MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 34 monster factory

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After Jiang Jingzhe uttered those words in a vengeful manner, the synthetic man T-1 reacted calmly and without any waves.

It was as if he couldn't empathize with Jiang Jingzhe's words, nor could he understand the meaning of this word.

Xie Xinghui doubted whether Jiang Jingzhe had admitted the wrong person.

The young man still stared straight at Jiang Jingzhe with those clean and ignorant black eyes.

Those eyes were like mirrors, reflecting her reflection—and nothing else.

"Hey, are you stupid?" Jiang Jingzhe shook his hand in front of him.

The young man's eyes moved with her hand, and then looked at her suspiciously.

"Such behavior does not serve as an IQ test." His voice was also gentle, but because of his tone and articulation, he sounded too serious.

Jiang Jingzhe felt that his eyes seemed to be saying "Is your brain a little sick?" This association made her a little uncomfortable, and because of this, she realized that her behavior was too naive, and she retracted her hand as if nothing had happened.

"Just say it if you're conscious." She said with a slap in the face.

Xie Xing, who had been watching her bullying the poor little boy, replied: "..."

After confirming that the other party did have the ability to think and communicate, Jiang Jingzhe asked, "What's your name? How much do you know about this factory?"

The young man said calmly: "They call me Synthetic Man T-1. The factory's relevant situation and test data can be downloaded from the main brain, and I don't have any backup here."

This answer did not surprise them.

After all, it is an experimental subject, there is no human rights in this factory, and it is not uncommon to not have a name. What's more, he is different from other people. Others can only be called "reformers" at best, but he is the only "synthetic person".

Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui searched for the information they needed in this office like bandits, and the synthetic man T-1 watched their actions silently, with no intention of stopping them, and did not intend to help.

The old scientist shrank aside, his eyes were completely dizzy, and he was so frightened that he passed out.

This made Jiang Jingzhe a little regretful. She originally planned to ask the old scientist who was the host to cooperate so that she could better loot the place.

They finally learned the basic nature of this underground factory.

"Main sources of experimental subjects: orphans, test-tube babies, lost children, homeless people

Main experimental projects: the adaptability of animal genes and humans, the feasibility of T gene enrichment on meteorites, and the T-1 synthetic human

Major investors: Kou Kou, Kou Kou, Kou Kou”

The illegal organization that didn't even conceal the source of the experimental subject was only obfuscated by the investor, presumably it was the investor's initiative.

An investor who loves face so much and has such financial resources to invest in this human experiment factory...Jiang Jingzhe absolutely doesn't believe that there is no official in it.

This factory is at the top of the industry in terms of floor area and various experimental facilities. Such a behemoth that burns money and lives is standing outside, and there is no way to get around the official.

Jiang Jingzhe collected all the evidence, and slowly let out a foul breath.

The nature of this factory is really too bad. It doesn't make sense from an ethical or moral point of view.

In any case, after they escape, they will try to see if they can report it.

As for the oil bottle...

Jiang Jingzhe turned her head and glanced at the synthetic man T-1 who was still obediently sitting on the spot with no change in posture.

You can't leave him alone, if he falls into that out-of-control state again, it may cause social panic and lead to many deaths.

"Tsk," she clicked her tongue, "you, follow."

Synth T-1's eyelashes as black as crow's feathers trembled. He stood up silently and walked towards her. His long hair, which had never been trimmed, was almost caught by the machine next to him.

"Tie up your hair, or cut it off, don't get in the way." Jiang Jingzhe always seemed impatient when facing him - perhaps because he was ridiculed many times before.

Although this synthetic T-1 seemed different from the people she had seen several times before, her intuition told her that they were the same person.

Jiang Jingzhe couldn't figure out what was going on, so he simply didn't think about it.

Synthetic man T-1 blinked, pulled out the scissors in the office, and cut off his long hair without changing his expression. Her long, jet-black hair now barely reaches her shoulders and is uneven.

Hairstyle does have a certain impact on a person's appearance. Jiang Jingzhe didn't like it no matter how she looked at it. She walked forward with a stinky face, and also found a rope from the desk on the spot, and tied a knot behind his head. Tie up your short hair.

When she combed her hair, she showed the patience she didn't have for him in the past. After the knot was tied tightly, she walked straight to the door.


Synthetic T-1 followed without a word.

Xie Xinghui: "..."

Laozi is like a transparent person.

He rolled his eyes: "I'm the invited guest of Lian Zong, right?"

【Hahahahaha Fucking star, you're going to laugh me to death】

【Feeling Xie Xinghui's grievance hahahaha suddenly being ignored】

[But I still have to say, this little brother is so handsome! prprpr]

【And... there is an inexplicable cp feeling with Jingzhe. I ate the cold sister Sa and the cute boy! ! 】


After Ji Chen informed that "the owner of the bookstore is about to be assassinated", the lady owner of the bakery was very shocked.

"Darkness..." She had just exclaimed the first word when she realized that this matter should not be publicized loudly, so she lowered her voice, "Kill?!"

Ji Chen nodded.

Assassination is something like another world to ordinary people.

Although this incident does sound scary, the young lady's reaction may be exaggerated.

She asked nervously, "Are you also here to assassinate her?"

Ji Chen was silent for a moment.

Even Cui Miaomiao could see that Miss Sister was abnormal: "You can't..."

"No!" The young lady retorted loudly like a frightened rabbit.

This is simply three hundred taels of silver here.

【Suddenly hallucinating the silly son at home who always behaves very obviously every time he does something bad】

[Hahahahaha Miss Sister, you really don’t lie]

[So Miss Sister not only opened a bakery, but also a bookstore? No wonder the bookstore doesn’t open often, it turns out it’s due to lack of skills]

[But why is she on the assassination list? At first glance, he is also a normal person]

【Maybe there is some family heirloom】

"We're not here to assassinate you." Ji Chen could only say this to dispel her hostility.

But obviously the young lady didn't believe them that much, and she still looked wary.

"What's assassinating me? I'm not the owner of a bookstore." The young lady added.

Cui Miaomiao didn't bother to coax her, and said directly: "If we want to kill you, we can do it directly, no matter just now or now. But we just got the news, so we want to take advantage of you before you die..."

She paused, realizing that she had spoken too directly, and changed her words: "Protect you. And all we want are local legends you know."

After they said the word "legend", the bookstore owner calmed down instead.

"So you came here for that..." She breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Chen and Cui Miaomiao looked at each other, confirming that this so-called legend is indeed very important.

Otherwise, the bookstore owner wouldn't take it for granted that he was protected as soon as he heard it, and accepted it all as a matter of course.

"We have been so honest with you, shouldn't you also reveal some information?" Ji Chen's eyes were sharp, not as gentle as before, "At least let us know who is trying to kill you."

When he treats unrelated passers-by, he is not stingy with his kindness, but when he cannot clarify the position of the other party, he will not blindly be kind.

Although the words spoken by the parties may not be credible, they still have some reference value, which is better than they are now at a loss except for the mission clues given by Jiang Jingzhe.

The bookstore owner also knew that what he said was reasonable, not to mention...they already knew her identity, if the bookstore owner wanted to save his life, he had to turn Ji Chen and Cui Miaomiao into her allies.

Otherwise, even if they didn't attack her directly, just reselling the news would be enough for her to eat.

She sighed in frustration, and muttered in a low voice: "It's all my fault, why ask more questions..." If she didn't gossip and just be her little bakery boss honestly, nothing would happen!

Depressed and depressed, the bookstore owner still confessed: "Although I don't know who wants to kill me, but... I should know the reason."

She scratched her hair, hesitated to speak for a long time but didn't know how to describe it, and said dejectedly: "It's actually a novel left by my grandfather... After my grandfather died and I inherited the bookstore, people always came to the door Inquiring about the book, and some people even threatened my shop assistants, I couldn't take it anymore, so I closed the shop."



Ji Chen frowned and said, "Are you the only one who has this book?"

The bookstore owner realized that he hadn't explained clearly, and explained: "Yes, because this is a novel written by my grandfather and it has not been published. I don't know where they got the news from."

It seems that this book is indeed an important factor that caused the bookstore owner to become a "sweet pastry".

Cui Miaomiao's focus is different from theirs: "What happened to that clerk of yours who was threatened?"

The answer to this question has to do with how brutal the hostile forces are.

The result was unfortunate. The bookstore owner regretted: "His grandma seems to have passed away suddenly, so he went back..." However, it may be unbearable, so he chose to resign.

Ji Chen and Cui Miaomiao wouldn't take all this as a coincidence, they glanced at each other to make sure they had the same idea, and then asked, "Have you contacted him after that?"

The bookstore owner said in a daze, "I can't reach him..."

As she spoke, her face suddenly changed: "Do you mean that?"

The owner of the bookstore paced around the spot a little anxiously, and finally made up her mind - she didn't actually trust these two strangers before.

"Come with me," she said, "that book is in the bookstore."

Even though she didn't open a store, the bookstore was stolen several times, but the novel written by her grandfather before his death has been properly hidden by her, and no one has ever found it.

She has been reluctant to look at this sad thing that reminds her of her grandfather who passed away, and she also feels that many disasters around her are caused by it.

…now she's finally ready to face it all.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-04 20:59:57~2022-04-05 23:57:01~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of fog harrier;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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