MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 780 "Crazy" decision

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Ling Chen came out of the room of Haoyue and came to the living room. In the living room, only Xiao Qi is alone, watching TV intently. When she saw Ling Chen coming out, she quickly shouted excitedly: "Ling Tian brother, come see, it is Smith! He disappeared for so long, and today suddenly held a press conference, there will be big news."

"Oh? Smith?" The eyes of the moon behind Ling Chen fell on the screen, revealing a look of interest.

"The president and CEO of Tianwai Group is a genius and madman in the field of virtual games. At the same time, he is also the developer of the world of the gods." Here, Ling Chen’s brows twitched slightly. For Shenyue, he could not be regarded as a god. Looking at a virtual game, then, as the "father of "Shen", how did he bring "Shenzhou", which is not a virtual game of virtual games? What is hidden behind this?

On the screen, Smith is dressed properly and looks calm, but if you look closely, you can find the exhaustion in his eyes. He smiled and slowly said: ""Shen Yue" has been published for more than a year. It has received countless affirmations and praises. It has refreshed countless records and received the best feedback. The success of "Shen Yue" is My pride and glory are the result of your enthusiasm and co-casting. First of all, please let me express my most sincere gratitude to you............ and today's next month will be the 99th anniversary of the establishment of Tianwai Group. At the same time, it is just right. It’s my personal birthday. At this special time, I think we’re here to return the players... In the next month, from zero to twenty-four, all the players’ experience gained during this time, including combat Experience and life professional experience will be ten times the usual, and the explosion rate will be ten times that of normal! Yes, you have not misunderstood, that is ten times, complete and complete, ten times true and true... Yes, this is a crazy decision, it will be a day of world carnival, because as long as that day stays in the world of God, you will get ten times the usual harvest... Let us look forward to that day. ...... I hope that one day we can create an unprecedented and can not be broken, even forever in the annals of online Record ...... "

"Wow!! My God, ten times experience and explosion rate... ten times!" Xiao Qi's eyes widened, and a burst of excitement, stood up by the amazing news that Smith himself said: " If it wasn't for Mr. Smith's own words, I can't believe it... I can't imagine how much the next month's online rate will be horrible... Will the whole earth fall into silence! ”

"It's a bit crazy." Ling Chen's hand arrived at the chin, but also a look of wrong. He remembers that in all the virtual games developed by Tianwai Group, there was a double experience and explosion rate on the 50th and 80th anniversary of the establishment of the virtual game, but this time, ten times experience and explosive rate of the carnival day It is also too exaggerated, which is a surprise to the player, rather than a rather frightening.

"Oh, obviously it is already an old man, actually will make such a crazy decision, it really is a madman." Haoyue slightly squinted, said with a smile, but the depths of the eyes, but flashed a trace of horror .

Ling Chen brows slightly wrinkled, and some puzzled said: "Smith is famous in the world when he is less than 30 years old. His image has always been a person with all kinds of ultra-modern ideas, but he is extremely strict and steady. It’s really surprising that such a crazy decision... Is it to create an unprecedented high online rate by the glory of the world?

"Should be it." Xiao Qi nodded very eagerly, then couldn't help but get up, excited: "I will tell the news to my sister, they will go, next month, I must be online all day, usually Losing a day will only be one day behind others, but if it is lost that day, it will be 10 days behind! I can imagine the way it was in the game that day, it must be exaggerated!"

After that, Xiao Qi couldn’t wait to rush to the room of Dreams... In fact, she didn’t need her special trip to tell, such a big news would be spread all over the world in a day or two. But for Ling Chen, this is something that doesn't need to be too much in mind. What ten times experience and what ten times the rate of explosion has no point at all for him. At most, he is a **** who has always been cautious and cautious. The decision of Smith, the father of the month, was deeply amazed.

"Let's go." Ling Chen extended his hand to Haoyue.

"...Is it so eager to bring people back to the game? After returning to the game, unless the little master brings them back, the family can't wait for the little master on that big bed, bathroom, balcony. Thought, the small master will not be willing?" Haoyue is very slow to put the snow hand into the hands of Ling Chen, half is charming, half is resentful.

"At least this way the house will be quiet." Ling Chen said helplessly. Since Philippine took You Yu to come here, as he expected, Philippine directly became hostile to Haoyue... and it was very hostile, and the horrific woman of Feifei was hostile, and the consequences were quite uncomfortable. of. A small part of this hostility comes from the sense of danger that she perceives to the moon, but the majority of the woman’s appearance and temperament are better than the natural jealousy of her own woman... The beauty is the ultimate, but the fox in the bones is just around his own man. Even the Philippine woman who has never lost self-confidence is hard to calm down. In the "confrontation" of various fronts and sides of Haoyue, she is more and more aware of the greatness of Haoyue, and the hostility and vigilance are increasing day by day. Once they met, they were smiling and smiling, but when they were close, they felt a sense of oppression that made the whole body numb.

He grabbed the hand of Haoyue, lay on the sofa, closed his eyes, started the game equipment, and returned to the world of God.

However, Haoyue still stayed in place, and did not disappear there when he entered the game as Ling Chen thought. When Ling Chen’s consciousness entered the world of the gods, the hand of Haoyue slowly pulled out from the hands of Ling Chen, then held the hand of Ling Chen, gently placed it on the chest of Ling Chen, then got up, the face The Allure smile disappeared completely, and his eyes fell back on the TV screen of the living room.

"Today next month... Why is this madman performing the final steps so much ahead of time? Is there something wrong with that?" The moon and the eyebrows were so heavy that he whispered to himself: "If this is the case I must also start to act, the tears of Shura... I must get it right away!"

Self-talking, the eyes closed, and the surface of the body floated a strange black light, and then the whole person disappeared completely like atomization.

At the moment when the moon disappeared, a closed door on the upper floor was gently opened, showing a petite snow shadow. She looked at the place where the moon disappeared, her face was completely inconsistent with her youth. Then she glanced at the TV screen and her eyes narrowed. She said lowly: "This time, I will never let you succeed." of……"


"Hey... Welcome to the world of God, I wish you a happy game."

Returning to the world of the gods, Ling Chen did not see Haoyue around him. After a moment of sighing, he summoned directly: "Hey, come out."

After the summoning, he did not get a response from Haoyue. When he screamed for the third time, the figure of Haoyue was slowly presented in front of him. She stretched out and said with a flirtatious voice: "I finally came back... Hey, this feeling of only the virtual body is not good at all, or the feeling of being in the small master's house is the best. But in order to help the little master, People are very willing to endure."

" tell me directly, do you have any way to find the Japanese **** beads?" Ling Chen asked when he opened the door. Although Haoyue is very certain that the Japanese **** beads must not be destroyed, and must be in the world of the gods, but the world of the gods is so large, to find a palm-sized beads in this huge world without aim. It is harder to find a needle than a needle in a haystack.

"This is... of course not. Of course," Haoyue smiled slightly and looked like water: "Although people have been in the real world before, people are the soul of the sacred moon, and the changes in the moon. I will feel it right away. The little master only spent a year, and he found the entire fourteen treasures of the sacred month, which is thousands of times faster than I expected. This great result can only explain small The owner is Furui, and no matter what he does, he has the blessing of God. Even Shura has not been followed by the robbery. Therefore, people believe that the little master does not need to work hard to go to the ordinary, the **** of the gods, Like many of the previous sacred orbs, I will appear in front of the little master."

Ling Chen did not speak. The answer to Haoyue’s answer was equal to no answer, but in retrospect, before he got the various processes of Tianzhubao, he had to admit that Haoyue said it really makes sense, except for the first twin beads, almost every one after that. The acquisition of a bead contains more or less luck, and some coincidences and fortunes are now unbelievable. Fortunately, he has determined that nine points are from Xiaoshi. As long as the little gray is around, perhaps, the last **** of the gods, will really appear on his side.

"Now, the last month of the sacred month is only the last day of the gods, the blood of the moon **** and the soul of the emperor have been obtained. Among the four elements, one is still difficult, but now the tears of Shura So, how do we get the tears of Shura first?" The moon's eyes are flowing, softly.

"Now?" Ling Chen side.

"Yeah, because now, it is the best time to count." Yue Yue said: "In the four elements, the soul of the Emperor is an evil soul, so its existence is very Stable, even the moon of sacredness, may not perfectly block it. The longer it is dragged, the more it will decay or even dissipate. In that case, it may affect the resurrection effect. In fact, the soul of the Emperor should be obtained after the other elements of the three elements are reached, and the last one was obtained. Only when the family was not around the small master, did not even think that the little master actually got ten demon hooks so quickly, otherwise People will definitely stop the little master. However, since the little master has already got the soul of the emperor, then the most foolproof way is to use it in the shortest time, that is, to immediately integrate the blood of the god, the emperor The soul, the tears of Shura, the power of the moon of heaven."

"And if you want to do it, you will only have the tears of Shura’s tears."


Seriously recommend the new book "The Spiritual Contract" of the base friend Xuan Yu (B's Nightmare Feather), but what is the brief introduction of this:

"Please use me, master. Anyway, until you play bad..." Fortunately, Ye Chen, who has signed a contract with the highest species, has the ability to use the gods as a servant. Left holding the holy sword, right holding the magic front, who - can - block - me!


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