MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 91 "If the other Dan divisions knew it, they would be jealous."

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Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan lived in the house for another four days. Shi Lingxi spent about 5 hours refining medicine every day. The rest of the time, besides sleeping and eating with Lou Yuan, were also reading books and thinking about Danfang.

In the past four days, he has refined more than 300 fine elixirs and more than 400 fine elixirs. After many experiments, Shi Lingxi and the system cooperated harmoniously. Finally, two doses of the elixir were reconstituted. Maintained at the highest quality.

In the early morning hours, two consecutive furnaces of 48 pieces of Superb Lingtan were released. Shi Lingxi stopped refining. He went back upstairs to take a bath and then came down. Lou Yuan was already waiting for him.

In the next 10 days, he and Lou Yuan failed to qualify for the Psionicist Association. They should go and see today.

However, just to show his face, the operation of the association already has a system. For the time being, no one dares to make any moth under the eyelids of him and Lou Yuan.

Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan were sitting in the back seat. They came out of the Psionicist Association and now head to the army. It was not someone else who drove them. They were wolf-eyes who had specially transferred to the class. He and Xiong Kun learned not to sell miserably with Lou Yuan, but looked at Shi Lingxi miserably.

He has an intuition that Shi Lingxi is better able to realize their helplessness as a beastly system ability than Lou's original idea in the practice of their beastly system ability.

However, Shi Lingxi remained motionless and ignored the sight of the wolf. Don't say that the wolf-eyed selling Meng is really not as useful as Xiong Kun. The wolf-eyed atmosphere is cold, and a pair of eyes kills Ling Ran. This kind of selling is really not suitable for him.

"After a while, you and Brother Xiong went to the Military Medical Department to find me. I have something for you."

"Yes!" The wolf's eyes lighted up and he immediately responded. Then he and Lou Yuan sent Shi Lingxi to the building of the military medical department. He followed Lou Yuan to have a meeting, and then he dragged Xiong Kun to find Shi Lingxi hasn't been delayed for a moment.

Chen Yun and the kind of elixir used by the Hidden Clan they got from Lou Yuan again, he and Xiong Kun could not keep up, they would be completely thrown away by Chen Yun.

Shi Lingxi was sitting in his own office. He was looking at some test reports of Quelingtan in the laboratory, and he heard Cheng Mu report something to him.

"... Qin Guanzheng has been fairly honest, he didn't mess around in the test area, but I couldn't bear to inquire about the movements of you and the chief yesterday."

Shi Lingxi heard the words, his eyes lifted, he thought for a moment and said, "You'll take her to see me in a while."

"Yes," Cheng Mu nodded, and the door of the office was knocked. He walked over and opened it, looking at wolf eyes and Xiong Kun. He saluted them, then brought them to the door, and he went to Qin Guanyu.

"Wolfeye said, do you have something for us?" Xiong Kun's eyes stared at the boss, full of surprises and expectations. He rubbed his hands and felt that Shi Lingxi would give them something extraordinary.

Shi Lingxi raised his hand gently, "Sit down and say."

Xiong Kun and Langmu were very obedient, and immediately pulled another chair over. They sat down and stared at Shi Lingxi again. Shi Lingxi can't ignore these two unique styles.

Shi Lingxi didn't continue to hang on to their appetite. He took out two small jade gourds from the sleeve pocket of his robe, and his look was more serious. "The basic law that suits us still has to be found, and I don't have it."

He and Lou Yuan haven't gone anywhere at home these days, and it is impossible for the basic law to fall from the sky by themselves. But he had something for Xiong Kun and Wolfeye, and he did not lie to them.

"This is Quexue Dan. Its role is to strengthen blood. It's a bit of a taste for spiritual practice. It's quite suitable for us. You should try it first and tell me if it works or not."

"Yes!" Xiong Kun and Wolf Eyed answered, and then they each took a small jade gourd, where there were 36 Needle Quenching Dans.

The basic spirit is absolutely missing, and Shi Lingxi can't help it for the time being. He still can only start with elixir and gave Chen Yun their easy-to-use elixir. Naturally, it can't be shorter than Xiong Kun and wolf eyes. He went through all the products. Dan Fang, just found this Quenched Dan.

He tried a few of them himself, and also tried it for Rhubarb and Lou Yuan. For Lou Yuan, it only warmed up, but for him and Rhubarb, after they took it, they felt that the blood of the demon was active and their abilities increased. Better than taking Ling Ling Dan.

Wolfe left to try it out first. Xiong Kun asked Shi Lingxi to stay and report on Sun Yu's situation. "These days are quite peaceful." Obediently received training, obediently, in his spare time, he had a nuclear array.

"However, he took a spit of blood last night. I want to take him to the military medical department for examination. He doesn't want it." Xiong Kun remembered the appearance of Sun Yu's twisting, and was a bit angry, but Shi Lingxi was not in the military medical department. Can't check anything.

"You take him to the consulting room, and I'll be there later."

He valued Sun Yu for whatever purpose, and as a doctor, he would not care about his patients.

"Okay," Xiong Kun nodded, glancing at the jade gourd, and stuffed the baby into his pants pocket. He walked out of Shi Lingxi's office, and Cheng Muzheng accompanied Qin Guanxi in the corridor near the door to speak.

When Xiong Kun came out, Cheng Mu immediately took Qin Guanxi to Shi Lingxi's office. There was really no quarter for Shi Lingxi to rest.

"I've been busy these days. How did Girl Qin live in the military?" Shi Lingxi smiled slightly on his face. He raised his hand to the sofa, and he got up and sat up. Then Cheng Mu brought the water in. , Shi Lingxi began to make tea.

"It's okay," Qin Guanxi smiled slightly. She took the tea cup but didn't enter.

"Don't get used to drinking?" Shi Lingxi's observation was keen, Qin Guanxi was not used to living in the military, and this tea was not used to drinking.

Reminiscing her provenance, the Qin family in Luohe would definitely have a place like the secret place of the peach blossom forest. The psionic energy is strong, and the water they drink is not ordinary. It can only be a grievance to get along with a bunch of men in the military department. She's gone.

"No ..." Shi Lingxi asked, and Qin Guanxi didn't dare to respond. She gave a small sip of meaning. Raising her eyes again, she found that Cheng Mu and Qi Feng, who had been followed by Xiong Kun to protect Shi Lingxi, looked at her poorly.

Shi Lingxi and Yan Yuese personally made the tea. Others did not have the bliss at all, and she also hated it. So Cheng Mu and Qi Feng saw how she would be happy.

"Girl Qin asked me yesterday, what happened?"

Shi Lingxi's look didn't change much, but he didn't really spend so much time with Qin Guanxi here. He said that when they didn't notice, he threw a piece of Lingtan into the teapot with his fingertips. He poured a few more cups, and signaled Cheng Mu and Qi Feng to come for a drink.

Cheng Mu and Qi Feng had a little honor on their faces. They took the tea, drank it into their throats, and there was no drop left. In a moment, their eyes burst out of light. Such sweet, magical spirit tea was actually abandoned. It's up!

"It's not a big deal. I just want to talk about the medicament with the head lady's wife. Maybe I can help."

When she was left in the military, she had to show his value to Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi so that she could get the attention the Qin family hoped she would have. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for her to stay here.

Shi Lingxi heard the words for a moment, and he nodded. "I asked Cheng Mu to prepare a laboratory for you. You can tell him what you need, and hope that Qin Qin can give me a little surprise."

Qin Guanxi nodded, and his face looked more solemn.

When Shi Lingxi spoke, he poured another cup of tea, and he looked at Qi Feng, "You bring this cup of tea to He Lao."

"Yes," Qi Feng nodded, with a solemn look on his face. He picked up the tea and walked away from the office like a wind.

The speechlessness on Qin Guanxi's face became more and more intense, but it was just a cup of unpalatable tea. Why did these people treat them like a baby, Shi Lingxi also specially gave them to others ... How could he deliver them?

Shi Lingxi nodded to Cheng Mu, and Cheng Mu took Qin Guanxi away.

Shi Lingxi looked down at the tea, with a slight smile on his face, and a little sly feeling, not his stingy, but because he didn't want to see the Qin people in his heart, so even if he took a sip of tea, Need to be treated differently.

He himself took a sip of fortified tea, which tasted pretty good, and some of the spring water in the secret place of the peach blossom forest, people who are used to drinking this water, it is really difficult to get ordinary water.

Qi Feng brought the tea back, and Shi Lingxi asked him to leave the tea in the teapot and share it with Shen Jun. This is the benefit of Shi Lingxi's work. When there is something good, Shi Lingxi Nor will they forget them.

After reading the remaining documents, Shi Lingxi got up and went to the clinic. Xiong Kun and Sun Yu were already waiting for him.

Sun Yu's news is naturally much smoother than Qin Guanxi. Especially when he lives with Xiong Kun, he will inevitably know some things. For example, Xiong Kun once tried to practice spiritual determination ...

At this moment he looked straight at Shi Lingxi, more accurately, it was like that with a hundred claws.

"Dr. Shi, did you make the panacea?"

Sun Yu couldn't believe this, but only Shi Lingxi in this military department could make real elixir. Xiong Kun stunned him in front of him and almost fainted him.

But when Xiong Kun faced his inquiry, he didn't say a word, his face was still regretful, Xiong Kun must have regretted his face in front of him, and at the moment he asked, Xiong Kun's eyes were still staring The bronze bell is big.

"I didn't hold back ..."

Xiong Kun scratched his head, flushed, and felt that he was in trouble for Shi Lingxi.

"It ’s okay, Brother Xiong continues to refine and tell me the feeling," Shi Lingxi smiled at Xiong Kun, and turned back to Sun Yu again, a serious look, and Sun Yu, who was treated differently, only Zhang Zhang Mouth, did not dare to squeak.

"Spitting blood?" Shi Lingxi watched Sun Yu with an eyebrow, and motioned him to lie down. He personally inspected Sun Yu.

After some inspection, Shi Lingxi's expression became colder and more serious. Sun Yu was still curious in his heart, and his overall performance was much better. He really didn't dare to be bad.

"It may also be that I have eaten something bad, and my head didn't feel pain." These few days were the rare days when he lived easily. The wounds were almost the same as before, and the pain that hadn't been broken before was gone, and he felt that he finally lived. Like a person.

However, the results of the examination were not as good as Sun Yu thought. A little gray shadow appeared again in the place where he had operated before. There is no doubt that the root of the worm was not removed, and the vomiting was just a sign of complete recurrence.

"Theoretically, it shouldn't recur so quickly," Shi Lingxi looked a little dignified, he looked at Sun Yu for a moment, and then he said, "Before I find a way to really suppress the evil insects, the nucleus does not need to be carved again. "

The production of the nucleus nucleus is somewhat similar to refining medicine. The power and psionic energy are only one aspect. The more important thing is the mental power. The mental power comes from the brain area. The excessive use of mental power is the main reason for Sun Yu's relapse in advance, but now Found early, it should be too late.

Shi Lingxi didn't trust Sun Yu so much. He looked back at Xiong Kun. "Brother Xiong remembers to supervise him."

"Yes!" Xiong Kun's voice deserved to be particularly loud, and his face was upright, and he planned to stare at Sun Yu.

Sun Yu grinned, and began to scold others ... But facing Shi Lingxi and Xiong Kun's eyes, he could only nod, "I'm really reluctant to make c-class nucleus now, but De-class can still do some defense for you use."

One or two don't have much effect on advanced alienated beasts or spiritual practice, but if the number is large and serial explosions, the effect will definitely be better than the mines from the research center. The key mine volume and weight are not comparable to the small crystal nuclei. People are more convenient to carry in large quantities.

Lou Yuan's safety, he has nothing to worry about, but Shi Lingxi is relatively weak, and the use of De-grade nucleus is not difficult for Shi Lingxi. What he meant was actually to protect Shi Lingxi. .

Finally, Sun Yu wasn't completely without conscience, or perhaps because of Xiong Kun's ears, he had some sense of belonging to the army and Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi. Ken believed more of them and thought about them more.

"Sun Yu, how about we make another deal?"

Shi Lingxi said that he took out a small red jade gourd from the cuff and shook it. He continued to meet Sun Yu's hot eyes. "These elixirs are indeed made by me. I will give you three free refining. Opportunities for medicine, as a trade, you have to tell me how to make e-grade nucleus. "

Sun Yu didn't immediately respond, he reached out and let Shi Lingxi pour a red Quenched Blood Pill in his palm.

"Quanxue Dan ... is a best-selling queenxan!" Sun Yu's voice rose a few degrees in vain. His hand holding the elixir trembled slightly, and red bloodshots appeared in his eyes. He looked at Shi Lingxi begging, Shi Lingxi handed him the jade gourd.

Subsequently, Sun Yu poured out one by one, muttering in his mouth, "Best, best, and best ... God, how is it again ..."

"It's all of the highest quality, is there any problem?" Shi Lingxi asked doubtfully. In his opinion, the quality of the elixir was truly successful, and there was no waste of the effect of the alienated plant. He also did the same when preparing the medicine. Is this wrong?

Sun Yu was not enough after seeing Shi Lingxi's pot of Quenching Blood Dan. He went to Xiong Kun to grind Xiong Kun's bottle and looked at them one by one, so he believed that Shi Lingxi did not lie to him. Really It's all the scary elixir.

"No problem, no problem at all, I promised, I promised!"

Sun Yu felt that if he did not agree with Shi Lingxi's request, God might kill him with the next thunder. After he was excited, he looked at Shi Lingxi carefully again, "Will you regret it?"

Damn, he shouldn't be so excited, but he couldn't help it.

Shi Lingxi heard a smile on his face and said, "So ... a happy transaction."

Sun Yu repeatedly nodded. He couldn't sit still on the bed. He got down and started to look at Shi Lingxi with Xiong Kun's eyes. He was a walking humanoid baby.

His master must be blessed in the sky, so that he can run into luck, hit Shi Lingxi!

Later, Shi Lingxi talked to Sun Yu about his alchemy, his tone was light, Xiong Kun also heard a stunned expression, and Sun Yu was endlessly excited like a jumping god.

"Ahhh ... how could someone like you exist? If other Danshi teachers knew it, they would be jealous." Sun Yu didn't think he described it as exaggerated. The original celestial body constitution is terrible.

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