MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 72 Fox, what are you doing!

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When Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan walked around the village and passed back, Shi Lingxi dug the nucleus of this abusive and abused D-class zombies, and they returned to the house where they had parked and shamed.

Next, they waited for Chen Yun here. If they didn't show up at 12 o'clock overnight, Lou Yuan would take Shi Lingxi to find their tracks.

Chen Yun and Zhang Wen's mission this time was mainly to find out the distribution of zombies and herds from Beicheng base to Jincheng. The more carefully they investigated, the more comprehensive their plans would be.

Jincheng is a city that Lou Yuan has always wanted to win, and its deployment and investigations have been ongoing.

They have been regularly cleaning up the zombies in the jungle. In addition, the main hunting areas of the psionics are mostly in the jungle and the towns occupied by zombies. There are basically no impossible zombies and herds around the base .

But the ocean is different. First of all, the ocean itself occupies a huge area, and the species is extremely rich. Under the catalysis of the beast virus, the competition there is more fierce, and any kind of monster will be possible.

Lou Yuan never felt that he could curb the strength and upgrade of marine life, but no matter how they fought on the sea floor, they could not invade the land. If Jincheng did not return to his control, he would not know what the marine life had been upgraded to. Degree.

Jincheng must recover, and the sooner the better.

Lou Yuan meditated quietly. Shi Lingxi wandered around Lou Yuan a few times, and he paced to study the unconscious naked man.

Holding a flashlight, Shi Lingxi took a closer look at his appearance. He had long hair and two long beards at the corners of his mouth. Shi Lingxi reached out and dragged, it is a real beard ...

How can a beard be so long to be 50 or 60 years old, but with the beard removed, the skin on his face is still 20 or 30 years old, without any oldness.

Shi Lingxi nodded gently, thinking that this beard should also be the cause of the power. His power can have long tail and long hair. This person may also have a long beard, or a goat-like beastly power. .

Of course, it may also be that he is not old, and other places are old. Shi Lingxi held a flashlight and continued to check down. His skin is fair and his texture is quite young, which is not normal.

Surviving in a zombie town, food is a sure thing, he was not hungry skinny ... it was a bit unscientific.


Lou Yuan gave a low cough, and Shi Lingxi took the flashlight in a regular way, and did not continue to shine in the place with slightly spicy eyes. He did not have much desire to study the male sexual organs, but he had a preliminary understanding of the firmness of this person's body muscles. guess.

This man's ability cannot judge his ability level because the crystal nucleus is broken, but his body has at least the physical ability of a B-level ability, skipping the middle part of the body, Shi Lingxi checked his legs, no What a special sign.

After these inspections were completed, Shi Lingxi went to the car and took out a suit, and covered it on the person. Then, he sat back at Lou Yuan's feet, leaned his head against Lou Yuan's thigh, and closed his eyes for a rest.

Lou Yuan didn't make any more noise, although he knew that Shi Lingxi was only undergoing routine inspections as a doctor, and that he had also checked himself, but when Shi Lingxi did this, he still had such a little mind in his mind.

Two hours later, Lou Yuan opened his eyes. "There is something chasing Chen Yun them."

Shi Lingxi didn't really fall asleep. Lou Yuan uttered a voice. He immediately woke up and looked ready to participate in the battle.

"Come up," Lou Yuan squatted down, Shi Lingxi lay on his back, and they left the house. As long as the man remained in the house, he could survive in the town occupied by the zombies. The village is no problem.

And relatively speaking, in the hearts of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi, Chen Yun's safety is more important.

On the banks of the Luoshui River, which is not too far away from the Luoshui Village, Chen Yun, Zhang Wen, and others looked a little tired, and they had been chasing for three days and nights with the thing behind them.

The nearest town from Jincheng has been chased by it in circles, and every time I thought it was thrown away, I finally encountered it unexpectedly.

"Stop it!" A B-level player was tripped on a raised rock on his feet. He was tripped over and rolled two rolls. He still fell sturdily on the head, and they didn't notice the way. Down the low slope.

"Big feet, all right," Chen Yun lifted his back, and they continued to run forward.

He and Zhang Wen disregarded the enemy. He thought that an A-level alienation plant growing on the side of the road was bound to be obtained. I did not expect that this alienation plant had a master. The master's grade was close to AA.

But now that they have arrived, they don't want to give up this A-level alienated plant, but this is 6 bottles of A-level potions, which may allow them to upgrade, or a few more A-level comrades, can't bear to give it up.

"I'm fine. I was stabbed on my foot. The soil power of that thing is really good."

There are also soil-based abilities in their military headquarters, but the soil-based abilities are more used in defense and traps. The soil spurs displayed by the soil-based abilities that chase them are harder than steel and have great power. , And it will be dirt!

This is a skill that the army's soil-based abilities have not been able to perform so far, but that thing is as good as it is in the performance of the earthen figure, so they can't always throw it away.

"Oh!" With a sound, the hard ground like sand fell behind them, and they approached them more and more.

"What to do, my water system abilities don't dare to perform at all ..." Chen Yun's face became even colder. If he performed the water system abilities, the sandy land would become swampland, and it would be more difficult for them to move forward or back.

Zhang Wen's arson was useless. Except for burning grass and trees on the ground, he couldn't burn the stuff in the soil.

Just when they were at a loss, a car rumbling drove from a distance, and there was a lot of movement. Shi Lingxi drove. Lou Yuan was standing on the roof of the car, and Chen Yun and Zhang Wen both looked relieved.

They sat down, moved, and bandaged the wounded player first.

The car stopped, Shi Lingxi took the medicine box down, and Lou Yuan also jumped down from the car. He didn't rush to catch the thing. He first looked at Chen Yun and Zhang Wen about their situation.

"Bite," Shi Lingxi shoved a piece of gauze into the player's mouth nicknamed Bigfoot, and he opened a stopper for a tube of medicine and poured it directly on his ankle.

The sound of "Zi Zi" sounded, the team member still groaned while biting the gauze, and the fine sweat beads on his forehead face were instantly filled.

The looks of Chen Yun and Zhang Wen also became serious, and the situation of the big feet was much more serious than they thought.

"The treatment is timely and the toxicity is not deep, but one hour later, your feet are wasteful."

Although Bigfoot is a B-level power, this toxicity is at least B-level, and it is considered light to dispose of one leg.

"Dr. Shi, show Zhang Wen, his hand hurt the thing before," Chen Yun immediately opened Zhang Wen's sleeve, where he simply tied a hemostatic bandage, and they didn't do the detoxification treatment.

In other words, they did not find that the thing's ability contained a toxin at all. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the natural ability to spawn a poisonous ability ... Can it be chasing their thing as a dual system ability? ? That's too scary!

Shi Lingxi nodded and asked the others to continue bandaging his feet. He came to check Zhang Wen's condition.

"Even later, your arm will be used up ..." Shi Lingxi frowned, and he pulled out another tube of medicine and poured it into Zhang Wen's hand, even if Zhang Wen was an A-level power screamer. Soon.

His condition is more serious than that of Bigfoot, but compared to the unsolved high-grade virus, the detoxification is timely and it is no problem to save his life. The two tubes that Shi Lingxi gave them are worth no less than two bottles of A-level potions.

The formula of the detoxification agent is relatively simple. The formula comes from the research center. Shi Lingxi has made some improvements, but it still needs alienated plants with detoxification properties as the main medicine.

Chen Yunsong sighed and immediately reported to Lou Yuanhui, "It is a living thing, but it has been hidden in the soil, and we have not figured out what it is."

"It's an A-level alienated dog," Lou Yuan replied to them, and then the sandy ground in front of them kept tumbling, and an unattractive earth dog showed his head. .

The forelimb knelt down on the ground. Its begging posture was extremely humane. It knew how to beg for mercy, and it was not far from fully opening its mind.

Neither Shi Lingxi nor Chen Yun disturbed Lou Yuan's decision. Two minutes later, Lou Yuan let go of his restraint, walked to the side of the dog, and tapped on his forehead.

Chen Yun did not understand what Lou Yuan meant, but Shi Lingxi understood.

Lou Yuan has initially marked the dog, and can control its behavior to a certain extent, but he will not completely erase the autonomy of the marked person like Zombie King.

"Woohoo ... Wang!" Tu Gou struck Lou Yuan's legs, showing his sincerity to him, and then he dug back into his head. After a while, he scooped out his belongings one by one.

The thing that poisoned Bigfoot and Zhang Wen was also clear. It was not that it awakened the dual-line poison power, but a green alien fruit of A-level. Then, of course, this fruit was confiscated by Shi Lingxi.

"Wang!" Tu Gou stared at Shi Lingxi, but saw his master rubbing Shi Lingxi's hair in praise, his barking voice was obviously lower, "Wang ..." The dog was miserable and destined About to be exploited ...

"Rhubarb ..." Shi Lingxi squatted in front of the native dog and gave it a name casually.

The dirt dog looked at Shi Lingxi rather alertly, "Wang!" Ren Fox, what are you doing!

"More than one fruit, hurry up and spit out the others."

Shi Lingxi squinted and looked at this rather slippery dirt dog. When he actively surrendered something, he would give them a sense of frankness and conscientiousness, so he would not investigate whether it was hidden under the ground. What.

The clearness in Shi Lingxi's eyes caused rhubarb to panic, his eyes moved, and he continued to communicate with Shi Lingxi "Wang Wu, Wang Wu", and he really treated Shi Lingxi as a fox.

Shi Lingxi certainly did not have the ability to understand the Wang language, but he also had a cheating weapon. He asked the system casually, and the system gave him the meaning of earth dog rhubarb.

And this native dog is no longer suspected of possessing intelligence, but already. And before the end of the world, it also has experience of living in human society. It can understand people's words, and has learned some city characteristics. It is by no means a good dog.

After bargaining, Shi Lingxi asked for two more A-level alienated fruits from Rhubarb, which was totally worth the value of his two bottles of potion, but Shi Lingxi consciously told him that the native dog must have hidden good things and had not paid come out.

Shi Lingxi stood up and glanced at Rhubarb, indicating that he could cover it to a certain extent in the future.

Earth dog rhubarb did not appreciate it, it "Wang!" Fox, Gosh remember you!

The system will not miss the translation of Shi Lingxi because Rhubarb's voice is low.

After Shi Lingxi listened, squinting his eyes, he walked towards Lou Yuan. "Rhubarb is not honest, there must be something good hidden ..."

"Oh?" Lou Yuan responded in coordination, and then looked at Rhubarb's extremely dangerous gaze.

"Woohoo ..." Ren Fox, dad is afraid ...

"Hum," Shi Lingxi snorted softly and let it go for a while.

This rhubarb can collect so many things, which shows that its nose is very easy to use, and the ability of the soil turtle is unique in collecting alienated plants. In the future, Rhubarb's things are Lou Yuan's, and Lou Yuan's are all his! So happily decided!

Shi Lingxi narrowed his eyes as he thought, and he held Lou Yuan's hand. Lou Yuan looked over his head, and he smiled at Lou Yuan again, his smile was particularly bright and beautiful. The native dog rhubarb shuddered for no reason, and the tough dog was born, just now.

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