MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 824 Again vanishing Miko (bottom)

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Mysterious space.

"What about the Son of God? Where did the Son of God go?"

"Star, what's wrong?" Hearing the star with a flustered voice, Haoyue quickly walked in, but found that the space of the blue-light glass was nothing. The forbidden **** enchantment that imprisoned the Son of God was no longer here, and her brow was suddenly locked.

"The Son of God... The Son of God is gone! How can it be gone!" The star looked around, but could not find the shadow of the forbidden space.

"This is impossible!" Yue Yue's doubts shook his head: "The Son of God can't escape the forbidden **** enchantment. And I and you have been nearby, and don't say that no one can break into here silently, even if the Son of God There is really a way to escape, there is any fluctuation in the power of the ecstasy, and we should all be aware of it right away."

As the saying goes, the comet is naturally clear, but the forbidden **** enchantment of the Son of God is truly disappeared. Since she brought the gods here, she has always been at a distance from the Son of God. At this distance, she is confident that no one in the world can come close to her without even being aware of it, even if the sudden appearance of the Eight Gods is not May do it. Within this range, except for her, there is only a month, but the moon has always been around her, never left, and it is impossible to do this. Retreat 10 million steps, even if it is really the month to release the Son of God, with her only two-point power of God, it is absolutely impossible to do it under her nose.

The comet looked around and could not find the shadow of the Son of God. Even her breath disappeared without a trace. With the power of the comet, as long as it is within a radius of a million miles, she can't escape her spiritual sense, but even if she is in this range, she still can't detect the existence of the god's breath...

She is like a sudden silent evaporation from this world.

"What the **** is going on!" On the face of the comet, there was a slap in the face and a slap.

A little bit of thinking in the next month, the low eyebrow said: "Star, calm down. You should also know that the Son of God not only has the power of the hierarchy of God, but also the wisdom of countless human beings. Before she did not, I did not notice it. Have you escaped once? This time, she should have sneaked away something that we couldn’t think of, but she will never disappear from the air, and in order not to let us know, she must not dare to incite divine power, so even if she flees, If you don't use too much power, you can't escape such a short time... Maybe she is hidden in the neighborhood! For example, she used some hidden method of the true **** class!"

"Yes," the comet slowly nodded. "I and you are not aware of it. She must not escape too far... Month, I am going east, you are going west, if I sense her existence, Tell me right now!"

After that, the comet had already flashed and disappeared into the same place, and Haoyue nodded slightly, and disappeared there.


"...It’s really like listening to a mythical story... The Age of God... It turns out that God is not a fantasy of human beings, but a real existence... Salsa is a Son of God, she saved the planet from numerous infections of Islaka virus The people... The moon that has been around us for so long has a terrible history... No wonder the madman has such terrible abilities and technology that leads the world for years!"

Philippine constantly sent out deep feelings, even though her mood was like her, it took a long time to slowly digest and accept the facts that Ling Chen said.

"Now is an age of people. Although God has existed, it should not appear again. It only exists in fantasy and legend. Even if some people's souls are reincarnation, they will only awaken some forces different from ordinary people. But the thoughts and nature are still human beings, just like the moon **** in the world of the gods. As time goes by, these souls will weaken with the reincarnation or inheritance again and again until they are completely disappeared. But among them, There is a different kind of alien that should not appear, that is the comet..."

Ling Chen looked up and sighed and said: "I don't know where the mistakes have occurred. The soul of the reincarnation can leave a five-point godhead. It is the **** of the awakening, but she has an eight-point godhead, and even With some memories of the soul, this makes the thinking and essence of the comet no longer biased towards people, but tends to be more inclined to God. Let her control the world that should belong to God is controlled by God. I want to reproduce the true God and regain control of this world that should belong to God."

"So, the sinful creation of the gods began, the Pegasus and the Galois were destroyed in this plan, and the billions of innocent humans were killed. This Chia star also suffered a great disaster, and the earth was indirectly Destroy, Sasha is born... How many people have lost their lives, and there are countless tragedies, deaths, and sins. Oh, even if the comet really completes the plan to make God, it can’t be a **** at all, but it’s just a bad one. The devil who sins the sin of the bamboo blame! At that time, I don’t know what the world will look like under her hand."

"...unimaginable." The Philippine also said with anxiety. What she suddenly thought of, she said, "When it comes back, how did you come here after you bombed the earth?"

This problem caused Ling Chen to suddenly glimpse. He filtered the memories of the time. Some of them shook their heads: "I don't know... I suddenly returned to the earth from the world of God, because I stepped into a space crack. I will come here later... maybe because of the black hole in the space."

However, if it is because the space black hole is brought here... Is it really so coincidental? Coincidentally, I just sent myself to Xia Star, and they are still where they are... then they will come here, and why?

What exactly is going on?

Philippine did not respond, but also fell into meditation.

"Adam, I suddenly have a question." At this time, the Philippines looked at it with a serious look: "Whether it is, whoever falls into the deepest despair and resentment, can it become a Shura?"

"... Why do you ask?" Ling Chen stunned.

The Philippines said calmly: "There are not many human beings in this world. There are nearly one billion in a single earth. If you count the total number of history, it is countless. And so many people will be peaceful. Happiness, but there must be some people living in pain and despair, and even some people will be more desperate than your previous experience... But the history of the earth for so many years has never been similar to '修罗' Such a person. Why are you..."

"It should be because of the moon of sacredness. This sacred month was born because of the suffocation of Shura. I can get the power of Shura in the world of the gods because of it. I used to break into Shura, but it should be because of it. Ling Chen raised his wrist and said that this is the only reason he can think of.

"You just said that the first Shura was born in the age of God, and his appearance also ended the world of God. After a **** becomes a Shura, it can be powerful to destroy the whole god. It shows that after becoming Shura, strength grows at least. Ten times or even a hundred times. Although you can't compare with Luo Xiu, who was the true **** at that time, but the same as Shura, the growth of power should be about the same. So, now, are you likely to beat the comet? You are now even The super monster that the earth is directly ruined!" Fei looked at him, full of seriousness.

Ling Chen slammed his head and flashed a strange light.

Before, the comet showed an absolutely overwhelming strength in front of him, and also left him with a trace of the comet that could never be defeated. However, after the Philippine reminded him, he suddenly realized that his own self is no longer his own. He has become a horrible force in Shura... he can destroy the power of the earth! Such power, even if it does not reach the legendary class of God, must be approached. After the consciousness awakened, he felt that the strength of his body did not weaken...

Then, with his current terrorist power, maybe there is a possibility of defeating the comet!

If he can defeat the comet, then he will be able to recapture the salsa from the comet, and he may recapture the rebellious dZi from the moon. The ambition of the comet will be shattered, resulting in her heart-wrenching "creation plan". The tragedy will not continue. He can also avenge this... they will not live in the shadows anymore!

"Yes! You are right! Now, I may be able to defeat the comet!" Ling Chen stood up and said with a sigh of relief. "Million is a four-point godhead. Luo Wei is a five-point godhead. Now the power is directly spiked, then my godhead must at least exceed their two levels, at least seven points, or even higher! And the comet's godhead is eight points, and now I am even a seven-point godhead. And the power of the moon of the sacred, is not the possibility of not defeating!"

Looking at Ling Chen's appearance at this time, Fei knew what decision he had made. She faintly regrets her own reminders, but she also knows in her heart that even if she does not remind him, he will make the same decision after he settles down for the salsa and the rebellion. But, the horrible comet, can he really win? If it is defeated, his result is undoubtedly...

"Then, can you find the place where the comet is located? Her position can no longer be measured by the size of the Earth's area. The space is so large, maybe we will never find her, and we will never meet her again. "Philippine said slowly.

Ling Chen moved his brow and suddenly thought of something. He said lowly: "Maybe, I can find it. After I became Shura, my spirits also skyrocketed, and the comet is the only **** with an eight-point godhead. She The breath must be far stronger than other creatures. If I concentrate, I might be able to sense her general orientation."

When he spoke, Ling Chen had already closed his eyes, and when his voice fell, his eyes were already open, his eyes slowly turned to the south...

"Don't you find it?" Looking at his reaction, Fei said with surprise.

"Yes, I really found it." Ling Chen nodded: "And her location is very close to Xia Star, only less than 20,000 kilometers."

20,000 kilometers, this is a suffocating length number, but it is very plain from Ling Chen's mouth. Because at the level he is now, he has completely exceeded the "human" class. 20,000 kilometers, for him, it is not too far away. Perhaps it means dozens of kilometers in the eyes of ordinary people.

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