MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 79 "Lou Dahei! You are so bad!"

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In the ward of the Military Medical Department, Sun Yu has been awake and awake since Shi Lingxi left, and he is in pain.

As his roommate, Xiong Kun consciously stayed to watch him vigilantly, but he didn't sleep for a long time.

He got up in the morning to feed him some water, and Xiong Kun left.

Sun Yu thought that he would soon see Shi Lingxi, but it was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that he woke up for another two or three hours before Shi Lingxi came into his ward.

Shi Lingxi was dressed in white overalls, such as snow hair and tilted ears, which made him look special. Obviously it belongs to the Meng line, but Shi Lingxi wants to take himself to the high cold side.

"Don't pretend to sleep when we wake up, let's talk." Shi Lingxi recorded the physical condition of Sun Yu on the cardboard. He handed the cardboard to Cheng Mu who came in with him and signaled Cheng Mu to go out first.

On the door, Shi Lingxi pulled a stool and sat in front of Sun Yu's bed. His look was calm. After one night, he had completely calmed down, and it was even worse than yesterday.

Sun Yu opened her eyes, looked at Shi Lingxi, and remained silent.

Shi Lingxi was not in a hurry. He came to Sun Yu after finishing all the things to be dealt with, and some were patient.

"I don't want to say that it's really for your good, hey ... you call Lou Yuan together."

Sun Yu said with his eyes closed for a moment and then opened, he had a decision in his mind, but he thought that Shi Lingxi could not solve the problem, and Lou Yuan could really solve the problem.

Shi Lingxi nodded when he heard the words. He went to the door, the door opened, and Lou Yuan came in.

Sun Yu stared at her abdomen for a while, she really felt that Shi Lingxi was perfect. Shi Lingxi guessed who the person he really asked for would be, and let Lou Yuan come here.

Lou Yuan walked in and sat on another stool that Shi Lingxi moved over. They sat down and looked at Sun Yu together.

"Well," Sun Yu sighed again, feeling old-fashioned through the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the autumn. His eyes and Lou Yuan faced each other, and he asked, "How much do you know about the hidden family of Xia Guo?"

Lou Yuan answered a moment of groaning and replied, "How many contacts did you have during the mission before the end of the world?"

Lou Yuan looked more closely at Sun Yu, but he did not have much contact with the hidden world family before the end of the world. He could not discern Sun Yu's identity by observation, and among the several hidden world families he knew, there were no Surnamed Sun.

Sun Yu frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised that Lou Yuan didn't know much about the Clan family.

Lou Yuan is now the No. 1 master of Beicheng Base and the person in charge of this base. In such an important place as Beicheng Base, those families failed to win it, but Lou Yuan was overwhelmed.

If you think of Lou Yuan's qualifications and strength again, you can understand why Beicheng Base is such a situation, but this situation should not last long.

I'm afraid it won't take long, and when those hidden families stabilize in the last days, someone will come to negotiate with Lou Yuan.

"I don't belong to any family, but my master is a group of people who deal exclusively with these families, and they are regarded as retail." Sun Yu was struggling to talk while lying down. He could not bear the pain and sat up half-heartedly. "His ..."

Shi Lingxi got up to give Sun Yu an extra pillow and sat back again. He didn't say anything, he knew less than Lou Yuan. No hidden family, he never heard his grandpas just mention a few words.

"The powers you have now are called psionics according to us. The hidden family is these people who have psionic power in their natural blood," said Sun Yu, which is to confuse Shi Lingxi. For ordinary people, They do not have access to these levels of common sense. It is possible that Lou Yuan's identity before the end of life may have touched some.

"Modern earth, the heavens and the earth can run out of spirits. It is very difficult for us to cultivate a little climate. My master lived for more than two hundred years and he has reached level C." Bottom-flowing psionicist.

"More than two hundred years ..." Shi Lingxi murmured softly, not because he doubted Sun Yu's words, but because he also wondered if the power could be increased to the extreme, whether it could really change the life of a person.

However, originally he estimated that at least S level must be upwards to break through the shackles of life, but Master Sun Yu only has c level.

"My master relies on some special methods to continue his life, not because of psionic energy. He did not tell me what the specific method is." Sun Yu did not reach the age when he needed to rely on special methods to extend his life. Too.

Shi Lingxi nodded slightly, he asked, "Is your injury related to the hidden family?"

Sun Yu was silent again. Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan looked at each other for a moment. He turned his head to look at Sun Yu, and asked more seriously, "You want to tell me and Lou Yuan ... the appearance of the last days and the hidden family related?"

Although it was questioning, he and Lou Yuan could already understand what Sun Yu said about it. In the last days, it looked like a natural disaster, but there was also a human disaster hidden under the natural disaster.

Sun Yu nodded her head slightly, and there was some pain in her throat. It took a long time to make a sound, "Yes ..."

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan both took a deep breath. The natural disasters caused by man-made calamities have created today's eschatology. There are more than ten million dead people, no matter what their original intention is, there is no excuse!

The atmosphere of silence continued for a moment, and Lou Yuan spoke and Shi Lingxi explained the hidden family he knew.

"Hidden world families are groups that are hidden from the world. They generally do not interfere excessively with the ordinary people's world. This group also has national and regional differences. Generally, they only appear when superhuman events occur."

"I used to know about it because of several special tasks."

But before today, Lou Yuan had never thought of the end of the world. It would be related to this group. After all, at the time, their abilities were superior, but they were not amazing. In the face of more powerful weapons, they were not like ordinary people. Too much difference.

Lou Yuan held Shi Lingxi's slightly cold hand, and he looked at Sun Yu, "Specifically."

"Yes, you are right. Hidden clan families are divided into regions and countries. In particular, nations are not allowed to cross borders easily. But more than 50 years ago, these families were all united together. They must seize an opportunity to let The earth is back to a time of psionic energy. "

Shi Lingxi was able to grasp the key point in Sun Yu's words. He carefully thought it over, and frowned, and asked, "Plenty of energy? What happened to the zombies?" The situation where the beasts roam the world!

Shi Lingxi thought that the appearance of zombies should be unexpected by these hidden families. The red rain three years ago cannot be forgotten by anyone who survives, as if the heavens and the earth were bleeding, and it was red and evil. It was by no means a simple spiritual energy to reproduce the world.

"I don't know what's going on here. The spiritual powers in the world are all polluted by evil spirits."

Sun Yu remembered something, and his face was getting worse. "My injury is better described as a curse. Everyone involved in the‘ Soul Calling ’plan was cursed.”

He looked at Shi Lingxi, and finally dropped the topic back to the point that Shi Lingxi had to investigate at first.

"The worm you dug out of my head should be called worm. Don't worry about it ... it won't affect ordinary people. If I die, you can burn me and it won't spread."

Shi Lingxi's eyes narrowed and he squinted his eyes. He even believed in his own and systematic judgment. The threat of the so-called "shaman" was by no means as simple as Sun Yu said.

Sun Yu continued to talk about their "Soul Calling" plan. All the hidden families from home and abroad participated in it. They selected 10 spirit bodies with different attributes from the family and the world and sent them to an island in the Pacific. Sun Yuzheng Is one of them.

Some of his words with Shi Lingxi's Hu Kan before his amnesia were actually true, and he did fall asleep for a long time. In his still vague memory, he seemed to have completed the task he was accounted for, but before it was safe to evacuate the island, the island was flooded with seawater.

He floated in the sea for more than a year before waking up from the beach near Jincheng, and it continued to be muddled for a long time.

He has always had an idea in his mind that he wants to return to the sunken island, and he wants to find out the truth about the death of his master. That's why he has been appearing near Jincheng, looking for opportunities to go to the sea while healed his wounds.

"These ten of us should be regarded as sacrifices ... Although it was told at the beginning that we were just a medium," Sun Yu thought hard, but he couldn't remember many details, especially those on the island.

"I survived, the other nine people ... I only met Qin Yue again, but he no longer remembers me."

After Sun Yu's tone, he explained again, "The Zombie King of Jincheng is one of the ten of us ... Qin family, Lou Yuan, you know."

Lou Yuan nodded gently, he knew that the Qin family belonged to the Xia Guoyin family.

"Qin Hui ..." Lou Yuan carefully recalled that one of the Qin family he had contacted was Qin Hui, who should have been with Qin Hui for a generation, and perhaps had a blood relationship.

However, these are not important. What is important is that Qin Yue has become a zombie and a threat to the security of the base. Now there is another key, that is, behind this zombie king Qin Yue, is there any possibility that it may involve the Qin Clan's hidden family.

"And ... you better not continue to practice any more," Sun Yu suggested with a serious look to Lou Yuan. Shi Lingxi dug out the worm and saved his life for half a year. He can no longer hide.

"Although you are the highest qualification of the celestial body, you can naturally filter some evil spirits, but your power can be upgraded too fast. The celestial body can no longer bear the load, and you continue to cultivate, the consequences are unthinkable."

Shi Lingxi turned his head to look at Lou Yuan. The calmness on his face could not be maintained. The color of worry instantly filled his eyes. He reached out and touched Lou Yuan's forehead and cheek. Then he pressed Lou Yuan's chest again. .

There is nothing wrong with Lou Yuan's physical condition, so only crystal nuclei are left where Lou Yuan can go wrong.

"What's the solution?" Shi Lingxi asked his head to Xiang Yu, looking serious and ruthless, which was related to Lou Yuan's life safety. He couldn't be more serious.

Sun Yu nodded and was prepared for Shi Lingxi's problem.

"There are two solutions. One is to dissipate the cultivated abilities, find a place where the psionic energy is pure, and re-cultivate, and the other is to find the corresponding formula, and the peony filters out the evil spirits accumulated in the body."

"Where is the formula?" Shi Lingxi reached out to Sun Yu. The first method, he didn't need to ask Lou Yuan to know about Lou Yuan's choice, so there was only the second method, the so-called formula, which should be similar to his formula. .

However, Sun Yu did not nod his head anymore, but shook his head, "I don't know ... but if I can find the relics of my master, there may be ... my master has some research in the medical field, maybe ... should ... maybe there will be . "

Lou Yuan's breath was too strong, and Shi Lingxi was too keen, and he didn't dare to say too much.

Shi Lingxi's brow frowned, and she was not satisfied with Sun Yu's reply, "Where is your master's relic, on the island you said?"

The current sea area is Lou Yuan who dare not dare to get involved easily. Even if Sun Yu leads the way, they will find that island. It is estimated that it will be a lifetime of death. .

"No, it's in Jincheng," Sun Yu shook his head. He still didn't hesitate to go out to sea, but he didn't want to involve Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi. The water was muddy than Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi thought.

However, even if he didn't say, Lou Yuan's current position at the base will still be involved, and Lou Yuan knows too little and has no precautions, and the loss may be greater.

Sun Yu's expression was already very tired and reluctant. Shi Lingxi had a lot of things to ask, but he didn't dare to push him too tight. He and Lou Yuan looked at each other, and they got up.

"You rest at ease and let's talk when you are better."

Sun Yu nodded weakly. After Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan left, he looked slightly bitter. It seemed that Shi Lingxi had not planned to completely let him go, and talking to Shi Lingxi was more tired than fighting Zeng Zhe, a zombie king.

Shi Lingxi came out of the ward with Lou Yuan. He did not return to his laboratory, but followed Lou Yuan to the military office building. The amount of information received from Sun Yu is too large, and they need to sort it out.

The situation in the last days was heavy enough. Now there are still some hidden families who have deep inside information. Lou Yuan's ability training also has problems.

But Shi Lingxi still feels fortunate. Some problems are not afraid to know, but they are too late to know.

And some problems do n’t exist because they do n’t know.

The office door closed, and Lou Yuan took Shi Lingxi to sit on the sofa. Shi Lingxi immediately turned around and embraced Lou Yuan, holding it tightly and tightly, he whispered, "Lou Yuan, don't worry, I don't Will make you go wrong. "

Shi Lingxi thinks very carefully. The occasional loss of control at night by Lou Yuan may be a sign of a problem with the practice of powers. Therefore, he and Lou Yuan still have doubts about Sun Yu's other words, but they can basically determine this.

"I'm not worried," Lou Yuan hugged Shi Lingxi, and ran his hand gently along Shi Lingxi's back. He whispered, "I have a sense."

Shi Lingxi's expression was a little stunned when she heard her words, but it was just like Lou's original words.

What he said was not to stop practicing immediately, but Lou Yuan felt that he had not yet reached the so-called "load" limit of his body and could continue to practice for a while.

Shi Lingxi was silent for a long time, and slaped his hands to Lou Yuan's waist and side, "Lou Dahei! You are not good!"

Shi Lingxi was obviously angry, but when he called it, Lou Yuan's subconscious reaction was that the ears were red, and when Shi Lingxi used to call this, they were at emotional moments with each other.

"Cough," Lou Yuan coughed a little, straightened his face slightly. He took Shi Lingxi's face and kissed him gently, he was sure, "Xiaoxi, you believe me, I have a sense of proportion."

In the face of such a gentle Lou Yuan, Shi Lingxi's strong anger could not hold it anymore, he frowned slightly, he broke free from Lou Yuan's hands, his feet crossed, and sat directly on Lou Yuan's legs , Then hugged Lou Yuan and leaned on his shoulder.

"Lou Yuan, you must not lie to me, remember?"

"Well, I won't lie to you," Lou Yuan tilted his head and kissed Shi Lingxi's cheek, and the corner of his mouth slightly smiled. Now that the situation is very critical, Shi Lingxi's company still makes him feel good and warm.

Many people think that the power of hatred is the most powerful, but Lou Yuan feels that the power of guarding must be beyond hatred. For Shi Lingxi and the base, he took some risks willingly.

Chapter 80 "I don't know if Mr. Shi is free now, accompany me to try on the wedding dress."

Shi Lingxi didn't answer anymore. He leaned on Lou Yuan's shoulder and frowned slightly.

It's not just Lou Yuan who has problems with the practice of powers. According to Sun Yu, Lou Yuan's physical reason is actually quite good, and others may not be.

It ’s just that the end of the world is full of calculations, and there is another three months to complete the next month. The problem of cultivating abilities exists, but before the large-scale outbreak, Lou Yuan had problems in advance because his cultivation was far away Front of man.

The future of all power consciously superior to ordinary people is actually a dead end, it must be said that it is a great irony.

"236, show me Lou Yuan's health."

Shi Lingxi wasn't sure what the system could detect. He could only try it like this. After he asked for it, he started up and down on Lou Yuan, touched it carefully, and felt that the system was not comprehensive enough.

"Lou Yuan, physical ability S level, power SSS level, there are no abnormal characteristics."

In the system's detection, Lou Yuan had no problems, and he was also worried that Lou Yuan would have trouble. This is the only task target that meets the criteria for spouse selection, and it gave its recommendations.

"The host is requested to work hard to upgrade the system to level c. After the host signs a life and death deed with Lou Yuan, the system can monitor the vital signs of the host partner at any time."

The systematic monitoring results were within Shi Lingxi's expectation. At the same time, it was also confirmed that Lou Yuan's body had no problems as far as the eyes were concerned, and it was only possible to continue to cultivate.

What he has to do now is to raise the system to level c before finding problems with Lou Yuan's ability, and find the recipe, and solve the problem of ability training from the root.

"Lou Yuan, the hidden world family's research on abilities is far ahead of us. You can help me collect this convenient information," Shi Lingxi whispered in Lou Yuan's ear.

He can't help Lou Yuan too much in guarding the hidden family, but in terms of logistics, he and the research center will stand firmly behind Lou Yuan.

At the end of the world, the whole world was rewashed. Three years later, they are no worse than any hidden family.

"Okay," Lou Yuan nodded and responded.

They continued to hold for a moment, and Shi Lingxi took the initiative to get off Lou Yuan's legs.

After Lou Yuan's thoughts were cleared up, he called Xiong Kun Chen Yun and his confidants to the office, and told them Sun Yu's words in a few words, the hidden family, the problems of power training, and so on.

Shi Lingxi returned to the Military Medical Department and sat in his office for ten minutes. Then he went to the laboratory to continue the task at hand.

For the next four or five days, Shi Lingxi was soaking in the laboratory except eating and sleeping. Lin Jiang also came from the research center. Their research on mass production of alienated plants entered the most critical step.

If it succeeds, then 90% of the culture medium is complete. If it is unsuccessful, the 90% will need to be completely overturned, which means that their project has returned to the period when Lin Jiang first began to contact alienation.

Shi Lingxi was too busy to even eat a meal. Lou Yuan arranged the task and became a more leisurely person. He took Wang Beibei and Rhubarb daily, and went to the association building to help Shi Lingxi handle his part. It was also him, and it was only him who determined the details of the wedding.

At 2 pm on July 19th, Lou Yuan returned to the Military Department from the Association Building and did not go back to practice abilities as usual. He stood in front of the glass windows of Shi Lingxi's laboratory, looking helpless than before. .

"The creek ... it's incredible, it's it, it's it!"

After trying hundreds or thousands of raw materials, Shi Lingxi finally provided the ingredients that met Lin Jiang's expectations.

He extracted and concentrated the black seeds that had almost caused a calamity, and after some treatment, it became an important component of the culture fluid they needed.

Lin Jiang's exclamation made Shi Lingxi relieved. In the past four or five days, part of his sudden outbreak of inspiration came from part of the information notified by Sun Yu.

The evil spirit is the key to the end of the world, so the evil spirit is also the key to his mass production of alienation.

Those black seeds condensed the evil spirit that ordinary alienation plants would not have, which is another way of existence of the virus. This way of existence allows them to avoid secondary infection of other lives. Treat common seeds again.

"Successful, it started to transform!"

"Success, finally success ..."

Cheng Mu and others cheered up tiredly. Lin Jiang was particularly excited. After talking to Shi Lingxi, he continued to scarcely study the culture fluid they worked hard for. He was very angry. The alienated plant began mass production. Too important!

Shi Lingxi nodded to Cheng Mu, he walked directly to the laboratory door.

Taking off the mask on his face, Shi Lingxi's smile on Lou Yuan was more tangible, and then a little more helplessness. He faintly saw a bit of scornful "wretched husband" on Lou Yuan's face, he held Lou Yuan's hand led people to his office.

"The creek ..."

Lou Yuan's words didn't come out. Shi Lingxi kicked the door back first, and by the way, pressed Lou Yuan on the door panel.

"Shh," Shi Lingxi's fingertips lightly touched Lou Yuan's lips, and his other hand had already looped around Lou Yuan's neck. He tipped his toes and gently pecked at the corner of Lou Yuan's mouth. "Don't be too busy saying me ..."

Shi Lingxi's gaze on Shang Yuanyuan's mouth slightly raised, and the kind of pleasure after the successful experiment began to ferment. In Lou Yuan's sight, he changed little by little from the indifferent researcher Fan Er into a deadly fairy.

Shi Lingxi also rarely saw Lou Yuan's drowsy appearance. He bullied again, and said with a lower and more gentle voice, "Kiss me ..."

The words fell, their lips touched each other, and they changed from faint to fierce in one second, and became fiercer and fiercer.

Lou Yuan embraced Shi Lingxi, and they retreated to the sofa while kissing. They sat down, and the two of them separated briefly. Shi Lingxi took the initiative to throw into Lou Yuan's arms and put his lips on. They continued to linger before they continued. Kissing like fire.

Shi Lingxi's work clothes tied to the top button were mostly pulled open, and his slender white tender neck was exposed. At the moment, there was a layer of wetness in the exposed area. Not long ago, Lou Yuan's kisses were filled.

Lou Yuan leaned on the side of Shi Lingxi's neck for a while before forcing himself to stop. He exchanged a sigh gently, "Xiao ..."

"I'm here," Shi Lingxi responded. He gently rubbed Lou Yuan's hair, his eyebrows bent, and he kissed Lou Yuan's forehead again. Now. "

Lou Yuan spoke twice to remind him what Shi Lingxi knew. Even if no results are researched today, their marriage tomorrow will continue as usual, Lou Yuan, who is going to decide.

"Well," Lou Yuan said softly, and the faint "bludge" breath finally dissipated. His hand lingered on the skin on the waist side of Shi Lingxi. He took a deep breath and pulled his hand out. And slowly pull the clothes for Shi Lingxi.

"The sound insulation in the locker room is okay ..." Shi Lingxi lowered her eyes, and said casually, her appetite was not only Lou Yuan's thoughts, but he too.

Lou Yuan had to hold Shi Lingxi to sit and sit together. The muscles on his face were stiff for a while, then he continued to hold Shi Lingxi to sit and sit, and his voice added a layer of sensual matt, Wait ... wait for tomorrow night. "

Shi Lingxi hasn't rested at all for a few days, so he can rest at ease today, and he doesn't bother him. Besides, tomorrow is their wedding. Shi Lingxi can't let him out of bed or carry them with discomfort. Wedding bar.

With that said, Lou Yuan felt that he had endured these days, but tonight was particularly difficult.

"Okay ..." Shi Lingxi's tone meant a little regret, and he actually had a little expectation in the locker room.

Lou Yuan, who was serious and considerate, felt that he could not understand anymore. He took a deep breath and still couldn't help rubbing Shi Lingxi's ears a few times. He asked in a deep voice, "I don't know if Mr. Shi is free now. Come with me to try on the wedding dress. "

"Of course," Shi Lingxi nodded happily. He smiled flatteringly, and didn't dare to hold Lou Yuan too hard. He was also very considerate.

Shi Lingxi changed his work clothes and went out of the army with Lou Yuan. They drove to a tailor in the city to test their wedding clothes.

I should have tried it a few days ago, but Shi Lingxi couldn't walk away in the laboratory at all, Lou Yuan didn't mention it, but when he came to the Military Medical Department before, he really couldn't help reminding Shi Lingxi to say something about them. Wedding date.

It happened that the research had progressed, and Shi Lingxi could get away, and Lou Yuan wanted to bring Shi Lingxi over.

Of course, the wedding in the last days can not be compared with the previous one. Even his wedding, some things were put together, but Lou Yuan still wanted to try his best to make Shi Lingxi the best.

Shi Lingxi's wedding dress was made according to the size provided by Lou Yuan. He changed into a long and short time and was very fit. There are two sets of wedding dresses, one is the old red wedding dress, and the other is a white suit changed at the wedding reception.

Shi Lingxi tried the suit first. He looked at himself in the mirror, then looked back at Lou Yuan standing by the window, and smiled softly. The eyes of his pair of overly clear foxes were full of tenderness at the moment. The original tenderness was faint but firm.

He stepped closer to Lou Yuan step by step, walked to Lou Yuan's side, and sighed softly. At this moment, Lou Yuan only wanted to give Shi Lingxi the best things in the world.

"It's just that I'm too short ..." Shi Lingxi mumbled. Actually, Lou Yuan should be too tall, calling him too short.

He looked down at his shoes and suddenly turned his head to look at the tailor's boss. "Boss, have you increased the insoles here, I want to be able to raise ... probably 7 or 8 centimeters!"

Since he returned short last time, he hasn't grown taller, the height of 180, if it can be more than 7, 8 cm, maybe it would be better with Lou Yuan.

"Oh, only 4 cm ... Do you want it?" The shop owner didn't dare to look at Shi Lingxi, fox ears, white hair, and fox fairy-like people. One more glance was afraid that they would be followed by one, and they dare not look at it. , Dare not look.

"4 centimeters, just 4 centimeters," Shi Lingxi nodded, chatting better than nothing.

In fact, if he hasn't become shorter, more than 4 centimeters, and he has 187, then it is only 10 centimeters away from Lou Yuan, plus his ears are tall, and it will not be as bad as it is now.

Lou Yuan never felt that Shi Lingxi's height was a problem and he didn't know what to comfort him. He could only helplessly rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair. After the shop owner walked away, he pulled people closer. Kissed intimately on Shi Lingxi's lips.

"How?" Shi Lingxi confirmed with Lou Yuan with some uncertainty. He looked at the mirror as if it was okay, but he was more concerned about Lou Yuan's thoughts. He was afraid that Lou Yuan would not look good, or he might be too disappointed.

"Good-looking," Lou Yuan looked at Shi Lingxi's cautious appearance, inexplicably distressed, and he held Shi Lingxi's hand slightly tightened. "Xiaoxi, what you look like is beautiful in my heart."

Beauty is naturally moving, but Shi Lingxi did not touch him because of beauty.

In fact, Lou Yuan himself could not say clearly what he likes Shi Lingxi, but he was sure that no matter how Shi Lingxi changed, his likeness would not change.

"Well," Shi Lingxi nodded, and he came out of Lou Yuan's arms, and walked around twice for Lou Yuan.

He picked up the old red suit and looked it over, "How to wear it? Is this the first ..."

Lou Yuan heard the words and came up to help Shi Lingxi take off the white suit, and then put on a red wedding dress, it fits equally and looks good, no, it should be more beautiful ...

Lou Yuan's throat knot rolled and rolled, Shi Lingxi changed his clothes, and he suddenly had the urge to tear them apart and kiss.

Lou Yuan's wedding dress was tried a few days ago. Although Shi Lingxi also wants to see how Lou Yuan wears suits and wedding dresses, they have spent a lot of time in the store. There are other things, he can only Wait to see Lou Yuan wear it tomorrow.

The location of their wedding was not in their home, but in an auditorium in the eastern part of the military, otherwise their home would not be able to entertain too many people.

Major power groups, research centers, some representatives of the forces in the base, and those military officers who accompanied Lou Yuan to fight all the way, they do not want to miss Lou Yuan's wedding.

The election was conducted at the military headquarters, which was jointly decided by Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi.

They returned to the military with their clothes, went to the wedding hall and the lawn, and they went to pick up Wang Beibei and Rhubarb together. Tomorrow is full of things, so I have to take a rest today.

Rhubarb has been miserable under the corpse of the king's corpse. It has become the first alienated dog in history that needs class and homework. His claws can't write words, but you can press it. Asked for a tablet to read.

"Wang Wu ..." Ren Fox, the dog master is out of business.

Dahuang glanced at Wang Beibei to see that her breath became normal. He immediately sought help from Shi Lingxi, and it also sought help from Lou Yuan, but Lou Yuan only knew that it had been miserable, but could not accurately understand its meaning.

In order to have a happy dog ​​in the future, he intends to give up the bite that can't be eaten ... The heartache continues ...

Shi Lingxi can feel that Rhubarb is really wronged. He took the tablet belonging to Rhubarb in Wang Beibei's schoolbag. Not to mention, Rhubarb has really been forced to recognize a lot of words recently, and the progress is almost catching up with Wang Beibei. Of course, the best thing to learn is Wang Shibei.

"The corpses let you learn for your own good, you can't talk, but you can type and communicate with the corpse babe, this is the only one in the North City base in Xia Guo ..."

Rhubarb has been practicing, and it ca n’t be turned into a person who does n’t know, but now it ’s still difficult to communicate with people. Not everyone has a universal translator system like him and can understand Wang language.

Shi Lingxi typed a line on a software, and then converted it into a voice, "You decide for yourself, I don't force you."

It is up to Rhubarb to make a dissimilated dog with only culture, or to be a pit dog that is pitted and pitted.

Dahuang stared at Shi Lingxi for a moment, then he lowered his head and pressed the pinyin for a while, and a sentence came out, "Human fox, you are ruthless!"

Shi Lingxi is more able to grasp its lifeline than Wang Corpse. His dog has a pursuit, which is to be unique. This is an irresistible temptation than fine grain.

"Ha ha ha ha!" A series of electronic sounds made Rhubarb press out again, and with the waves of the rhubarb deity laughing, "quack ..."

Arrived at the door of the house, Rhubarb finally expressed its meaning with the tablet again, "Still the fox ancestor is smart!"

Behind a sly dog, there is also a human fox ancestor bonus. This alienated dog will become more and more scary.

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