MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 24 campus secrets

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After several people recovered and explained to her, Jiang Jingzhe finally understood what happened.

They couldn't share information in the previous two days—even if they wanted to use text messages to notify each other, they couldn't exceed the number of words in a text message, which was really not worthwhile.

Now we can finally communicate.

After hearing Cui Miaomiao and Xie Xinghui's 'identity' just obtained, Jiang Jingzhe connected everything together.

"The person Ji Li likes is actually Xie Xinghui? If that's the you still remember the words she carved under the desk in the old school building?"

"You mean 'the sun'?" Ji Chen instantly connected the two.

If Ji Li is indeed the one who often goes to the old school building, her favorite 'sun' is Xie Xinghui. Judging from this sentence alone, she likes the 'sun', and was encouraged by the 'moon' to confess, but she failed in the end, and because of this, she resented the 'moon'.

"Will Cui Miaomiao be that 'moon'?" Jiang Jingzhe said to himself, and quickly refuted this sentence, "No, it's impossible."

Ji Chen agrees with this very much: "If she is the one who often bullies Ji Li, it is impossible for Ji Li to value her so much, let alone listen to her and confess. Unless she is forced to confess... But from that sentence It seems that it shouldn't be."

[what what? ? ? Does anyone remember what Ji Li carved under the desk? I forgot all about it! 】

【Pfft, luckily I took notes. The original words were 'the moon said I could try to chase...can I really? ’]

This sentence should be full of the girl's longing and expectation, not the forced resentment and shame.

"The moon should be Ji Li's friend, so that person just now..." Jiang Jingzhe said hesitantly.

"It shouldn't be her," Cui Miaomiao said, "Her anger is too real. And...if Xie Xinghui, who Ji Li likes, is the sun, and the moon can be used as a metaphor, obviously another friend is also excellent." Although it is not very good to say this, but the girl just now did not have anything unique.

In Ji Li's interpersonal network, the most important person is missing.

[Actually, I think you can also check directly from the influential figures in the school...]

【However, the conclusion derived from such inversion will contain subjective factors. It would be embarrassing if the wrong person is mistaken】

[Come to place a bet, come to place a bet, who is the moon? 】

[This plot is so classic. I bet a dime is Ji Li's infatuated male partner. He failed to encourage Ji Li to confess, and was eliminated because of this. In the end, it became the catalyst for Xie Xinghui and Ji Li's relationship. 】

[? ? Upstairs you have a problem, Ji Li is dead...Who is so cruel and hard-core, and I think the moon is a best friend]

【So... Is the moon male or female? 】

[Riddler get out of my brother... get out of Lian Zong! 】

Ji Li died by jumping off a building, which was clearly written in various newspapers.

Jiang Jingzhe thinks that the reason may not be being bullied by Cui Miaomiao—because from the words Ji Li engraved in the old school building, it can be seen that her mental state is normal, and she is usually a girl who has expectations for a relationship.

The only extreme curse was because he was deceived.

The reasoning stuck again.

Jiang Jingzhe looked at Xie Xinghui, and said quietly: "A blue face is a disaster."

Xie Xinghui: "..."

"Xie Xing and I have so many scenes together, why are you two acting like a duo." Cui Miaomiao said jokingly.

What she was talking about was also Jiang Jingzhe's doubts. Jiang Jingzhe glanced at Ji Chen, and pondered: "No, Ji Chen may not be."

She suddenly remembered that Ji Chen was the only one with a mobile phone.

"The password of the diary is set in the phone, probably because there are very important clues, and it is a mysterious transfer student who only appeared after Ji Li's death..." Jiang Jingzhe listed all the clues related to Ji Chen, and at the same time, he realized that Ji Chen might He is the one who really grasps the key plot.

"It's just that the password is a bit too difficult to guess... Is there really no password in your dormitory?"

Ji Chen said helplessly: "There really isn't one, there are only newspaper clippings related to the incident of the girl falling from the building."

Everyone:! !

The two teams acted separately before, so there was no chance to exchange clues. Jiang Jingzhe and the others didn't even know that there was such a thing in Ji Chen's room.

"Is there a possibility that you turned here because of Ji Li?" Jiang Jingzhe's eyes were surprisingly bright, "Before, I just thought it was a coincidence... What if it wasn't?"

"Ji Chen and Ji Li have the same surname!" Cui Miaomiao suddenly realized.

The surname 'Ji' is not very common in reality. After all, they have no sense of substitution in this world, and they never thought that they might still have relatives.

Jiang Jingzhe quickly reported a series of numbers, and Ji Chen tried to input them in the phone, and as expected—it was unlocked.

Xie Xinghui frowned: "This is Ji Li's birthday."

They saw it while rummaging through the materials.

【I look dumbfounded】

【Fortunately, Xing Xing added a sentence, otherwise I really couldn't keep up with the train of thought 555】

【So Ji Chen is really Ji Li's brother? ! 】

The moment the diary was unlocked, the truth came out. The cover of the diary is a group photo of a pair of brothers and sisters. The man is obviously Ji Chen, and the woman is Ji Li.

No wonder when I saw Ji Li's photo, I felt familiar. It turned out that the facial features were somewhat similar to Ji Chen's...

Ji Chen stared blankly at his phone, not knowing what to say for a while.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Jingzhe wanted to urge him to check the key information on the phone.

Ji Chen's expression was still calm: "Suddenly remembered the brat who hid my sister's photo in his wallet before, and he was a little angry."

Xie Xinghui said speechlessly: "You are too quick to substitute..."

They rummaged through the diary, most of them were simple pictures and short accompanying texts, the early stage were photos of brothers and sisters, and the latter were photos of other people—Cui Miaomiao, Xie Xinghui, Jiang Jingzhe, Lin Siran, Song Chiayi is included.

Jiang Jingzhe was surprised and said, "Why is there me?"

In the later diary, Yuan Jichen did not explain the accompanying pictures, as if he was simply looking for a place to paste the pictures. It is worth noting that the photo of Jiang Jingzhe and a photo of a medicine bottle were placed on the same page.

Xie Xinghui immediately looked at Jiang Jingzhe.

Others may not know it, but Xie Xinghui and Jiang Jingzhe read the school's private files, and it was written in it that 'the results of the autopsy revealed trace amounts of antidepressant drugs'. Even though the bottle in the picture has the label ripped off, it's still... suspicious.

Ji Chen's diary is equivalent to narrowing down the scope for them—even though these people were originally among their suspects.

"Actually, you may also be the moon, after all, you are pretty." Cui Miaomiao said.

Jiang Jingzhe sincerely hoped otherwise, she smiled wryly: "At first I thought I was just a simple trick."

Cui Miaomiao said smoothly: "I thought it was strange before, Lin Siran is not as good-looking as you, why is she the school girl?"

After finishing speaking, Cui Miaomiao herself also found it funny: "Nine times out of ten, it's because the image is managed well, tsk, man."

Xie Xinghui frowned and said, "The image is well managed... She seems to have a lot of friends at ordinary times."

Cui Miaomiao nodded first, feeling that he was talking nonsense, and then realized what he meant, and said hesitantly, "But Song Jiayi is also possible, right?"

"Go and test yourself directly." Jiang Jingzhe said.

Unanimous vote.


Cui Miaomiao and Xie Xinghui are both members of the same class, it is most suitable for them to test.

However, considering Xie Xinghui's indifferent personality, it was a bit of a failure to suddenly ask about Ji Li's affairs, and finally decided to let Cui Miaomiao test them.

The first thing Cui Miaomiao found was Song Jiayi whom she suspected.

After Song Jiayi heard her mentioning Ji Li, he was stunned for a moment, then said with a gloomy face, "What else do you want to do?"

Cui Miaomiao almost suspected that he was about to slam "You vicious woman" in her face.

It happened that Lin Siran passed by, and after hearing their conversation, his face turned pale, and he took a step back unconsciously and bumped into the table. The ear-piercing sound of the table rubbing against the ground attracted Song Jiayi's attention.

Song Jiayi hurried up to meet her, and asked her how she was feeling with concern, and whether she should take her to the infirmary. When the two were about to leave, Song Jiayi turned his head and gave her a menacing look.

Not to be outdone, Cui Miaomiao stared back.

Isn't Song Jiayi just relying on his own money to be so arrogant, who is not a big lady!

"So what did you ask?" Jiang Jingzhe asked—they gathered on the rooftop again to exchange information.

Cui Miaomiao looked away guiltily.

Jiang Jingzhe was thoughtful: "However, I don't think this may be a coincidence..."

Cui Miaomiao asked: "Then shall I pick Lin Siran first?"

Xie Xing retorted: "Why do we use the word 'hands off' to make us look like some illegal organization..."

[Xinghui’s complaint made me laugh so much that the voice control lights in the next building turned on]

[Wake up, look at what you are doing! Skipping classes, blackmailing classmates without paying for meals, bullying teachers, stealing school materials... You are a criminal organization that is getting away with it! ! 】

[Pfft hahahaha the upstairs is too sharp]

[What is the matter of the guest called illegal? This can only be called a reasonable search (dog head)]

"No, you still pick Song Jiayi..." Jiang Jingzhe paused, and changed his word, "Ask me. I think he is the type who is easier to be fooled by."

She added: "Just be careful not to get hit."

Cui Miaomiao: "...the person you are talking about is very insecure."

Xie Xinghui said coolly: "I don't think there is anything to pay attention to a person who stepped on a floor tile."

Cui Miaomiao angrily kicked the pebbles on the spot, shouting: "It's said that the quality of the floor tiles is not good!"

In the next second, a small stone flew past their eyes and embedded into the wall at a speed comparable to a bullet.

Jiang Jingzhe: "..."

She got up silently, walked to the wall of the roof, looked at the cracks in the wall caused by small stones, and fell into deep thought.

Cui Miaomiao also looked shocked, and at the same time looked down at her legs imperceptibly, feeling that there was nowhere to put them.

"It might be because of the special dish I ate before." Ji Chen thought of the reason first.

Cui Miaomiao also showed a suddenly realized expression.

The two people who had never been to the cafeteria looked at them blankly.

Cui Miaomiao explained: "Didn't we do the task of going to the cafeteria to eat special dishes before? It is said that it is possible to get attribute gains by eating this special dish, but you need to be lucky enough to do it."

Jiang Jingzhe: "...It's no wonder, after all, it's Emperor Ou."

"After all, it's the Emperor of Europe." Ji Chen, who also ate the special dishes, but there was no difference, sighed.

"Hey, it's normal again now." Cui Miaomiao stepped on the floor.

"It may be that you need to be angry to erupt with extraordinary combat power." Ji Chen speculated. He was present when Cui Miaomiao was angry and exerted great strength twice, so he summed up the rules.

Jiang Jingzhe was a little relieved: "This can be regarded as a means of self-defense."

She thought for a while, and said, "Let's see if I can stop someone after school today. If I can't, then tomorrow's big recess."

The students in this school are very strange. As soon as school is over, they rush back to the dormitory as soon as possible. They never stay too long, let alone give them a chance to talk. They can only follow the Romans in order to avoid any bad things because they don’t leave in time. things.

"Cui Miaomiao went to stop Song Jiayi, Xie Xing went back to stop Lin Siran."

Ji Chen couldn't hold back, and said in a low voice: "So... one used force to coerce, the other used beauty to seduce?"

The two people who were assigned important tasks looked at him with death eyes at the same time, and said viciously, "Shut up!"