MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 3 fog

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The monster is really reluctant to stay here.

It dawdled on the spot, and even deliberately slowed down its own speaking speed, but this only made Jiang Jingzhe feel that it also had neurological problems, and it would not help its situation in any way.

"I really have something to do..." it said coyly.

Jiang Jingzhe glanced at it, and it couldn't help standing up straight, but its legs kept shaking.

"I don't want to stop you either. I'm really worried about my companion. How scared she would be if she also met that rambunctious thing just now." Jiang Jingzhe sighed, "I really don't know anyone else except you I can help lead the way."

If it wasn't like this, Jiang Jingzhe wouldn't have talked to such a curious-looking 'person' who was even similar to the monster in her dream.

The monster's eyes lit up.

Isn't it the lack of someone to lead the way? This is simply trivial, just catch any local ghosts!

The monster immediately looked around, but the surrounding ghosts were listening to their conversation with ears pricked up, and they hurriedly slipped away when they heard the words. It spun around in the air, and then fell down desolately.


It rolled its eyes, took out another old-fashioned mobile phone, handed it to her very respectfully, and said, "This is all my friends. They are all local ghosts. They know how to get here. As long as you call It’s time to call their names, and they will come to show you the way!”

Ji Chen and Xie Xing, who understood everything, replied: ...

Even ghosts can sell teammates?

【Good friend, hand in hand, I will go first after you come to the palace (dog head)】

【A pure and unpretentious ghost, there is no one who is cowardly like this】

[Hahahahaha President Ji and Xing Hui are dumbfounded, get a new emoticon package]

Jiang Jingzhe took the phone, fiddled with it, and found that it had limited functions, only phone calls and text messages, and only four names in the address book: starved ghost, hanged ghost, water ghost, and annoying ghost.

The notes between their friends are quite unique. Jiang Jingzhe thought to himself.

When Jiang Jingzhe received the phone, the monster wanted to run away, but Jiang Jingzhe grabbed his collar without raising his head. She said, "Don't worry, I'll try to see if I can get through."

She called in turn, and the phone prompts were 'out of service area'.

The monster finally remembered.

This is still its own sin, because it is not sure what the situation of the wave of food reserves sent in is, in order to prevent them from contacting the outside world, it simply borrowed the fog of this isolated space from above... It is like lifting a rock to hit yourself feet.

Out of the corner of its eye, it saw Jiang Jingzhe casually tying the remaining two copper coins around his waist, while hating himself for not having long eyes, he shivered involuntarily.

After knowing that he would definitely not be able to avoid this catastrophe, the monster changed his mentality extremely quickly, stuffed his eyes back into their sockets, sucked his saliva, wiped off his carefully applied lipstick with the back of his hand, and said flatteringly: " Since this is the case, I will be your guide, and I hope you can meet up with your friends as soon as possible." Then let me go!

"Okay, thank you. What's your name?" Jiang Jingzhe asked casually.

"They all call me a beauty ghost." Such an ugly monster made a shy expression, which was really hot on the eyes.

Xie Xinghui couldn't hold back, and complained: "...This is obviously similar to cheating on the Internet."

The beautiful ghost's face was horrifying immediately, her eyes were bloodshot and her hair floated up as if she had been stepped on by a thunderbolt, she opened her mouth with gritted teeth, changed her face the next second after seeing Jiang Jingzhe, and smiled: "Hey, yes, If you want, I'm a cyber scammer now."

Jiang Jingzhe: "...No, it's not necessary."

【This ghost is really bendable and stretchable hhhhh】

[Laughing and crying suddenly, isn’t this me facing the leader]

[Stop talking upstairs! 】

The streets here are extremely misleading, they seem to be going in circles when walking back and forth, and Ji Chen is even sure that he has passed the same signboard more than once.

He intends to remind Jiang Jingzhe, but he is also worried that this ghost is just pretending to be cowardly, but actually waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack, it will be bad if he is provoked.

Jiang Jingzhe also realized this problem, she asked: "Does this store have many branches?"

The beautiful ghost glanced at it and waved her hand: "No, you misunderstood! Our place is relatively small. In order to accommodate so many residents, we can only copy the same street back and forth. What do you humans call this...quantum superposition ?”

"That is to say, we are all walking in the same corridor, but on different floors?" Ji Chen asked.

When the beautiful ghost answered him, he was a little ignorant: "It can be understood in this way."

While they were talking, they turned another corner, and someone came slowly in the thick fog not far away.

"Huh?" the beautiful ghost cried out in surprise, "This is a blocked safe passage, no one except me knows how to get in... Where did this dwarf come from?"


Although the pretty ghost doesn't look very smart, she actually speaks clearly about this kind of knowledge: "If all the streets before can lead to other spaces, this is the mezzanine where there are no stairs to enter."

The dwarf was getting closer and closer, and the three of them took a closer look. There were big waves in maroon and a lady's dress in a different color. Isn't this the Cui Miaomiao they were looking for?

Cui Miaomiao was standing far away when she heard the scream of the beautiful ghost. She walked over aggressively and asked, "Who are you calling a dwarf?"

After getting closer, she could see the appearance of the beautiful ghost clearly—even though the beautiful ghost had already processed her image, she could still clearly see the image of the ghost, her face was pale and bony, and her bloodshot eyes rolled around. , The overly wide mouth is red like a child who just finished eating.

"Ah!" Cui Miaomiao screamed.

[Just now Miao Miao's yell scared me to death... This ghost has been a comedian for so long, I even forgot that it is a scary ghost]

【So you mean Cui Miaomiao is scarier than ghosts? 】

【Can scare ghosts like this, Jiang Jingzhe is afraid that he is the real devil (whispers)】

The beautiful ghost finally regained a bit of the majesty of being a ghost, and the dwarf was much more pleasing to the eye. When Jiang Jingzhe wasn't paying attention, she secretly popped out her eye sockets to scare people.

However, after Cui Miaomiao finished screaming in her first reaction, she also observed more information—for example, the ghost's hair and skirt were exactly the same as her dress not long ago.

She frowned, and the remaining fear in her heart was dispelled, and she shouted angrily: "How dare you spoof me?"

Cui Miaomiao didn't expect that what she saw was a real ghost, she just thought it was a ghost pretended by the staff. On the one hand, she was ashamed that she had been frightened, and on the other hand, she was very angry.

This is the first time that the beautiful ghost met the real master while mimicking, and it retorted confidently: "How can this be called a spoof? You don't want to spout blood."

Cui Miaomiao didn't care about its strange self-proclaimed name, she felt that this person was not a normal person at all, "You imitate me dressed like this, and put on such ugly makeup, aren't you just playing tricks on me?"

The pretty ghost became even more excited. It pinched its orchid fingers and said in a pretentious voice: "Why, this outfit belongs to you alone? You have registered a patent? You dare to call me ugly, you are attacking by a ghost! Be careful and I will sue you!" you!"

Cui Miaomiao blushed with anger.

Jiang Jingzhe, Ji Chen, and Xie Xinghui stood at the back, watching one person and one ghost line up passionately, and couldn't get in a word for a while.


Thinking that not long ago, they were still facing the crisis of ghosts taking their lives, but now they have to stand here and watch the show numbly, and they feel quite confused.

"Cui Miaomiao, haven't you met...?" Ji Chen was the first to interrupt their quarrel and asked cryptically.

Cui Miaomiao obviously didn't understand, and her tone was still full of anger: "What is it, please speak clearly. I just went out, and the program team told me to come to you, but I kept walking here, alone None of them!"

Nothing came across, obviously because she was lucky enough to stray into this "ghost hitting the wall" in the first place. Because it is a completely isolated space, she also protects herself.

Of course, the beautiful ghost also thought of this possibility, and made a "cut" imperceptibly.

It turned out to be a real European emperor.

After watching the lively program group finally reappeared, the voice still sounded out of thin air, but this time everyone was not as relaxed as last time.

"Congratulations to all the guests on the successful reunion~ The much-anticipated love variety show "Heartbeat Countdown" has officially started! All guests, please rest well today, and tomorrow we will go to a new destination and start a romantic love journey~"

As soon as the words fell, a few people felt sleepy, almost unable to open their eyes.

Seeing the time is coming, the beautiful ghost no longer pretends to be a servile dogleg. Its eyes glow fiercely, and it smiles evilly: "Haha... I waited desperately for such a moment..."

Several guests could only watch all this with their eyes helplessly, they couldn't even move their fingers.

【God, what the **** is going on with this dog show group! Garbage sharp star! Why can't they move! 】

[Rui Xing was shot innocently, didn't the people upstairs read the announcement, the real program group already said that they were not broadcasting this, and the guests were robbed! Otherwise, how could such a terrifying content pass the review]

【Is it scary? 】

[Upstairs, go away! Although because of Jiang Jingzhe's reason, the ghosts dare not act without authorization for the time being, but this is after all seeking skin from a tiger... You see, the ship will capsize now]

【Distressed, I have worked so hard for so long】

[It's not that I'm cold-blooded...but I really just want to complain... Internet scammers, you don't put money on your face, you are not trying your best, you just simply failed to escape and picked up a leak! 】

[...I couldn't help laughing, no, it's serious now! 】

The smelly mouth opened wide, and the sharp teeth like steel knives closed towards her neck.

Before falling asleep, Jiang Jingzhe vaguely heard a sentence.

[Detected death of one guest...]

[It is detected that all the guests are alive...]


[After the system is repaired, the guest 'Jiang Jingzhe' novice gift pack x1 will be compensated]

[The novice gift package has been automatically opened: get the special skill 'DEBUFF big turntable']

[It is detected that the guest is endangered, and the skill is automatically used. ]

[Da da da da da... ding! Congratulations on drawing a one-time DEBUFF 'card BUG', please select the object to use... It has timed out, and the default object to use is yourself. ]

[It is detected that all guests are alive. ]

The author has something to say:

Beauty ghost: I will answer this question, quantum superposition (wink)

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes