MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 140 Not for others, but also for the task of showing affection.

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On the fifth day of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi's return to Jincheng, they took the woman in black on the train and returned to the same long-lost Beicheng. They first went to the military headquarters for a circle. Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan took The woman in black went to Shi's old house.

Even if she hadn't brought her, Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan had to return home to take a look.

Turning around, there was nothing touching from the look of the woman in black, but the breath on her body was a little more stable than before, which was different, and it was already the answer that Shi Lingxi wanted.

Shi Lingxi took Lou Yuan to stay in his grandfather's study for a while, and there was a little relief on his face, "Grandpa, my aunt found it ..."

Shortly after the death of Grandpa Shi, his youngest daughter, Shi Yu, went missing. This has always been a heartache for Shi Lingxi. He always felt that he did not take good care of his grandpa's daughter.

Now he finally brought Shi Yu home.

Lou Yuan didn't say anything, but his company was the most important comfort for Shi Lingxi.

When they came out of the yard, Shi Lingxi looked towards the door. He looked up at Lou Yuan again, and Lou Yuan took Shi Lingxi's waist, and a ray of light rolled over the woman in black. They returned directly from Shi Zhai to Lou. House.

This momentary distance shift is nothing to Lou Yuan now. For those who do not want to see Shi Lingxi, Lou Yuan will never force it, not to mention Shi Lingxi's initiative to ask.

In Beicheng until eight or nine in the evening, Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi and the woman in black flew back to Jincheng.

The distance between the two cities is not long. They will fly at a normal speed for three or four minutes. If Shi Lingxi wants to experience the new train again, they can fly directly when they go.

On the twentieth day of their return, Sun Yu and Xiong Kun abducted by him first completed the task of cleaning up their area and returned to Jincheng to report to Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi.

"... Boss, Lord, what other tasks do you say, promise to complete!"

Sun Yu held Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi very hard to brush their favor.

But his heart was bitter. He knew that he would look after the bear. He should n’t have reserved all kinds of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi at the beginning, which caused him to have a bad impression on them. Xiong Kun is still alert to him now. .

Now, he is also a little worried that Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi are not optimistic about him and disagree with him and Xiong Kun. These two will not be able to make trouble, but they are not optimistic. Xiong Kun is estimated to be able to continue to be tame with him.

Shi Lingxi lifted his eyes and glanced at Sun Yu and Xiong Kun. After a moment of groaning, he commanded, "Go and help Ai Ai and Tong Tong. Brother Xiong will retreat to the training room. If he doesn't practice to the seventh grade, he is not allowed to go out.

Sun Yu was still groaning, and Xiong Kun, who was suddenly named, immediately responded with a military ceremony, "Yes!"

Subsequently, Xiong Kun standard one turned backwards and left the office directly. Sun Yu who was dumbfounded faced Shi Lingxi.

"Yes ... Yes," Sun Yu scratched his head, his face a bit cracked, and he asked a little embarrassedly, "City Lord, can I go to the retreat to see the big bear?"

Over the past six months, Xiong Kun has only practiced until the third stage of Sanpin, and the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to cultivate Xiong Kun to seven grades and less, it will take ten or twenty years. Years ...

Sun Yu was puzzled, but Xiong Kun didn't resist and didn't ask much. He didn't dare to resist and had to ask more.

Shi Lingxi naturally knew what Sun Yu was worried about. He gently tapped his fingertips on the desk case, which made Sun Yu's heart dazzling ... Shi Lingxi would not want to be so separated, and Xiong Kun was right. That kind of favor for him ...

"I, I, I'll go to Ai Ai and they help ..."

Sun Yu said a gift, and when he turned and walked away, the voice of Shi Lingxi came again.

"In and out once a month, you can choose to see Brother Xiong at that time."

Shi Lingxi did not mean that Sun Yu and Xiong Kun were hard to understand, but that he and Lou Yuan had limited research on the stone of time and space. He could only adjust the proportion of time in the special space opened by Lou Yuan to accommodate a limited number of people. Feel free to go in and out with people other than Lou Yuan.

Sun Yu didn't know the doorway. He turned around and showed a clear surprise on his face.

"Yes!" Then he bowed again to Shi Lingxi, who thought it was Shi Lingxi's approval of his pursuit of Xiong Kun. With Shi Lingxi's help, he must eat "bear meat" before the end of the year!

The next day after Sun Yu and Xiong Kun returned, Wang Ning also returned. On the same day, Jiang Ying and Long Chongyun returned, and four days later, everyone returned. All the zombies and funerals on this land in China All beasts are gone.

On the same day, Shi Lingxi gave the Beicheng Research Center two formulas, a benign virus vaccine and a benign virus detoxifying agent, which will be popularized in Beicheng and Jincheng after mass production.

At the same time, they shared with other base cities in the name of the North City Military Headquarters, and they ignored them in terms of batch manufacturing and distribution.

These two formulas were made within ten years of Shi Lingxi's sacred realm. The series of moves to return this time were all in accordance with his and Lou Yuan's plans, and they must first be settled when they were outside.

But they can't work hard outside, there are still people in the family who want to steal their results. Cleaning up the zombies is only the first step of the plan, and then there are the spiritual families, the five holy places and the base cities.

"I give you three days to go back and solve it by yourself. If you can't solve it, it's me and Ah."

Shi Lingxi sat on the main seat and looked at Wang Ning and Long Chongyun. He was willing to give these three days, all because they had spent 30 to 40 years together, and also recognized them as a team member. .

Long Chongyun and Zhu Nier glanced at each other, and in a relaxed tone, they nodded at Shi Lingxi, "Xie Chengzhu."

"Xie Chengzhu," Wang Ning and Jiang Ying thanked.

They then left Shi Lingxi's office and headed to their homeland. It is no longer necessary for Shi Lingxi to mention something and what is the most correct choice. They have long wanted to understand.

It took three days to pass one day. In Nancheng Base City, where the climate in the South is suddenly becoming a climate, it suddenly announced to be a lower-level city of the North City Base. At the same time, all core leaders of the Nancheng Base City changed their blood.

When the Qin family master spoke to Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi again, he slapped Long Chongyun with a slap, and then a few people in the Nancheng base harboring the same thought as the Qin family owner also incidentally killed Long Chongyun.

The people of the Qin clan, in fact, were all protected by Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi, but they did not have the slightest sense of gratitude. Such people were left behind, and Long Chongyun did not feel that he was impulsive.

Then, the Holy Spirit-led spiritual union announced its dissolution, and proactively announced all the causes and effects before and after the end of the world. It was announced that there was still a belated confession and remorse at the end.

After the Nancheng base city, Ancheng base city also issued a similar announcement, and within three days, all the base cities in Xia's country became lower base cities of the Beicheng base.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi are still practicing in the future. They promoted Mayor Chen Ran, former Mayor of An'an, to the position of Deputy Mayor of Beicheng, in charge of administration. However, Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi were still in control of the military headquarters and Jincheng.

Presumably, it is hard to force Chen Ran, the current Ancheng city host Zhuo Li, to be embarrassed to see Chen Ran, but this is not what Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan need to consider for him.

In the southern part of the city's main government, a high-level platform that can accommodate 10,000 people has been rebuilt. Lou Tongtong and Shi Ai Ai have been busy there since they returned. This new teleportation altar is built.

Almost when they painted the last line of the altar, Lou Tongtong's mirror glowed with aura, and a message came from the holy realm.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi flew from a distance and landed on the altar and looked at the mirror with Lou Tongtong.

But the kind of aura of light still can only be understood by Lou Tongtong and Shi Ai Ai, who was born of Jing Tong. Lou Tongtong raised his eyes to look at Lou Yuan. He asked, "Master, there are people in the temple there. Want to come over, open? "

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi fought for eight years of exemption for the earth, so now Lou Tongtong can block all teleportation to and from the Holy Realm and the Earth. What to ask for information, but come directly when you want to come.

Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi glanced at each other, Lou Yuan nodded, "Well."

They built this teleportation altar, which means that they didn't mean to shrink the earth, and if they were going out, they wouldn't be afraid to come over and see.

Lou Tongtong retracted his eyes, closed his eyes, and the aura of light at the altar under their feet emerged, shooting a light from the sky, and there was a charming woman.

Her gaze swept across the crowd, and she finally stayed on Lou Yuan, worshiping Yingying, she told, "I've seen the lord, I'm the tea girl, one of the nine envoys in the temple. Several lords left too fast, some The formalities have not yet been completed. "

"Are you in a hurry?" The answer was Shi Lingxi. He looked at the woman, stepped forward, held Lou Yuan's hand, and fell on the tea girl with a little scrutiny.

Obviously so many people stood, why did she talk to his family Lou Yuan?

"Huh? Of course, the sooner the better ..."

The Tea Girl smiled at Shi Lingxi's eyes, and smiled again, and at the same time she condensed a little out of her breath. She really could not see Lou Yuan, who had no foundation in Xinzhou.

But it wouldn't make much sense for Lou Yuan to look after her and let another man look for her.

Shi Lingxi continued to examine her. Lou Yuan's hand, who didn't answer, patted him on the shoulder of Lou Tongtong. Then the two-sentence temple came to make the tea girl and let Lou Tongtong send it back directly.

The Tea Girl was gone, and Lou Yuan turned his head and asked Xiang Lingxi, "What does Xiaoxi see from her?" It was still a serious look.

Shi Lingxi's vinegar came quickly and dispersed quickly. He continued to clenched Lou Yuan's hand, a little smile appeared on his face, and kissed Lou Yuan's cheek. "We went to the Holy City to visit and finish the task by the way Now. "

Shi Lingxi has been thinking about the part of the database that is not yet open in the Shi Ai Ai system.

He and Lou Yuan will definitely go to the holy city! Not for others, but also for the task of showing affection.

Chapter 141 Before he touched a finger of the Elder Crescent, the man blinded himself.

The ninth temple of the temple shook her face, Lou Yuan holding Shi Lingxi, followed by two twin mirror boys, and a woman in black appeared in front of her.

Twins are not uncommon in all races in all continents, but this is the first time she has seen a twin mirror boy.

Shi Lingxi's light eyes glanced at the Tea Girl, he reminded, "We are here." And the person who had urged them to go through the formalities was still there.

"Ah ... oh." The Tea Girl nodded, and her expression disappeared. She smiled, and the charm of her own charm no longer converged. This is the sacred realm, and she doesn't want to weaken the temple ambassador's authority because of someone.

"Please come with me."

The tea girl said she stepped out of the teleportation altar at the ninth checkpoint and led Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan in front. At the same time, Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi also popularized some common sense, which was not known by Shi Ai Ai and Lou Tong Tong as mirror children.

The boundary of the ninth level is the closest to the holy city in terms of level, but it is not much different from other levels in the distance. It is listed as the surrounding area of ​​the holy city, regardless of the distance, and it is different from other levels.

"Each continent that has a point at the ninth level has an opportunity to enter the level map adventure every year. Once you clear the level, there will be ..." When she came here, she paused and smiled. "It's not what adults think. That means. "

"It is an opportunity to let the forces and big figures of the Holy City see it, or it may become a disciple under the door, Qing Ke. This is what Huaxia said ..." The tea woman's tea-colored eyes revealed a few tinges of color, and she was cute anytime, anywhere. It has become her style.

But the two men she was teasing beside her did not give her the slightest response.

"The first year ... take the year of the holy city as the first year," Shi Lingxi asked, and it was almost certain in his mind, but it was strange that there was not much time difference between the first year of the earth and the holy city, which was in other continents. It should be relatively rare.

"Yes," the Tea Girl nodded, and didn't think about Shi Lingxi asking this, she went on to say that the topic extended to the situation of the Holy City that Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi would definitely pay attention to.

The holy city recorded ninety-nine forces in the temple. Similarly, the holy city is also divided into ninety-nine districts, each of which is large and small, but without exception, it is all blessed land. The holy city is indeed a land of gold. The continents outside the nineteen continents can only look up.

"The temple is the only city that does not participate in any contest." The Tea Girl also did not forget to introduce Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi to the temple she came from, and did not participate in any contest. It also shows that it is detached and irreplaceable. Strong.

Shi Lingxi then asked, "What are the requirements to join the temple?"

The tea girl heard the words and swept across Shi Lingxi's and Lou Yuan's hands. She explained, "The requirements are not high. I crossed any of the nine level maps and escaped from Zuzhou. I forgot about the past and reopened. Start."

Therefore, as the maid of the temple, the tea lady only remembered her memory after joining the temple. She had abandoned everything in the past. The temple was a new life for her.

"Oh," the curiosity on Shi Lingxi's face dissipated immediately. The temple had a chance to visit, and the idea of ​​joining would not exist, nor would his original Lou Yuan.

Except for a cold reaction, Shi Lingxi didn't ask much, but let the temple make the tea girl look at him more. When the topic comes here, she can't help but be asked a lot, it's worth it, why did she make such a choice, and so on ...

The Tea Girl glanced over, but before she recovered, she bumped into Lou Yuan's cold, indifferent, and wary eyes.

The tea girl felt a slight tinge of toothache. She was one of the few emotionally rich people in the temple, but this did not mean that she would be interested in love. Unless the man could dump her completely, the men only Can be considered her plaything.

The tea lady took her eyes back and raised her hand to point to one of the towering buildings in this meeting place. "There is the branch of the temple in this meeting place. I will arrange for you to choose ..."

Before the tea girl's words were completely spoken, she felt an inexplicable and dangerous machine covering her, but before she responded, the inexplicable machine disappeared and the two bodies fell from a high-rise building in their downtown.

"Slap! Slap!" Two times, the falling body was intact, but the person was too dead to die.

During this process, Shi Lingxi and the two mirror boys did not lift their eyelids, and they continued to walk in the direction of the building guided by the tea girl. As for the women in black beside them, they have a very low sense of existence. No one wants to pay attention to her reaction at all. This is why the tea girl is no exception.

"People in the Crescent Tower ..." The Tea Girl stopped and glanced at the corpse, and recognized their origin.

She suddenly quickened her pace and approached Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi, and the volume was also lowered. "Is it you who killed the crescent moon lord in the rumor?"

Neither Lou Yuan nor Shi Lingxi responded to her words, their faces were light and flawless, but the more they did, the more the Tea Girl was sure of her guess. No wonder! No wonder the temple elder will send her temple ambassador to Xinzhou.

The two in front of her were not only as simple as they were, they must have other origins behind them, so that the sacred temple in the holy city status would be the same as the past and pay attention to the newcomer Xinzhou.

The five people of Shi Lingxi have already entered the branch office of the temple. They looked at the real map full of vitality in front of them.

A holy realm links countless worlds and time and space. Such an existence is beyond their imagination and understanding.

The tea girl also stood by them and looked at the map together. She continued to wait, and she could understand the silence of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi. No one can tell clearly the origin of the holy realm. It has existed from the past to the present. It will certainly continue to exist.

"How to choose?"

Shi Lingxi tilted her head to look at the Tea Girl, her furry ears moved, her head suddenly tilted to one side, and he looked at Lou Yuan again. He knew that when they came to the holy realm, there would be no time for peace, especially when they directly killed Yuejin when they left last time.

Only two were killed a few minutes ago, and then someone was coming to trouble again. It seems that they were not killed!

Lou Yuan raised her hand, blocking the tea girl's gaze, and rubbed her hand on Shi Lingxi's ear. "You choose, I'll go out and clean up."

The last time he battled Yueyue, Lou Yuan relied mostly on the strength of the stone of space. He still did not have a precise grasp of his current level of strength. These people came to the door, but they were a good group of hands.

The alertness on Shi Lingxi's face instantly dissipated and became well-behaved. He nodded obediently, "Well, come back soon."

"Okay," Lou Yuan whispered to Shi Lingxi, slipped his hand to Shi Lingxi's cheek, rubbed and rubbed it, and then stowed it intently, then he nodded to Lou Tongtong and Shi Ai Ai, Stepped out of the gate and cleared.

"Cough," Tea Girl coughed a little, indicating that the experience of watching a man alone was strange, but she also felt it. Shi Lingxi deliberately converged and blurred her breath and appearance, otherwise she would have been It's time to react as before.

So what exactly is Shi Lingxi's real look? The Tea Girl couldn't help but wonder.

She raised her hand, and immediately a young man came to her, and then she continued to accompany Shi Lingxi to complete the process.

Shi Lingxi got several booklets in his hands, and there were unmarked boundaries, which he could choose from. However, the ninth level is such a popular land boundary that most of the top-quality blessed land has been selected.

The remaining ones are just a little higher in the short. The young man is sincere and horrified towards the tea girl, and he does not dare to conceal and retain any things to Shi Lingxi. Shi Lingxi asked what he explained in detail. .

Shi Lingxi looked at the ten places that had been picked out for a second time, and pondered for a moment. He looked at the young man, "This is An'an."

The young man nodded immediately, letting the tea girl glance at it, and stiffened, and did not dare to continue nodding her head.

The tea girl looked at Shi Lingxi, and her expression and attitude were obviously relieved. She whispered, "Adult think again, the opposite side of An'an is the new moon building."

This Aman prefecture is not bad, but it is great.

Opposite the street of An'an is the current branch of Xinyue Tower, and there are several major forces stationed around it. Although their main halls have been moved to the holy city, these connection points of the ninth level are They were originally in the holy realms, and they were just as important to these forces.

Various reasons have led to the middle and upper blessed land in An'an. It has been retained until now, or it has been elected for a period of time, and it will be withdrawn. All the continents have been destroyed without exception, and over time, no one will Dare to move this land.

For the major powers in the surrounding area, the level of the level 9 of An'an is the existence of a shared garden where each person paddles away.

Before Shi Lingxi asked the young people, he didn't see the labels given on the atlas, but since he spoke, he really decided.

"Don't worry about it, just choose it, Aman."

The young man looked at the tea girl again. The tea girl could deter the young man, but she could not influence Shi Lingxi's decision. She sighed softly and felt that she was trying to be kind. Find him. "

"Yes," the young man bent down and nodded. As one of the core administrators of this branch hall, he had great authority, but in the presence of the main hall of the holy city, he still had nothing. The tea girl said, Shi Lingxi really wants to change, and can definitely save a lot of trouble.

Shi Lingxi felt the kindness from the tea girl, he smiled softly and said, "Thank you."

"Ah ... uh," the tea girl tilted her eyes. Somehow she couldn't look straight at Shi Lingxi with such a smile, but she couldn't even feel Shi Lingxi's smile clearly, but she was infected with an inexplicable mood.

The spirit she cultivates has the effect of charm, perhaps Shi Lingxi's, too, and the Tea Girl rationally persuades herself like this.

"Amanchu is mine, and all the grass and trees in it are mine."

Shi Lingxi finally confirmed with the tea girl and the youth in the branch.

The young man and the tea girl looked at each other, nodded hesitantly to Shi Lingxi, "by convention ... this is the case."

But if Shi Lingxi did so in accordance with the rules, it would be equivalent to offending all the forces around An'an. Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan had just set foot in the holy realm and provoked so many enemies. It's really unwise to come.

Shi Lingxi took a wooden box from the youth, which contained the exclusive token of Aman Prefecture, several booklets about the subsequent method of connecting between Aman Prefecture and the earth, as well as some of the levels and the Holy Realm. Basic common sense.

Shi Lingxi handed the wooden box to Lou Tongtong for custody. His hands rubbed on the tops of the two little ones, and his tone became softer. "Tong Tong, Ai Ai, we also have a home in the holy realm."

"Well," Lou Tongtong and Shi Ai Ai nodded at the same time. After so many years of companionship, they also understood what is home and what is family. Stay with each other and never give up.

"Boom!" With a sound, the buildings of the temple branch shook.

Shaking in the past, the entire building is not damaged, but this shaking has already shaken the main hall owner of the hall.

How could the ordinary combat force shake the temple hall? Who is fighting over the temple hall?

"Nine palace envoys are here."

The owner of the branch hall hurried to greet the tea girl and disappeared in front of them. The figure appeared in the mid-air of the branch hall building. He looked up and was mottled in the sky, as if split by a strange power, even He did not dare to approach easily.

The Tea Girl is just as curious, even faintly thinking that it is related to Lou Yuan who "cleans up" outside.

Shi Lingxi directly walked up to the gate, Lou Tongtong, Shi Ai Ai and the woman in black immediately followed.

On the upper part of the temple, Lou Yuan battled seven people in the Crescent Moon without any sign of defeat. The Vietnam War became more and more brave, forcing the current elders in the Crescent Moon to drive out seven people.

"Too much bullying, seven old guys bully my family Ayuan together."

Shi Lingxi looked up at the sky, his face gradually darkened, completely disregarding the fact that Lou Yuan had killed more than ten gold medal killers in Xinyuelou before facing the elders of Xinyuelou.

Shi Lingxi's eyes suddenly swept away, and another group of golden lights was about to rise from the corner. There were seven people on the side of Xinyuelou who could not suppress Lou Yuan, and another old guy was going to join the battle, but this time he stopped the Mid-air.

Shi Lingxi was holding a feather fan and returned to him directly.

"Who are you? No worries!" Jin Guang dispersed, a man who didn't look old, but he could not be judged by his appearance when he could be an elder on the Xinyuelou.

"The one above is my family A Yuan, my married lover. Do you say I'm nosy?"

Shi Lingxi said that the layer of the whole body was faint and he couldn't see his mist slowly. He was wearing a white robe, nine huge white foxtails dangling, and snow-like hair on his ankles, plus a warp. The furry fox ears that stand up are like a world-renowned fox fairy walking out of the ancient scroll.

The sound of snorting breath continued to be heard from the crowd. Shi Lingxi's good looks completely subverted their perception of beauty. No matter how high the self-confidence of the men, women, and children was, the heartbeat at this moment could not be controlled by themselves.

"Oh!" The heartbeat accelerated, and a burst of blood rushed into reason that could hardly be maintained.

The power of charm after Shi Lingxi's nine-tailed addition is by no means ordinary people can bear. The elders of the crescent moon who can bear such charm at a short distance, the two lines of nosebleeds blow out directly, and the will to fight is instantly polished to the point where his reason almost collapses. To the point.

"Demon ... demon!" The Elder Crescent Moon coughed and died of blood, then he was cruel, **** pointed directly at his eyes, and blinded himself, so that his mood was barely maintained.

Shi Lingxi raised his eyebrows lightly. He did not expect such lethality. He showed his true feelings only because he was angry that these people bullied Lou Yuan. He wanted to kill, so he could not have reservations.

But before he touched a finger of the Elder Crescent, the man blinded himself.

"It's boring," Shi Lingxi said with a low comment. A thunderbolt rushed out of his hand, and went directly to the elder of Xinyuelou himself to poke the bleeding eyes. Since this person chooses to abolish the eyes, it is necessary to abolish them completely. Only OK.

The most powerful lethality in his nine tails is naturally the foxtail of thunder.

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