MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 113 "Someone is calculating your brother Lou Yuan's life ..."

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Shi Lingxi tilted his head and looked at Lou Yuan. "A Yuan, I'll accompany you back to Beicheng to see Grandpa He."

"Okay, we are together," Lou Yuan gently stroked Shi Lingxi's cheek, turned his head again, and kissed Shi Lingxi's lips.

Lou Yuan had been in Jincheng for such a long time, and it was time to go back to the base of Beicheng to see, and he also had to go back to see He Lao and them. The underground traffic between the two places will be connected again. For an hour back and forth, Jincheng can already cover the boundary of Beicheng.

At the same time, when they go back this time, they will launch many new products.

This includes the first generation of nuclear weapons that the research center has been testing. As the name suggests, the new weapon is to embed advanced crystal nuclei into these weapons such as knives, bows, and arrows. By replacing the crystal nuclei, the ability of the psionicist can be enhanced.

This series of products is related to those books about arrays that Lou Yuan brought back to the research center some time ago. This special pattern helped the project overcome problems that have been insurmountable for a long time. This is the first generation of products.

Otherwise, it will depend on the existing knowledge base of the research center. It will take at least three or five years for this weapon to appear.

Now the researchers in the research center enthusiastically burst out, and the book brought back by Lou Yuan opened their new world. The first-level mechanized production of nucleus is already in the testing phase, and mass production can be achieved soon.

There are even various new projects being launched, and in the near future, these new projects will be applied to all aspects of life and combat.

After more than half an hour, they came out of the orbital entrance near the Beicheng military headquarters. Lou Yuan went to the military office building, and Shi Lingxi returned to the military medical department to talk to He Lao.

"The creek is getting better and better ..."

He Lao said with a smile, touched Shi Lingxi's hair, and pulled him to the office sofa. Then he gave Shi Lingxi some snacks as before. And his compliment is just a fact.

Shi Lingxi smiled and didn't answer this. He put away the snacks, and after a few chats, he checked He Lao's body again.

"You are very healthy. I will continue to take your medicine. Grandpa and you will stay with me for a long time."

Shi Lingxi said, but when He Lao remembered something, he turned back to his desk, took out a black notebook, and handed it to Shi Lingxi.

"Last night, Xiao Jing found me and asked me to give it to you." He Lao didn't describe the situation of Shi Jing, but it was not good, and the big reason was also from this note. He Faceless, Shi Lingxi, can only come to him.

And this time he really didn't have the face to see Shi Lingxi.

Shi Lingxi stared at the notebook for two seconds, reached out to take over, his face was calm, "I will look."

He Lao nodded, and did not continue with Shi Lingxi on this less pleasant topic. He took Shi Lingxi to the warehouse, and some of the equipment was newly adjusted.

After a while, Shi Lingxi will take Cheng Mu and others and these equipment to Jincheng, where a research center will be set up.

However, it is mainly aimed at the elixir and pharmacy. This research center also has a new name, which is called the elixir research office. The elixir is the elixir and potion. The elixir is for spiritual practice, and the potion is mainly for the power and ordinary people.

Not long after they strolled around, Meng Guan also made a special trip from the research center. He personally explained to Shi Lingxi the use of various new equipment, and brought four people over to let Shi Lingxi talk again in person.

Several professors in their thirties and forties, respectful of Shi Lingxi, were afraid that they would be careless. Shi Lingxi didn't look after them and refused.

It ’s not difficult for Shi Lingxi to bring the people who came to Meng Guan. They talked a little about professional topics and decided where they would go after. He nodded with Meng, "Thank you grandpa."

"Xiaoxi don't be too hard. If there is any situation, please contact Grandpa at any time." Meng Guan responded with a smile, he patted Shi Lingxi's shoulder, and his heart was very comforting.

With Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan asylum, these people will not lose hope no matter what difficulties they face. And Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan are their hope.

He said good things to Meng Guan He Lao. Shi Lingxi went to Lou Yuan's office to say hello, and he took people and equipment to the new train and set off for Jincheng.

Sitting on the train, Shi Lingxi took He Lao's notebook out of the box, and he opened it page by page to start reading.

This notebook wasn't what Shi Jingxi thought Shi Jing had done. The original owner of this notebook was Tan Yuanshan, who had let him kill him with one shot, and his secrets were recorded in it.

After rebirth, Tan Yuanshan was afraid of forgetting or making mistakes. He recorded all major events and added details for some incidents, which should be added by him later.

To some time before his death, this note almost became a place where Tan Yuanshan vented his emotions. All kinds of cursing words that were too vicious to be believed were all written on it, including all kinds of dissatisfaction and cursing towards the Shi couple. .

The pen tip almost pierced the back of the paper, and we can see how intense Tan Tan's emotions and how hateful he was when he wrote these words.

After Shi Lingxi swept through these words, he found the period after he returned, and roughly started from here. What happened in Beicheng was not in line with Tan Yuanshan's original record.

He did not die, Xiong Kun and Langmu did not die, Chen Ran and Lin Jiang did not die. These are the major changes that Tan Yuanshan knew about the casualties. In addition, there are many details that are not correct, such as Lou Yuan was not in Recently launched a battle to recover Jincheng and so on.

Shi Lingxi turned down. There was a page detailing the story of Lou Yuan's death. The zombies and blood beasts sieged the city. He resisted alone and completely destroyed all the zombies and blood beasts at the cost of self-detonation. Time of year.

It was not until the tenth year that the Beicheng base again faced a large-scale tide of blood beasts, causing heavy casualties inside and outside the base.

Shi Lingxi's hand was not consciously clenched into a fist. He could probably imagine the situation two years after the previous life, and he suddenly understood why Tan Yuanshan told him so decisively that Lou Yuan would not choose him.

Because in the previous life that Tan Yuanshan knew, Lou Yuan chose the Beicheng base. But now, Shi Lingxi knows that there is only strong pain in his heart. He closed his eyes and closed his emotions.

This page of paper, he could not read more than ten times before, he closed the notebook, and then put the notebook in the portable space, and the entire note about the event records, he wrote down all.

The train stopped, and they had already returned to Jincheng. Shi Lingxi told the bear Xiong Kun wolf-eyed a few words, he went home first, he went all the way into the underground warehouse, and scanned his pupils with his fingerprints. He Enter the center of the underground warehouse.

Qin Kun was lying in an ice coffin, and his limb was damaged. The last time Shi Lingxi dealt with it, he repaired it as much as possible. If he was handed over to Wang Beibei in accordance with the plan in the future, he would be repaired by her power. Can restore the intensity of the past.

Shi Lingxi came over and opened the ice coffin directly. He pressed his hand against Qin Yue's head. His mental force rushed in, like a vortex, his scimitar emerged, and a knife cut into Qin Yue's head.

Qin Yan, who had closed his eyes, seemed to be dead, suddenly opened his eyes, but soon, the light in his eyes dimmed again, and Shi Lingxi did not stop his mental force from rushing into Qin Yuan's mind.

Until he hit a mental barrier and pierced the machete directly there.

Then the machete flew from the top of Qin Yue's brain, bringing out a mass of red and white meat, which was perfectly hidden in Qin Yue's brain. He had previously avoided his and Lou Yuan's perception again and again, and tried to break the cocoon again. Rebirth.

Originally Shi Lingxi could not be found, but his hole card was exposed in Tan Yuanshan's record.

Two years later, in his peak battle with Lou Yuan, he has been reborn for the third time. A new flesh and blood body has been regenerated from the old shell, and every time he regenerates, his strength can be obtained once. The transformation and improvement of orientation, each time the transformation, the pattern on his face will be more complicated.

This discovery is not Tan Yuanshan's initiative discovery, but after the death of the previous life Lou Yuan, Shi Lingxi investigated this time and published one of the circumstances. His purpose is to make people remember Lou Yuan's contribution to the North City Base.

But at this moment, Shi Lingxi's state of mind is far from the peace of the previous life, and even he is angry with Tan Yuanshan's record of the last life.

"Little fox ..." The meaning of the wave was conveyed in the flesh-colored flesh, and Qin Mao who was sleeping and trying to regenerate awakened Shi Lingxi's domineering search, but this was also his last words in this world.

The light on Shi Lingxi's body dazzled for a moment, his hands were printed, his brows and eyes showed a golden color, the Holy Light, Shi Lingxi's success must also be successful.

The red and white pieces of meat failed to convey any meaning, and they were thoroughly refined in the Holy Light. The light of Shi Lingxi seemed to be its nemesis.

At the same time, in the holy city of Darcy, a tomb-like palace conveyed an extremely old and quirky tone, like anger and confusion. According to their translation, it means, "Who is the bad person incarnation ... ... "

Shi Lingxi could not hear his voice, but it was involved in the death of Lou Yuan in the previous life. This cause and effect was recorded by Shi Lingxi.

Holy light dissipated, Shi Lingxi chopped every inch of Qin Jun's body with a machete.

He sat in front of the ice coffin, Ming Xuedan stabbed a few, and after the body's spiritual power was restored, he performed the Holy Light again and directly smelted Qin Yue's body into black ash, leaving no chance at all.

Shi Lingxi came out of the underground warehouse, Qing Qing and Jin Yin were sleeping, and the sleeping king corpse and rhubarb were guarding at the exit.

Shi Lingxi looked slightly warmer. He stepped forward and took the hand of Wang's corpse, and they left the city's main mansion, all the way to the tower where the old nest of Qin Yuan was located.

The reconstruction of Jincheng has not yet touched here. Except for the zombies being cleaned up here, nothing else has been touched.

"236, scan carefully to see if there is anything special here."

Shi Lingxi's words fell, and the pink love flew from the side of his neck, floating up and down for a while. It replied to Shi Lingxi, "A special residual pattern was found. The system is calculating the pattern usage."

It informed and also showed the way, Shi Lingxi took Wang Beibei and Rhubarb to follow.

They walked around the 20-story steel tower. Special patterns were found on the third, sixth, ninth, and nineteenth floors, and the system still did not look like these during Shi Lingxi's inspection. Can detect the true usefulness of these patterns.

He walked all the way to the top of the tower, Shi Lingxi looked away, and the entire city of Jin was in sight. He let go of Wang's corpse, walked to the round table, and looked around again.

But apparently, he is a wizard on alchemy and has no accomplishments in formation, although he has read a lot of books on formation.

"Brother Xiaoxi, what are you looking for?" Wang Corpse raised her hard and solemn face and asked Xiangling Xi, she was silent all the way, and finally couldn't help asking.

Shi Lingxi heard the words and looked down at the king's corpse, his eyes flashed dimly, but quickly converged. He whispered, "Someone is calculating your brother Lou Yuan's life ..." And this is Shi Lingxi's absolute Not allowed.

"Wang!" Rhubarb yelled, expressing fright, and also angered with Shi Lingxi, "Wang Wangwang!" Ren Fox, dog master, help you to teach him!

"So are the corpses and Beibei," Wang said, and she answered Shi Lingxi's eyes very firmly. She will also guard her home, Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan.

Shi Lingxi nodded slightly, he looked around again, turned back to the side of Wang Zhe's body, and took her hand again. They walked down the high tower and kept coming out of the first floor of the tower before Shi Lingxi stopped.

"236, no more testing, just burn everything."

After Shi Lingxi and the system instructed him, he took the king's corpse and rhubarb back to the city's main house, and 30 minutes later, Xiong Kun brought the Qianren City's main body guard to level the tower. Shi Lingxi intends to be rough to the end!

"Report! The tower has been demolished and the steel is being transported to the steelmaking plant. It will be melted and rebuilt within two days today."

Xiong Kun came back to answer the order, and had no intention of inquiry. As long as it was Shi Lingxi's order, he would execute it to the end.

"Well," Shi Lingxi nodded. He looked at Xiong Kun with a loyal and loyal face, and some relief appeared on his face, but these reliefs disappeared. He looked at Xiong Kun and issued a new order.

"Disseminate a message to the outside world. I want to auction a group of first-class to third-class superb Lingdan. The only thing that can be changed is the basic spirit decision. The time will be set at the end of this month at 31." Shi Lingxi This is to start for the two cities and the system Collecting spirits is decided.

"Yes," Xiong Kun nodded, and he immediately proceeded to the city gate, making announcements on important sections, and also posted on the official websites of Beicheng and Jincheng. Just two days ago, networking between the two places was realized. Some special forums are also quietly online.

The video on the official website of the military department about Shi Lingxi's alchemy is very popular. Beicheng and Jincheng have led to a wave of alchemy and alchemy.

After finishing the order with Xiong Kun, Shi Lingxi didn't stay in the office either. He went to Danlou to see the settlement of Cheng Mu and others. These people, Cheng Mu, and the three senior professors Meng Guantun gave him, this time they are going to start a project that stimulates abilities.

Possessing abilities is the basic condition for practicing spiritual determination. Now the situation outside the city is so severe. The existing stimulus ratio of abilities is not enough to adapt to survival. These researchers such as Shi Lingxi can only move their brains to artificially stimulate abilities On.

This project was originally hosted by Shi Jing, but they have already reached a dead end. There can be no breakthrough in a short time. Shi Lingxi will form a new team to overcome it from a completely new direction.

Of course, this does not mean that Shi Jing's efforts in the previous three years have been in vain. His experimental data is still helpful to Shi Lingxi, eliminating the time for them to do similar experimental tests, which can greatly shorten the project development time.

Two years after Tan Yuanshan recorded in his notebook, it was too long for Shi Lingxi. He intends to apply some of the methods of Danfang to the research of pharmacy and take a scientific alchemy path in the empirical alchemy routine.

"Just rest and settle before you start tomorrow."

Shi Lingxi checked the equipment under debugging and whispered to Cheng Mu. He was anxious and not anxious in a day or two.

Bu Chengmu and others were very curious about the things in Danlou, and various studios dealing with spiritual materials took turns to watch. Several professors have started to help detect the activity of the spiritual fluid.

Shi Lingxi saw that they didn't need to rest at all. He stood for a while and then went out to the entrance to the track of the city's main house and waited for Lou Yuan. Now he can't calm down and study.

In another 10 minutes, Lou Yuan also returned to Jincheng with some people.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi looked at each other for a moment. He turned and whispered with Chen Yun and others and walked towards Shi Lingxi. He took Shi Lingxi's hand and rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair with the other hand. He whispered softly. Asked, "What's wrong?"

Shi Lingxi's breath was a bit floating, as if she had fought, Lou Yuan was keen, and found it the first time.

Shi Lingxi didn't answer. He took a half-step closer, leaned into Lou Yuan's arms, broke his hands from Lou Yuan's palm, looped around Lou Yuan's waist, tightened and tightened again, "I miss you ..."

The emotion in Shi Lingxi's eyes floated again, bringing out a little moistness, and the distressed feeling tightened his heart again, "A Yuan, you won't leave me, right?"

"I will not leave you."

Lou Yuan told Shi Lingxi with certainty that the surprise in his eyes was even heavier, but he chose to appease Shi Lingxi first.

Chen Yun has been able to turn a blind eye to Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi at any time and anywhere, and they have bypassed the rules in order to go further and have envy in their hearts.

The masters of their city are smart, capable, and beautiful. It is not ambiguous when they are domineering. When they are sticky, they are as hard as their heads and they become soft and soft.

Shi Lingxi continued to hold Lou Yuan for a while, and he clenched Lou Yuan's hand again. He pulled Lou Yuan back to the bedroom of their main government house. They sat down on the double sofa in the bedroom. The notebook appeared in his palm.

"This is Tan Yuanshan's note. Grandpa He passed it to me today. I have read it."

Lou Yuan reached out to take over, and he knew in his mind that this was the root of Shi Lingxi's emotional change.

And this notebook, Tan Yuanshan was originally hidden in the place he thought was the safest, but that day they happened to move, and he died too suddenly and unguarded. Shi Jing and Hu Yijun found that when sorting his things, Words and sentences were written by Tan Yuanshan himself, and coupled with the facts that had happened, they had to believe.

After they saw it, in addition to their anger and grief, they also felt that the notebook was too important, so they asked He Lao to give it to Shi Lingxi in person.

Lou Yuan looked at two pages, and his casual look became serious. He flipped through the notes from the beginning to the end. Nothing was wrong, so the motivation of Tan Yuanshan's many actions in the past became clear.

He replaced Shi Lingxi's return to the North City. It was not accidental, but he had designed it early. He understood the impact of Shi Jing on Shi Lingxi at that time, knew the character of Shi Lingxi, and the situation of the army in the last days.

He did it. He replaced Shi Lingxi and returned to Beicheng, and tried to replace Shi Lingxi's position in Beicheng. However, it is clear that Shi Lingxi's position is not so good to replace. Without Shi Lingxi's participation, many projects could not reach the schedule that they should have.

Tan Yuanshan can only move his mind to places outside the research center, such as making friends with Wang Mu who had risen strongly after Lou Yuan's death, such as secretly searching for information about the spiritual family.

His plan is good, but his vision and luck are a bit poor.

A series of actions after his rebirth made things out of his control, and this development was not completely unexpected.

From Tan Yuanshan's words full of jealousy and hatred, Shi Lingxi was not the one he could control. He moved his mind to Shi Lingxi, which was a decision that could not be wrong anymore.

Lou Yuan looked up at Shi Lingxi. After he was afraid that he would spread his head in his heart, he put down his notebook and pulled Shi Lingxi into his arms. "Sorry, I didn't protect you ..."

Three years ago, in Lou Yuan's view, it was always a major mistake of him. His mistake made Shi Lingxi wander from south to north, suffered, and experienced a crisis of life and death. If luck and ability are a little worse , Their fate broke off three years ago.

"It has nothing to do with you," Shi Lingxi responded softly, but his hand was also clenched into a fist on Lou Yuan's back, and he whispered again, "A Yuan, no matter what happens in the future, we don't want to separate."

He and Lou Yuan have signed a life and death deed, Lou Cun, he is born, Lou Yuan is dead, he is dead. But then, he was still afraid to part. He was afraid of life and death, and he wanted to stay with Lou Yuan for a long time.

"We won't be apart." Lou Yuan should have done it, his expression was firm, he and Shi Lingxi and the two bases are not easy to reach this step, he does not allow anyone to destroy.

"According to Tan Yuanshan's information, the time of the great change of the world has not changed, so the messenger of the so-called Holy City Holy City will arrive early next month." And these are information that the system is not willing to disclose at the moment, but exposed Tan Yuanshan's notebook. .

When the messenger came here, the platoon was so big that everyone wanted to meet on their knees. No one at the Beicheng base knew it at the time, but Tan Yuanshan knew that, even when they left and how they agreed with Lou Yuan. I do n’t know.

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