MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 840 Perfect lie

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Xia Star.

Time is already morning, this is a new day for Xia Xing, because from this day, Xia Star officially bid farewell to the terrible disaster. The surviving Xia Star people are immersed in sadness and shackles of the future.

"Philippine sister, brother, where did he go? Tell me, Philippine sister..."

Every day, I grabbed the horn of the Philippine, and my face was full of worry and panic. She woke up from the early hours until noon, and Ling Chen still didn't come back. How could she not panic after such a long absence? The interpretation and comfort of the Philippines has become paler and weaker over time.

"Philippines, what happened in the end?" Li Yuxue asked with a worried look. Ling Chen did not say goodbye when they slept, and although the Philippine tried to cover up, but still worried from time to time, her heart began to have a deep sense of omission. Like all of her, the girls are also looking worried.

"Reassured, he will definitely come back." The Philippines can only say this time and again.

"Then where he went, Philippine sister, tell me soon." Every day, anxiously shouting, in the excessive worry and tension, even began to tears in his eyes.

"Oh, you all got up, I thought it was so tired yesterday, you will sleep until noon."

A voice that they were familiar with suddenly came from the sky. They all raised their heads in surprise and watched Ling Chen slowly fall from the air to them... In his hand, he also held the red salsa.

Seeing Ling Chen and Salsa, Fei’s heart is like a heavy and ruthless megalith. She looks at Ling Chen and laughs silently... You succeeded. Not only came back alive, but also brought back the salsa... Then, even the ones that the comet have defeated are really...the world is invincible. In this world, there is no longer something that can threaten you.

"Brother... ah! Salsa?" Every day, she rushed to Ling Chen. When she suddenly saw Salsa around Ling Chen, she was shocked and shouted excitedly: "Sasha... Is it really you?" ”

"Yeah!" Salsa nodded and looked at them in front of her eyes. Her eyes began to tremble and her nose sobbed softly.

"Ah!" Every day, a shout of joy, rushed over and hugged Sasha: "Great, great! Really Sasha! I thought... I thought I would never see you again... You Where have you been before, suddenly I can't find you, I, I am almost worried about death."

Salsa’s eyes were red again. She looked at them every day and looked at them. The tears flowed down: "I’m sorry... I’m sorry everyone, I’m worried. I’m going to be very embarrassing and obedient in the future. Never do anything that everyone is worried about. You...will still like me?"

"Hey? Salsa, your words are so strange, we will certainly like you, you have always been my best sister." Every day, holding her hand, said infinitely happy.

"You are our cutest little angel, of course we will always like you very much." Xiao Qi came over and said with a smile.

"Seeing Sasha, I didn't have a good mood and it became super good at once. You said how much I like you!" Li Xiaoxue said with a slight smile.

"Just in the future, you can't sneak away yourself, or you have to spank." Fei Xiao smiled, her eyes looked at Ling Chen, Ling Chen was looking at her, the two looked at each other and smiled. Because of the identity of Salsa, only two of them know here. But right away, they will tell them all because they no longer need to hide.

Listening to their warm voice, feeling their tender and soft gaze, Salsa's heart was filled with warm air, she wiped her tears, smiled, and then nodded very hard, making the crispest, most determined voice: " Ok!!"

Ling Chen returned, Salsa returned, because the dust did not sue, and the haze that had not been returned for a long time also naturally vanished. The ancient Qing Han was weak and still sleeping. Queen Xia had personally sent it early, facing the rich food of the opposite world, but they all had no appetite.

Because they inevitably think of the destroyed earth, think of the relatives and friends they will never see, and countless memories that can never go back...

"...It turned out that the earth had such an incredible thing." The Queen of Chia, sitting next to her, sighed, and said softly: "But in such a huge disaster, you are all safe and sound, and it is a misfortune." It doesn't matter. Later, Xia Star is your new home. You are our savior and our most distinguished guest. We will do our best to fulfill all your requirements and wishes. Right, the climate here and the earth. Almost, I believe that you are here and will soon find the feeling of home."

"Thank you, the distinguished Queen of the Queen." Yun Mengxin sincere thanks.

Queen Xia smiled and shook her head: "You don't need to call me the Queen, it will be too much alive. We, the Greek King, have the name of "Heaven". You call me Auntie."

The faces of all the women showed a grateful smile, but they were only grateful... family, loved ones, memories, after all, can not be compared and replaced. Although everything calmed down, but because of the calm, the sorrow that always lost home and loved ones came in completely, so that they could not be hurt. Even Li Xinxue, who is the strongest heart, has not laughed a few times today. The only few times, he laughed so hard.

At this time, Philippine's fingers suddenly flashed, and the red, yellow, and blue Laxisi ring appeared in her hand in the light, making Feyton amazed.

"Laxis, how... how can it..."

Then, Laxisi flashed again, and with the fusion of the three colors of light, a pocket girl appeared in her subconscious open palm, accompanied by a crisp and tender voice: "Master, I am back."

"Ah! Isn't that the Philippine sister's instrumental spirit in the game? How can it appear here?" Xiao Qi looked at Moo, and asked in surprise.

"Compared with what happened these two days, this kind of thing is not surprising." Yun Mengxin said lightly.

"Muer, how come you... Are you not taken away by the woman in Haoyue?" Fei took the foam, and was happy and surprised.

"I was snatched away by the moon?" This Philippine sentence made Ling Chen brow, and looked up and said: "Philippines, before Laxis was in the hands of Haoyue""

"Yes!" Fei nodded, frowning and said: "When she ordered Luo to kill us, she summoned Laxisi on me and forced to take it away."

"Yeah, that's it." Xiaomoer nodded quickly, and then his face looked proud: "But, the Philippine is my master, even if someone else takes me away, I can return myself." ""

A very strange feeling suddenly lingered in Ling Chen's brain, but this feeling was too vague, so fuzzy that he could not see what it was for a while. When he finally understood the source of this feeling, he suddenly asked: "From the earth to the Xia Star, there is a half chaotic distance. It is impossible to transfer a person from the earth to the Xia Star. However, Laxis is the real instrument of the gods, with the strongest space power in the world. If you must say that something can be done, it must be Laxis... Moore, they are sent here. And I was also inexplicably sent here... Is it because of the power of Laxis?"

"Of course!" Moore had a small chest and a smug face: "You are right! In this world, except for Laxis, that is me, there is no longer something else to do. I am though I was taken away by the woman... but my knowledge is left on the master, so when the owner is in danger, I use the space power to send the owner here. The person who the owner cares most is you, no Way, I have to send you here, or the owner will be sad."

"Ah! Moore, it turned out that you saved us!" Fei screamed, but immediately frowned, not explaining: "But, Moer, when I got Laxis from me, its power has been In the state of deficit, the distance of a space transmission can only reach a few thousand kilometers at most, and then it will take some time to resume before you can continue to use it. Why can you transmit so far?"

"Oh, it's a coincidence." Moer smiled again and again: "My strength was sealed off a large part of it. After I took it away, I wanted to force my power. She and the comet are very powerful. When I used the powerful force to make an impact, I accidentally sealed my power and released it. I immediately recovered all the power, not only the space, the power of time and rules. Oh."

"It turns out that. I know that the strength of Moo will only be submissive to me. Even if he took it away, it would be impossible to use it. Unexpectedly, her actions helped me and Moo." Fei smiled. Said.

"So, move the moon there... is it you too?" Ling Chen asked a question that made everyone confused.

"Hey, nonsense! In addition to me, who else has the ability to move a small planet~~~ far!" Moer was quite a little nose: "I am the instrumental spirit of Laxis, the most understanding of the moon." When I saw that you couldn’t beat the comet, I was very clever to think that only by moving the moon over, you can destroy her... Yes, when I took me away, I found the day in her. God Pearl, so use the space power to send the Japanese **** beads to your side. If you are not, you have been wiped out by the terrible woman of the comet, thank you very much!"

This is the most perfect lie that Yu Yue taught to Mou. Perfectly relieved all their doubts, and could not find a trace of flaws. The masters of the instrument of God are unique, but they will not think that the true master of Laxis is not the Philippine, but the moon, not to mention the label of the moon in their hearts is already "devil" and "malignant", how I will associate her with her body...

"Thank you, Moo, it turns out that you really saved everyone. You are really amazing." Fei said sincerely. When she touched Mo's body, she felt an incomparably huge force... huge enough beyond her expectations, many times more powerful than the Laxisi she knew before. Also let her suddenly understand that this is the true power of the true God.

"Right! When I first came back, I seemed to hear you talking about the earth... Master, how long has it been since the earth was destroyed?" Moore suddenly asked a strange moment. Asked.

This problem will undoubtedly sting their heartstrings. Fei sighed and said: "It is probably almost a whole day."

"It’s almost a whole day, that is to say, it’s less than a day.” Mo's eyes groaned and then said a stone-shattering saying: “If this is the case, I have a way to get the earth back!”

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