MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-~ ,season finale!

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Latest URL: Half a month later, Kyoto base.

Wang Weihua looked at the three doctors whose hands and feet were twitching and their mouths were squinting.

After a while, Wang Weihua secretly pulled Shen Long aside and said quietly.

"Are you sure you haven't saved the wrong person? These three don't look like doctors. They look a bit like the patients rescued in a polio treatment hospital!"

After hearing this sentence, Shen Long looked helplessly at Wang Weihua. What should I say about this topic?

After thinking for a while, Shen Long slowly set his eyes on the monk.

"Please look there!"

Wang Weihua followed Shen Long's eyes and looked at the monk, but he saw a monk with the same hands and feet twitching, and drooling at the corner of his mouth, which was even more severe than those three monks.

"What's the situation?" Wang Weihua asked incredulously.

Shen Long was silent for a moment, then looked at Wang Weihua with a serious look.

"Teacher, what hot pepper fart essence from Wang Aiguo, do you remember?"

After hearing the six words of hot pepper fart essence, Wang Weihua's pupils shrank, and her face showed an incredible expression.

For a long while, Wang Weihua shook her hand and pointed at the monk, "So ... is this a sequela?"

"Aftereffects of upgrading the formula!" Shen Long said with a heavy face.

After Shen Long finished speaking, Wang Weihua was silent for another moment, then he raised his hand and shouted to the outside.

"Today I upgraded that chilli fart essence to the level of biological and chemical weapons, and I have to make it clear to the outside world that this thing cannot be used casually. In addition to being easy to die, this thing will cause very serious sequelae! "

After hearing this from Wang Weihua, Shen Long finally felt relieved.

However, after a short while, Shen Long seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly smiled at Wang Weihua.

"Teacher, I feel the need to congratulate you at this time."

Wang Weihua grimace: "Congratulations?"

"In this way, the importance of Wang Aiguo has increased. Even if he doesn't have that IQ, he can have a high strategic value just to make this hot pepper fart essence!"

Looking at Shen Long, Wang Weihua really wanted to slap him in the past. According to the words of Shen Long, so there is a terminator in their house, right?

However, at this time, Wang Weihua suddenly realized that a problem was that Wang Aiguo didn't come.

So Wang Weihua looked at Shen Longdao with a puzzled look.

"Speaking back, why haven't I seen Wang Aiguo until now, where did the fat man go?"

"He said he wouldn't come to report anymore. He wanted to go back and rest for two days, so he went back by plane first!"

Hearing this, Wang Weihua frowned. Now Wang Aiguo is too self-talking. Although he has made great achievements, although he is of great strategic value, it is not good to talk to himself, everyone is a soldier Right?

Looking at Wang Weihua's expression, Shen Long smiled helplessly.

Why does Wang Aiguo run, is it not because he dare not appear here?

At the same time, Wang Aiguo on the plane was being looked seriously by the two flight attendants.

"Sir, please sit in your seat and don't affect others!"

Hearing the flight attendant's words, Wang Aiguo glanced at the little girl who was squeezed into the corner of herself, with a look of helplessness.

"This ... Don't blame me for the meat?"

After speaking, Wang Aiguo looked at the four big characters in front of the cabin-Xia Dong Aviation, and fell into deep helplessness.

"Shen Long, you bastard, let you buy a plane ticket, you know how to save money, so small seat, how can you let me sit!"


After a few hours, Shen Long finished the report, and Wang Aiguo returned home safely.

Upon returning to City S, Wang Aiguo felt that the air in City S was sweet.

Wang Aiguo called Wang Jianshe before taking off from Kyoto.

Wang Jianshe was also very excited to hear Wang Aiguo's return. In this period of time, he had learned from the side how many amazing things Wang Aiguo had done.

So Wang Aiguo's head just took off, and Wang Jianshe hurriedly drove his new version of Santana to the airport to meet Wang Aiguo.

Wang Aiguo was also very excited to hear that his dad was coming to pick him up. This is a foreign country where the sword, mountains, sea, wind and rain come and go, and it is natural to be happy to see my loved ones back.

Soon, Wang Aiguo saw Wang Jianshe's car at the gate of the airport.

However, when Wang Aiguo rushed towards the car with great interest, the car unexpectedly drove away.

Wang Aiguo looked aggressively at the car leaving, what was the situation?

Soon he received a text message from Wang Jianshe.

"Don't take the car, go home by yourself, no, you can run home, just your weight now ... haha, your grandpa sees you can kill you believe it?"

Wang Aiguo looked at his mobile phone with tears in his eyes. He believed, didn't he think he could run here?

Wang Jianshe said no, he really did not pick up Wang Aiguo, and finally Wang Aiguo returned by subway.

When he got home, Wang Aiguo saw Wang Jianshe's face turned and stood at the door.

Wang Aiguo looked at Wang Jianshe with an awkward look.

"That dad, listen to me!"

Wang Jianshe took a deep breath, then spit it out slowly, finally shook his head helplessly: "Don't explain, anyway, you can come back well!"

Said that Wang Jianshe showed a bright smile, and at this moment Wang Aiguo's nose was sore, and then he rushed to Wang Jianshe with excitement, trying to hug his father.

At this moment, Wang ’s patriotic action seemed to him as if the athlete rushed to his coach after winning the championship.

And this scene fell into Wang Jianshe's perspective, and he suddenly felt a sense of seeing a sumo wrestler rushing towards himself.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jianshe's face went green directly.

"Shit, calm down, calm down, don't be impulsive !!!"

However, in the end, Wang Jianshe's words were too late. By the time Wang Aiguo heard it, he had already flew out.

The moment Wang Aiguo heard, his stomach was already on Wang Jianshe's body, and then ... Wang Jianshe staged a trapeze.

Well, flew out more than three meters.

Twenty seconds later, Wang Jianshe stood up from a large pile of tables, chairs, and benches at home, and then looked at Wang Aiguo Road with a black face.

"Return to the army early, lose weight well, it's okay, don't come out to harm others!"

Wang Aiguo said with tears: "Yes!"


Wang Aiguo didn't plan to leave immediately after coming back this time. He finally had to go home. He had to take a two-day rest, so the holiday was deducted from his vacation.

And soon he also agreed to Wang Aiguo's request to let Wang Aiguo stay at home for a week.

On the second night Wang Aiguo returned home, there was another familiar guest who could no longer be familiar with it.

When Mei Niu opened the door and stood pretty in front of Wang Aiguo, Wang Aiguo felt that the whole person was bad.

In the same way, Mei Niu looked at Wang Aiguo's huge body with a look of aggression.

"Patriotic brother, what's your situation?"

After looking at Mei Niu for a moment, Wang Aiguo slowly spoke.

"Others bleed for the motherland. I grow flesh for the motherland. Do you believe such an answer?"

Mei Niu: "..."

This answer will be believed by the whole world and should be numbered.


Soon, Mei Niu learned the approximate task flow from Wang Aiguo's mouth, and then looked at Wang Aiguo with sympathy.

The situation of Wang Aiguo's army is also clear to the beautiful girl. If Wang Aiguo returns this way, huh, he will not be sent to death by the group of old monsters, and her beautiful girl will be written upside down.

In this regard, Wang Aiguo was also very helpless.

And Wang Jianshe and his mother looked at Wang Aiguo and sighed.

It took me a while to lose weight in the army by dozens of pounds. As a result, I turned my head around and came back with another 250 pounds. Hehe, why can't you get through with two hundred and five?

However, Wang Aiguo is very helpless. He really grows flesh for the country. You must believe him!


In the end, because Wang Aiguo was on vacation for a week, Mei Niu stayed in his house for a week.

This week, Wang Aiguo experienced what it means to be a chicken flying dog.

It may be because the weight has risen so fast that Wang Aiguo still thinks he is the 190-pound person before.

Think of myself as the agile, slightly fat fat man.

Then ... it broke the table, stepped on the chair, broke the handle of the stairs, etc.

In this regard, Wang Jianshe said that if it was not natural, he would have killed Wang patriotic.

Wang Aiguo wants to cry without tears. He is really the flesh for the country!


On the evening of the 6th when I got home, the Wang Aiguo family was having a meal. After eating and eating, I saw Wang Aiguo head on the table for a while.

Wang Aiguo was so inexplicable that he suddenly fell asleep while eating and eating.

Seeing Wang Aiguo's appearance, both Wang Wang and Mei Niu were taken aback. Only Wang Jianshe was still calmly eating.

"Mei Niu, supervise him to lose weight well in the future. If you look at a person who is fat, the blood viscosity is high, and you always want to sleep as soon as the blood viscosity is high. You look at him like this, and fall asleep after eating and eating. . "

Mei Niu looked at Wang Jianshe with an awkward look, and then pushed Wang Aiguo on the side.

Wang Aiguo was quickly awakened, and then stared blankly at the crowd.

"What happened? What happened to me?"

Mei Niu smiled awkwardly at Wang Aiguo, and then said, "Patriotic brother, you fell asleep just now. I think this situation is not quite right. Why should you go to the hospital for a check?"

After Mei Niu finished speaking, Wang Aiguo shook his head, and calmly ate, while talking lightly.

"It's okay, my body is better, but I may be a bit fat, so my blood pressure and blood viscosity are a little bit higher, so I always want to sleep. It's okay, I'll lose weight after I return to the army for two days!"

"Okay!" Mei Niu nodded and said nothing.

At this time, Wang Jianjian looked at Wang Aiguo's brow and frowned slightly: "Patriotic, you are leaving tomorrow. I would still remind you that there are typhoons over Ningcheng over the past two days. Be careful when you return tomorrow!"

"Oh!" Wang Aiguo nodded, and continued to eat calmly, typhoon, he's seen a lot, this is not a big deal.


Soon the second day.

Wang Aiguo thought that the typhoon would not affect him in any way, but in fact the moment he walked out of the Ningcheng Railway Station, he was still hit by 10,000 points.

The typhoon has not yet come, but the storm has come ahead.

Pedestrians on the road, walking one by one, holding their umbrellas.

Only Wang Aiguo walked like a rock with no steps ...

Then Wang Aiguo lowered his head. Anyway, even if he didn't look up, he knew that all the eyes around him were focused on him.

"I will never go out again in typhoon days. I am too embarrassed!"

After hitting the car, Wang Aiguo quickly got on the car, then secretly vowed in his heart.


Soon, Wang Aiguo returned to the Ningcheng frigate detachment.

Wang Aiguo has not yet returned, but what he has done and the achievements he has obtained have already been passed back to Ningcheng.

After all, Wang Aiguo was delayed for nearly a month before returning, and everyone else had already returned early. Even when they did not return, the team had already reported the good news to China.

Before Wang Aiguo returned to the army, he had already called the gunners.

The gunheads also said they would come to meet Wang Aiguo at the door.

So when Wang Aiguo came to the gate of the Ningcheng frigate detachment, he felt especially warm. This is a very windy and rainy situation, and there are so many people to pick him up, this feeling is really great.

Unfortunately, this warmth has not lasted for two seconds. As soon as Wang Aiguo walked to the door, he found that the expressions of the cannon head and others were not right.

The gunhead at this moment looked at Wang Aiguo's expression with skepticism and surprise, and it felt as if he was not looking at Wang Aiguo, but at an alien.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Wang Aiguo asked in confusion.

The cannon head scratched his head and looked around, looking around.

After a while, the gun head slowly said, "So you are participating in the World Sumo Championship?"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

"I said that my meat was for the country, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" The gunners and others shook their heads.

Wang Aiguo almost spit out old blood. He is really the meat of the country!


At the same time, Red was looking at the computer in his room.

Soon some code appeared on the screen.

After watching for a while, Red quickly typed a line of code on the keyboard.

"The Fat Dragon is from the military!"


"No wonder!"

"So we shot this time too?"


After a few lines of conversation, a brief calm appeared on the screen.

Soon another line of code appeared on the screen.

Looking at this line of code again, the sender is Beta.

As the great respect of the world red net, Beta has a special status.

Red watched Beta's words and frowned slightly, then typed a line of code.

"Da Zun, do you mean that the Black Wings know that we shot and are attacking us?"

Beta: "Yes!"

Seeing this sentence, red was silent for a moment, and then typed a line of code.

"This operation is a Chinese operation. If our world network is affected by this, kk and I and the dragon can exit the network."

As the words came out, there was a brief silence on the screen.

At this moment Red's heart was very complicated. She was really reluctant to ask her to withdraw from the Red Net of Heaven and Earth, but she could not affect the Red Net. After all, this time the behavior had violated some bottom lines of the extremely dark wings.

Then at this time another line of code jumps out of the screen.

Beta: "No, if the other party has any tricks, just come and let's go.

We have to remember that although we are hackers, we were still Chinese before that! "

After seeing this sentence, Red suddenly hesitated for a moment, she did not expect that Beta would say such a word.

But just after she wanted to say two words, Beta quickly typed another line of code.

"If Ak comes to attack, I'll block it.

Everyone must also be prepared. I have a hunch that this time things may not be individual cases, and a full-scale war may begin. "

Looking at the code on the screen, red's pupil narrowed slightly.

At this moment, an ominous premonition slowly climbed into everyone's mind.


After returning to the Donghe ship, Wang Aiguo took off his casual clothes and put on a sea soul shirt.

When Wang Aiguo changed his Shanghai soul shirt, everyone in Dadong looked at Wang Aiguo with a **** expression.

Wang Aiguo froze for a moment and said to everyone in confusion: "Why do you look at me with this expression?"

Dadong's moment of silence slowly spoke.

"Well, I have been a soldier for more than ten years. For the first time, I saw someone wearing a sea-soul shirt and wearing a shape-fitting underwear.

Although I don't want to say that, but no matter how good the food for foreigners is, you don't have to eat that much! You are so fat now, I guess you can't put on the military uniforms outside you! "

Hearing Dadong said this, Wang Aiguo was not happy immediately. What is it that he can't wear it outside? Is he so fat?

Wanting to be here, Wang Aiguo took out his military uniform and put it on his body without saying a word. As a result, like Dadong, Wang Aiguo could no longer buckle, and even the two rows of buckles were as far apart as a punch.

Looking at this scene, Wang Aiguo fell into deep silence.

At this time, the elder brother also went down to the cabin to meet Wang Aiguo.

As a result, the elder brother just came and saw Wang Aiguo's appearance, and immediately hesitated.

"You, are you returning from Sumo?"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

"Brother, as a political cadre, your chat is a bit artistic, isn't it? Why is the inexplicable sumo returned, I am the meat of the country ..."

Before Wang Aiguo's words were spoken, the big face had already come to Wang Aiguo's side, holding Wang Aiguo's shoulder, his face sighed.

"Fat. When you are bragging, pick less and then blow it. There are many people, so bragging is not good!"

"Leave you!" As soon as Dalian finished speaking, Wang Aiguo turned and turned into a mouth, and then Dalian lay on the bed unconscious.

Seeing Wang Aiguo, everyone took a breath.

After a while, the captain said with a look of surprise: "This, is this the legendary sumo pusher?"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

Can he have a good chat after returning the first day? Can it still be fun to play?

Then at this time, everyone heard footsteps from the stairs.

Everyone looked together and found out that it was the captain.

Seeing the captain come down, everyone stood up straight and greeted the captain aloud.

When the captain saw the crowd greeting him, he immediately waved his hands lightly. : "It's okay, you are yours, you're almost going to bed. I just came to see the fat man, you fat man ..."

The captain said as he set his sights on Wang Aiguo, and then looked at Wang Aiguo's appearance, and immediately hesitated.

"Fat, are you back from participating in the World Sumo Championship?"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

How is it now? This hurdle can't get through, right? Everyone had to ridicule him for something, didn't he just get 250 pounds? Isn't he not wearing uniforms? If he doesn't, hey ... this is the meat of the country, why can't anyone believe it?

In the end, everyone looked at Wang Aiguo and said nothing, after all, this fat man is also a glorious person for the country

What's more important is that this fat man has a deep background and everyone can't control it.

Shaking his head helplessly, the captain came to Wang Aiguo and said to him.

"It's nothing, it will be fat if it gets fat, and it will be reduced to a big deal. I came here to tell you that the typhoon will come in two days, and we are going out to prevent typhoons.

This time you have done your best. It is reasonable to say that everyone has to celebrate for you, but because we have to go out to defend Taiwan, we have no time.

So the leaders of our ship talked about it and planned to give your class a vacation tomorrow. Your class will go out together and let your squad leader invite you to have a good meal! "

As soon as he heard this, Wang Aiguo's eyes brightened. Someone invited for dinner, which must be his favorite thing.

At this moment, Dadong was as surprised as seeing a ghost, staring at the captain in a stunned state, and then trembling, "Captain, I have also contributed to the country, why did you harm me like this?"

The captain looked at Dadong with a grimace and said in doubt: "Where did I hurt you?"

"You asked me to invite this fat man to dinner. Isn't this a family-run business? You can't hurt me like this!" Dadong said angrily.

Looking at Dadong's expression of sorrow and indignation, the captain revealed the sympathy in his eyes, but before speaking, he saw Wang Aiguo take a deep look at Dadong.

"Leader, our many years of friendship ..."

"That's not worth your meal!" Dadong said with a disdainful look at Wang Aiguo.

Wang Aiguo: "Oh, tomorrow, let's walk and see!"


On the second day of Wang Aiguo's return, after everyone had eaten in the morning, the entire former artillery squad changed their clothes and was ready to go out.

At this time for breakfast, Wang Aiguo originally didn't want to eat. After all, he went out to have something to eat. Why would he eat breakfast here!

However, Dadong didn't give him this opportunity, and stared at him hard during the whole breakfast, and sent him to eat.

Looking at Dadong, Wang Aiguo was speechless. As for this?

After eating breakfast and putting on casual clothes, Dadong and others went out with Wang Aiguo.

The captain was left in the class to look after the house.

When the four reached the deck, they respectively held up their umbrellas.

As soon as the big face umbrella was supported, Wang Aiguo immediately discovered that the big face umbrella seemed to be very advanced.

Automatically open and close, and the umbrella bone seems very strong.

"Big face, your umbrella looks very high-end, how much do you pay for this umbrella?"

Wang Aiguo opened his mouth and raised his eyebrows, showing a proud look.

"I have spent 198 yuan on this umbrella. This umbrella opens and closes automatically, and it has double umbrella bones. It can shade and rain, and has many functions!

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if my umbrella is broken, it will be guaranteed within three years! "

After the big face was spoken, Wang Aiguo nodded. He didn't expect that the big face would spend such unjust money. Sure enough, this person's brain was not normal.

However, at this moment, Dadong held an umbrella and walked to the face with disdain.

"You pull it down, what do you want to show off with a broken umbrella, 198 umbrella? Isn't my 8 umbrella used differently?"

After Dadong spoke, everyone looked at the umbrella in Dadong's hand.

These 5 8 umbrellas are 5 8 umbrellas. They look the same as paper.

Dadong looked at the five 8 umbrellas in Dadong's hand and smiled disdainfully.

"The squad leader did not say you, what is the price of a penny? Don't keep thinking about being cheap, it's yours who will lose money in return!"

"What's the loss? What's the loss? Just a broken umbrella, what else?"

With that said, Dadong was about to go forward with his umbrella, but he had just taken a step, and a huge sea breeze blew across the sea suddenly.

Then, everyone saw Dadong bracing a solitary umbrella bone, standing tremblingly in the rain.

Wang Aiguo: "..."

Twenty: "..."

Big face: "So let's say, this year is a price and a price!"


In terms of Dadong's economic strength, it's no problem to invite everyone to have a meal, but this key may be human nature.

Four people went out. At about noon, Dadong took everyone to a noodle shop.

Sitting in the noodle shop, watching the crowd around eating noodles, Wang Aiguo looked at Dadong with a sullen expression.

"Leader, is this what you mean by a luxury restaurant?"

Facing Wang Aiguo's question, Dadong nodded firmly.

"No, you look at the most expensive noodles here for 32 yuan!"

After Dadong spoke, Wang Aiguo glanced at it, and it turned out that the most expensive noodles on the price list cost 32 yuan!

However, even if it is 32 yuan, this is just an ordinary pig's foot noodle.

Thinking of this, Wang Aiguo rolled his eyes, then raised his hand quickly.

However, at this time, Dadong moved faster than Wang Aiguo. Wang Aiguo just raised his hand, and Dadong took off his shoes and threw it at Wang Aiguo.

"The boss has 4 bowls of noodles!"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

"Specially for so many years, I have eaten so many meals, and also the first time I saw someone throwing stinky shoes over. Is the squad abnormal?"

Wang Aiguo held Dadong's stinky shoes and looked at Dadong with a speechless face. In order to stop himself, the squad leader also worked hard.

Soon they came up.

After looking up, Wang Aiguo glanced at Dadong, and finally Dadong sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"It's nothing, it's still worthy to ask for a noodle, boss, give this fat man two more pages!"

"Okay!" The waiter quickly nodded and left, and then the four of them started eating with a bowl of noodles.

Well, everyone knows that you always have to mix it twice before eating.

Then as everyone was mixing the noodles, Dadong suddenly said.

"Did you say that you don't add any seasoning?"

Everyone snapped: "Huh?"

Dadong picked up a jar from the table.

Looking at this jar, everyone stunned for a moment. This jar is not labeled, and it is not transparent. I don't know what seasoning is in this jar.

I saw Dadong put the jar under the nose and smelled it, then nodded lightly: "This chili oil is very spicy and very good."

With that said, Dadong added a little spice to his face.

Seeing Dadong's appearance, Wang Aiguo frowned, and then picked up the jar from the table and sniffed on the tip of his nose. Then found a bit sour.

"My dad said, the noodles are alkaline, and you need to neutralize them with vinegar!"

Talking about Wang Aiguo holding the seasoning jar and pouring it down, sure enough, it really is vinegar.

After Wang Aiguo poured some vinegar into his face, he thought about 20 yuan, picked up a jar, and smelled it under the nose.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be salt! I have a heavier taste, so I'll add some salt!"

Speaking of 20, poured the seasonings into the noodles, and sure enough, it was really salt.

In the end, only big face was left. Big face looked at his brother in the class, one spice jar per person. After considering for a while, he picked up the last spice jar on the table.

"Colorless and tasteless. What's in it?" Big face held the seasoning jar and looked at everyone in doubt.

Dadong shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, "It's always seasoning. Can you just add it?"

"That makes sense!" Big Nod nodded, then poured the seasoning into his own face.

Then everyone looked at his big face and added a toothpick to his face.

Dadong: "..."

Wang Aiguo: "..."

Twenty: "..."

Big face: "A broken toothpick, can't you stick it on the jar! Mad, how can I eat this toothpick?"


In the end, Dadong successfully obtained a four-dollar bill.

At this time, Wang Aiguo found out that the boss was not a simple person. Even if he didn't change his face, he even counted a toothpick on his face for a price of two cents. This boss is definitely a cruel man .

After losing the quarrel, Dadong finally hummed back to his seat and scolded him while eating noodles.

Seeing this scene, Wang Aiguo could not help but smile. At this moment, he had a feeling of going home.

Soon after sitting back at the table, Dadong suddenly saw that Wang Aiguo was still calmly eating noodles by the side, so he had a strange smile on his face.

Seeing this, Dadong frowned at Wang Aiguo Road.

"Fat, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I just think you have enough sand sculptures to be my family!"

Dadong: "..."

"You are sand sculptured, your family is sand sculptured!"

After Dadong spoke this sentence, he also hesitated, and then Wang Aiguo also hesitated.

Looked at each other.

After a long while, Wang Aiguo nodded firmly: "Well, it really is enough for sand sculpture!"

Dadong: "..."


This time in celebration of Wang Aiguo's return. Although the noodles were a bit too small, Dadong later bought a small cake for Wang Aiguo.

This cake costs 20 yuan, but Wang Aiguo feels warm in his hand.

After eating the cake, the four set off to return to the brigade. There was no way to prevent typhoon deployment. There were still many things to do, and they had to go back and continue preparing.

As soon as he returned to the brigade, Wang Aiguo saw Shen Long dragging his suitcase at the door.

At this time, Shen Long was full of red, and he was praised.

Then Wang Aiguo was a little aggressive, and in the wind and the rain, it was him who carried the thunder, why Shen Long had an award-winning expression.

You did nothing! If I had to say anything, I would do one thing, that is, cooking!

However, when Wang Aiguo was puzzled, Dalian and others also saw Shen Long, so they shouted.

After hearing the shout, Shen Long turned back and saw Wang Aiguo's huge body.

"Well, did you just come back, patriotic?" Shen Long asked curiously.

Wang Aiguo shook his head: "No, I came back yesterday. Today the captain said to help me celebrate, so he approved to go out, and let us come out to invite me to dinner together!

Having said that, you have just returned from my grandpa. Does my grandpa have any remarks on this mission reward? "

Shen Long shook his head and said lightly: "The director general didn't say anything, but there is nothing to do with you that has nothing to do with you. Anyway, if you don't mention it, what are these things for you? "

"It seems to be saying the same thing!" Wang Aiguo thought about it for a while, and found that it did mean the same thing.

Wang Aiguo and Shen Long talked very happily, but the people in Dadong were aggressive, so far they still did not understand what Wang Aiguo and Shen Long were talking about.

However, just when Lian wanted to ask what the two of them were talking about, a group of people had reached the entrance of the East River Ship's ramp.

As soon as they reached the ramp, everyone saw the captain who was directing everyone to work on the deck.

At this time the captain also saw Wang Aiguo and others.

When seeing Wang Aiguo and others coming back, and about to get on board, the captain's face changed slightly, and then shouted at Wang Aiguo.

"Wang Aiguo, when you came up, the movement was slightly smaller!"

Upon hearing these words, Wang Aiguo stopped working. What is he doing? He is only 250 pounds now. The ladder is more than a ton. He can break the ladder.

"Couldn't the captain be so embarrassed, I'm more than 200 catties now, and I'll lose weight soon.

This ladder is iron, can I still break it? "

After Wang Aiguo spoke, the captain looked at Wang Aiguo, and then looked at the ramp on the side of the ship.

After two or three seconds of hesitation, the captain spoke with great difficulty.

"But the side of this ladder is made of aluminum alloy. This thing doesn't carry you!"

Wang Aiguo: "..."

"I have to make it for you today!" After that, Wang Aiguo jumped on the ladder with a single step.

After jumping up, Wang Aiguo bounced on the ladder twice, and then put on an indifferent look to the captain: "Captain, you see, everything is ..."

Wang Aiguo said halfway, and suddenly felt that the sky was turning, and the next moment he fell on the ramp.

When everyone saw Wang Aiguo's fall, everyone's face changed greatly.

The ridicule turned to ridicule, but when the captain saw Wang Aiguo fell, he rushed to Wang Aiguo for the first time. At the same time, Shen Long rushed to the ramp from a rear step and came to Wang Aiguo.

After walking to Wang Aiguo's side, the two suddenly changed their faces.

This patriotic state of Wang seems to be a little bit wrong. Most people faint and faint, but at the same time as Wang Aiguo fainted, some nosebleeds came from his nose.

At this moment, Shen Long suddenly remembered what KK and red had said to him.

"No, you ca n’t make a joke about this, fat man, wake up the fat man!" Shen Long touched Wang Aiguo's face twice, and then choked the other person, but Wang Aiguo still did not look awake, and nostril Nosebleed is still flowing.

Seeing this scene, Shen Long was anxious, and hurriedly said.

"Come, carry Wang Aiguo to the health team!"

"Back ... to?"

After Shen Long finished speaking, everyone looked at Shen Long aggressively.

At this time, Shen Long also found that it seemed that using the word was not right. It is unlikely that Wang Aiguo would want to carry him on his weight.

At this time, the captain immediately responded and said loudly, "Come, go to the hygienist and bring the stretcher over, and take him to the health team!"

"it is good!"

Talking, Dalian and Dadong rushed towards the hospital room on the rear deck.


"Doctor, what happened to Wang Aiguo?"

"The situation is not particularly good. It is reasonable to say that coma is normal. There are many reasons for coma, including too tired, too hungry, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, but this dizziness rarely flows. nosebleed."

"What does that nosebleed mean?"

"I can't say this either, otherwise you still take him to the headquarters of the provincial capital and do a detailed inspection there!"

Wang Aiguo opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling in front of him, while listening to the conversation between Shen Long and the medic, which was a bit complicated for a while.

His body actually knows a little about him.

In fact, since the last time he went to help the monk to avenge his revenge, he has often been unconscious. Later, at the military meeting, his number of unconsciouss became more frequent.

Now he is not only comatose, but also has nosebleeds in his nose, which makes him feel abnormal body.

Thinking of this, Wang Aiguo suddenly had a very strange feeling. He had faintly felt that something should have happened to his body, but he didn't want to think so.

Because once this happens, it is likely to be very bad.

Everyone is afraid of death, and he is no exception.

Then at this time, the curtain next to the bed opened, and Shen Long's probe came in.

After entering, Shen Long found that Wang Aiguo was awake, so Shen Long excitedly approached Wang Aiguo and said, "Patriotic, are you awake? How are you feeling?"

Looking at Shen Long, Wang Aiguo suddenly smiled, then sat up abruptly from the hospital bed, and then said to Shen Long while moving his limbs: "I'm fine, nothing, don't make a fuss, I'm fine!"

Although Wang Aiguo said so, Shen Long and the medic's brows were more tightly locked, because Wang Aiguo said that the nosebleeds in his nose began to flow again.

In this case, the truth is really bad.

Looking at Wang Aiguo, Shen Long took a deep breath, and then said to the military doctor: "Military doctor, please write a note, I will take him to the General Hospital for examination now!"

"Don't be so exaggerated?" Wang Aiguo wiped his nosebleed, and then said embarrassedly, "I may just eat too much meat and get angry, you don't have to be so fussy!"

"Don't talk nonsense, go straight." Shen Long's brows froze, with seriousness in his eyes never before.

Looking at Shen Long's expression, Wang Aiguo moved his lips and tried to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The team's car was quickly borrowed by Shen Long, who was also a driver with a driver's license, so he drove the army's military vehicle and took Wang Aiguo to the provincial capital hospital.

Neither of them spoke on the road. Wang Aiguo was silent, and Shen Long was silent.

The typhoon is coming, and the wind and rain outside have begun to add up. Wang Aiguo looked at the scenery outside the window, feeling more and more heavy.

It's already more than 7pm to get to the provincial capital.

After Shen Long took Wang Aiguo for a meal, he hurriedly brought him to the hospital.

At more than seven in the evening, it is reasonable to say that the hospital's clinic has ended, but Shen Long still took Wang Aiguo to a doctor's office.

After entering the office, Wang Aiguo was surprised to find that there were several doctors in the office, and each of them was not young.

The doctors brought the lenses of the beer bottle caps one by one, which gave Wang Aiguo a feeling of participating in an expert consultation.

After Wang Aiguo came in, several doctors quickly stood up and looked at Shen Long.

"Hello, are you Shen Long's staff?"

Shen Long nodded immediately and said, "Yes!"

A doctor with gray hair came forward and shook hands with Shen Long and said, "General Director Wang has told us about the situation and we are waiting here. Is this his grandson Wang Aiguo? "


After Wang Aiguo spoke, several doctors immediately surrounded Wang Aiguo, which made Wang Aiguo feel like a lamb to be slaughtered.

At first, he didn't think the matter was serious, but being looked at by so many doctors, Wang Aiguo suddenly felt that he really had a serious problem?

Soon a few doctors pulled Wang Aiguo to the side and began to beat on him.

After a few inspections, several doctors looked at Wang Aiguo, looking slightly dignified.

Seeing the dignified looks of several doctors, Shen Long anxiously asked, "How is the doctor?"

The old doctor headed shook his head and said lightly, "This inspection can't see why, so let's hurry up and take him down for an MRI."

Talking, the old doctor quickly wrote a note on the table, and then gave it to Shen Long. Shen Long didn't make nonsense, and took Wang Aiguo directly downstairs.

On this way, Wang Aiguo said almost nothing, and let Shen Long drag him away.

At this moment, to be honest, Wang Aiguo's heart was really complicated. There was fear and fear, but there was some hope, and I felt that the doctors might have made a mistake.

Soon when Wang Aiguo's mind and man were fighting, Shen Long had taken him to the MRI room.

Looking at the MRI room written in Room 3, Wang Aiguo's heart suddenly hung up again.

Seeing Wang Aiguo nervous, Shen Long suddenly laughed.

Shen Long's smile made Wang Aiguo startled. He didn't know why Shen Long laughed suddenly?

"I thought you were really not afraid of anything. You weren't scared when you went out to do the task. Why were you scared when you went to do an inspection?"

Looking at Shen Long's smile, Wang Aiguo suddenly laughed, and felt relieved a lot.

"I haven't gotten nervous about you yet. I'll tell you, don't look at me as fat, but I will never go to the hospital more than one hand. I am a healthy baby, and this time there must be nothing wrong. of!"

After listening to Wang Aiguo's words, Shen Long nodded with a smile: "I believe you will be fine!"

While Shen Long was talking, the door of the MRI room opened, and a male doctor came out.

The doctor looked at the list on his hand and called, "Which is Wang Aiguo?"

Wang Aiguo quickly raised his hand and said loudly, "I am!"

The doctor glanced at Wang Aiguo, and then frowned deeply with the word "Chuan".

"Oh my god, are you so fat? I wonder if you can get in at this weight?"

Wang Aiguo froze and looked at the doctor in wonder: "What do you mean?"

The doctor pointed at the number written at the door to Wang Aiguo: "Our machine here is divided in size. This No. 3 machine is No. 3 machine, which is also the largest one. Generally speaking, it can take 200 to 240 kg of patients. May I ask……"

"Me, exactly 240!"

Wang Aiguo gritted his teeth and said stubbornly.

Shen Long on the side rolled his eyes, huh, huh, you see that you haven't lost weight this year, you can't even see a doctor!

In the end, Wang Aiguo followed the doctor into the MRI room.

It takes 20 minutes for others to do MRI, but Wang Aiguo is very good. He did it for 45 minutes.

After Wang Aiguo came out, his entire face was black. Shen Long didn't say anything when he asked him to talk to him. He pulled Shen Long upstairs.

Shen Long stared at Wang Aiguo with a grimace, but looking at Wang Aiguo's expression, he didn't want to ask what happened inside.

After Wang Aiguo left, several doctors in the MRI room walked to the front of the MRI machine and looked serious.

"I feel, has this hole become larger?" The male doctor said with a serious face before.

A few doctors on the side nodded madly. They also felt that the hole seemed to be getting bigger!


"Doctor, how is his condition?"

Back at the doctor's office, Shen Long walked anxiously to the old doctor and asked.

The old doctor looked at Shen Long, and then looked at the report at hand, and finally smiled at Wang Aiguo beside him.

"That MRI report didn't come out that fast. So, you should be hospitalized here for a few days. We'll see it after the report comes out!"

After the old doctor spoke, Wang Aiguo was dragged out of the office by several doctors and went to the ward.

After Wang Aiguo stepped out of the office, the old doctor looked at Shen Long and said solemnly.

"I'm afraid I have to notify the Director General!"

After the old doctor finished speaking, Shen Long's face suddenly changed, and a fear slowly climbed into his heart.

That night, Wang Jianshe was off work, took a shower and prepared to go to bed. When he had a good rest, his fixed phone on the bed rang.

After receiving the call, Wang Jianshe heard Wang Weihua's voice.

And Wang Weihua didn't have any nonsense, just to say that Wang Aiguo is now in the provincial capital hospital, and we will go together tomorrow.

Listening to this sentence, Wang Jianshe suddenly sank.

That night was destined to be a sleepless night

Wang Aiguo lives in a VIP ward with only two beds, and he and Shen Long happen to be one each.

Wang Aiguo tossed and turned asleep until the middle of the night, and on the other side, Shen Long did not fall asleep. At this moment, he didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable.

The same thing happened to Wang Weihua and Wang Jianjian, neither of whom slept well in bed.

In the early morning of the second day, Wang Jianshe and Wang Weihua both bought air tickets to the provincial capital.

At 5 pm both people arrived at the provincial capital hospital.

As soon as the two came to the hospital, Shen Long was waiting at the door.

The three did not make nonsense and went straight to the old doctor's office.

After entering the office, the old doctor waved and motioned to Shen Long to close the door.

However, Shen Long just wanted to close the door, but the door suddenly opened. At this moment, Wang Aiguo stood at the door calmly and looked at the crowd.

Seeing Wang Aiguo, Wang Jianshe and Wang Weihua were slightly surprised.

"There is no need to hide me from many things. After all, it is my own body. If there is anything, say it directly in front of me!"

After speaking, Wang Aiguo slowly walked into the office and said to everyone with a smile.

After Wang Aiguo said, the old doctor turned to Wang Weihua for help. At this moment, the old doctor didn't know whether this matter should be told to Wang Aiguo.

At this time, Wang Weihua was also a little tangled, but after looking at Wang Aiguo's smiling expression, he finally nodded.

"Nothing, just talk about anything, you can't hide it!"

After hearing Wang Weihua's words, the old doctor sighed, then nodded, took out a ct photo of Wang Aiguo, and affixed it to the board on the side.

"After Wang Aiguo's MRI report came out yesterday, we discussed overnight. The result of the discussion was that there was a tumor in the patriotic brain!"

After the answer was spoken, although everyone had expected it, everyone really couldn't help but take a breath when they heard the doctor say the answer.

After hearing the answer, Wang Jianshe's footsteps were suddenly unstable and almost fell down. Fortunately, Shen Long on the side saw that Wang Jianshe's footsteps were floating and quickly supported him.

Wang Weihua, who had seen the wind and waves, heard the answer at the moment and sat on the side of the chair with his butt, revealing deep weakness in his eyes.

Among the people present, the most calm was Wang Aiguo.

I saw Wang Aiguo smiled at the old doctor and said, "Doctor, is this tumor benign or malignant?"

"It's not clear for the time being, you have to do it after the surgical section is tested, but the size is not particularly good."

After the old doctor finished speaking, Wang Aiguo nodded with a smile, and then said, "How much time do I have?"

At this moment the old doctor pointed at the shaded part of the MRI picture to the humanity.

"This issue is also the point I want to talk to you about now. This tumor suppresses some of the blood vessels in your brain. These blood vessels will cause your cerebellar blood supply to be insufficient and the brain to supply blood.

In this case, there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the tumor is expanding rapidly, and the advantage is that while your brain is oppressed by blood supply, your concentration and calculation ability will be greatly improved, and your brain will be greatly improved. Computing power will become stronger! "

Speaking of which, the old doctor paused, and then there was some helplessness in his eyes.

"The problem is also here, the stronger your computing power, the stronger your concentration, and the greater your brain power consumption, the faster this tumor will grow."

After hearing this, Wang Jianshe and Wang Weihua suddenly made a noise in their hearts.

No one had thought of Wang Aiguo's situation like this.

After listening to the old doctor's words, Wang Aiguo's face finally changed, his expression dimmed slightly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth remained.

Having been in the army for so long, he finally learned what courage is, maintaining grace under pressure, smiling in the face of difficulties, and never bowing his head. This is the courage of the middle man.

Wang Aiguo just smiled slightly, looking at the old doctor and said lightly, "How long can the doctor live in this situation?"

"In general, there are two treatment options for this situation. The first is to cut the tumor with an operation. Of course, if it is a malignant tumor, it is difficult to cut it clean. In this case, the surgery is very risky and it is easy to fail.

If it is conservative treatment, it will be painful, but it will take about ten years. "

After the doctor finished speaking, Wang Aiguo sighed a long time, finally shook his head slightly, and walked out of the doctor's office.

And Wang Weihua, Wang Jianshe, and Shen Long watched Wang Aiguo slowly walk out of the office for a long time, and their moods were extremely complicated.

At this time, Wang Weihua's cell phone suddenly rang.


After Wang Aiguo returned to the ward, Shen Long and Wang Jianshe quickly caught up.

The two originally thought that Wang Aiguo was very uncomfortable, and even had some extreme behavior.

However, they did not expect that Wang Aiguo's extreme behavior was there, but this extreme behavior was completely unexpected to them.

Waiting for the two of them to return to the ward following Wang Aiguo, they saw Wang Aiguo taking out a packed KFC takeaway family bucket from his drawer and eating there.

Seeing this scene, both people are speechless. When is this time, and still eating there?

"Patriotic, isn't it that I say something to you, when is this time, and you can still eat?"

Wang Aiguo stuffed chicken legs and chicken wings into his mouth and murmured to Wang Jianshe: "Dad, haven't you listened to the doctor? I have ten years left. I don't take advantage of these ten years. Eat well and drink, how can I be worthy of myself?

Having said that, I've heard before that anyone can only eat 50 tons of food in their lifetime. Whoever eats first and who leaves first, can I count it as eating? "

Hearing this from Wang Aiguo, both Wang Jianshe and Shen Long rolled their eyes.

People say that eating 50 tons of food is afraid of adding 50 tons of rice, vegetables, meat, etc., and you are great, eating 50 tons of fried chicken, what do you want to do?

At this time Wang Jianshe looked a little heavy in Wang Aiguo's eyes.

"Patriotic, do you have any ideas now?" Wang Jianshe slowly said.

Hearing about Wang Jianshe ’s problem, Wang Aiguo ate faster, and said as he ate: “Can you have any ideas? The doctor said that I still have ten years. If that does n’t work, I ’ll have an operation. If you live longer, how long would it last if I had surgery? "

When Wang Aiguo said this topic, the doctor walked in from the door and said, "We need to make sure, is your tumor benign or malignant?"

"What if it's benign?" Shen Long asked quickly.

The old doctor glanced at Shen Long and nodded, slowly speaking.

"If it is benign, congratulations. After the benign operation is completed, there is at least 20 years of life, and if it is properly maintained and controlled, it should not be a problem to live to be 60 or 70 years old.

But if it is vicious, this knife will continue ... "

After the old doctor finished speaking, Wang Jianshe and Shen Long sighed again, but Wang Aiguo's eyes lightened slightly.

Compared to three years, living a few more years is also a good choice.

But soon the old doctor continued: "But no matter what treatment option you choose, you can't think as much as before, if you use the brain as before, it will dramatically accelerate your condition.

According to your current situation, if the tumor expands a little more, I am afraid that you will really be dead. "

Just after the old doctor finished speaking, Wang Weihua walked in from the outside.

The moment Wang Weihua walked in, Wang Aiguo found that his face was ugly and scary.

So Wang Aiguo said curiously, "Grandpa, what happened? Why is your face so ugly?"

Wang Weihua glanced at Wang Aiguo, and finally his eyes were slightly dim.

"That patriot, actually I have something to ask you for help."

"What is it?"

At this moment Wang Weihua seemed a little cramped, and he knew that his next request was a bit excessive.

"Well, our military network has been attacked, I wonder if you can ..."

Before Wang Weihua finished, Wang Jianshe suddenly interrupted.

"Dad, it was okay to let patriots do dangerous tasks before. Because he is a soldier, he must obey orders, and he wants to serve the country.

However, he is like this, do you want him to continue to give? Do you want him to give up his life? "

There is a sentence, Wang Jianshe said a very loud voice, like a thunder, and at the same time his forehead was blue and violent, looking extremely angry.

Let's be honest, Wang Aiguo is so old that he rarely sees his dad get angry like this, let alone be angry with his grandpa.

Facing the roar of Wang Jianshe, Wang Weihua was suddenly silent, and he didn't know what to say about it. From his position, national interests are above all else, but this is obviously to let Wang Aiguo die!

This was the imperial family's own impunity, and Shen Long couldn't say anything. Seeing his dad and grandpa strangled, Wang Aiguo waved with a smile.

"Dad, don't be so angry. Grandpa just said he wanted me to help. He didn't say that I had to take it myself."

After Wang Aiguo finished speaking, Wang Weihua and Wang Jianshe froze at the same time, then looked at Wang Aiguo strangely.

"Grandpa, I know what you want to say, now you need a good programmer, right? But in fact, there are more than one good programmer in our country!"

Having said that, Wang Weihua froze for a moment, then he suddenly realized, looking at Wang Aiguo with excitement: "Do you mean that you can ask Tiandi Red Net to help other 7 people?"

Wang Aiguo scratched his head and said, "I don't know if the 7 of them can come together, but since the last time KK and red came to help, I believe they should also help this time. I'll contact them now!"

"Okay, then you can get in touch!" Wang Weihua said excitedly.

However, looking at Wang Weihua's expression of excitement, Wang Jianshe snorted coldly. At this time, Wang Weihua realized that Wang Aiguo had got a tumor, and it may be time.

At this time, he was only thinking about the country and did not consider Wang's patriotism at all, which made Wang Jianshe very uncomfortable.

However, Wang Jianshe also understood that standing in the position of Wang Weihua, he had to consider the overall situation.

But even if you consider the big picture, you don't need to be so cold-blooded.

Wang Weihua looked at Wang Jianshe, his eyes fainted slightly, but did not say much, so the two men stood quietly in Wang Aiguo's ward, watching Wang Aiguo open the laptop.

After opening the laptop, Wang Aiguo quickly landed on a strange website, and quickly typed a code on the screen.

Fat Long: "I need your help, to be precise, our country needs your help! Can you help me again?"

Soon a line of code jumped on the screen, which is the code of red and KK.

"Say something right?"

"That's it. Our military may have been attacked by a world-class hacker, and now I can't do anything. I hope you can help me solve them!"

"Unable to shoot? What's wrong with you?"

After seeing this sentence, Wang Aiguo was silent for a moment, and then typed a series of codes with shaking hands.

"I have a tumor in my head."

After Wang Aiguo issued this code, no one responded on the screen for a long time, and everyone was silent.

Just when Wang Aiguo didn't know how to continue this topic, a red code suddenly popped up on the screen.

Beta: "You can rest assured, leave us the rest. I will take them with me!"

Seeing Beta's answer, Wang Aiguo froze a moment, he did not expect that Beta was the first to reply to him.

If you think about it, Beta is the rule that pays the most attention in the Tiandi Red Net, so Wang Aiguo did not expect Beta to say so.

Thinking of this, Wang Aiguo frowned, and finally typed another line of code.

"Very Dark Wings don't allow us to take action, and you may get shots and even attacks from Extreme Black Wings."

Soon, Beta sent another message.

"But we are Chinese!"

A few words made Wang Aiguo feel a little bit surging. Looking at the code on the screen, Wang Aiguo smiled slightly, then raised his head and looked at Wang Weihua.

"Grandpa, let's talk, how can they help you!"


After finishing this matter, Wang Weihua left in a hurry. In fact, Wang Aiguo saw that Wang Weihua wanted to stay here with him for a while, but there were some duties or responsibilities that prevented him from doing so.

There was something in the Wang Jian Bureau, so he rushed back, but only the second day, Wang's mother and the beautiful girl arrived.

Shen Long couldn't help it, he was still the escort, so he couldn't go.

Mother Wang and Mei Niu were assigned to the Naval Hotel. They would come to take care of Wang Aiguo every day, and she would be accompanied by Shen Long every day.

In this regard, Wang Aiguo said, Shen Long, do you have no eyes or ears? The beautiful girls are all here. What care do you have to accompany at night?

The rule of the helpless army is that it is impossible for Wang Aiguo to live with Mei Niu. In addition, even the beautiful girl wouldn't live. Shen Long really left, that is, mother Wang lived there. After thinking about it, Wang Aiguo thought it was okay. His mother lived there more annoying.

After being hospitalized, Wang Aiguo suddenly felt that such a day was also good.

Every day, he is playing games online, he should eat and drink, and he should not worry about anything.

It was at this time that Wang Weihua and Beta finally met, and all the eight people in the world, except Wang Aiguo, all arrived. These seven people did not give Wang Aiguo face, but to Beta face.

Beta is a thin boy, like a patient. He is not very old, but his physical condition is not very good. His waxy skin and thin cheeks make him look more like a zombie than a human.

And everyone saw Beta for the first time. After seeing Beta, Red and KK murmured in their hearts. Sure enough, Beta also had some mental or brain diseases.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, the fat dragon has already told us, how can we help you?"

Beta slowly walked to Wang Weihua and whispered.

Wang Weihua looked at Beta and said, "Thank you first for helping us. Our military has recently been attacked by the outside world. The programmer level of the other party is very high. We are not our opponents.

I do n’t know much about the procedure, but I have arranged someone to explain it to you, and I have arranged your accommodation. Please take a break first, and then we will discuss it slowly. "

"Okay." The seven nodded, and followed Wang Weihua to the residence.


On the second day of the mother Wang and Mei Niu's arrival, Wang Aiguo's attending doctor appeared in Wang Aiguo's ward.

The old doctor watched Wang Aiguo holding a book and said to Wang Aiguo: "I must have something to tell you today and ask for your answer, that is how do you want to treat it? If you want conservative treatment, we will do it for you What about chemotherapy? Or are you going to have surgery? "

Hearing the old doctor said that Wang Aiguo hadn't responded yet, Mei Niu and Mother Wang jumped out excitedly and rushed to the old doctor.

"If the operation is performed, what is the chance of success? If conservative treatment, how long can it be extended?" Mei Niu said excitedly and dragged the old doctor's hand.

Seeing Mei Niu so excited, the old doctor's face was not particularly good-looking.

Seeing the old doctor like this, Wang Aiguo calmly said while tapping on the computer: "It's okay, doctor, if you have something to say, let's just talk about it anyway, I have a very good mentality.

Everyone said that people can eat 50 tons of food in their lifetime. Whoever eats first will go first. I eat more than others. I should have enjoyed it, so it doesn't matter, you say it! "

Seeing Wang Aiguo's calmness, the old doctor was stunned. Even Mei Niu and Ms. Wang were stunned. How could this person be so worried?

After pondering for a while, the old doctor slowly said, "If you are doing conservative treatment, your brain needs chemotherapy, so the best estimate is that you can live about 10 years.

Of course, when you do chemotherapy, it will leave some sequelae on your brain. At least your logical thinking ability and concentration will be greatly reduced. You can no longer play such an invincible genius as before. "

Wang Aiguo nodded and continued playing games there.

"and then?"

"Then the surgery, if it is benign, we can guarantee that you can live for at least three to forty years. But if it is malignant, it is difficult to say."

Wang Aiguo nodded. At this time, he stopped his movements and looked at the old doctor and said, "This premise is that the operation is to be successful? Well, then what is the chance of the operation being successful? How confident are you?"

The old doctor and several doctors behind him looked at each other, and finally looked at Wang Aiguo Road seriously.

"Wang Weihua told me that your existence is very special, so we will not do your surgery casually. We will call the best brain surgeons in the country to do this surgery for you.

If you want to do it, we will start to make an appointment now. About two months later we will perform this operation for you. We are afraid to guarantee the operation success rate, but 70% are still available! "

After the old doctor finished speaking, Mei Niu and Mama Wang were both speechless for a while, but Wang Aiguo looked at the old doctor calmly.

After a pause, Wang Aiguo nodded: "Since the doctor has said so, then I have no choice but to have an operation, and make an appointment from today."

Seeing Wang Aiguo uttered his choice so neatly, the old doctor and others were a little flustered.

The old doctor looked at Wang Aiguo and said quickly: "You don't make a decision so quickly. Consider a lot of things. Although we are 70% sure, we still have a 30% failure rate. If you fail, you may not get to the operating table. Yes! And if it's malignant, it could be even worse. "

"It's all right, isn't it two months? Is that enough?" Wang Aiguo waved his hands and said to the old doctor.

After hearing Wang Aiguo's words, Mother Wang originally wanted to speak, but as a result, Wang Aiguo stared back and stared back.

At this moment, Mother Wang knew that Wang Aiguo had already made a decision, and they could no longer control him.

Seeing Wang Aiguo being so decisive, the old doctor nodded and left.

After the old doctor left, Ms. Wang looked at Wang Aiguo with red eyes and said, "Don't you really think about it? In fact, I think conservative treatment is also good, at least 10 years!"

After hearing his mother say this, Wang Aiguo smiled bitterly: "Mom, don't make trouble, okay, there are many cancer patients in this hospital, you go to see those who do chemotherapy. It is better to die if you live, you let me Well, forget it, I'll just be a little sharper, and I'll die happier! "

After Wang Aiguo spoke, all the people present were stunned. The answer was a bit unexpected, but it seemed inexplicable to everyone.

Eventually, Wang Aiguo scheduled the flight, and at the same time, the war with Wang Weihua, the world's top hacker, started.


Two months passed, and soon it was the day when Wang Aiguo was scheduled.

Before the operation, Wang Jianshe, his mother, and Mei Niu were accompanied by Wang Aiguo, and even the captain and the elder brother came.

Of course, only Wang Weihua didn't come. Although Wang Weihua really wanted to come, he had to sit in Kyoto. He was the general director and he had special tasks.

The second day was surgery, and according to Wang Aiguo's surgery, he had to take various medicines the day before to prepare for the surgery.

However, when the nurse gave Wang Aiguo, Wang Aiguo looked down at the pills and suddenly hesitated.

Seeing Wang Aiguo stopped his movements, Wang Jianshe froze for a moment, then looked at Wang Aiguo in doubt: "Son, are you afraid?"

Wang Aiguo looked at the pill in his hand and looked at Wang Jianshe. Suddenly he put the pill on the side and opened his laptop.

Soon, he typed a line of code on that familiar interface.

"How's the situation?"

After waiting for 5 minutes, Beta finally returned a message.

"The situation is not particularly good. 21 supercomputers have already been occupied by 14 of the other party. We can only keep the next 7 now. It is very difficult to recapture!"

Seeing Beta's reply, Wang Aiguo's eyes dimmed slightly.

Soon, Wang Aiguo looked up at the people in front of him.

Watching everyone look at him with a worried look, I don't know why Wang Aiguo laughed.

"I don't know when I started, I found that I had found what I wanted.

I am no longer alone, I have a lot of people who care about me, good friends and brothers.

The army is really a magical place. You do n’t have to be alone in this uniform, it seems like countless people are supporting you behind your back! "

Looking at the crowd, Wang Aiguo suddenly laughed, and smiled extremely brightly.

Seeing Wang Aiguo's sudden smile, everyone was stunned, and then Shen Long suddenly said, "Patriotic, what are you smirking? Take medicine, and have surgery tomorrow?"

Wang Aiguo looked at Shen Long with a smile and shook his head, then his eyes fell on Wang Jianshe.

"Dad, you used to say that I was a bear child, and I was very wayward and never listened to you.

And today, I want to be willful for the last time. "

Although Wang Aiguo said with a smile and a very calm voice, there was an incredible firmness in it.

After hearing Wang Aiguo ’s words, Wang Jianshe was aggressive. He did n’t know why Wang Aiguo suddenly said such things, but then why did Wang Jiangou feel that a kind of fear was slowly spreading in his heart, as if Wang Aiguo ’s Extremely sad decision.

Soon Wang Aiguo rolled over and got out of bed, then put on his military uniform.

"I didn't do the operation, I'm going to Kyoto!"

Everyone: "What ????"

Everyone was staring blankly at Wang Aiguo, even the old doctor who just stepped in.

Wang Aiguo didn't pay attention to everyone's eyes. He quickly changed into his military uniform, and then stepped out when he put on his shoes.

"Long Brother, help me buy a plane ticket to Kyoto!"

For a moment, Shen Long rushed to Wang Aiguo without saying a word, and said loudly, "Patriotic, don't you make a fool, okay? When is this time?"

Wang Aiguo turned his head to Shen Long and smiled lightly: "I've made a lot of noises in my life, but only this time, I really don't want to make any more noises!

Buy plane tickets, I'm going to Kyoto quickly, where there will be a battle waiting for me tomorrow, that is my battle, you ca n’t get in! "

What else did Shen Long want to say, but at this moment, Wang Jianshe suddenly walked up and pressed Shen Long's shoulder

Seeing his dad coming up, Wang Aiguo's eyes showed something strange.

When Wang Aiguo just wanted to say something, Wang Jianshe suddenly shouted at Wang Aiguo Road.

"Patriotic, you are already a man. Since you made the decision, I will not stop you. Do what you want to do bravely!"

When Wang Jianshe said these words, tears had rushed out of his eyes, but even so, Wang Jianshe still looked at Wang Aiguo very firmly.

At this moment, Wang Aiguo laughed. He saw the perseverance and the sadness in Wang Jianshe's eyes. Even so, Wang Jianshe let him go.

"So, I'm leaving!" Wang Aiguo looked at the crowd with a smile and respected the last ceremony.


At 9 o'clock in the morning on the second day, a war that seemed to be good was started in a computer room in Kyoto.

Seven people, including Beta, are sitting in the computer room, and there are more than twenty auxiliary personnel wearing military uniform beside them.

But at this moment, everyone knows that their ability can't get involved in this top hacking war!

Looking at the computer screen, Beta drew a deep breath. This war was expected, but he was not so sure.

Just then, the computer room door suddenly opened.

The dazzling light shot in, let Beta and others turned their heads and looked out of the door.

At this moment, a sturdy man stood outside the gate, he was slowly walking into the computer room.

Seeing this figure, KK and red both showed excited expressions.

"Feilong! You are here!"

Wang Aiguo smiled and nodded with Red and KK, then he walked slowly to Beta and sat down.

At this moment, Beta looked at Wang Aiguo, and Wang Aiguo looked at him sideways.

"It's the first time I've met for many years. Hello, my name is Wang Aiguo, and I'm also a fat dragon!"

Beeta-shaped, with a grin at Wang Aiguo: "Hello, my name is Li Si, and also Beta. I didn't expect to see you at this time!"

"So nonsense, let us fight a war that belongs to us!"

"Okay!" Beta nodded ~ ~ Soon Wang Aiguo learned from Beta this time.

The war did not start today, but everyone has been fighting for a long time.

There is no doubt that the other party is ak, because he can only be tied with Beta.

This time, Ak also took 9 top programmers on the Blacklist, and 4 programmers who were once on the list and have been challenged by others.

After hearing the analysis of the situation, Wang Aiguo also smiled bitterly. This situation is really bad. The other person has doubled his hands and feet, and each of them is a world-class expert.

Wang Aiguo smiled bitterly, and then said, "Long brother do me a favor and help me bring up the nutrition solution prepared for everyone!"

"What?" Beta stared at Wang Aiguo in a puzzled manner. What the **** was this nutrient solution? ?

Read Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor
Read My Father in Law is Lu Bu
Read Superstar From Age 0
Read Overpowered Archmage Doesn't Hide His Talent
Read Real Man
DramaSlice Of LifeSupernatural

Chapter 458:

21 minutes ago

Chapter 457:

10 hours ago
Read Apocalypse Gachapon