MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 28 campus secrets

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The result of studying too hard is that the sequelae are extremely serious. After intensively reading the weird text, Jiang Jingzhe felt the world spinning in front of her eyes.

She staggered out of the teaching building, and originally wanted to go back to the dormitory and lie down, but the dizziness made it difficult for her to stand upright.

Cui Miaomiao held onto Jiang Jingzhe's arm so that she would not fall down.

Jiang Jingzhe's voice was almost squeezed out between his teeth: "Take me to the infirmary..."

At present, only the infirmary is the closest to them, and she is absolutely sure that she will not be able to make it to the dormitory—not to mention climbing stairs to get to the dormitory.

Unless Cui Miaomiao can carry her back to the dormitory alone, otherwise... let her find a place to rest first.

Cui Miaomiao helped her to the infirmary. As soon as they opened the door, they found the teacher in the infirmary inside.

Cui Miaomiao looked at each other vigilantly, but the teacher in the infirmary did not show any hostility towards them.

"Ah, are you here?" He greeted familiarly.

It was as if...he had known them all along.

Even if there was no response, the school doctor didn't care. He approached and wanted to take over Cui Miaomiao, but Cui Miaomiao didn't let go.

The school doctor laughed: "Are you her friend? I haven't seen you before."

Since the little girl was very wary, he stopped doing anything, pointed to the hospital bed next to him, and said, "Put her here, and call me if you need help."

Of course, Cui Miaomiao would not hand over her nearly unconscious companion without knowing the details of the other party. She dragged Jiang Jingzhe into bed, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The school doctor looked a little funny, and joked: "If I really want to do something, you are so panting, I'm afraid you can't beat me."

[Laughing to death, see through but not tell through]

[How does this school doctor look like a rare normal person in this school? 】

【What looks normal might be abnormal! If you lie here all night, you might be turned into a human centipede the next day】

[Grass (a kind of plant), the upstairs is a bit disgusting, I think you are more perverted than NPC]

Cui Miaomiao didn't think there was anything wrong with being overly cautious, even if the school doctor could easily blow her head off, but if he didn't dare to hit someone in public, but used some secret means, then it would be too late to regret.

"You know her?" Cui Miaomiao asked.

The school doctor acted too familiar, as if he and Jiang Jingzhe were old acquaintances.

Thinking about it this way, it might be a good thing that she fainted—after all, Jiang Jingzhe herself is not an original product, and if the school doctor asks, she might reveal her truth; and, if she didn't faint, they wouldn't come to the infirmary. May miss clues about Jiang Jingzhe's identity.

Among the four guests in their romantic drama, only Jiang Jingzhe's identity is still unknown.

Her superficial identity was known from the dean's words on the first day—she was a bad girl in Class 13 who didn't like to study.

But such an overly ordinary student status has nothing to do with the murder.

Cui Miaomiao, Xie Xinghui, and Ji Chen were all clearly related to the deceased Ji Li, why was Jiang Jingzhe the only one excluded? Is it really a coincidence?

Ji Chen's diary has ruled out this possibility.

If she was really just an ordinary student, Ji Chen would not have taken a picture of her alone. It could only be that the original Ji Chen had clues that they didn't know.

If Ji Chen, who played the role of the deceased's family member and detective in this case, hadn't time traveled, the case would have been closed long ago.

The school doctor nodded: "She will come here at least once a week."

"Come to the infirmary once a week?" Cui Miaomiao was very surprised. Is it for regular medicine or review? Is Jiang Jingzhe sick?

She suddenly remembered that in Ji Chen's diary, the photo of a small medicine bottle was put together with Jiang Jingzhe's photo.

The label of the medicine bottle in the photo has been torn off. Maybe the school doctor can get the answer.

The school doctor was very ethical in this regard, and did not intend to disclose her illness without Jiang Jingzhe's permission, Cui Miaomiao couldn't find out why.

Fortunately, Jiang Jingzhe relieved a little discomfort because she was lying on the bed, she said weakly: "It's okay, just tell her."

Even though she doesn't even know what it is.

Jiang Jingzhe secretly pricked up his ears.

The school doctor sighed, turned around and took out a small medicine bottle from the medicine box. Cui Miaomiao is very sure that this medicine bottle is the one in the photo, the only difference is whether it has a label or not.

Cui Miaomiao also couldn't understand the name and ingredients of the medicine, so she directly turned to the part of the medicine description: it is suitable for depressive mental disorders.

Common adverse reactions described on the label include loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness.

She froze for a moment, this was a development that no one expected.

She handed the medicine to Jiang Jingzhe.

Of course, Jiang Jingzhe couldn't really take the medicine. She put the medicine in her pocket without even looking at it, and asked casually, "Is there anyone else in the school like me?"

The school doctor shook his head and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible: "No, this is one-on-one treatment, honorable VIP treatment. I turned down today's appointment because of you."

Jiang Jingzhe shrugged, she lay down for a while before leaving with Cui Miaomiao's support.

As soon as she walked out of the door of the infirmary, Cui Miaomiao urged: "Look quickly, look quickly!"

Jiang Jingzhe took out the medicine bottle and carefully read the medicine instructions word by word. At the same time, Cui Miaomiao guessed: "You just fainted suddenly, could it be because of this?"

Jiang Jingzhe said helplessly: "I've been here for a week, and I haven't taken any medicine. Do you think it's possible?"

Cui Miaomiao muttered regretfully: "Then isn't this a useless clue?"

Jiang Jingzhe said thoughtfully, "That's not necessarily true."


Lin Siran was about to go crazy.

The two aggressive boys in front of her surrounded her, causing her to lose all face.

She was in a good mood when she went out, but now everything is terrible.

Lin Siran deliberately dressed up before going to the cram school today, and met Xie Xinghui as expected—this is normal, most of the students in Class 1 will come to the cram school, it can be said that the better the people, the harder they work.

She was planning to take the initiative and find Xie Xinghui to talk about the last private conversation on the rooftop—although the process and ending were not very happy, Lin Siran still had expectations.

Xie Xinghui never took the initiative to talk to a girl, let alone invite her to a secluded place alone.

Lin Siran felt that this was a hint... her love was finally going to come true.

In these days when she had a crush on Xie Xinghui, she also saw countless people rushing towards him like moths to a flame, but she always got only one answer, which was rejection, and she never saved face for others. Immediately take off the powder and step back on it.

Lin Siran walked in front of Xie Xinghui, the smile on his face became even sweeter.

School flower and school grass sound like a good match, don't they?

"Do you want to do homework together after class?"

Just as Xie Xinghui wanted to refuse, Ji Chen pulled his sleeves.

Xie Xinghui: "..." Again.

He was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

Lin Siran got the reply he wanted, and returned to his seat contentedly, even if he didn't sit back with Xie Xing, it doesn't matter - since they will enjoy the two-person world together in a while, keeping a little distance now will give more sense of expectation.

Ji Chen and Xie Xinghui originally just wanted to come over and watch over, but they never saw Jiang Jingzhe and Cui Miaomiao. They sat in the classroom as they were about to start class.

The content taught by the teacher is very normal, it is an improved version of the usual book content, the two of them have survived the supplement □ they have the opportunity to get along with Lin Siran.

The two guests who participated in the romance show, not to mention that they had expectations for love, should at least pretend to be so, but when they faced Lin Siran, a beautiful and active girl, they were full of stereotypes.

The three of them walked to an empty classroom together, during which Lin Siran kept looking at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen could more or less guess how he got her attention—nine times out of ten he thought he was in the way. Pan Pan

Xie Xinghui didn't care about this, as soon as they entered the classroom, Xie Xinghui had a showdown and said, "Broadcast, you should have heard it, right?"

Lin Siran's face instantly turned pale.

She forced a smile: "What are you talking about? Yesterday's noon broadcast? What's the matter?"

"You did it, you instigated suicide." Before Ji Chen could think of more euphemistic words, Xie Xinghui asked directly.

But this method has a miraculous effect on Lin Siran.

It might also be because the person who asked the question was Xie Xinghui, whom she least wanted to get involved in — even though she personally dragged Xie Xinghui into this muddy water.

"I didn't do that!" She showed a wronged expression, looking sincere and impeccable, full of grievances and sadness.

"Then what did you do?" Ji Chen's tone was gentle, but his eyes were very sharp.

Lin Siran's eyes were flustered for a moment, and there was a flaw in her real expression just now. After she realized this, she lowered her eyes and said sadly: "I didn't do anything... Could it be that the person mentioned in the radio is Lili?"

She has already begun to regret her behavior of coming to the cram school today.

Who knew something like this would happen?

"What you said on the radio is true, so how do you clear your suspicions?" Ji Chen completely took the lead—although it felt like he was trying to force a confession.

"No..." Lin Siran still wanted to defend himself.

Ji Chen interrupted: "We have evidence."

Lin Siran pursed her lips, stubbornly turned her face away and did not answer him. She felt that Ji Chen might be cheating on her.

Ji Chen said again: "My name is Ji Chen, and I am a repeat student who just transferred to Class 33 in the past two months. Maybe you have heard of me?"

Lin Siran sneered: "Of course I knew, I just didn't expect you to wrong people indiscriminately!" It's like a vicious dog that bites people when it catches them!

Ji Chen didn't know why Lin Siran insulted him in his heart, he said unhurriedly: "Unfortunately, I'm Lili's real brother."

Now he doesn't need to say any more, Lin Siran can also understand why someone turned around during the sensitive time of senior year.

What's more, he was a repeat student who was already overage.

...He came to investigate Ji Li's death.

After realizing the seriousness, Lin Siran weighed it in his heart, and felt that getting rid of suspicion was more important than his own image.

"I'm just telling you," she said.

Xie Xinghui was originally standing by the side listening to their confrontation boredly, but suddenly found that he was asked to leave the stage, his head was full of question marks. Let him pull the strings when you need him, and leave him aside when you don't?

Although very upset, he left the classroom cooperatively and waited quietly outside the door.

Lin Siran took a deep breath: "I did instigate her to confess, but that's all."

After making this headline, it is not so difficult to say what happened next: "I know that Xie Xinghui will definitely reject her, and there will be no room for her. Ji Li must not accept his cruelty in this regard, so she must I will give up... I do know, and it is because I know that I will do this. I have long felt that she is annoying, pestering me all day long, which affects my interpersonal relationship... When there is such a weird guy among your friends, others It will also keep you at a respectful distance. It is one thing to make her no longer like Xie Xinghui, but more importantly, I want to take this opportunity to get rid of her. "

Her expression was cold, as if telling her about her friend's death wouldn't move her: "But it's impossible for Ji Li to jump off the building because of this incident."

Ji Chen's face became gloomy as he listened.

Even though the girl in the conversation was not his real sister, hearing the wrong kindness from others made him harden his head.

Lin Siran closed her eyes: "When she was angry, she even sent me a text message, asking me to meet in the old school building, and said that she would make a good summary of the past friendship with me. If she is really thinking, no Might say something like that."

Ji Chen didn't think so: "She died in the old school building."

"Do you think she wants to die in front of me on purpose?" Lin Siran opened his eyes, and finally there was some anger in his tone, "Are you looking down on her or me?"

Ji Chen decided to reserve his opinion for the time being. After all, Lin Siran has indeed been Ji Li's best friend for a long time, so he shouldn't make mistakes in character cognition. But he was not sure if Lin Siran lied.

"Did you go later?" he asked.

Lin Siran said silently, "...No."

"Then she died." Lin Siran stated in a low voice.

At the same time, Jiang Jingzhe also expressed his conjecture.

"I saw in the reference room before that a small amount of antidepressant drugs was found in the results of Ji Li's autopsy."

"If Ji Li takes medicine for a long time, the drug concentration in her body should not be low," Jiang Jingzhe said with a flat expression. "Whether you take medicine for a long time or just started to try it recently, you must go through the school doctor."

Cui Miaomiao suddenly realized: "But just now the school doctor said that you are the only one in the school with depression!"

"She took medicine before she died."

Only one person has this medicine.

The author has something to say:

There are really very few people who read the text, and it is actually a bit frustrating hhh thanks to the little cuties who are still chasing updates and checking in with messages, you are the source of motivation for my codewords!

I'm going to try Weekend Riwan this month! I hope to reduce the chance of fattening hhhh

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-29 01:12:48~2022-03-3000:03:49~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Misty Harrier; 1 bottle of Chi Xiaoluo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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