MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 4 "You ... you are such a great man!"

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The water and biscuits sent by Cheng Mu were not polite. After eating the meat sausage, he continued to sip and eat, and then recounted his three-year experience with Lou Yuan.

After Shi Lingxi separated from the army, he and his classmates encountered a large convoy and left. More than 2,000 kilometers from Xiamen to Beicheng, he passed nearly 30 large and small base cities. When they first left, the convoy had Nearly two hundred people had only twenty people left before Shi Lingxi separated from them.

And this lasted only five or six months, Shi Lingxi felt countless times that he was dead, countless times that he felt dead, maybe nothing.

He could arrive near Beicheng alive, with a lot of luck and the same strength. Although he has no abilities, but it is not helpless. His parents are doctors, and Shi Lingxi has been a doctor in the casual team.

After three years of hardening, Shi Lingxi's medical skills are not worse than that of an ordinary surgeon. Even in his backpack, he has a note that contains a lot of information about alienation and alienation, many of which are impossible in the laboratory. Observed data.

"It turned out to be a clever little doctor ..." Xiong Kun laughed twice, and gave Lou Yuan a wink by the way.

Originally, Shi Lingxi had only one beastly system ability, which did not have much value in solicitation, but now he can also be regarded as an experienced doctor, plus the ability of the ability to improve his body, and various unknown amplitudes, can Shi Lingxi's medical skills have more room to play.

Shi Lingxi glanced down at Xiong Kun, then looked at Lou Yuan, but Lou Yuan didn't speak, or he didn't plan to speak on his own.

Shi Lingxi lowered his head. His disappointment was obvious, but he didn't ask directly, but continued to repeat his experience in detail. His notes were also taken out. At the same time, he had more pens and maps in his hand, heading north South, mark Lou Yuan a little bit.

In fact, Shi Lingxi knew very well that the last days are no better than the past. Beautiful and beautiful things often mean danger and traps. He wants Lou Yuan to touch his head on his own initiative, and it must not rely on his identity or disguise.

He should use his value to make Lou Yuan look away, so that he has room for further action.

Shi Lingxi is very serious and candid. It also seems that he is a little special in this eschatological end of the world. At least he makes Lou Yuan feel special. His power not only has a strong offensive power, but also discriminates. There are also unique uses for truth and falsehood.

He and Shi Lingxi have talked to this day. Shi Lingxi has no concealment and ambiguity, and there is no falsehood. He looks like ... please him?

It was completely dark, Xiong Kun had people go outside to take in charging lamps, but Lou Yuan stopped him. "Speaking here today and continuing tomorrow, you take a good rest."

Lou Yuan's attitude towards Shi Lingxi was milder and affirmative. He glanced at Shi Lingxi and was about to leave, but found that Shi Lingxi grabbed his backpack and notebook and followed.

"I've finished all of this before I can ask you any more questions?" The three-year experience is too long to hear. According to the meticulous level required by Lou Yuan, he has finished the estimated task deadline and he also talked about how to further complete the system. Here's the task.

"What question do you want to ask me?" Lou Yuan turned around. At 1.97 meters tall, he was more than a head taller than Shi Lingxi. Thinking of Shi Lingxi's age and experience, his tone eased, But this kind of easing is almost impossible for anyone to feel.

"What animal do you like?" Shi Lingxi looked up and asked Lou Yuan with a serious look.

Actively touching the head of another person. In one case, that person is Lou Yuan's junior. Out of love, there will be such thoughts and behaviors. For example, his deceased grandfather, and the other is that the other person is a cute, and it will also make people Generates the urge to stroke.

Shi Lingxi asked himself that it had nothing to do with Lou Yuan.

Lou Yuan was rarely asked to be speechless. Shi Lingxi first asked what color he liked, and then asked what small animals he liked ... It is estimated that Shi Lingxi still has problems, which is also related to his preferences.

Is this little guy really courting him?

But his flattering technical content was obviously not high enough, so he sent a big name above his head and said, "I'm courting you!" No, it is described as flattering, which is not appropriate. Shi Lingxi should be very fond of him.

Lou Yuan, who was thinking quite quickly, had already made up some bridges for Shi Lingxi's brain. He coughed and coughed, and the sternness of his gas field and eyes did not change. Then he thought seriously about Shang Lingxi's eyes He got up and thought about it for a while. He shook his head. "Nothing I particularly like ..."

When he answered this, he felt the obvious disappointment in Shi Lingxi's eyes, as if he answered it too much.

Also, Shi Lingxi answered the questions for so long. Although his answer is true, it seems perfunctory.

Lou Yuan's words were jammed. He raised his hand and gently stroked Shi Lingxi's hair. "I didn't lie to you. I'll tell you later when I think about it."

Because of his negligence three years ago, Shi Lingxi suffered more for many years. While confirming his identity, Lou Yuan subconsciously regarded him as someone who needed to look after and compensate for himself.

"System A236 Congratulations to the host for reaching the novice task and getting the novice gift package. The main mission of Xiu'enai is open. Please keep working hard!"

The words of Lou Yuan and the words of the system almost overlap, and Shi Lingxi was completely stunned. From the almost annihilated hope to the unexpected surprise, in a short time, Shi Lingxi couldn't fully react.

A gust of wind blew, Shi Lingxi lowered his head, and his eyes had an unrecognizable mist of water from Lou Yuan. He reached over and gently grabbed Lou Yuan's cuff, "You ... you are such a great man!"

Without him dyeing his hair or wearing fake ears, Lou Yuan touched his head. This is not a good man, what is it?

Shi Lingxi's words were completely sincere, and she was so touched by her, she also raised Lou Yuan's eyebrows who thought he had learned a part of the truth.

Not as good as Lou Yuan should be, Shi Lingxi carried his bag on his back and ran a distance before he waved back at Lou Yuan again. At the corner of the camp, he beckoned again, his perseverance and excitement were very obvious.

Xiong Kun scratched his head. He walked to Lou Yuan's side and asked in confusion, "Boss was issued a good card?"

What's going on here, why didn't he figure it out? What did the boss of his family do? He became a good person in Shi Lingxi's eyes.

Xiong Kun denied this most impossible energy, and continued to look at Lou Yuan with a sullen expression.

Lou Yuan, who has always been willing to answer his subordinates, glanced at Xiong Kun. He walked towards the direction of his room. After two steps, he asked, "Where does he live? Let him arrange for him to live in the camp. Come."

"Yes!" Xiong Kun was still hesitant, but he never hesitated to Lou Yuan's orders. He performed a military salute, turned his head and instructed, he thought all the way, and finally arranged Shi Lingxi's room to Lou The original small building on the same floor went.

"This is the boss's peach ... I'm too stupid."

The boss of his family is hardly disgusted with those who like him. His most loyal brother must help.

Shi Lingxi returned to the place where he woke up before, and was told that his new place of residence was not sitting hot.

Shi Lingxi did not refuse, but also expressed his gratitude politely. The town is as unsafe at night, not only those zombies or zombies that may be mixed in, but also some very vicious ones who will pick them up at night.

Coupled with all kinds of possible power means, at night, don't say anything, even staying at home may be dangerous.

Furthermore, Shi Lingxi felt that his crisis had not passed and he had not died. It should be very unexpected to them. Whether they planned to do anything else was not guaranteed by Shi Lingxi.

No doubt, the closer he is to Lou Yuan, the safer he is. Shi Lingxi's way of thinking is somewhat different from ordinary people, but he is equally terribly rational in matters that concern his own safety.

"236, get a novice gift package," Shi Lingxi thinks he and the system A236 are more familiar, it is more convenient to call the name directly, A is the last name, 236 is the name, or Shi Lingxi feel more memorable name.

"The host completes the novice task within 6 hours, gains the A-level effort buff bonus, receives the A-level novice gift package, receives a A-level reward with a 100% probability, and a S-level reward with a 10% probability."

"Items are dropping: 5 A-level bonus candy (sweet orange flavor), 4 A-level defense candy (ice cream flavor), 1 S-level lucky buff candy (strawberry flavor)."

Shi Lingxi's eyes brightened those sweets with various flavors. He palmed up and slowly opened, waiting for the candy to be given to him by the system, but the system obviously did not finish the gift package.

"The main mission of Xiu En'ai is started. The host gets one cubic meter of portable space. It cannot be upgraded. Please use it appropriately."

Shi Lingxi was stupid again, even if it was a cubic meter of portable space that could not be upgraded, it was also a space. It was enough to pretend that he used a large amount of water and food.

"Novice gift package prizes have been placed in the carry-on space. Please check with the host."

Shi Lingxi's eyes narrowed slightly, he opened his heart, and a little cinnabar-like mole was added to the original smooth palm. This is his connection with the portable space. He can clearly see the space in the space. 10 sugars of different colors.

The salivary glands in his mouth quickly secreted. He shook his head lightly. Now he is not short of food. These things need to be used at more critical moments. But he can't just taste the taste, he eats it.

But in addition to resisting appetite outdoors, Shi Lingxi also has to resist his research desire, which is almost rooted in his bones. Maybe he can figure out the ingredients and he can mass-produce himself?

"System A236 reminds the host that there is no substitute for candy raw materials on the planet, and at the same time, the candy formula belongs to the super rare grade, and non-host permissions can be obtained."

If A236 is more intelligent, it can actively spit out the magic of Shi Lingxi's brain circuit. I really dare to think about everything and want to study it. Do I still want to take it apart and mass-produce it?

Shi Lingxi did not respond to the system's system. He reluctantly looked and looked at him. Finally, he clenched his right hand into a fist. Some, and cleaner.

Shi Lingxi got into the room and didn't rest immediately. He turned around in the room and checked it habitually. Then he turned on the small desk lamp, took out his notebook, and started to make some necessary records. .

Shi Lingxi didn't know that his every move was within the range of Lou Yuan's mental power perception. He frowned, and Lou Yuan could perceive it, but Lou Yuan didn't pervert to the point where he was always watching, such as Shi Lingxi. In the bathroom, he consciously withdrew his mental strength.

However, his perception is more of a habit. Even before the end of the day, he will also let people do appropriate investigations and follow-ups on Shi Lingxi. Xiong Kun arranged people so close that he came by himself.

And this does not affect the other things of the Lou principle. He is an S-level ability within a dozen of the country, or a mental ability. Multitasking is a necessary skill.

Xiong Kun, Langmu, Chen Yun, Dong Shan, and several subordinates who came with him this time came into his room.