MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 111 "Shinbari Ahara!"

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They looked at Shi Lingxi's eyes a bit complicated. The nine-tailed sky fox has the extreme bloodlines, and they don't know if the person in their respective families can hold Shilingxi on the bloodlines ... It's good to go on.

That is, Zuo Qiuchen was still busy in the Dan room, and had not had time to send them Lingdan, otherwise their eyes on Shi Lingxi would be more complicated and tangled.

"Sit," Lou Yuan raised his hand and motioned them to sit down and talk, while letting them restrict their sight.

The old snake and the red bird sat down according to their words. They did not play Tai Chi with Lou Yuan either, so they simply said in the future. They want to form a new alliance, headed by the five holy places, and the main members are the various spiritual families.

"... We want to invite you to join on behalf of the power."

The old snake looked at Lou Yuan with a solemn look. The presence of masters such as Lou Yuan in the last-day powerists made them have to pay attention to him. In addition, his celestial body constitution was enough for him and Red Bird to take a personal trip and speak it for themselves.

After listening to Shi Lingxi and looking at Shi Lingxi, he looked back at the old snake and the red bird, and he groaned, "Is this alliance that you originally belonged to and continued to change their names?"

The old snake looked a little more surprised. I don't know what Lou Yuan emphasized, but there is nothing to answer. "Almost ..."

Before the old snake's words were finished, Lou Yuan returned again, and the answer was clear and certain.

"I didn't join Xiaoxi, Beicheng and Jincheng."

Old Snake and Red Bird still don't know that Lou Yuan has told the truth to everyone, including the leaders of other bases. Now they are just busy adapting to the world after the great change, and they have no time to deal with them.

And even if it is reasonable, it is necessary to settle accounts with them, and it is impossible to form an alliance.

Of course, Lou Yuan, from a more rational consideration, is now really hostile and arguing with them, but the alliance is really impossible. He can't let those who trust him wholeheartedly disappoint. He also has to be worthy of his heart. Morality.

"Why? After joining the alliance, resource sharing is only good for you!" Red Bird couldn't calmly watch the old snakes communicate with them. Her eyes were slightly colder. "Not everyone can let me go with the old snakes. This trip. "

"Well ... I remember that neither Ayuan nor I sent you any invitations. You are uninvited, and you still blame us?" Shi Lingxi's hand turned over, and he looked up at the red bird. It's cold as well.

The red bird wanted to have a red face and a white face with the old snake, but Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan did not eat this set at all.

Shi Lingxi closed Dan Shu. He looked at Lou Yuan, held Lou Yuan's hand, and rubbed it gently, as if Lou Yuan had let them bully. "A Yuan shouldn't worry. Only I can practice, and we do n’t enjoy much of their resources ... "

They wanted to pull him and Lou Yuan into the gang, because of Lou Yuan's powerful combat power, his alchemy skills, resource sharing, and enjoyed his alchemy, Lou Yuan's power, so arrogant, they did not know them How sorry.

When Lou Yuan heard the words and shook Shi Lingxi's hand, a clear smile appeared on his face, and he replied, "Xiao Xi was right."

When they looked at each other, the feelings of warmth flowed, and the old snake and red bird over there made Shi Lingxi's face blue, but they couldn't say a word.

Shi Lingxi blinked at Lou Yuan, the coldness on her face completely dissipated, her cheeks were reddish, and she didn't know what she wanted.

Lou Yuan couldn't help but look twice before falling back to the old snake and the red bird. He raised his hand, "If it's still the same, don't say it."

"Farewell!" Lou Yuan said coldly and directly, and several people who were watching the wolf eyes outside the house heard it.

There are also some people who have quietly red eyes. When the end of the world comes, they also have close family members who died in this distress. They cannot control or even support Lou Yuan's choice, but they still feel warm when they learn about Lou Yuan's attitude.

Wolfe opened the door from the outside and motioned to the old snake and red bird, "Please."

Red Bird stood up angrily, and the old snake had a little hesitation, but had to get up, but he still had a strong sense of regret in his heart. Both Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi were too important to them.

When they left the office building, he and Red Bird looked at each other, both of them looked cold. They didn't go back to their previous place, they just flew up, they planned to go back, but the distant old fox flew towards them.

"How? Nothing?" Zuo Qiuchen's face was unabashedly gloating. He flew around the red bird and the old snake, and he continued to laugh, "No real benefit, empty mouth. To put it bluntly, who believes you. "

"By the way, my Zuoqiu Holy Land does not join the New Alliance. When will my little ancestors join, we will consider again."

Before today, Zuo Qiuchen had no way to say such words. The old snake and red bird also felt that he was crazy, but they did not know what he had encountered this morning, and his heart was unprecedented now. Active.

He may be crazy, but he is crazy and willing, and he knows he will never regret it.

"Old fox! You ... it's best not to regret it." The red bird has made Zuo Qiuchen incoherent.

Zuo Qiuchen raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and smiled quite tenderly, but he didn't hesitate in any tone. "I won't regret it, I hope you too. When will Pearl cast a secret vote and want to work for my little ancestor, I can still You talk. "

In fact, your decision of fifty years ago was against the five holy places in Xia Kingdom, but the general trend is that they cannot be stopped as a sanctuary.

Now that the old snake and red bird wanted to seize the opportunity to revive the holy place, he could understand.

Zuo Qiuchen said he took the bleeding jade gourd from his sleeve, pulled out the plug, and poured out ten in a row. "Next."

After that, he threw them away at random, and he felt that he was very imposing when his little ancestor gave the elixir.

The old snake and the red bird hurriedly took out the jade bottle to close it. At the same time, their mouths were wide open. They were frightened by the sudden appearance of the 10 best-looking Mingxuedan. They were also speechless about the old fox's pretending to be generous.

"Walk slowly, not far away ..."

Zuo Qiuchen raised his hand and spoke first. He could not reveal more details. Of course, he thought it was for their good, lest they really scare them.

The old snake and red bird left with heavy and precious precious Mingxuedan left, Zuo Qiuchen went back to Danlou to worry about the finished alchemy products that Shi Lingxi would see tomorrow, and really wanted to seduce his fox fur.

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan have been dealing with things in the office building. By 3 pm, they officially lifted the city ban. The first hunters in Jincheng went out to hunt.

Although Shi Lingxi used psychological video to pave the way for them, when the reality was presented to them, they still accepted them. After another day, the human race returned to the food chain and their advantages were completely gone.

This death of the deities three years ago is equivalent to bringing humans back to the primitive society ... No, it should be the era of dinosaurs, where a beast can step down a house on one foot.

"Kill!" Lou Yuan didn't say anything to comfort him, but he drank softly and let some of the disappointed people return their attention to the giant toad in front of them. The poisonous bubbles on it were as large as watermelon. , The body is a meat mountain.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi did not participate in the fight. They stood on a branch of a treetop and looked at them. They would only fire unless someone was really about to die.

"The poisonous vesicles and poisonous sacs have been collected," Shi Lingxi and the team's wolf eyes told them. These things seem to be useless, but they are of great use. He saw a poison dan in the Dan Book. Dan Fang, one of the raw materials is this toad sac.

The remaining meat was not wasted by Shi Lingxi. A silver ring on his hand slipped out. It didn't take long for the pile of meat mountains to let the gold and silver eat clean. Qing Qing also fluttered small wings and followed the hunting team to pick up leaks.

Its wings can't fly, but it is a wind alien bird, and it has benefited from Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi. The bottom of it is not much worse than that of Red Bird's house. Can take a few steps back fan of Roshan-like beasts.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the first hunt after the world changed was over.

They didn't actually go deep into the barren forest, they just cleaned up some large animals and birds in the west. The beaches in the southeast have not been moved for the time being. The sea beasts that have increased tenfold and hundredfold in strength have been estimated to have Xiong Kun wolf eyes their level of talent Shot.

And these people have to stay in their respective teams for the time being, or the B-level c-level abilities can still be injured or killed against large birds and beasts.

"Let's go back, too. There is a city and a home. No one will give up."

Shi Lingxi said, holding Lou Yuan's hand and smiling at him again. He did not intend to do any ideological work for the people in the city. This is a reality that must be faced, and the reality is not desperate.

They also have a city, a home can hold on, and no one is qualified for cowardice and despair.

"Okay," Lou Yuan said, raising his hands and rubbing Shi Lingxi's cheeks. The sky and the earth had begun to dim, but Shi Lingxi was still dazzling in his eyes. Fly directly to the top of the tall tree.

A teenager was also looking around with a probe on the top of the tree, seeing Shi Lingxi in Lou Yuan's arms, he looked inexplicably and angrily.

"Did you give me directions like this? They all pointed me to the second lord's territory!"

Shi Lingxi heard his words and turned his head to look at him. It was the alien scale boy who asked for directions that day, but although he was angry, he did not approach him rationally.

"Whose child are you from?" Shi Lingxi watched the system's transliterated pronunciation, and asked him in the language of a teenager.

"Axi Mu snakes, do you know me? Darcy!"

He raised his head proudly, as if he wanted to see the look of approval from Shi Lingxi or Lou Yuan, but not. They didn't even seem to hear him.

"My father is the Sheng snake tribe, and two years ago, your fox tribe came to our western region to trade."

Shi Lingxi still ignored his proud content, and then asked, "How did you get lost?"

"The first time I went out hunting, everyone else was dead. I survived and fell here ..." said the boy, and his doubts grew even more serious. "Where is this? Why have I never heard of it like this?" The place."

He did not rarely see some run-down cities along the way, and the demons inside made him numb his scalp, and he was afraid to approach.

"Here is my territory, you are in my territory, and you still feel like you haven't been here, haha ​​..." Shi Lingxi responded, sneering, her expression so cold.

"I'm not a Meizu. I and him, we are Xia Guoren."

The absolute territory of the system mission must be determined from this young man. And howling around in their territories, how can they not give him some color to see.

Shi Lingxi did not execute the plan last time. This time Lou Yuan was also there. Naturally, he was able to execute it. He was going to tie the boy.

A decision was made in his heart. Shi Lingxi let go of Lou Yuan's hand, and he flew directly over the boy's head. He took a picture with no hesitation.

Darcy, the scale boy of the other world, naturally would not stand and let Shi Lingxi fight. He quickly covered a layer of scales on his hand. He lifted up with a punch, and scattered the force of Shi Lingxi ...

But he thought it was over, and Shi Lingxi took another shot, and he was almost twice as powerful.

The result of his resistance was that he was about to make Shi Lingxi weeping, whether his hunting team was dead or not, but he was indeed the first hunter, and he was not Shi Lingxi's opponent at all.

Shi Lingxi's nine tails appeared, and they were photographed with one hand. There was a trend of mountains and rivers. Darcy's black scales covered the whole body and still allowed Shi Lingxi to shoot. He ran out all the way, and the trees were crushed by him. A few trees.

"Cough ..." The boy coughed, and the color of the scales changed again, but instead of continuing to fight with Shi Lingxi, he turned around and wanted to slip away, but he flew out for a few miles, and Shi Lingxi was waiting for him in front.

"Senior, I was wrong, I was wrong ..." He no longer dared to roam in other people's homes, and complained that his master had pointed the wrong way.

However, Shi Lingxi only played a little feel, and did not want to end the fight so early, when he did not hear the system translation, he continued to fight with the young Darcy.

Darcy's scale defense ability is extremely strong, even if Shi Lingxi's nine tails are present and layers of abilities are superimposed, he has not really hurt him seriously.

Shi Lingxi didn't continue to stack from one layer to six layers. The defense here is already Darcy's limit. When he goes down, Darcy really wants to be shot dead directly.

"What are you crying for? We won't eat you again, we'll release you after a few days."

After Shi Lingxi grabbed the scales and disappeared, Darcy turned blue all over. He returned to Lou Yuan's side and brought his head over to let Lou Yuan rub him. This should be considered as the habit he left when he became a fox, and he can't change it for the time being.

Lou Yuan rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair and rubbed his cheek. His eyes were full of tenderness and approval. By the way, he also mentioned Shi Lingxi, "His weakness is under the ribs."

In other words, if Shi Lingxi can fight against Darcy's weakness, he won't need to stack it on the sixth floor, and he can be seriously injured directly on the first and second floors.

"Oh," Shi Lingxi nodded, indicating that he had made a note. He did not find the real weakness of the boy.

Darcy shuddered and didn't dare to make any more sounds. He had hit the ruthless man. It was two or two.

Shi Lingxi dragged his long nine tails and flew for a while before he noticed that he changed back to a tail, and the breath on his body also changed slightly with this change. Darcy's feeling of being incapable of showing up to Shi Lingxi is considered a bit.

So in fact, it is not that Darcy has insufficient combat experience, but that he naturally has such a disadvantage to Shang Shilingxi.

At the gate of the city, waiting for their Qingqing and Jinyin to fly over, Qingqing stood on Shi Lingxi's shoulder, and Jin Yinhuan reached Shi Lingxi's wrist, and they went home together.

There should be no way for Darcy to show it, and it is still not safe to give it to Wolfe. Shi Lingxi carried him to the room next to their house and shook his hand. He returned with Lou Yuan and even the people who looked after him Nothing was arranged.

"Little white brother!"

Wang Beibei and Rhubarb came out of the house. She saw Shi Lingxi flew over and hugged Shi Lingxi's thigh tightly.

Shi Lingxi reached out and hugged her, rubbing her hair, and felt a little regret in her heart.

"I promise, I won't show you away."

Shi Lingxi said, extending her little finger, and Wang Beibei also extended her little finger, and nodded solemnly, "Neither Beibei nor corpses should leave."

"Don't go," Shi Lingxi responded softly, so Wang Beibei smiled.

When the family reunited, Lou Yuan went to cook a big meal himself, drank enough, and then went back to his room to practice.

Shi Lingxi will also start to rebuild the spirits he obtained from Zuoqiu Sanctuary. The spiritual qualities cultivated by the spirits and the powers naturally inspired by the abilities are completely different. If all of them are transformed, his strength will be stronger.

He sat on the bed with his palms facing up and down, and a crescent machete floated between his palms. The decisive spirit he wanted to practice was recorded in the machete, "Nine Turns to Dark Light Decisiveness". This is what Shi Lingxi wants to cultivate. The name of the spiritual decision.

Nine turns correspond to his nine tails. One turn can temper his physical and spiritual powers, making his physical and spiritual powers more pure and powerful.

It comes with only one attacking spirit, called Moon Xuan Shu, which is used in conjunction with the machete.

One night passed, Shi Lingxi opened his eyes, and Lou Yuan also woke up from the practice. They looked at each other for a while, and Shi Lingxi opened his mouth first.

"It's okay, but it should still be better in fox form," he said, his face showing thoughts. "Brother Xiong, they have to do a good job before they can practice. The demon blood in their bodies is not pure enough."

Shi Lingxi faintly felt that he had grasped the key of this, but the specifics could not be determined until he experimented.

"I need another month to break through to the middle of the fourth grade," said Lou Yuan, who was provided by Shi Lingxi Infinite Lingtan, to say such words, otherwise the other fourth grades and spiritual practitioners who have not yet reached the fourth grade will cry to death. Already.

How much time does Lou Yuan start practicing spiritual decisiveness, not only surpassing them, but also continuing to distance them, and this is the horror of the heavenly spirit body. Now there is a demon master Dan who is blessing beside him, let this system The horror of is even more terrifying.

Shi Lingxi nodded when he heard the words, very happy for Lou Yuan. He climbed two steps to Lou Yuan's body, and then greeted Lou Yuan. "My family A Yuan is awesome!"

Lou Yuan's ears were reddish, and the throat knot could not help rolling, and Shi Lingxi's medicinal scent began to become charming. He wrapped around Shi Lingxi's waist and kissed Shi Lingxi's cheek. He found Shi Lingxi's lips again and continued to kiss.

Starting from Shi Lingxi's crawling over people, this cannot be a simple compliment, and he and Lou Yuan can't live the light life of ordinary spiritual practice. Facing the early morning sun, they are intertwined and difficult Difficult to divide.

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