MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 64 "Do you want to sleep with me?" (1)

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Shi Lingxi closed his eyes for a while, then opened it again and found that Lou Yuan did not continue his cultivation. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then went up to Lou Yuan. It doesn't matter. "

Lou Yuan did not directly deny this problem, which was already unexpected by Shi Lingxi. Other than that, he didn't want to force Lou Yuan, nor did he need to force it. This is different and does not involve issues of principle.

Lou Yuan looked down, and saw Shi Lingxi bent his eyes again. Shi Lingxi did not care about his uncertain answer, but Lou Yuan still felt that he could not give a clear answer to Shi Lingxi. He was ashamed of Shi Ling. Brook emotion.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." Lou Yuan whispered softly, and he was pretty sure of that.

"Well, me too." Shi Lingxi responded lightly. The previous question was a small one, and this one was a big one, but their answers were the same. That was important to him.

Lou Yuan kissed Shi Lingxi's forehead lightly, and the topic of them passed, and no one mentioned it again.

In the front seat, Xiong Kun and Wolf Eyes did not dare to intervene. Shi Lingxi was not the same as them. They were doctors and had some special experiences. It ’s normal to kill a lot. Besides, this is not what Lou Yuan sees. Well.

They believed that as long as Lou Yuan was still by Shi Lingxi, Shi Lingxi would not be their enemy.

Thinking about it this way, Xiong Kun felt that their boss had made Shi Lingxi look like a beauty ... Xiong Kun shook his body and finally focused on driving. He couldn't imagine the situation of Lou Yuan's beauty ...

A wolf-eyed glance at wolf-eyed in surprise, never knowing that his brain was jumping so fast, he had already imagined so many life-like scenes, which was a thrilling scene for them.

Before dark, they found a place suitable for overnight stays, arranged vigils, rests, exercises, and homework. Daybreak continued, crushing the zombies and beasts all the way, breaking through a line returning to the base of the North City.

In the afternoon four days later, they and Chen Yun led a military team that cleaned up the herd, and two days later, they returned to the Beicheng base with the army and left for almost a month.

When they returned, they were mixed in the returning troops and did not alarm anyone. Even He Lao saw Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan getting off the train, and he knew it.

After a brief greeting, Lou Yuan marched into the conference hall of the army and settled Chen Ran and Lin Jiang at the same time. After pacifying He Lao and Wang Beibei, Shi Lingxi took two guards to the Psionicist Association building. Things on the side are more important.

"What's wrong, come in for a meeting," Shi Lingxi ignored the surprise of his four secretaries, and went straight to work.

"Yes!" Gu Xi Su Ling and others immediately corrected their expressions when they heard the words. They went to hold some information and immediately entered Shi Lingxi's office. But until the meeting lasted a long time, they still looked shocked and uncomfortable.

I haven't seen it for a month. The changes in Shi Lingxi have been quite big. The white-haired fox ears would not recognize them unless their eyes and appearance had not changed. And ... it looks so foul too, how can a person have a fox's ear!

It's moving, I want to rub it ... But when Shi Lingxi came to see it, these thoughts vanished!

"Be careful," Shi Lingxi demanded, her eyes lightened a bit colder, no way, Fox ears and white hair brought him directly to the Meng line, want to calm these people can only rely on eyes and vigor.

"Gu Xi, you continue ..."

Shi Lingxi opened the notebook and listened to the four of them reporting on the operation of the association this month. After three full hours of reporting, the four of them left Shilingxi's office, and then Shi Lingxi deployed the team to continue. report.

After this month's operation, the Phantom Association has been on track. Ninety percent of the Phantom's information of the North City Base has been registered. All kinds of information are very detailed, even including the tasks they have received in a month. Included.

The database that Shi Lingxi wanted for the North City Base Psionicist was built. In addition, in addition to the large number of information tasks he released through the Psionicist Association, progress has also been made. Varieties and abilities are gradually being enriched.

"The major powers did nothing unusual ..."

The last member of the team, Shen Jun, left Shi Lingxi's office, and it was completely dark.

However, Shi Lingxi still did not intend to leave. These reports can only be considered as a rough understanding. Next, he must personally pass through the information of all the psionicists and learn more about all the occurrences in the North City Base within one month after they left. thing.

He looked at it ten lines at a time and continued to look. The door of the office opened, and Shi Lingxi didn't lift his head authentic. "Put the data over there, and then you can sort out the sales information for me."

"Little brother!" Wang Beibei yelled softly. After they arrived at the army in the morning, Shi Lingxi entrusted her to He Lao. Counting the time, she and Lou Yuan hadn't seen Shi Lingxi for almost 8 hours. .

Shi Lingxi looked up and saw Wang Beibei standing next to Lou Yuan before looking at Wang Beibei who called him.

Shi Lingxi deliberately maintained the high-cold look suddenly dispersed. He patted his forehead and hurriedly said, "Wait for 20 minutes."

Lou Yuan nodded, and he took Wang Beibei to the chair by the window. Neither he nor Wang Beibei interrupted Shi Lingxi's work. He thought that he would be very busy after returning to Beicheng. He is still busy.

The lights in the office were fairly bright. Even in the night, Lou Yuan's eyesight could clearly see Shi Lingxi's features, and he was still familiar with it, but he still lost sight.

Shi Lingxi continued to turn over ten pages. He sighed softly in his heart. Lou Yuan and Wang Beibei looked at him like this. How could he continue to memorize the information? He looked up at the sight of the two people, and he took the information. Set aside to the side, got up and walked towards them.

"... 8 minutes left," Lou was puzzled, and Shi Lingxi hadn't arrived in 20 minutes.

"Look again tomorrow, let's go home," Shi Lingxi took Lou Yuan's hand and rubbed Wang Beibei's hair with the other hand. Then he covered Wang Beibei's eyes and kissed Lou Yuan's cheek.

Seize the opportunity and move your mouth to Lou Yuan manually ... It has become Shi Lingxi's subconscious habit. He bent his eyes, and most of the tiring tiredness had been scattered in this kiss for most of the day.

Lou Yuan nodded slightly, his eyes were slightly relieved, and the hand held by Shi Lingxi was slightly squeezed. He took Shi Lingxi's cloak, carefully covered him, and then held Shi Lingxi. Out of the office.

In the aisle, Shi Lingxi stopped Lou Yuan, and asked Su Ling who came on the road, "You sort out the information and put it in my office. Go back and rest early. It's hard today."

Shi Lingxi also knew that he had detained people late, and now he was taken away by Lou Yuan with a beauty measure, so it is not good for them to continue working hungry.

Sitting in the car, Shi Lingxi was next to Lou Yuan. He tilted his head to look at Lou Yuan. At this moment he felt that they had been separated for a while. Of course, this separation was a month that was almost inseparable from their previous journey. Come.

"Is the military department all right? Why did you come here to pick me up so early?" Shi Lingxi said at a glance, at 8 pm, he thought that Lou Yuan had gotten at least 10 o'clock to get away. I didn't expect to come here so early .

Lou Yuan stared at Shi Lingxi, feeling a faint doubt in Shi Lingxi's words. He was helpless in his tone. "There are many things in the military department, but we are not in a hurry to solve them all today. Xiaoxi, you Did you forget something more important? "

"Huh?" Shi Lingxi continued to wonder. He had been alienated from the events of the Psionicist Association. Naturally, things happened at the Ancheng base this month, but there should be nothing more important to him than Lou Yuan mentioned. Things are right.

So ... what did he forget?

When Lou Yuan heard the smile disappear from his face, he frowned slightly. "Xiaoxi, we said we'd get married soon, would you forget?"

Lou Yuan said that he was very hurt. After finishing the urgent matter at hand, he immediately sought He Lao and Lao Meng to understand their wedding preparations. Shi Lingxi seemed to have forgotten that they would get back to get married.

"Ah ... oh, I didn't forget ..." Shi Lingxi flushed red cheeks in guilty conscience, and he seemed to forget it. In his heart, Lou Yuan was already his own. Whether the wedding was held or not, they would not. Your feelings have too much influence.

However, he didn't expect that Lou Yuan still remembered ... After Shi Lingxi reacted, the first feeling was happy, especially happy.

Shi Lingxi frowned, smiling brightly, and a bit shy and apologetic, Lou Yuan's sullen tone disappeared in Shi Lingxi's smile.

It's not too late to think of it now ...

Lou Yuan raised his hand and touched Shi Lingxi's cheek. He nodded again at the pear vortex, and then he took it back intently.

"He Lao and Meng Lao looked at the yellow calendar and said that July 20th is a good day, and then September will be obtained later."

The elderly still prefer to follow the old custom in marriage. The July of the lunar calendar is generally considered not suitable for weddings, so they can only rush ahead of the lunar calendar in July, or directly set to the lunar calendar in August. The new calendar will be September 10th and later.

Shi Lingxi blinked and did not answer immediately, but found that Lou Yuan was visibly nervous.

"What do you think? How can I regret it, you are my person!"

Shi Lingxi said with certainty that his eyes rolled around, and he pondered again, "Of course, there will be no problem on July 20 ... except that I should be busy for more than 10 days, and you will have to work hard to prepare for the wedding It's ... "

After finishing the work of the Psionicist Association, he set about going to the laboratory to prepare a medicament. It took 10 days and a half months to finish the preparation. In addition, in addition to the mass-produced alienation plant project, he and Lin Jiang were responsible for starting research.

After these hours, they have no time to stare at him and Lou Yuan's wedding preparations. He and Lou Yuan, as the parties, could not push all of them to He Lao and Meng Lao. If he couldn't get away, Lou Yuan could only occasionally take time to stare.

Shi Lingxi whispered his plan, and it has been scheduled for August ...

He glanced at Lou Yuan and replied, "... I must be free on my wedding day! Sure!"

Lou Yuan looked at Shi Lingxi, his breath faintly shifted to the direction of "Bitter Husband ..." But what can he do with Shi Lingxi, he hugged people, and said quietly, "... There must be time."

"Okay," Shi Lingxi patted Lou Yuan's back comfortably and smiled lowly. "Although I am busy, I go home every day. We can sleep together, eat together, practice together, and work out together. We are not separated from the task. "

It was because of this that he was able to arrange his plans in this way.

In the front passenger seat, Wang Beibei calmly hugged the doll, and the black bird on her shoulder was very calm. She was fed all the way by Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan to feed the dog food, and she can already ignore it. The look was slightly restrained.

I have not been "showed" for a month, and suddenly encountered a sweet crit, he felt uncomfortable ...

And he thought that the looks of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi were a little bit upside down ... Why should Shi Lingxi beg Lou Yuan to have a wedding as soon as possible, this is their head!

The car stopped in front of the door. Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan came down first. Shi Lingxi took Wang Beibei down. The car drove away. Lou Yuan opened the door and they entered the courtyard.

The light in the courtyard turned on. Shi Lingxi took Wang Beibei first to see the vine rack in the yard and the vegetables and grains he planted. The grapes on the vines were changing from red to purple, and they could truly mature within a week. .

The vegetables and grains he planted are not good ... the ground is full of grass, and no rotten vegetables can be found.

Shi Lingxi was mentally prepared for this before returning. He stared at his eyes, and decided to find time to come back to farm. There is no real failure in his life dictionary.

He took Wang Beibei to see the snake eggs and bird eggs in the two rooms on the first floor. The snake eggs and bird eggs were larger than before they left, and the egg shells had different patterns. These two grew up. Good job.

"This is the gold and silver I said to you. It's green next door."

Shi Lingxi took Wang Beibei to walk around like this, and also wanted her to become familiar with her living environment as soon as possible. There was no one else in the family, so he and Lou Yuan did not show any discomfort.

"Come, let's go and see your room."

Passing the kitchen, Shi Lingxi glanced at the busy Lou Yuan before they continued to go upstairs.

There are a total of four rooms on the second floor, the study, Lou Yuan's room, his room, and the rest of the room is a little smaller. Wang Beibei is not reluctant. There is room on the third floor. .

Shi Lingxi simply cleaned the room once. Lou Yuan came in with a clean quilt pillowcase. The three of them made the bed together and went to the warehouse to pick out something for Wang Beibei.

"This is the first, and then you slowly arrange it later." There are a lot of things for boys and adults in the warehouse. Little girls can use a lot of rooms, but these are not in a hurry. They are all ready tonight. Coming home, there will always be time to add more.

"Huh!" Wang Beibei nodded. She actually liked this room. Of course, it is mainly influenced by Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan's attitude. They are very relaxed here, which makes Wang Beibei feel safe here.

"Downstairs to eat," Lou Yuan held Shi Lingxi's hand, hesitated, and he also held Wang Beibei's wrist.

He and Shi Lingxi's family have never had such creatures as sister or niece. For the first time, they must be explored slowly. Shi Lingxi has consciously assumed the responsibility of education, and he has only raised them. Shi Lingxi and her little girl cannot be hungry.

This meal was a supper. After eating, Wang Beibei went back to his room to do his homework before going to bed, and Shi Lingxi returned to his room.

Lou Yuan stood hesitantly at the door of Shi Lingxi, and there was a little tangled in his face ... So when he came home, would Shi Lingxi sleep with him? He certainly didn't want this, but he had been standing for so long without any suitable reason.

Lou Yuan hesitated to return to the room. In his mental power perception, after Shi Lingxi returned to the room, he took a bath towel and went straight to the bathroom. He subconsciously retracted the mental power perception, came back to God, and it was difficult to explore again. Go in.

But he was completely tangled ... his brows frowned and wrinkled before he went into the bathroom to wash.

When it started, it wasn't that Shi Lingxi couldn't live without him, but that he couldn't live without Shi Lingxi completely, and even this inadvertent separation and neglect, he couldn't adapt.

"Well ..." Lou Yuan sighed softly, and didn't understand what he was worrying about.

Shi Lingxi didn't know Lou was lost because of him. He took a bath and checked the system. The system upgrade took more time than he was told at the beginning that he needed to upgrade, and it was only after they were able to answer questions and exchanges.

"236, is there something wrong? Didn't upgrade successfully?" Shi Lingxi asked with a little worry in his consciousness.

"Report the host. After the system A236 upgrade is completed, scan the host and directly start part of the energy to blur the Zombie King mark. If the processing is successful, Zombie King cannot lock the host by the mark and sense the host position.

Please ask the host to complete the third achievement task as early as possible or upgrade the system to level c to resolve future problems. "

The zombie king's mark is equivalent to the existence of a Trojan horse to the system. After it was upgraded, it was first processed, so Shi Lingxi was unable to contact it the first time.

"System A236 was successfully upgraded to D-level, which can curb D-level killed viruses, add D-level abilities, open the small map function, and open the sweet index rating standards ...."

The system continued to introduce Shi Lingxi to its upgraded situation, but Shi Lingxi's focus has not shifted back.

"So, has it been able to perceive my position before?" Shi Lingxi frowned, wondering if the zombie king knew he had returned to the base of the North City, and whether it had followed by these sensors Come.

This feeling of being stared at is very bad, especially the level difference between him and Zombie King.

"Yes," the system gave an accurate answer, and because of that, it had to deal with it the first time.

Lou Yuan's double mark only helped Shi Lingxi resist the invasion of Shi Lingxi's mental power consciousness by the Zombie King mark. Other aspects still have trouble. Lou Yuan also knew this, so he was so anxious to break through again.

Shi Lingxi groaned, and he was quite helpless for the achievement task. He did not pull Lou Yuanxiu's love on the road, but the conditions for the success of the scene show could not be achieved. Find a million people watching him and Lou Yuanxiu's love. It's impossible in the wild.

However, I still can't give up, only the last achievement task is left, and I can't give up all my achievements.

After taking a shower, Shi Lingxi gazed at the empty room and bed, and raised his eyebrows slightly. He snorted softly, grabbed his cloak, put it on, and rushed to knock on the door of Lou Yuan's room.

"Yeah!" Shi Lingxi knocked several times in succession, wondering whether to open it by himself, and Lou Yuan opened it from the inside.

"You want to sleep with me?" Shi Lingxi asked Lou Yuan first, his eyes were very round, his dissatisfaction and reluctance could be seen at a glance. He poked at Lou Yuan's waist, emphasizing the reality, "What about 20 days ..."

It ’s not two days a day, there are still 20 days before they get married, and he really sleeps according to past marriage customs. He ... he couldn't help it ...

Shi Lingxi's resentment came out, and the ear of the fox's ears moved. His eyes and bones turned around, poking Lou Yuan's hand on the side of the waist without leaving, but probing from the hem of his clothes.

"Twenty days ... I can't bear it!" The key is that he can't bear it now ... How can he sleep on the empty bed. Shi Lingxi completely forgot that before he met Lou Yuan, he slept by himself except in special circumstances.

Lou Yuan grabbed Shi Lingxi's increasingly lawless hands, and brought the person into the room first. On the door belt, he pressed Shi Lingxi against the door panel. His eyes were facing for a moment, his breathing was tight, and Lou Yuan lowered his head. Shi Lingxi also consciously raised his head.

Gently rubbing on lips with different breaths, it is no longer difficult to separate. They also passed the rookie low-hand period when they kissed breathlessly, controlled their breathing, and were all indulged in this intimate interaction. It took a long time for them to separate.

"Xiaoxi, I can't bear it ..." Lou Yuan whispered, and he reached out to unlock Shi Lingxi's cloak, his eyes straightened, Shi Lingxi didn't wear anything except a cloak ...

Shi Lingxi panted, and obeyed Lou Yuan to the bed obediently. He moved his ears and asked sincerely, "Need to change his tail?" Or this could make Lou Yuan better understand what "can't bear" Right.

Lou Yuan's body was stiff for two more points, but her pace was two points faster ...

Before Shi Lingxi sat down and wondered whether to change the foxtail out, he let Lou Yuan kiss again, and then he didn't have time to think about this problem ... and the foxtail was not the same as him. The problem was that when he was so excited, they couldn't hide at all.

From Ancheng base, their nights were mostly spent in practice. Occasionally, the kiss was limited to the sneak attack of Shi Lingxi, and the forehead kiss given by Lou Yuan in the morning and evening. Both of them had been stunned for a long time. Settled down, no more scruples, lingering to death, fighting endlessly ...

Shi Lingxi closed her eyes with tears that were too emotional, and threw his plans for August to the back of his head. He pressed against Lou Yuan's neck, feeling sleepy and tired for a while. Consumes energy and energy ...

Lou Yuan gently walked along Shi Lingxi's tail, his eyes closed for a moment, and he climbed up again. He went to Shi Lingxi's room next door and brought some of Shi Lingxi's clothes and daily utensils into his room. After doing this, he lay back to Shi Lingxi to accompany him to sleep.

Shi Lingxi murmured, put his hands on Lou Yuan's side, and fell asleep more and more.

After they fell asleep, some people in the Ancheng base received the news of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi returning without a hit. Most of them felt at ease, and a small number felt vaguely lost.

Such a big mountain is pressing, and it is too difficult for them to get ahead.

The sun and the moon alternate, and a new day comes.

Shi Lingxi was undoubtedly late. He opened his eyes for a moment, the curtain was pulled open by a figure, and the sun fell on his face. Shi Lingxi continued to hold on for a while before he looked forward to block the sunlight on his face. Lou Yuan.

"Lou Yuan, I have so many things ..." Shi Lingxi's unsmiling eyes stared at Lou Yuan, completely forgetting how he was addicted to emotions yesterday ... Now he can't get out of bed, naturally Lou Yuan was wrong.

Lou Yuan's hand was patted on Shi Lingxi's back. He was silent for a moment, and suggested, "Go back in the afternoon, obediently."

"Well," Shi Lingxi responded softly, and that was the only way, he couldn't help his waist to the Association Building.

"You're busy, I'll take Babe to find you in the afternoon," Shi Lingxi doesn't really blame Lou Yuan, what you like, and his own physical strength is much weaker than Lou Yuan. , Can't stand such a high-intensity long-time toss at all.

Lou Yuan nodded for a while and he nodded. "I have cooked the porridge, and you can eat it after a while."

"I put all your clothes in the closet of the room. The first floor is clothes, the second floor is pants, and the socks are in the drawer ..." Lou Yuan said, got up and opened the wardrobe to Shi Lingxi, lest he Can't find clothes to wear in a while.

"I also put the things you washed in the bathroom together ..." Lou Yuan's voice was low and low. He came over and directly picked up Shi Lingxi and went to the bathroom. He didn't have any time to hurry. Help first Shi Lingxi washed the bath before going.

Shi Lingxi is so savvy, and let Lou Yuan talk about it directly ... After reacting, he has let the waiter take a bath. He raised his hand and muttered in a low voice, "Lou Yuan, you can't change your heart. ... "

Lou Yuan was so kind to him that he silently changed all his living habits, so that Shi Lingxi began to worry about how sad he would be when Lou Yuan changed his heart.

"No," Lou Yuan said and kissed Shi Lingxi's forehead gently. He took the person back to the room, and then continued to wait until Shi Lingxi changed his clothes and went downstairs. He left home after breakfast.

When he arrived at the military, it was already 9 am, and there was no doubt that he was late.

Compared to the time when he arrived at the military headquarters on time at 7 o'clock, he was two hours late, and the backbone of the A-level abilities of the entire military department also waited for him for two hours and 120 minutes.

Chapter 65: D-Class Show Empathy Mainline Mission: Regain Jincheng, become the master of Jincheng, and make Lou Yuan the wife of the master.

Lou Yuan calmly walked into the meeting room and sat down. He said, "Meeting."

There was no meaning to explain to them, Xiong Kun and Langmu's faces were clear, the others did not know was scratching their ears, and couldn't figure out how Lou Yuan was so late.

Shi Lingxi sent Lou Yuan to the door, and he took Beibei back to the house. Soon after, the member Shen Jun he had contacted in advance sent a dozen of documents to his home.

"You go back, I will come in the afternoon." Shi Lingxi sent Shen Jun who looked down and didn't dare to look at him. He lay back on the sofa and continued to look at the information in a rather awkward posture.

Wang Beibei was writing quietly by the side and finished her assignments set by Shi Lingxi. She went to the window in the yard to practice her abilities.

The repair ability of Wang Beibei's first personality has a certain camouflage effect. From the appearance of the black bird, the black bird can no longer be seen as a lost bird. It's just that its expression is not smart enough compared to alien birds of the same level.

Shi Lingxi watched for more than two hours before reading all the materials sent by Shen Jun.

One month after they left, there were 134 newly awakened and registered abilities on the North City Base. It looked like a lot, but compared with the population base of the entire survivor base, the probability was 1 in 10,000. Here.

These materials are set aside, and Shi Lingxi picks up another separate file, which contains the records of Shi Lingxi asking Shen Jun and Yan Wei to follow Tan Yuanshan, except for his behavior in the research center, his other social behaviors are all in Shi Lingxi is in control.

Tan Yuanshan met with Wang Mu twice, once on his own, and once to attend Wang Mu's birthday party. Other times he and Wang Mu's deputy, members of Zhang Jiajia's power group also met. He socialized at the base of the North City. The scope is very wide, and they are also very important figures.

Shi Lingxi swept over and set it aside, lying back on the pillow, closing his eyes for a moment, then opening it again. He sat up and dialed the phone. "Gu Xi, let the news go, the researcher who made the medicine is me."

Tan Yuanshan wanted to use the information of the pharmacy researcher he had to expand his communication and connections, which made Shi Lingxi sick. Tan Yuanshan used him without any psychological obstacles, and he didn't need to show mercy.

This message will soon spread to him and Lou Yuan's marriage in the power circle of the base, so he has no room for Wang Mu, Zhang Jiajia or other power groups to buy.

This is also the attitude of Shi Lingxi. He belongs to Lou Yuan and the military, not to the research center where Tan Yuanshan and Shi Jing are. Tan Yuanshan and Shi Jing did not play any role in this.

Wang Mu and Zhang Jiajia understood a little bit, so they should go directly to Lou Yuan to negotiate, not through Tan Yuanshan or Shi Jing.

Shi Lingxi put down the phone and snorted softly. He slowly lay back on the sofa and couldn't help rubbing his waist again. These people made him sore back!

He glanced to his left wrist and clicked on the latest mainline mission released after the system upgrade.

"D-level show love mainline mission: regain Jincheng, become the master of Jincheng, and let Lou Yuan become the wife of the master of the town. Mission duration: 2 months. Mission difficulty: Grade D (generally simple). If the mission cannot be completed within the deadline, the host will Encountering a 'power level weakening' penalty ... "

Seeing these, Shi Lingxi's eyes were slightly rounded, and the task of recovering a city occupied by zombies and sea beasts was actually simple. He stared at the task rating and wanted to pull the system out and talk about it.

But these are not all of the tasks. There are also branch tasks for it under the main task.

"Mainline quest branch one: find the psionicist marked by the zombie king who sneaked into the base city. Quest duration: 7 days. Quest difficulty: level D. (generally simple). If the task cannot be completed within the time limit, the host will encounter a DD level randomly selected debuff punished. "

After Shi Lingxi watched the task, his face was dignified, and the Zombie King followed him. And in the base city, there are lurking abilities that he has marked. Shi Lingxi has experienced the marking process firsthand, and the more serious the matter becomes.

Powers below level B have no resistance to the Zombie King's mark, unless their mental strength is inherently higher than ordinary people like him.

"Seven days ..." Shi Lingxi groaned, her brows slightly raised.

The current base population of the entire base city is more than 2.3 million people, and foreign populations continue to enter every day. To find one or several latent labeled abilities in more than 2.3 million people, this task is no easier than the main task. .

However, its rating is still a simple D-level that makes Shi Lingxi want to vomit blood.

"236, aren't your D-rated task ratings all D-rated ..." Shi Lingxi squinted his eyes, and he felt that this should be the case ... but the system was silent at this time.

"Babe!" Shi Lingxi shouted out the window, and Wang Beibei ran back.

"It's almost time, let's go to your uncle Lou for dinner," Shi Lingxi rubbed Wang Beibei's hair. He sorted out the information, and then called again, and asked the community security department to send a car.

Wang Beibei hung a simple cloth bag with her homework, candy, and a hidden black bird.

Shi Lingxi was surrounded by a black cloak, and then carried his backpack. He took Wang Beibei out, waited for two minutes, the car arrived, they got in the car, and 30 minutes later, they arrived at the military headquarters.

There is not much time, it is exactly 12 noon, and it is also the time when the military general eats on a weekday. Shi Lingxi and Wang Beibei went to have lunch before going to Lou Yuan's office.

"Dr. Shi!"

"Dr. Shi is here ..."

Shi Lingxi greeted him along the way. Although he wore a cape, he still recognized him well, and only he would walk around wearing a cape throughout the military.

"Dr. Shi went straight in and the chief explained it."

The guards at the door didn't wait for Shi Lingxi to ask, and he informed them first, and they were so enthusiastic because Lou Yuan announced the marriage date between him and Shi Lingxi with the crowd at the end of the morning meeting.

One pass is ten, the other is ten, and the military does not know that there are not many.

Shi Lingxi pushed in the door and looked at his future wife, only half of his face, and Lou Yuan was surrounded by several people at his desk.

Shi Lingxi took Wang Beibei to the sofa. He opened Wang Beibei's food box and let her eat first.

"... keke," Xiong Kun coughed twice, others noticed, Lou Yuan raised his hand, and they left the office.

"Come over to eat," Shi Lingxi only left his hat behind at this time. Then he turned around and opened the food box prepared for Lou Yuan, and then he himself.

"Are you better?" Lou Yuan asked softly and sat down, seeing nothing from Shi Lingxi's look.

"Well," Shi Lingxi responded softly. He bowed his head and choked his mouth, thinking about finding people and regaining the city in his head at high speed, but without exception, he could not do without Lou Yuan's help.

Near the end of the meal, Shi Lingxi asked, "Are you going to the Association Building this afternoon?"

"Go," Lou Yuan nodded. As the chairman of the Psionics Association, he came back two days before showing up.

"Okay, come to the lab and call me when you go, and I'll go with you, too," Shi Lingxi said, packing the lunch box, and he got up and left with Wang Beibei.

Lou Yuan sent them to the door. He looked at Shi Lingxi, with some thoughts in his eyes. Shi Lingxi seemed to have something in mind. But Shi Lingxi didn't say anything, and he couldn't know what Shi Lingxi was worrying about.

Shi Lingxi took Wang Beibei to the Military Medical Department and gave Wang Beibei to He Lao. He went into the laboratory and began to dispense medicine. C-level down potions, he let Cheng Mu them to make preparations, AB class potions he himself.

Three hours later, he prepared 4 groups of medicaments, 24 bottles by himself, and the efficiency was quite high, but it was still not enough to meet the needs of the military and associations.

He packed up the test bench, walked out of the laboratory, approached Lou Yuan, and hugged him for a while, then he withdrew from Lou Yuan's arms and held Lou Yuan again, and they went to He Lao's office.

"Babe, you study with Grandpa He. Uncle Lou and I will come to pick you up for dinner at home. Do you want to be obedient?"

Shi Lingxi and He Lao asked well, and then told Wang Beibei again. He Lao liked Wang Beibei very much. Wang Beibei also felt that he was cordial, much like her grandpa, and did not exclude Shi Lingxi's arrangement.

"Well, I'm obedient," Wang Beibei responded obediently.

"Grandpa, it's hard," Shi Lingxi and He Lao thanked him. He and Lou Yuan looked at each other. They left He Lao's office, got out of the military department, and went to the Phantom Association building.

"What are you thinking?" Lou Yuan whispered to Shi Lingxi. Shi Lingxi didn't take the initiative to say that he could only ask.

"I think our base still lacks a school, and the education of children is also very important." Shi Lingxi thought about Wang Beibei's whereabouts during the day, and thought of the lack of the current Beicheng base and all bases.

It is not easy to run a school. The source of students is a problem.

Food is scarce, ordinary families are hovering on the food and clothing line, and children and youngsters with a little labor are estimated to share