MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 5 Old House Wraith

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Jiang Jingzhe silently took out a crowbar from his backpack, pried up the stone, and threw it out of the way.

The male guest who was the driver was just about to take a look at the situation again, but fell into deep thought when he saw this scene.

"...why did you bring a crowbar?" he asked with difficulty.

Jiang Jingzhe said: "I think it might be useful."

Although it does work now, but...

Normal people, who would bring a crowbar when participating in a romance show? !

The expression of the male guest was like an overturned paint tray, and finally his eyes were fixed, looking at Jiang Jingzhe very strangely and admiringly.

"I took the liberty." He said cautiously, and walked back to the driver's seat together.

【Hahahaha what exactly did he think of】

[It would be great if this person's heart can also be broadcast live hhhhh, what is this, is it an NPC or a love complex? 】

[One person's blood book begging to see the inner barrage! 】

However, no one paid any attention to the audience in the barrage.

Then the road was smooth and the car drove to its destination.

The location given by the program group is an ancient house, which looks quite historical, but unfortunately it is too old, with mottled marks all over the walls and gaps in the bricks and tiles.

Along the way, they already got the names of the extra male and female guests. The male guest driving the car was Ren Kaiwen, the girl who acted like a baby before was Tang Sisi, and the one sitting next to Jiang Jingzhe was Yu Shu.

" looks so old-fashioned." Kevin Ren said.

Cui Miaomiao quickly adapted to the current situation, and said with a little disgust: "I still prefer a newer villa. If there is no one to clean it, there will be dust everywhere."

As she spoke, her expression suddenly changed: "The show crew won't torture us with cleaning!"

Xie Xinghui said coolly, "You can also call your servant or driver during the live broadcast."

Cui Miaomiao was satirized by Xie Xinghui again and gave him a hard look.

Tang Sisi smoothed things over with a smile: "It's the first time I live in such a house, maybe it will be a very special experience."

However, Cui Miaomiao and Xie Xinghui ignored her, leaving her smiling awkwardly.

Jiang Jingzhe said inexplicably: "I still think it's better to be ordinary."

Only Ren Kaiwen, who has been speaking for her, still cheers: "Indeed, it's also fortunate that the program team found such a place, which is more unique than the high-rise buildings that we are used to."

After several people opened the ancient house with the key, they gathered in the hall and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The radio that the director placed in the old house early in the morning made a "sizzling" sound, which startled them.

"Mission Release: Courage Test, please gather in the living room at 12 o'clock in the morning, and a new mission will be released at that time." A deliberately tuned mechanical voice sounded from the radio, but the voice made the guests heave a sigh of relief.

"So it's the director..."

The four of Jiang Jingzhe also looked at each other, confirming that the voice was not from their program group.

When I ran out at night, I felt unsafe when I heard it.

However, the program team in the brain guessed that they did not intend to follow the instructions, and issued a task:

[Guests please play your own persona well, don’t do things that don’t match the persona, and don’t disobey the requirements of the program group~]

It seems that there is no way to take advantage of the loopholes.

"Twelve o'clock... Do you still have to come out so late? Staying up late is not good for your health." Tang Sisi sighed.

Yu Shu nodded in agreement, her natural curly short curly hair abruptly weakened her temperament of Yu Jie.

Others don't think it matters.

Ren Kaiwen spread his hands: "I just came back from studying abroad, and my biological clock hasn't adjusted yet..."

Xie Xinghui and Ji Chen said in unison: "It's okay." Although one of these two is a star and the other is a company boss, they are both very dedicated and often stay up late because of work.

Cui Miaomiao has just entered college, and has quickly adapted to the work and rest of contemporary college students. She doesn't go to bed until two o'clock.

Jiang Jingzhe's ability to adapt is also very strong.

Only Tang Sisi, who is an actor who needs to take care of his skin, and Yu Shu, a designer who pays attention to perfection, didn't stay up all night. It's a pity that they still have to obey the arrangement of the program group under such circumstances.

It's only around six o'clock, and after a day of running around, they are not in the mood to cook. The female guest cooked a pot of instant noodles, and the male guest squeezed juice. After eating something casually, they all divided into rooms and went to rest.

Several guests of "Heartbeat Countdown" didn't even have a chance to communicate with each other. Before the program group released specific tasks, they could only follow the trend.

Eleven fifty-five.

Jiang Jingzhe opened her eyes on time, and her sleepiness was dispelled with the movement of opening her eyes.

She went downstairs, and almost all the people who arrived in the living room early were playing their own games.

She counted the number of people and found that Yu Shu was the only one missing.

Tang Sisi was also aware of this problem, and asked worriedly, "Has Ashu not come down yet? Did he oversleep?"

She was just about to go upstairs to call someone when she heard the clock in the living room ring.

Twelve o'clock sharp.

As the bell rang, a cold chill came over them too.

Just then, the living room lights went out.

All the guests panicked: "Where is the light? Where is the switch?"

"I pressed it, but it didn't seem to work...Maybe the main switch was disconnected." Tang Sisi tried to remain calm.

When Cui Miaomiao was in a panic, seeing the light source appearing in the dark was like a life-saving straw.

When she turned her head, she saw a pale face.

The corners of the man's mouth curled up slowly.

She is smiling at me.



While they were arguing, Jiang Jingzhe silently opened his backpack, took out his own flashlight, accidentally took it in the wrong direction, and shone it on his own face.

Cui Miaomiao screamed immediately, almost rolled her eyes and passed out.

Jiang Jingzhe put the flashlight upright and put it in the middle: "...I brought a flashlight, let's use this for lighting first."

For the sake of the young lady's image, everyone agreed not to mention what happened just now.

[Laughing to death, there is no need to test this, the eldest lady is the first to be out]

[Hahahaha Jiang Jingzhe really didn't do it on purpose, it's too bad hahahaha]

[To be honest, a close-up just now scared me too hhhh is the camera so smart now]

The people on the radio seemed to be watching a joke, and after they had finished speaking, the voice came out: "Dangdang~ It's twelve o'clock sharp, are you ready for the courage test?"

Cui Miaomiao still had lingering fears about the scene just now, and muttered softly, "Could it be that we are telling ghost stories?"

The voice on the radio agreed loudly: "Yes! That's a great idea, isn't it? Let's see who starts first..."

Afraid of being pointed out, she quickly lowered her head.

The vicious sound of drumming and passing flowers sounded, and everyone's heartbeat was infinitely amplified, until the first person to tell a ghost story was announced—"Ji Chen!"

Ji Chen, who was named, said in distress: "I haven't read many ghost stories... Well, since the atmosphere is right, I'll tell the story of Qing Xing Deng."

"It is rumored that there is a ghost in Japan called Qingxingdeng, who will come to us in the form of a familiar person and ask everyone to take turns telling a scary story..."

In the silent late night, the flickering candlelight sent a chill down the back of the person.

In the darkness, faintly flickering dots of light.

However, this terrifying atmosphere did not last long.

In fact, Ji Chen only remembered the first sentence, and after he stumbled and finished compiling the follow-up content, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

[Hahahahaha finished a ghost story that is not scary at all in two sentences, as expected of you, veteran cadre! 】

[Laughing to death, Cui Miaomiao's face is numb]

[What do you mean by upstairs hahahaha, what is the unit of measurement for Miaomiao]

[On the contrary, Jiang Jingzhe's expression is more terrifying hhhh]

All the guests looked at Ji Chen and listened to his story, only Jiang Jingzhe looked around seriously with a serious face.

[Thinking carefully, what the **** is Jiang Jingzhe looking at? 】

[Is it my illusion, I think her eyes are reflecting light! ! 】

[Probably not, she was originally a mixed race with blue eyes, this is just candlelight. 】

The guests didn't notice her small movements, and were silent for a few seconds after Ji Chen finished speaking.

"Director, I'm done." Ji Chen said dryly. The tone of the 27-year-old man was comparable to that of a primary school student who had memorized a book.

After he finished speaking, he felt a little funny, and couldn't help showing a fleeting smile.

Only then did the radio come out with a voice: "Is that all?" Even if it was a mechanical sound, it was a pity that it could be heard.

"Okay... Now that's the case, today's task is: please don't leave your room after twelve o'clock~"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what the director meant.

Normal people are either already asleep or lying in the room at twelve o'clock, who will come out? Isn't this superfluous?

Is the director trying to remind them to go to the bathroom before twelve o'clock?

"Every time it's about twelve o'clock, does the director still remember that this is a love variety show?" Xie Xinghui complained.

Although he didn't come here for love.

Regardless of Xie Xinghui's current personality, he is also a young male star in reality, which means that he has a lot of girlfriend fans. Usually, young stars who are on the rise in their careers will not come to love variety shows, but he But it is a special case.

Although he is very popular, he can be called the top of the contemporary small fresh meat, but his popularity is mixed with red and black.

Not long ago, a female star **** with him for hype, connoting that he was a scumbag, and he was making a fuss on the Internet. Xie Xing returned to this violent temper but did not immediately issue an announcement to explain it. It also made people who followed this incident feel puzzled. Unexpectedly, he came directly to participate in the romance show.

This also expresses his meaning from the side - don't touch me, you don't deserve it.

Even though the barrage audience knew that the director on the radio must have a problem, they couldn't help but be amused.

[I think Xie Xinghui's previous development path was wrong, he should create a comedian character set up to act in his true colors]

[Xie Xinghui, do you still remember that you participated in a love variety show? See what you did the other day? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha laughing]

[Strength double standard hhhhh]

[What do you know, Xie Xinghui just loves more and more hate (dog head)]

Cui Miaomiao: "I'm going to block my door tonight."

Jiang Jingzhe said quietly: "In case the danger comes from the room..."

Cui Miaomiao's expression changed: "Shut up!"

After a while, she complained in a low voice: "Why do I feel that this director is even more crotch than our director, calling people out at night just to tell a ghost story, this variety show must be muddled."

Jiang Jingzhe also responded to her in a low voice: "How do you know that they are here to film a variety show?"

"In the beginning, I was talking about a variety show of love..." Cui Miaomiao retorted, and her expression became sluggish again in the next second.

They also participated in love variety shows, but now they come to a different world to survive.

It seems that I really don't have the right to tell others.

Cui Miaomiao concluded her statement: "That's because our director is relatively vague."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes