MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 119 "Ayuan, I will have all the vegetables at home in the future!"

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"The matter of qualification keys, we will not discuss it until they agree."

Shi Lingxi tilted his head to look at Lou Yuan. He reached out and put all these papers aside. These papers were a surprise test on them. What they are good at is clear in the papers, avoiding many temptations and survey.

"My stream is so smart," Lou Yuan couldn't help but compliment Shi Lingxi. Tan Yuanshan's notes were envious, jealous and jealous of Shi Lingxi, not without reason. His family Shi Lingxi originally had such capital.

Cleverness doesn't show off cleverness. Instead, he uses them on the right path. When he encounters Shi Lingxi, he can have the help of Shi Lingxi, which is the luck of him and the base. Except for repaying Shi Lingxi himself, Lou Yuan could not think of anything else.

Shi Lingxi heard that his cheeks were red. He didn't think it was worthy of praise. He leaned sideways to Lou Yuan's shoulder and exhaled softly. "I'm afraid I don't think well enough, what should I leave? Hidden dangers. "

Shi Lingxi now regrets it a bit, it was too easy to kill Tan Yuanshan at that time. The notes are notes. If he can talk with Tan Yuanshan in person, he should get more information. Those are key information that Tan Yuanshan himself did not pay attention to.

But this feeling of regret and regret disappeared in a flash. In general, Tan Yuanshan's life still caused more harm than good. Compared with those pity, he didn't like Tan Yuanshan to jump in front of him, and said something inexplicable. Heartfelt words.

"No, it is. We will work together at that time."

Lou Yuan patted Shi Lingxi's back lightly, and he was also afraid that Shi Lingxi thought too much and was too distressing. Even he himself cannot be foolproof. Shi Lingxi has done all things well enough.

Shi Lingxi nodded slightly, the corner of his mouth was slightly bent, he took Lou Yuan's hold on his waist and took it to his stomach, and he whispered, "So hungry, what are you eating today? Okay? "

"There is rabbit meat in the refrigerator at home. I'll give you barbecue, okay?" Lou Yuan thought about a circle of Shi Lingxi who loves to eat and hasn't been tired, which is these roast rabbit meat.

"Okay," Shi Lingxi looked up, nodded earnestly, and leaned back into Lou Yuan's arms.

He thought, if one day, what he and Lou Yuan are upset about is eating and drinking, all right ...

And for this day, they must continue to work harder now.

A few people from Wang Ning went back and considered for a day. At the same time the next day, they came over and came in to sign contracts with Shi Lingxi and pressed their fingerprints.

"The college start date is tentatively scheduled for January 1st of the new year. You just need to give me the written plan of the subjects to be opened in the first semester of next year before the 1st."

Shi Lingxi put away the agreement that Wang Ning signed for him. It should be noted that the agreement was clearly listed in the agreement. He said that the agreement had not been mentioned.

"Faculty dormitories are allocated, you can apply if you need them. Now, if you have any questions, you can also ask me."

"If my Wang family also wants to join the family of the college, what procedures do they need to do?" Wang Ning could not refuse those benefits given by Shi Lingxi, but as a family owner, he also wanted to win some benefits for the family.

"The college has plans to recruit a group of students both internally and externally. If you want to come in, you can sign up at that time. Of course, if it means that you don't need to be assessed ... As a lecturer, I can give you two Places. "

Shi Lingxi gave a light answer to Wang Ning's question. He set up a primary school for Wang Beibei at the Beicheng base. Naturally, they must consider the issue of their further studies. The colleges of higher education are already in the process of preparation. Wang Ning's people.

"The lecturer has the rules of the lecturer, and the students have the rules of the students. Even if the people from the family and the Holy Land come to my college to study, they must obey the arrangement of Lou Yuan and me. If they can't, Teacher Wang still needs to consider carefully."

Wang Ning thought for a moment, he nodded and said that it was acceptable, and this is also the case, Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan could not completely let them take advantage, especially these people obviously could not provide Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan after graduation. Used.

"I have no problem with the college," Wang Ning said in a tone and stared at Shi Lingxi. He didn't really like Shi Lingxi's faint and alienated feeling towards him. They were once considered teammates and friends. .

"I have a ... private question and want to ask you."

"You ask," Shi Lingxi still looked calm. Although his awakened blood was a fox, he was also a recognizable fox. He identified Lou Yuan. He will not change in his next life. It is impossible for him to climb. The wall.

"When you leave, I have the jade sent to you ... is it still there?"

Wang Ning consciously never spoke like this, and at this moment his mood was more inquisitive as he asked.

After all, he still hopes that he will be different to Shi Lingxi. Now it is no different, but at least he has been different.

Shi Lingxi heard a look of surprise in her expression, "Jade Pei? I did not receive any jade Pei."

The old men were very vigilant against him. If Wang Ning let them transfer it to him, it would be impossible for him to get it. Shi Lingxi has no regrets about this.

"Give me jade, you might as well send me a few more packets of biscuits."

Shi Lingxi didn't think it was necessary for Wang Ning's cowardice, and he didn't even think it was a good thing to continue to let Wang Ning think about him. His family, A Yuan, was jealous, and he would not bear it.

"Wang Ning," Shi Lingxi said, leaning back, his calm eyes and Wang Ning looked at each other without any emotions. "Past, now, and in the future, I can't like you."

Shi Lingxi's cold look, when he remembered Lou Yuan, was much warmer. He seriously told, "The only thing in the world that I can like is Lou Yuan. When he dies, I will die with it. "

"Please don't like me anymore."

"Like ..." Wang Ning muttered the word. Did he like Shi Lingxi's emotions that he had been unable to release? It's a pity that he understood too late. The person he likes has already agreed with other lives, leaving him no chance.

"I know, I won't make you feel troubled," Wang Ning and Shi Lingxi looked at each other again, their eyes were a little complicated.

"That's good," Shi Lingxi nodded, and glanced at the small clock pendulum. There were two people behind Wang Ning to see. There wasn't so much time to delay him.

Wang Ning wasn't the kind of faceless person either. He picked up the agreement that belonged to him, got up, bowed slightly to the city chief and dean of Shi Lingxi, and left the office with a calm face.

After him, Shi Lingxi saw Jiang Ying and Song Shucheng again, and 10 people had all met. Ten agreements were filed and put away.

He got up, walked to the window, and glanced down. Zhu Nier, Jiang Ying, and Long Chongyun looked at Lou Yuan, who returned from hunting on the seashore, with excitement.

So Shi Lingxi felt that he had forgotten to add the most important clause to the agreement.

Anyone who dares to seduce Lou Yuan, or should have no thoughts about Lou Yuan, dismisses everything else and directly dismisses!

Shi Lingxi held his arms for a while and saw Lou Yuan lift his eyes to look up. He squinted his eyes for a while, turned back to his desk, and began to re-draft the agreement. Then he asked Shen Jun to call everyone back and start again. sign!

"Don't want to sign?" Shi Lingxi squinted his eyes, shocked to a few people who didn't know what to say. He looked colder. "If you don't want to sign, don't force it, you must do it.

Wang Ning took a deep breath. He first picked up his pen and signed the new agreement. How could he have thought of Lou Yuan, but Shi Lingxi was so jealous and so concerned about Lou Yuan that it surprised and saddened him.

He took the lead, and the others were helpless and still had to sign. As for whether they are unwilling, the city of these people will not show that Shi Lingxi will remember him in particular.

Shi Lingxi got the new agreement signed and confirmed it again. He nodded and raised his hand again to signal that they could leave.

Lou Yuan came in shortly after they left. He stared at Shi Lingxi for a while, and asked softly, "What's wrong? Who made you angry?" Dare to make Shi Lingxi angry, he didn't mind spending some time in person Lessons learned.

Shi Lingxi himself drank a sea of ​​inexplicable vinegar, and now he has settled himself with the new agreement. He feels more wayward, but he does not regret it.

He pulled out the new amount of the agreement and showed Lou Yuan a frown. "Of course I believe you, but I don't like them to be too close to you." Especially when he was not with Lou Yuan, he didn't like them any more. Minato Louhara approached.

Shi Lingxi continued to raise his brows. He certainly knew that this might cause unnecessary trouble to Lou Yuan, but this was the truest feeling in his heart, and he didn't want to hide from Lou Yuan.

Lou Yuan raised his hand and rubbed Shi Lingxi's eyebrows, he said in a deep voice, "It won't happen anymore, I promise."

In his eyes, Jiang Ying Zhu Nier and others were no different from ordinary soldiers. He didn't know whether Shi Lingxi would care, or so. Now that he knew, he wouldn't give Shi Lingxi such trouble again.

Shi Lingxi raised his eyes and looked at Lou Yuan. He had no idea that Lou Yuan would give him such a response and assurance. Therefore, in this world, he only likes Lou Yuan, and only loves Lou Yuan.

"A Yuan ..." Shi Lingxi called, leaning into Lou Yuan's arms, but couldn't help but hum his head.

"I'm here," Lou Yuan hugged Shi Lingxi, sniffed into the side of Shi Lingxi's neck. It was a kind of light and smelling medicine.

"I love you," Shi Lingxi said softly. He and Lou Yuan didn't usually say it except for the confession that was systematically facilitated. But now, he wants to tell Lou Yuan again.

"Lou Yuan, I love you."

"I love you too," Lou Yuan said, holding Shi Lingxi's strength was getting lighter, and he was afraid that Shi Lingxi felt uncomfortable when he didn't control his strength when he was excited.

"I know, Ahara, you are so nice."

Shi Lingxi bent his eyes, but couldn't help but look like a small animal, and stunned and looked at Lou Yuan.

Lou Yuan took Shi Lingxi to the chair, he gently walked along the back of Shi Lingxi, and gave him a smooth tail. He knew that Shi Lingxi was suddenly so nervous, in part because of the coming Holy Realm. Trip.

Facing the unknown, he was concerned about him. Even he couldn't help but be nervous. Shi Lingxi cared about him so much.

They whispered and hugged each other.

The day to go to the holy realm is set for November 20th, which is the day after tomorrow, the arrangement that should be made. They have done it early. It is not necessary to continue busy now.

The ownership of the qualification key was selected among these 10 people. Wang Ning didn't need him to prompt them, they would do their own preparations, and it was not necessary to talk about it.

After appeasing Shi Lingxi's emotions, Lou Yuan took Shi Lingxi home, and soon after, they brought Wang Beibei, Tong Tong and Dahuang Qingqing Gold and Silver, and they took the train back to the base of Beicheng.

They went to see Lao He first, then went to the research center to see Lao Meng, and then they returned to their home in Beicheng.

"Living one day, Minger will go back again," Lou Yuan made a decision, then leaned down and gently wiped the tip of Shi Lingxi's nose. He got up and tied an apron, began to do sanitary cleaning, cleaned up the house, and let Shi Ling Brook lives comfortably.

Shi Lingxi got up and kissed Lou Yuan on the cheek. He took two dolls and three to pick vegetables in the yard's nursery. They did not live at home. After the nursery used the regular watering equipment, the vegetables and grains did not die, but they also grew. It's too wild.

I encountered a big change in the world before, and it was estimated that I had cleared it up. Now the long ones are the roots themselves and they are taking the lead. A cauliflower is as large as a well, and the land on one side is crowded with that mess.

"Huh! It's more pleasing to the eye," Shi Lingxi's face flushed with redness, and she finally cleared up the vegetable plot.

He looked back, Wang Beibei and Tong Tong looked up, Wang Beibei's eyes were full of worship, Tong Tong's gaze was faint, but this was much more vivid than when he first arrived.

"Just put those into the basket ..."

Shi Lingxi pointed to the vegetables he thought he could eat, and asked Wang Beibei and Tongtong to put away.

Shi Lingxi also leaned over and grabbed a grain of seed. He was silent for a moment, and the nine foxtails came out together. After a while, the seed sprouts and sprouts in his palm. Ten minutes later, a green barley leaf was on him. Palm molding.

The raw foxtail he had never figured out was aimed at the power of plant growth.

What the wood-based abilities might not be able to do, Shi Lingxi did just that.

Shi Lingxi blinked and blinked. He tilted his head to look at Wang Beibei and Tongtong, and nodded gently, "Ah, we have fresh vegetables at any time in the future ..."

In the summer, he can be an air conditioner. In the winter, he can warm up his body, get hungry, and produce vegetables and grains ... he should be able to count as a decathlon. It really is ... there is no shortage of omnipotence.

Shi Lingxi no longer cares about Wang Beibei's strange and adoring eyes. He quickly returned to the living room, and then switched to the underground storehouse. He took out four or five frozen alien plants and started experimenting with one.

He needs only a little rhizome to produce the e-level alienated plant. One plant takes 1 hour, and the D-level and c-level can also be induced. The time is relatively long, but the time required for the B-level and A-level is On a monthly basis, the S-level estimate is only nourishing.

But even this is enough to surprise Shi Lingxi.

He cuddled his foxtail rare, and Lou Yuan took off his apron and sat over. Shi Lingxi hugged it happily, but within three seconds, he let go of his baby's foxtail and hugged Lou. Original.

"Ayuan, I will have all the vegetables at home in the future!"

Shi Lingxi said raising his jaw, that pride, that domineering.

The rhubarb outside shook his ears, and his head on the edge of the window couldn't help but be biased, saying whether their fox ancestors were domineering and wrong.

Lou Yuan embraced Shi Lingxi with one hand and raised the other. Shi Lingxi leaned to the side and sent her tail to Lou Yuan's palm.

Lou Yuan consciously shoved Shi Lingxi, and he nodded, "Well, you've got it."

Shi Lingxi has long been a real baby. He thought about it, and wrapped his hands around Shi Lingxi's knee nest. She will continue to be rare and happy Shi Lingxi. She picked it up and walked upstairs to the bedroom. go with.

He walked and said, "Let's go back to the room and double-check?"

Shi Lingxi reached out to embrace Lou Yuan's neck, he nodded gently, "Okay." It was too intimate in the living room. It was not suitable for Wang Beibei and Tongtong. Ah Yuan was right to return to the room. it is good.

So this time around, it was not until 5 o'clock in the afternoon that it was time to cook. Lou Yuan appeared alone.

In this way, Jingtong couldn't help showing a little speechlessness, probably when he acknowledged the Lord, he did not expect that his master would have such a loving lover.