MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 128 On the revenge of the two dolls is not terrible ...

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Captain Black Hair is very unwilling. If he had a single battle with Lou Yuan when he first entered the flames, it would definitely not be that he was being beaten by Lou Yuan now. Instead, he would rely on his strong background to directly defeat Lou The original crackdown.

Now, he looked at Lou Yuan's elixir without sending holy coins into his mouth, and his hair was exploding.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Tian Ling, do you know who I am? It hurts me a hair, and the entire Crescent Tower will chase you to the ends of the earth!"

Xinyuelou is an assassination organization. In the holy city, some ancient forces would not want to mess with them, but now Lou Yuan could not help but start to threaten him with harsh words.

Lou Yuan was expressionless. Yin Hui was cold in his eyes, and even sneered, he responded to Captain Black Hair. He shot a silver sword in the silver mirror, and even the belt flesh directly scraped off a large piece of skin on Cap Black Hair. .

One hair ... Lou Yuan's scratch, hundreds of hairs were obtained.

Lou Yuan didn't find it exciting to be proud of Captain Black Hair. He thought clearly in his look and gained something.

He has always restricted his fixed thinking. Before the basic spiritual decision was practiced, his mental power could only act on the brain or nucleus of the living body. After the mental power was converted into spiritual thought, he still felt the same.

Obviously, his spiritual effects do not stop there.

Lou Yuan's eyes closed slowly, and spiritual thoughts spread from him.

Captain Hei Mao stared at Lou Yuan, trying to find Lou Yuan's flaws and sneak attacks. There was another idea of ​​running away. When he hesitated, a boulder floated behind Lou Yuan, and then another boulder floated up. .

A few moments later, tens of thousands of megaliths were suspended, Lou Yuan opened his eyes, Yinhui in his eyes was strong again, and then all these megaliths smashed at him at an unbelievably fast speed, and in a blink of an eye he was surrounded by his front and back.

Captain Heimao retreated while evading, and his fear was even greater. As the fighting time lengthened, Lou Yuan was growing at a terrible speed, and it was so terrible that he could support the spiritual thought of tens of thousands of boulder.

Hei Mao added a black token to his opponent. He took a deep look at Lou Yuan and the black hole that was not visible at the bottom. He no longer hesitated, crushed it directly, and a black aura engulfed him.

"Heavenly spirit, wait for Xinyuelou's endless pursuit."

Endlessly, it means that Lou Yuan has no hiding place where he hides.

He no longer looked at Lou Yuan, but his expression suddenly froze. The indifference in his eyes was replaced by fear for a moment, and he heard a cold and certain voice, "Burst!"

Tens of thousands of flying boulders exploded at the same time. Two identical boys held round mirrors facing each other from the north to the south, holding in time and space. Nine Yanlongs rushed from the ground and oppressed in the opposite direction.

If the black-haired captain is willing to accompany Lou Yuan to continue fighting, he can leave him more time to live. He wants to escape, but also flees with this idea. Lou Yuan does not agree, the two mirror boys do not agree, and Shi Lingxi does not agree. !!

The little fox with nine tails flew out of Yandong and landed directly in Lou Yuan's arms.

Shi Lingxi's eyes swept towards the continuous vomiting blood, and Captain Heimao who died shortly afterwards had only a simple word, "Dead!"

Jiuyan Yanlong exploded in the vicinity of Captain Black Hair, incidentally exploding his bones into slag, and then melted by the terrible high temperature of Yanlong together. He stared at Shi Lingxi with burning eyes, until he died. The eager stubbornness did not disappear.

Holy Spirit, looking at it is the Holy Spirit of fire!

Captain Heimao died, but the black light that had caught him still did not dissipate, and Shi Aiyi and Lou Tongtong couldn't hold it with the mirror light, still leaving it empty.

Mu Sheng didn't have time to be happy, his face turned pale again, murmured, "It's over, it's over."

Long Chongyun patted his hand on Mu Sheng's shoulder. He approached the whisper but said with certainty, "There is a chief and a city owner, and nothing can be done. Isn't it a crescent building? Who is not necessarily hunting? . "

Long Chongyun felt the strength of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi, and this belief has never been stronger.

He grinned at Mu Sheng. "You have to learn to trust the chief and the city master."

Mu Sheng looked at Long Chongyun, and then looked at the two masters standing like gods in the air. He nodded gently, "Huh ..."

He looked at Long Chongyu again, with a smile on his face, "Thank you."

Without waiting for Long Chongyun's response, he quickly ran to the place where Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi flew down to greet him, and informed the information of the new moon building he knew.

The inner circle members in the Crescent Building have seven levels, and each level holds different tokens, white, blue, blue, black, silver, gold, and purple. The lower the number, the better the treatment in the Crescent Building.

Captain Hei Mao, but in the initial repair of Qipin, he can have a black iron order. His position in Xinyuelou is not ordinary. It is most likely that he was cultivated by a big guy in Xinyuelou. When he died, he was absolutely Someone held to the end.

"Master, the adult behind you is best to communicate with the owner of the Crescent Building first and let him resolve the person behind Mao Guren."

Mu Sheng's eyes looked at Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, afraid to disperse, rationally gathered, and more and more felt that his previous guess was right. There is definitely a big guy behind Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan to support him. Cloud trusts them so much.

And he has to learn to trust Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi, and their promise that they will not sell him.

"Mao Guren ... his name is so ugly," Shi Lingxi groaned in Lou Yuan's arms, and praised Lou Yuan again, "still A Yuan and I will take the name."

Lou Yuan gently walked along Shi Lingxi's tail and said "um" before he looked at Mu Sheng again.

"Mu Sheng, there is no one behind Xiaoxi and me. He said that the constitution of me and Xiaoxi must die, no matter who is behind him."

After that, Lou Yuan didn't stop. He hugged Shi Lingxi and continued to jump to the edge of Yandong.

At the last juncture, he chose not to suppress it anymore, and he had already broken through the early stage of Qipin. Now he needs some time to consolidate the breakthrough and summarize the gains from this battle.

His spiritual thoughts can carry objects, and any spiritual objects can be carried, including spiritual mirrors, including any spiritual objects. A spirit artifact Lou Yuan didn't think it would be better than direct attack by spiritual thought, but now that his mind is open, he can attack tens of thousands of spirit artifacts together.

In the future, Lou Yuan was afraid that he could scare his opponents silly without starting to fight.

Lou Yuan hugged Shi Lingxi and sat in a cave practiced by the Fire Crow King in the past. He looked down at Shi Lingxi, which allowed Shun Mao to sleep almost. He picked up Shi Lingxi, Kiss on the ear.

"I'm here. The stream wants to sleep."

"Hmm ..." Shi Lingxi snorted, his eyelids closed completely, and he wrapped himself in Lou Yuan's arms, whimpering and falling asleep. For a moment, he was too greedy, and he was really sleepy.

Lou Yuan kept Shunxi Shun Mao until he fell asleep completely, and then he stopped Shun Mao's move and began to adjust his interest rate to consolidate the practice after the breakthrough.

Shi Lingxi fell asleep for nearly two days, and by the way, also digested the special spiritual fluids that she drank. He opened his eyes and continued to rub in Lou Yuan's arms for a while before he jumped out and turned back into a half-demon form.

"I'll go out and see, I'll be back in a while."

Shi Lingxi sat on her knees, then leaned out of her body, kissed on Yuan Yuan's lips, and stunned again.

He got up and walked a few steps, Lou Yuan opened his eyes and closed again, but at this time a silver spiritual thread followed Shi Lingxi, and wrapped around Shi Lingxi's wrist.

Shi Lingxi tilted his head and glanced at his wrist, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, his footsteps became more brisk.

Soon after he came out, he saw a fire crow on patrol. He couldn't stop it. It called "ah" twice, and then quieted for two days.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a w before the holy emperor woke up and met the holy emperor! Really hilarious!

"City master, here," Sun Yu immediately came to hear the movement, and consciously led the way to Shi Lingxi, a few strange smiles appeared on his face, indicating that he was waiting for the next scene.

Shi Lingxi nodded and glanced at Sun Yu's smile. He raised his eyebrow slightly, "What did you ask?"

Sun Yu heard that she took a note out of the cuff bag and gave it to Shi Lingxi. Inside, they questioned the information obtained by the captives in the past few days.

Of course, directly interrogating their own team will certainly not be able to ask anything, but letting them expose other teams, few will really keep them, one or two, the situation of these teams, let Sun Yu control them all.

"A lot of fat sheep ..." Sun Yu said with his eyes lighted, waiting for Shi Lingxi to scrape a thick layer of oil from those people.

"There are 37 teams directly or indirectly connected with the Holy City forces, 267 of the strong continent races, and the remaining 187 teams of relatively little value."

The third situation is less than the second situation, not that these teams are not many in the flames, but that they are more aware of their strengths, and fled to the periphery as soon as they noticed something wrong, or rushed to the transfer point and left. This escaped the fate of the captives.

The top and middle teams, apart from very few teams, basically let Shi Lingxi catch them.

As Shi Lingxi quickly flipped through the notes and followed Sun Yu's footsteps, they arrived at the temporary prison guarded by the old Fire Horned Beast King and the Fire Raven King himself. This place was originally used to accumulate fire crow bird dung.

Now the bird droppings can't be seen, and a pair of vigilant and hateful eyes are staring out. Shi Lingxi appears, and these eyes are also strong.

The arrival of Shi Lingxi, Shi Aiyi, Lou Tongtong and Long Chongyun, Mu Sheng also came over. They didn't do anything else, first gave Shi Lingxi a neat carpet, chairs, fruit tray, thoughtful like Shi Lingxi came to see the performance.

Shi Lingxi sat down, and the Fire Raven King again brought in a cup of spiritual fluid.

Shi Lingxi completely shielded those eyes. He continued to flip through Sun Yu's collated notes. Ten minutes later, he closed his notebook and looked at it with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"His ..." The sound of breathing down one after another, at this time, he still could not resist the shocking Shi Lingxi who had harmed them so far.

From the temperament of the Holy Spirit to the flawless features, at this moment they could not think of any better-looking race than Shi Lingxi. But the stunning mood lasted only a short while, and they gritted their teeth again.

"Now I'll announce your ransom, pay it earlier, and I'll let you go earlier."

Shi Lingxi said as he continued to bend his eyes, his look became warmer and better, as if he was saying something good and harmless.

"Five million SGD at the beginning of Liupin, 10 million SGD at the middle of Liupin, 20 million SGD at the end of Liupin, 40 million SGD at the beginning of Qipin, 60 million SGD at the middle of Qipin , 90 million St. coins in the later period of the seventh grade. "

He continued to flutter out staggering numbers, and by the way persuaded, "Sacred Yuan coins can still be earned, and there is only one life."

After the captives in the pit were shocked, their eyes were red, millions of millions ... The purchasing power of the holy coin in the Holy Realm is quite high. Shi Lingxi shouted such a sky-high price, so that they even took out their underwear to pay the ransom. Come on.

"You're crazy! Did you commit anger? Do you know? Everyone shouts in the holy realm in the future, but don't hurry to let us go."

A young man with red lips and white teeth, but his face was blushing with Shi Lingxi's eyes, stared at Shi Lingxi, his expression had a unique pride, but then, he let a huge pile of feces falling from the sky from his head to his feet.

"Nausea ..." He retched, and everyone around him avoided him.

Shi Lingxi glanced at him, his expression remained unchanged, and he nodded gently, "You don't have to."

After that, Shi Lingxi had one more fan in his hand, and he turned toward the youth.

A black and white flame fanned out, and then fluttered on the young man. The young man had not recovered from his disgusting spirit, but turned into a mist of blood directly in the sight of many captives, and completely integrated with bird droppings. This led to that One look looked more startling.

"Who else is unwilling to say together, lest I have a pain in the hands." Shi Lingxi said, fanning herself twice, with graceful manners, and a unique style of beings, making people timid.

Shi Lingxi didn't blink. He had caught so many people here, and threatening Shi Lingxi with a situation that hadn't happened didn't work.

Twenty minutes later, someone finally couldn't help but say, "Five million is too much ..."

Shi Lingxi's eyes accurately fell on the person who spoke, almost scaring him to the ground.

Shi Lingxi fanned himself again, as if thinking about it, he nodded, "Okay, I'll give you a 10% discount, 4.5 million yuan, can't be less."

"Okay, okay ..." The man nodded subconsciously. When the magic robe of his body was caught, Sun Yu and Long Chongyun were taken away by them, but there was no special space for storing supplies. Search out.

Various elixir and the achievements of the previous level maps, the valuation on the spot barely collected 4.5 million yuan, and then he was mentioned by Sun Yu alone on the side where Shi Lingxi is located.

"Me, can I go?" He looked at Shi Lingxi, his heart trembled faintly, fearing that Shi Lingxi would get another moth, and if things were given, people would still be unable to walk.

Shi Lingxi heard the words and looked at Sun Yu. Sun Yu nodded, and he nodded.

Then Shi Lingxi raised his hand again, and the stone wall behind him melted, and there was another space inside, which was a teleportation point.

In the past few days, Shi Ai and Lou Tongtong, with the help of Fire Horned Beasts and Fire Crows, are working on this teleportation point.

The lattice points completely engraved the teleportation pattern recorded at the gathering point that day, but they also need some people to do some experiments to determine the accurate coordinates and the most accurate coordinate calculation method, and these people are the best. Experimental Materials.

Shi Lingxi counted to such an extent that only Lou Yuan dared to love, and Sun Yu sighed in a pair that the city leader and the chief were born in a pair, and immediately went to work.

The man stood at the corner of the teleportation position, and then brought together 12 people. Shi Aiyi and Lou Tongtong started the teleportation formation.

Several fire crystals were broken, and they were teleported out of this flame cave, but they were not teleported out of the flames of fire. Where did they go, let alone Shi Lingxi, Shi Aiyi and Lou Tongtong were still blind.

But on this point, they did not have any look leaked out, all the eyes watching in the dung pit appeared with the fluctuation of space, and the disappearance of 12 people was completely settled.

Shi Lingxi's shouting price was indeed high enough to make them want to vomit blood, but after all, there was no promise, after all, the transmission point was true.

Indeed, Shengyuan Coin can still earn another life. There is only one life. When they go out, they have the opportunity to let Shi Lingxi return the profit.

After several leaders took the lead, there were more and more people in Songkou. The price shouted by Shi Lingxi was just the bottom line they could bear. The meat hurts, but it will not come out. Of course, there are a few that are not enough. Lingxi also provided them with ideas.

"You can borrow it or grab it."

The poison he has refined has sealed their spirit veins, but the physical fighting ability is still there. Especially at this time, it is not impossible to knock down Qipin in the early period of Liupin.

Shi Lingxi looked at it with interest, and from time to time he would give a few people a few words. The fighting scene also became more **** and fierce as he said, and it looked pretty good, it also seemed that Shi Lingxi was getting worse and colder. .

"Master, let's go early," the little man suggested to his master that their team's reputation was extremely bad. When the situation develops, they are likely to be criticized.

The man in black took a deep look at Shi Lingxi, but the **** lacking two pieces of meat still hurt a lot, but his heart's enthusiasm for Shi Lingxi remained the same. He nodded, "Someday ..." He asked Let Shi Lingxi kneel at his feet!

But when their team paid the ransom, the feeling of bleeding was particularly obvious. Hundreds of millions of spiritual materials and sacred coins were handed over. Even the black people with quite a long history will be poor in the future. time.

After Sun Yu and Long Chongyun and Mu Sheng collected the huge amount of spiritual materials they provided, Sun Yu stepped forward and said with a smile, "We have been ordered by our master before, some of you have chased us, no A discount, and you have to pay an extra 100 million mental loss. "

The "special loss fee" of the earth's specialty, men in black have never heard of it, but looking at Sun Yu's posture, they just fixed them, his eyes were slightly sharp, and the little man beside him pulled him again.

"Master, you are close to the expiry date, and you will never delay going back."

The dwarf man was telling the truth. The men in black swallowed their stomachs, and they continued to supply Shi Lingxi with more than 100 million sky price from the team, so they were invited to the transmission line.

The lineup started, and the insightful black man's eyes burst into light, but he forgot that his spirit vein had sealed Shi Lingxi, and he didn't react at all, and they let the teleport go.

The man in black originally hated Shi Lingxi very much. It suddenly surged to twelve points, and the hate was indescribable.

This teleportation passed him directly to a map of nothingness that had been abandoned in the Holy Realm for nearly a million years. There was a way, no way back, and the miserable future was waiting for him.

Shi Aiyi and Lou Tongtong looked at each other, they had a tacit understanding in each other's eyes, they just sent it to the corner of the man in black, and he didn't pay for it.

The vengeful power of the two dolls is not terrible ... The man in black and his team may not return until hundreds of years later, and then give the answer.

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