a house, you basically want to run out of $ 1 million in one go, which is really difficult.

Just buying clothes, daily necessities, cosmetics and even game consoles doesn't cost much.

(By the way, I saw a 2-dimensional VR doll on the Internet two days ago. Well, everyone knows, do you want to cooperate in purchasing together? I think this is promising!)

After completing the account for everyone, everyone looked at Wang Aiguo, not knowing what medicine Wang Aiguo sold in the gourd.

Then Wang Aiguo wrote a time on the blackboard.

September 1!

"Look at this time. There are 19 days left before today. This is the deadline for the mission. In other words, in the morning of this day, we must end the mission, whether it is successful or not!"

Everyone nodded, and already knew about it yesterday, so what then?

Looking at the strange eyes of everyone, Wang Aiguo showed a demon-like smile.

"What I'm talking about next is the point. Today, you have uploaded the bills for your respective purchases to our superiors.

If the task is successfully completed this time, the superior will write off your shopping list today, but if the task fails, please trouble yourself when you return home with your own salary to wipe out these bills! "

After Wang Aiguo spoke, Aya sprayed a sip of water directly on Mike's face on the opposite side.

And Mike twitched his hands and feet, and his eyes had a tendency to roll up. There was no way. He helped his wife buy at least $ 12,000 in cosmetics today.

If he uses wages to smooth it out, he shouldn't think about having a salary in the past six months.

After speaking, Wang Aiguo looked at KK and red again.

"Two ladies, then we said yes, your reward for this mission was $ 50,000. If this mission is completed, we will write off your shopping list today. If you did not complete it, today ’s shopping bill Will be deducted from your labor costs. "

After Wang Aiguo said, KK and red's eyes looking at Wang Aiguo were not good, only then they found out. Well, this man is definitely a demon.

And Shen Long on the side sighed long, at this moment he had understood that Wang Aiguo was doing this to inspire morale.

Well, no matter how moving the language is, a bill does not work.

There is no need for Wang Aiguo to say anything. Everyone present at the moment is eager to complete the task.

What fear is not scared, nonsense, the task is terrible to deduct a year's salary?

At this moment, the monk stood up without a word of a tap on the table, and looked at Wang Aiguo seriously.

"Fat, don't stop talking nonsense, tell the task quickly, I want to do the task now!"

After the monk had finished speaking, everyone nodded one after another. There is no doubt that they are now full of blood and want to complete the task as soon as possible.

Wang Aiguo smiled, patted the monk's shoulder, and said lightly: "I know you bought more than 8,000 today, plus the previous list totaled nearly 20,000 dollars, so you urgently complete the task to pay the debt.

But there are some things that you are useless in a hurry. Strictly speaking, you have nothing to do in the early stage of this task. The early stage tasks are for the three of us programmers. "

The monk frowned slightly after Wang Aiguo said.

Everyone was also puzzled, and at this time Wang Aiguo smiled and went to the window and opened the curtains.

Wang Aiguo pointed his thumb at a building outside the window and then smiled.

"You tell me about the mission first. The goal of our mission this time is to rescue three doctors who have been deceived here and imprisoned. The address where they are held is the small bungalow similar to our building . "

After Wang Aiguo had finished speaking, everyone looked at Wang Aiguo's eyes, and sure enough, there was a house outside their window, with a similar architectural style, that is, it felt like two circles larger than their safe house.

Looking at the house outside the window, everyone frowned, and at this time they felt that the task was not the same as they imagined ~ ~ Then we will break in and bring people out May I? "Mike raised his hand at this time and said to Wang Aiguo.

Wang Aiguo shook his head with a smile: "I know Captain Mike, you are a tyrant, you can break in directly and bring people out. You can definitely do this kind of thing, and you can absolutely do it.

But I want to say that the matter of being imprisoned in the first place is just our guess.

And even if it is really imprisoned by the other party, we have no way to say, because the three doctors had signed an employment agreement before coming to Rice, that is to say, they came here voluntarily.

In the case where the State of Mi has not acknowledged imprisonment or abused them, our direct intrusion will cause relatively large diplomatic problems. "

After Wang Aiguo spoke, everyone frowned again.

At this time, Aya and other talents understood why the superior asked them to do the task and let them listen to the command of Wang Aiguo, because this task was not the same as their previous task.