MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 832 Undead comet

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"You **** Shura!!"

The previous second still kept the top of the world, you can trample on the sense of Shura, and even arrogantly go to empty-handedly repair Luo’s sacred rifle. After a second, he was slammed by Shura and hit a solid, five internal organs. The six hexagrams were almost shaken out, and it is conceivable how humiliating and angry the comet is at this time.

Although her current strength has greatly exceeded that of Ling Chen, but she has been attacked by Ling Chen, she is not good. After being tens of thousands of meters away from the earthquake, she barely regained her balance, and Shura, who had already chased her behind her, screamed at the chest.

The comet's right hand was a trick, and the fallen star was instantly recalled to her by her, and she was thrown into the sky with a very unnatural posture.

A huge force of breath rushed to the surface, let Ling Chen instantly understand that this is definitely more than his own strength. If the fallen star smashes the sacred rifle, the sacred rifle will undoubtedly be shaken open, even His body will also be affected. Ling Chen’s face suddenly became a yin, his arm was slightly moving, and the direction of the sacred rifle suddenly changed, and the body quickly shifted.

Ding! ! !

The fallen star collided with the sacred moongun, but only issued a relatively small collision sound, because at the moment of the collision, the sacred rifle suddenly slanted and pulled the attacking direction of the fallen star to the right side, let Most of the power of the fallen stars blasted into the empty space, and the body of the comet also had a small flaw, and the flaws were revealed. The explosive power of Ling Chen’s horror was suddenly released at this moment, and the left hand was ready to go. Remember that the hitting of the smashing is on the belly of the comet.


The comet spurted a large stream of blood and the body flew out like a shell that was fired.

When faced with the power attribute over their own enemies, the first choice is to win by speed. If the speed is not dominant, then a "quote" should be used to not remove the big force. In the case of the opponent's attack strength, change the direction of the attack and let the opponent reveal the flaw when they hit the empty space with full force. This is one of the fighting skills that HELL taught him. It is simple and easy to talk about, but it is extremely difficult to do. At the same time, this method is also limited to opponents whose strength is not too exaggerated... a thin wood can move a thick wood that flies, but a weak grass, even if the skill is more sophisticated, There is absolutely no way to move the fallen giant wood.

Moreover, this method of trickming is generally only surprisingly successful at the beginning, and it is basically impossible to continue to take effect after the other party has sufficient defense.

The comet is already furious, and the explosion attacked Ling Chen. Ling Chen also had no fear and faced the front. There is no advantage in strength and speed, then he will use his fighting consciousness and skills to the limit he can reach. The power of the gun is concentrated on the point. When the fallen star is close to the body, the power gathers in the face. Ling Chen takes the advantage of “point” to the extreme, and draws the disadvantage of “face” to the maximum extent. He is in life and in the body and soul. The fighting ability in the game is also unreservedly released, and the battle is in full swing.

The light in the field of the meditation is getting stronger and stronger, and it has reached the point where it can't be seen normally, but it can clearly see the two light groups that are constantly colliding together. The sacred rifle and the fallen stars are in a crazy collision, releasing A wave of waves is enough to destroy the light of the earth.

This war can only be described as dimly dark, and the sun and the moon are dull.

"Shulu... how can you struggle again, and there is only one way to die!"

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh.........

The fallen stars waved again and again, and every time they danced, they would cut a huge space crack and push Ling Chen back step by step. In the face of double the power, and will not consume physical strength, even the comet that will heal for a short time, Ling Chen with his strong fighting consciousness to resist for a period of time, with the rapid decline of physical strength, finally support It’s getting harder and harder. At this point, every attack of the comet makes him feel like a big hammer hitting his chest, stepping back and stepping inside.

The heart of the comet is also full of shock. She can't be shocked... After her strength has increased to 1.5 times, the Shura can still be evenly matched with her, and she is heavily wounded after she reveals flaws. If it is not in the field of meditation, she may now die. Under the Shura gun. She has already been able to step on Shura easily, but Shura still struggled with her for nearly ten minutes. She was also injured several times during this time, until now, due to the substantial consumption of physical strength. The festival is retreating.

Shura... What a terrible creature!

No! This Shura must die! If he does not die, even if he becomes a true God, he will sleep hard!

The horror of Shura has made the comet have a heavier and more murderous heart for Ling Chen. Her attack is also heavier than once, and she can't directly cut Ling Chen into several segments.

"Go to hell... Heaven is awesome!!"

Above the fallen stars, suddenly burst into a golden light, blasting in Ling Chen’s chest, Ling Chen screamed, as if a piece of the leaves were blown away by the wind, the heavy impact hit a piece On the huge meteorite, the crushing of the meteorite hit, his body was half-squatted there, and he couldn't get up for a long time. The body was slightly shuddered by the force of the force, and the gasping in his mouth was evenly scary.

"Hey!" Looking at the state of Ling Chen at this time, the comet was sneering, as she expected, even though Shura, after so long unreserved full-force battle, it should be close to the oil. She walked toward Ling Chen step by step, said sloppyly: "Shu Luo, can force me to use this field of meditation, you are already great enough. In this field of meditation, I have not died for so long, but also let me flow a lot of blood, I I have to say that you are not a Shura. But you, after all, will only be a stepping stone to be trampled by me. I will be the only **** in the world, and the first and only one in history. The **** of death Shura!"

"You... don't do your daydream!" Ling Chen struggled to stand up, even though his whole body had been soaked in sweat, but his eyes were still fierce. "I will never die... In your hands!"

"It’s really hard, but your fantasies stop there. It seems to be almost the same in time."

The corner of the comet's mouth slowly evokes a mysterious smile. At this moment, another golden glow suddenly burst from the comet. At the same time, the power field from the comet suddenly increased sharply, and it was so strong that Ling Chen, who was far away from 10,000 meters, suddenly suffocated.

Ling Chen: "...!!"

The entire field of meditation has been flooded with golden light, and the temperature is even higher than a scary point. The golden light on the surface of the comet body has become more intense, as if her skin has turned into a gold without impurities. She raised her hands and excitedly laughed: "God's feeling, I found the feeling of God... ... This is the third stage of the field of meditation. My strength has also grown to three times that of normal times. Even my body is not dead in this field! Even if it is your sacred gun, it is also It’s impossible to hurt me anymore, hahahaha!”

With a flash of light, the comet has appeared on the oblique upper side of Ling Chen, arrogantly looking down at Ling Chen, who has almost stood still: "This feeling of approaching the true God is so beautiful that you can never imagine... It is to let It is time for you to disappear from this world forever. Before you disappear forever, you will be fortunate to see for yourself what is close to the power of the true God."

"The person who will disappear forever... is you!"

Ling Chen's sly stunned fiercely, and the crumbling body suddenly flew like a meteor to the comet, and instantly stabbed the comet's chest.

Hey! !

In the sudden explosion of Ling Chen, the sacred rifle was stabbed straight on the chest of the comet, but it was a harsh metal collision. Ling Chen’s eyelids were magnified by nearly ten. Double... Because the sacred rifle is indeed on the chest of the comet, but there is no way to penetrate the body of the comet, even the bloodshot, did not penetrate a half.

Impossible... This is impossible... Ling Chen’s eyes wide open and he can’t believe what he saw.

The comet slowly reached out and grabbed the gunpoint of the sacred rifle. He slowly removed it from his chest. His eyes glared at the dust in the panic: "I didn't hear it clearly?" The density of the sun's power in the field of meditation has reached the third stage. At this stage, I will have an immortal body under the protection of the power of the sun. Unless the power is enough to match the power of this density of the sun, otherwise Never want to leave a trace of wound on me!"

The sound fell, the comet's wrists rose, and an irresistible majestic violently passed from the sacred rifle to Ling Chen's body, and Ling Chen was far away. She grabbed the palm of her gun and turned it over. The sacred moon stun gun suddenly slammed into the direction of Ling Chen, and the corner of the mouth evoked a sinister arc: "Dead...!"

Ling Chen was flying very fast, and the speed of the sacred rifle was far more than that. The electric light and the flint, the sacred rifle had already caught up with Ling Chen, and passed through his body mercilessly... This picture, It also made the comet's eyes slowly smash, and everything is over. But in the next second, her eyelids jumped slightly.

The body of Ling Chen’s flight was stagnant there. It was clearly seen that the sacred gun was directly penetrated through the body, but he managed to maintain a balance at this time. There was no scar on his chest, and there was no blood. Just a moment ago, on his body. The silver armor flashed a moment of strange light.

"I almost forgot the **** of the day!" The comet said low.

There is a sacred star god, the fatal attack on Ling Chen in the first ten times will be forcibly offset, which means that Ling Chen has a full eleven lives in one day!

However, although the **** of the sacred star can save lives, there is no ability to recover. Ling Chen, who has got rid of a fate of death, is still in the previous state. In the face of the comet at this time, a life, and eleven lives, it seems that there is no difference at all, just a little more time to spend the stars.

"Looks, you seem to want to do unnecessary struggles, you will not naively think that this day will be able to keep you from dying? It will only let you live for a dozen or so seconds, hahahaha." The star appeared in front of Ling Chen and said with a laugh.

"You are not dead... How can I die?" Ling Chen violently screamed, and the sacred rifle reappeared in his hands, stabbing the comet, but with his exhausted state, he stabbed the sacred The Luna Sword has no power at all. Don't say that the current comet, even if it is the first comet, can be easily taken.

The comet allowed the sacred **** to shoot at himself, and then he took a shot and directly flew the sacred rifle from Ling Chen’s hand and flew to the vast space of the universe. Ling Chen’s body is also directly on the knees under the anti-shock force. He is very sullen, but he is still burning like a flame, and once again, he screams and slams his fist to the belly of the comet.

boom! ! !

This blow is like playing on the tough metal in the world, so that the hand bones of Ling Chen’s left hand are almost broken, but the comet is motionless, looking at him with a sneer and mockery, apparently In this way, Ling Chen knows how humble he is in front of him. Ling Chen’s face was twisted and twisted, and he swung his right fist. He slammed into the right leg of the comet. The comet was still motionless, and the expression on his face became more ridiculous and disdainful.

However, just as his fist was about to touch the comet's right leg, the fist that seemed to be weak and weak suddenly changed direction, and the speed also increased several times. The tight food, medium and unnamed three fingers instantly opened... ... smashed into the lower body of the comet.


The comet made a scream like a wounded swan, kicking Ling Chen far and far. She reached over her lower body, her painful face was twisted, and the bloodshot slowly overflowed from her fingers and slowly ran down her thighs.

Ling Chen was almost kicked off by the comet's foot, and then he fell there and made a mad laugh. On his three fingers, there was still blood from the comet: "Hey, Comet... You must have never heard a word... The perfect woman can never make up for the loophole between the legs... The feeling of being broken is cool... Hahahaha!"

Although the comet has a life span of more than a thousand years, it is a virgin as the moon. Because at her level, there is no way for men to get into her eyes. The pain of breaking the heart carries out the heart, not to mention the violent penetration of Ling Chen with three fingers...

As the most vulnerable part of a woman, she can protect her body even if she can't protect her!