MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 116 "Ayuan looked, I'll fetch some bird hair for you to make clothes."

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A Siping Lingdan, the five holy places and the spiritual family almost broke their heads. It took an hour to determine who the "Dan" was. The Qinglong Holy Land used a complete set of heavenly spirits and a set of incomplete heavenly spirits. Gone it.

The auction ended at 2:10 a.m. in the new month, but trading did not stop.

The second and third floors of the hall are actually various sales areas. Basically, you can buy them here. There is even a counter for Lingtan. The value is high but supply is still in short supply. The auction just started soon. Sold out sign.

After tonight, the hall will hang a signboard and will open for business. The auction will be held regularly.

At the end of the day, each company also received a product leaflet about the auction hall. There will be some activities tomorrow, including Shi Lingxi's seminar on alchemy and pharmaceutical production.

The holy places and families that came to Jincheng this time have only one feeling at this moment, that is, this trip is worth it! Their awe and enthusiasm for Shi Lingxi rose steadily. Never before had any Dan division had such a mind.

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan did not return to the city's main mansion. They were looking at the gains tonight. Even if they did not cultivate, it was still good to carefully consider them. At the same time, they were waiting for the system to create a beastly system. result.

After three hours, the system consumed all the energy obtained from the achievement task. A new set of spiritual decisions that can be cultivated for beastly powers was created. The spiritual decision level was lower, but the spiritual decision was created. The future of the chemist is completely changed.

The demon blood in their bodies no longer accumulates in the meridians and the body, becoming a hidden danger of his violent future, but it can make them stronger.

"236, you're working hard," Shi Lingxi's system interface thanked him seriously, because the energy consumption was gone, the system could not become a loving heart, and could only return to the simplified mode.

The system's love flickered, expressing thanks to Shi Lingxi.

Lou principle raised his hand and rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair. He hugged Shi Lingxi and said lowly, "Thank you."

"Mainline quest branch line 2: Obtain 2 qualification keys from the Holy City Messenger. Quest difficulty ..."

The system prompt sounded, Lou Yuan slowly released Shi Lingxi, and they took them together and walked to the window to the east of the box. The sky at 5 o'clock in November was still dark before dawn.

But at this moment, a rainbow bridge ran across the sky in the east. Twelve beautiful men and women rode a red starling bird and pulled a glazed sedan. The colorful light extended from the sedan, and their arrival was astonishing. Traces come.

They stayed in the midst of the city. Twelve starlings spread their wings, their necks were raised upward, and they were about to make a tweet together.

But just as they raised their necks, their voices were about to come out of their mouths. Shi Lingxi's Jiuwei appeared, and he suddenly appeared in the mid-air of their equal height.

Shi Lingxi held a machete in his hand, and without any word, directly performed the Holy Light.

Twelve starlings were expelled by Shi Lingxi's Lingshu, and when their heads hurt, nothing happened, so Shi Lingxi turned up the holy light with the Holy Light.

"Spreading on the top of my Jincheng, disturbed my wife, be careful I stripped your hair."

Shi Lingxi said in a low voice, the machete returned to his hand, and he opened his hand again, and really lost a handful of starling hair.

And the original 12 starlings that were so amazing there were more tumultuous than brawls in the henhouse, or high or low or sharp howls made a disturbing sound.

The overturned men and women on the starlings also protested against Shi Lingxi. Through systematic translation, they probably taught Shi Lingxi to be rude, offend them, and so on.

Lou Yuan stepped out of the stairs on the top floor of the Guild Hall. He watched Shi Lingxi confront these people from outside. He was also shocked by the people who were stranded in the holy places and families of Jincheng last night because of the city restrictions, but they did not take the lead But quietly watching.

Shi Lingxi watched Lou Yuan's appearance. He gave these people a glance at the eyebrows, turned around and flew back to Lou Yuan's side. "Sure enough, he was noisy, and his face was a little bad."

Shi Lingxi caressed Lou Yuan's face, feeling regretful and angry. He retracted and stroked his lover's hand, and then looked into the air. "A Yuan looked, I'll take some bird hair and make clothes for you."

"Bold!" In one short time, one of the 12 men and women mastered the language of Xia Guo through special methods, and began to teach Shi Lingxi. They were extremely angry, and the real master in the sedan still did not have any movement.

"I wait from ..."

"Then pick up your bird's hair!" Shi Lingxi did not give him a chance to speak at all. His shape almost flashed into the air not far in front of him, and then he cut it out with a machete.

"Ang!" The starling screamed loudly, and his head was attacked again by a spirit of Lou Yuan. His whole body was attacked by the dense blades of Shi Lingxi. He wanted to hide but could not hide.

The open man flew up, and before taking the attack from Shi Lingxi, he saw that his starling was really bald, from head to toe, there was no hair left. In the early morning wind, it was weird and spicy. eye.

"Ang!" The starling screamed again, and feathers were more important to life than it was, but Shi Lingxi was now burned. It stared at Shi Lingxi, an angry mood was brewing.

"No!" The man wanted to drink the battle between the starling and Shi Lingxi, but it was useless. The starling was completely irritated by Shi Lingxi, and an energy gathered in his throat, shouting at Shi Lingxi. The blazing fire shrouded Shi Lingxi in an instant.

Zuo Qiuchen, who was silently watching downstairs, flew into the air, because of the amazing heat, he couldn't get near in a flash.

Zuo Qiuchen turned his head to look at Lou Yuan, but saw that Lou Yuan's response was very calm. He even sat down on a chair on the balcony, looked at it lightly, and had strong confidence in Shi Lingxi.

In this way, Zuo Qiuchen flew to the balcony silently, without forcibly intervening, or in other words, he could not intervene, and if Shi Lingxi could not beat, he would not be able to beat.

Twenty minutes later, the flare of the sky dissipated, and Shi Lingxi stood intact. A light golden flare in his hand was absorbing the remaining ignition light. The fire of the bird was not only invalid for Shi Lingxi. And he used to raise fire.

Shi Lingxi continued to pour into the golden fire ball into the mark of keeping fire. At the same time, his left foot was a little back. He appeared at the top left of the starling. Then he stepped on the starling's head. He whispered, "On my site, it's the dragon or the phoenix, they all have to lie down on me."

Then the machete in his hand waved down at a very slow speed.

"Presumptuous!" The scoffing man called again, but it was useless, and the light in his mount's starling had gone out.

Its body spread from the top of the head to the whole body instantly, and then cracked a little, and a rain of blood fell, this visual effect is comparable to the corpse.

Under the blood rain, there was a big yellow dog, a snake, and a bird spreading their joy.

Shi Lingxi stepped back, and with a stroke of his hand, a group of golden light was caught in the palm of his hand. Inside was the key required for the system mission, and they were hidden inside these starlings.

"Congratulations on getting one of the keys to the Holy World! Remember, my name is Qing."

The man quickly converged on his face. He informed Shi Lingxi that he squinted his eyes and seemed to remember what Shi Lingxi looked like. After a while, his whole body faded away, leaving only a golden one. feather.

Shi Lingxi beckoned again, and stole the golden feathers, and his eyes swept towards the other 11 starlings. These starlings made all the men and women on their backs fly away. Decisive and fierce, fearful.

The boobies are real boobies, but the 12 men and women on the boobies' backs are not real people.

Shi Lingxi flew back to Lou Yuan. He was also sitting at Lou Yuan's side. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Now that I know where to go, how can I do this?"

The faces of the eleven men and women were full of humiliation and anger, but they came with a task. To complete the task was their real mission. They looked at each other and drove the bird of prey to stop at the main palace of the city. In front of the small square.

The people inside and outside Jincheng and the people of the Holy Land family have not been able to raise awe of these ambassadors, so they wholeheartedly yielded to the domineering and fruitfulness of Shi Lingxi. Dread.

These two people are really amazing ... their alliance is not joined by these two people, the loss is not as large as normal.

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan descended on the small square in front of the main city hall as if holding hands. Suddenly one person kneeled down at Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan on one knee. "See you, Lord City Lord, Lord Chief!"

A few moments later, Jincheng's guard also kneeled on one knee, "Meet Lord Lord, Lord Chief!"

The psionicists and spiritual practitioners who have not slept or were awakened shortly after they left the house and kneel in the direction of Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan. They are sincerely convinced, "See you Lord City Lord, Lord Chief!"

With a loud sound, an inexplicable emotion stirred in everyone's heart.

"Let's get up, everyone will follow me and Ayuan to a lively night before going back to sleep."

Shi Lingxi waved his hand, and Xiong Kun took a person to arrange a bench. He pulled Lou Yuan to sit down, and the people who came together surrounded the guard and surrounded the 11-person starling sedan. There was a posture of interrogation against them.

These men and women are afraid that they have never encountered such an encounter from birth to now.

A woman who is not far behind Shi Lingxi, pointing her index finger at Shi Lingxi, "You will regret it!"

"Oh?" Shi Lingxi raised his eyebrows slightly. He turned his eyes around Lou Yuan's face, and he complained. "A Yuan, she said I would regret it ... but I don't like the word regret the most . "

"Then let her regret it," Lou Principle said, of course, his eyes were frozen for a moment, a group of Yinhui condensed in his eyes, the woman screamed, and she and her starling burst out from the inside, She died quite neatly, leaving her no chance to leave a last word.

Shi Lingxi beckoned again, and the golden key and golden feathers were taken away again. And Sahuan's rhubarb and Qingqing they reappeared, and the flesh of these starlings is a big supplement for them, super big supplement!

"The main line branch line 2 task is completed! The main line branch line task three: get all the qualification keys. The time limit is one hour ...."

The system task is equivalent to telling Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi that these starlings have a key in them and they must all die!

"Who will answer me, what do these keys do?"

Shi Lingxi played for a while. He lifted his eyes and looked at the men and women who were faintly blue, seeing that they could not help getting cold, physically and mentally. The starlings were even lowered, no longer as high as before. God bird gesture.

"If I wait for the real body to come, I must kill this wild fox to pieces!" Another beautiful woman couldn't help speaking in this humiliating atmosphere, but she no longer spoke Xia Guo language, but Their own words.

But she did not know the system translation of Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, and there was no problem in understanding her words.

The moment she spoke, she connected her starlings to detonate Lou Yuan's mind again. The last thing they should do is show Shi Lingxi's intention to kill. Shi Lingxi is Lou Yuan's unrelenting inverse scale.

"Since you don't want to speak, you don't need to speak any more," Shi Lingxi put away with a curious look, and her voice was cold. His words were off, and Lou Yuan once again settled the remaining nine starlings.

The bird's body linked to the car body was broken together, and the 12 walls of the glass car became star points, revealing the Lord inside, but to everyone's surprise, there was no longer a handsome man, but a four The five-year-old boy sat with an oval mirror and closed his eyes.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan. The breath on him was strong, and there was an urge to bow to him.

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan were still sitting calmly. Shi Lingxi met his eyes, he asked, "Can you answer my question?"

"Mainline branch task 3 is complete! Mainline branch task 4: Obtain relevant information from the mirror boy ..." The system not only issued the task again, it also proactively gave out some information about the mirror boy.

"Mirror child, special life form, age: 36 minutes and 42 seconds, the fifth grade, with the power of time and space."

Wupin's later cultivation was enough to crush the city, even Lou Yuan was not his opponent.

However, Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi are still calm. First, they did not feel any killing intention from the mirror boy, and then he and Shi Lingxi have carefully studied the notes left by Tan Yuanshan. Brings real and substantial danger.

Jingtong jumped from the seat of the sedan chair. He looked at Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, took a few steps forward, and then he bowed, "Jingtong meets his master."

The person he worshiped was Lou Yuan. Although Shi Lingxi took a shot, it was Lou Yuan that caused 90% of the damage to the 12 starlings, so the host he really worshiped was also Lou Yuan.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi stared at each other. He and Shi Lingxi were still sitting still. He said, "Come here."

Jing Tong approached holding the mirror, and then he did not have any resistance, so Lou Yuan left a mark in his mind.

His eyes are clean and pure, like a newborn ignorant child, and he is also rapidly gathering information to grow, but Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi's fruit has never given him too much time for self-growth. Within an hour, they just Conquered him with violence.

Shi Lingxi looked at Jingtong carefully, squeezed his hands on his white tender face, and finally resisted the impulse to thoroughly examine Jingtong's body. He and Lou Yuan got up and took Jingtong back to the main city. One big slapstick in the early morning ended completely.

Ordinary devotionals and abilities have doubled their sense of security in their future activities in Jincheng and Beicheng. They have doubled their confidence in the last days, and holy places and family members are deeply afraid of it. Shelves.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi brought Jingtong back to the city's main mansion. The excitement these people could see was over.

"What happened to those 12 birds and dummy?"

Shi Lingxi asked Xiang Jingtong, and squeezed his face again, soft and slightly addicted.

Lou Yuan glanced over and Shi Lingxi shoved his hand back into Lou Yuan's palm again. He bent his eyes and smiled at Lou Yuan.

"He is also your master. You have to listen to him," Lou Yuan ordered his first order to Jingtong, but Jingtong wanted to correct his attitude towards Shi Lingxi.

Jing Tong nodded, and his eyes turned to Shi Lingxi again, and answered Shi Lingxi's question, "The body of the starling is sealed with the keys of the holy realm, defeat them, and you and the master will get the keys."

Jingtong answered, but only half of the questions were answered.

However, Shi Lingxi guessed the other half of the answer by himself, "You mean that the 12 people are not important at all, or that they did not have to appear at all, and they used special methods to let them use golden feather prostheses. Appeared on a starling? "

The mirror boy nodded again. "They are fake hairs."

In Jingtong's eyes, these men and women are not considered humans at all. They are special feathers on boobies.

Later, without careful cross-examination by Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, Jing Tong said everything he knew.

Every time a brand new continent appears in the holy realm, the holy city will automatically generate a mirror of time and space, linking the new continent and the holy city. The mirror child is a spiritual body in the realm of space and time, a kind of special life.

It has its own mission, some recognize the Lord, some do not recognize the Lord, it is more like a process.

As for the extra 12 people, they are like Trojan horses that have exploited program loopholes. In this way, they influence the ownership of qualification keys and mirror boys, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling Xinzhou.

To obtain the key in the long past, you only need to defeat the starling. Whoever has the highest combat strength will have a certain chance of being recognized by the mirror boy. Now that boobies have been exploited, it is up to these men and women to decide who gets the key to eligibility, and they determine the future destiny of Xinzhou.

The use of the qualification key is not complicated. The 12 people who obtained the qualification key can enter the Holy Realm through the mirror boy, where they can fight for the sovereignty of Xinzhou and obtain more resources.

"... The master needs to enter the Holy Realm within the next month to obtain absolute sovereignty over Xinzhou. Xinzhou, which has full sovereignty, has 3-10 years of war immunity."

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan both looked at the mirror boy with a weird look. They faced the mirror boy and had the illusion of facing the system. It's just that Jingtong's strength level is high, and the system needs Shi Lingxi to help it upgrade a little.

"Mainline branch task 4 is completed! Mainline branch task 5: Assemble a team of 12 people ..."

Jing Tong's eyes suddenly raised, staying on Shi Lingxi for a while, then he held the mirror and continued to kneel in front of Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, quiet and obedient.

Read The Duke's Passion