MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 39 absolute worship

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What happened next was different from what they had imagined.

Cui Miaomiao sighed, but she didn't dare to complain loudly, so she could only mutter in a low voice: "I thought I just got a celebrity experience card..."

Doesn't a star like her who doesn't want to make progress just need to enjoy the admiration of others, look at the handsome men and women in the circle, eat and drink every day and occasionally show her face?

"Lazy again?" A stern voice rang in my ears.

Cui Miaomiao continued her stiff movements in a panic, just like a primary school student who was caught by the head teacher for deserting.

The dance teacher talked to her about the importance of attitude, and Cui Miaomiao was reprimanded with a numb face—she had no intention of resisting at all. Management class, culture class...

Kill her.

Cui Miaomiao is very envious of the teammates who have been assigned to be assistants, at least they can still see handsome guys every day.

However, the three of Jiang Jingzhe were not as happy as she imagined.

"Are we just doing these miscellaneous jobs?" Ji Chen put down the set props in his hand and sighed.

It has been almost three days since they were packed and sent to Tang Yi's team, but...let alone Tang Yi, they haven't even seen Tang Yi's manager.

Rather than being Tang Yi's assistant, it's better to say he's a handyman for Tang Yi's team.

Ji Chen seriously suspected that what the manager said, "Tang Yi gave the assistant training opportunity in order to repay his old club" was simply because of the humiliation of not getting along with his old club, or the fact that the team recruited cheap labor under false pretences.

Xie Xinghui, who thought he would be the first to complain of suffering and tiredness, was the calmest. He said calmly: "The set is like this. No matter how powerful you are, you have to start from the bottom."

He was also a group performer, and even after he became a singer, he never forgot the past.

Although Ji Chen started his own company and expanded his business, his family background is already rich, and he has never experienced being deliberately tortured in the workplace.

He smiled bitterly: "I don't know when we will see Tang Yi."

Jiang Jingzhe thought for a while, and suggested: "Why don't we ask Miraculous Sea...the manager."

"You wanted to talk about the magical conch just now." Xie Xinghui said expressionlessly.

Jiang Jingzhe dialed the manager's phone as if nothing had happened.

The manager probably set a special reminder for them all, and immediately answered the phone: "Hey, what's the matter? Did you see Tang Yi?"

"That's the problem. We're still doing odd jobs. They don't seem to plan to let us see Tang Yi at all."

The agent clicked his tongue: "In the team... the team is also very good, sometimes the team knows how to operate better than the star himself."

"But the job they gave us was to make scenery props." In other words, they didn't let them get in touch with the core management personnel at all.


The agent is very familiar with this routine, because he himself has sent people like this before.

Unexpectedly, Feng Shui took turns, and now those who were sent and enslaved became the people I sent over.

Thinking of the interests of the company and the dividends that the leader promised to give him, the agent gritted his teeth: "I'll figure out a way to do this, and you guys should do it well first! I'll contact you when the time comes, and I must find a way to soon as possible." Find out the secret of Tang Yi's admiration!"

Just when the manager was speaking, there was a burst of cheers on the set, which almost covered the manager's voice.

Even the signal became intermittent, Jiang Jingzhe's hearing was sensitive, but he could only hear a few vague syllables. Just as she was about to ask, she found that the phone automatically hung up when there was no signal.

"What did he say?" Xie Xinghui and Ji Chen asked.

Jiang Jingzhe said uncertainly: "He came to think of a way to find opportunities for us, let us... learn... fast... worship during this time?"

The three fell silent.

Another round of cipher deciphering begins.

Jiang Jingzhe silently took out her mobile phone to search, and then said confidently: "I understand."

Xie Xinghui and Ji Chen also nodded: "According to the manager's goal, I can guess it."

"But this request is so sudden. Could it be that we want to go back and be Miao Miao's backup dancer later?" She asked suspiciously.

The other two looked at her in confusion, and they didn't know why the topic came to the backup dancer: "Ah, can't we? We're just here to learn why Tang Yi is popular, so we shouldn't have to play by ourselves."


Jiang Jingzhe, who was being stared at, realized that he was thinking about it, and silently closed the "Happy Worship" web page on his phone, with a serious expression on his face: "Well, it should be."

[Hahahahahaha thank you for the camera, it gave me the greatest happiness today]

[My friend, is your brain circuit a bit strange hhhhh]

[I immediately opened Happy Worship and started changing heads, laughing loudly]

"What are they calling?" Jiang Jingzhe looked in the direction of the cheering.

Ji Chen smiled and indulged her in rigidly breaking the topic, thinking that she must have thought of something strange. He said cooperatively: "If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

They had just walked a few steps there when they saw a dense crowd, making it difficult for them to move forward.

The people around were discussing enthusiastically, completely ignoring their inquiries.

"Have you got a ticket yet?"

"Yeah! I got it! Although it's in the back row, it's a trumpet, so excited!"

"Envious...I'll wait for the second round of ticket release."

"Sisters, do you have a ticket? I'll charge double!"

"I triple!"

They rolled it up on the spot, and the price was even raised ten times higher, and the three of them were amazed when they heard it.

"It seems to be related to tickets? Is there any performance recently?" Ji Chen asked casually.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't pay much attention to these, she shook her head and said, "I'm not sure."

Xie Xinghui didn't know what happened, but he thought about his current job and looked at the props thoughtfully.

The manager's efficiency was really high, and he called the next day: "I got tickets for Tang Yi's meeting! There are four tickets in total, just enough for the five of us!"

His tone was smug, and he deliberately paused for a few seconds after he finished speaking. Jiang Jingzhe praised a few words in cooperation, and then the manager continued happily: "I found a relationship to communicate with Tang Yi's team, you guys We can participate in the rehearsal preparation together, with so many opportunities, we can find a way to attract Tang Yi's attention, can we do it?"

"Okay, don't answer me, you have to do it!" The agent hung up after explaining vigorously.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

The manager and Cui Miaomiao would not come over until the meeting officially started. Jiang Jingzhe, Ji Chen, and Xie Xinghui first followed Tang Yi's cronies to participate in the preparations for the rehearsal.

It sounds like they are going to be involved in a big project, but in fact the preparatory meeting itself is not much different from the original, it is just a chore for them... The only difference is that the leader has become more critical.

This is another way to torture them.

"What's the rehearsal for the meeting?" Jiang Jingzhe asked suspiciously.

Xie Xinghui said: "It should be a rehearsal of the process, so as not to make mistakes in the order."

Ji Chen continued to ask: "Then why haven't I seen Tang Yi after so many days of rehearsal?"

Xie Xinghui was silent for a few seconds: "...this will happen as well."


[Hahahaha Mr. Ji almost wrote the torment on his face]

[Mr. Ji: I am willing to work overtime for 996007, and I don't want to do odd jobs here endlessly]

【It suddenly occurred to me... Isn’t this the Metamorphosis?】

[? ? ? Upstairs you lead me crooked! 】

[After it's over, it actually makes sense! 】

Until the rehearsal on the last day, they did not receive the news that Tang Yi would come to the rehearsal.

They can only consider themselves unlucky, and treat it as an experience of life during this period... At least when the meeting officially begins, they have to find a way to get in touch with Tang Yi.

"I never thought that I would work so hard to find opportunities to get close to others." Xie Xinghui said depressingly. You must know that in the past, even if some well-known record producers and directors offered him an olive branch, he still had to pick and choose.

Ji Chen also had a disheveled look on his face: "Who isn't?"

The poor Jiang Jingzhe always felt that he couldn't get involved in the topic of these two smooth people.

On the last day of rehearsal, everyone worked hard. It wasn't until the process was over that several staff members suddenly shouted excitedly: "Tang Yi is here!"

Before the three of Jiang Jingzhe got together first, the staff flew out with a clatter, faster than the students who heard the school bell.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't bother to join in the fun, and said, "It's probably the same crowd as last time. I'll go to the bathroom first, you guys go." She felt that even if she really squeezed to the front row, it might not change the current situation. Wall between idols.

Still have to find another way.

The remaining two did not force her, and were swept away along the crowd.

After Jiang Jingzhe went to the toilet, she walked back to the lounge where she was. These assistants originally did not have a separate lounge, but because everyone else was going to see Tang Yi or help Tang Yi prepare, the huge lounge was empty instead. out.

It was comfortable enough for her to lie in it alone.

She finally got some free time and was ready to use her mobile phone. She didn't have a mobile phone in the past few worlds, but now she feels very friendly when she sees her mobile phone.

The next second, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

Jiang Jingzhe was subconsciously startled by the sound, looked in the direction of the door, and met the visitor's gaze.

A tall young man with handsome features stood at the door, with his hand on the doorknob, still opening the door.

Jiang Jingzhe was sure that the other party was not a staff member here, and she had never seen this face in so many days of behind-the-scenes preparations here. And...his temperament is also different from those ordinary wage earners.

She subconsciously scanned the surrounding environment to confirm that she did not go to the wrong room when she came back from the toilet, and then turned her gaze to the other party again.

"Ah, I went wrong." The young man said slowly.

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