MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 100 Get the news, Netherworld Gorefiend Ancestor

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"Di, congratulations on getting the extra sign-in reward Dragon Tiger Dan!"

With a series of system prompts ringing in his ears, a flash of joy flashed in Su Yu's eyes.

The Golden Light Mantra can be used for self-defense, and the Dragon Tiger Pill, as the name suggests, is an elixir that can be used to enhance one's own strength.

Mind a move.

The system space appeared in front of him.

After finding the ancient book that recorded the cultivation method of the Golden Light Mantra, Su Yu slapped it on the forehead with ease.

In an instant, the cultivation methods related to the Golden Light Mantra were like a stream of water, rushing straight into his forehead.

With the help of the powerful functions of the system, he didn't have to go to the word for word to comprehend the hard work. In just this moment of effort, he had already comprehended the golden light mantra.

Then, putting the golden light spell back, Su Yu took out the Dragon Tiger Pill, which was a round pill about the size of an eyeball.

It depicts a dragon and a tiger, which is quite imposing.

The whole body is filled with a faint medicinal fragrance, which is refreshing and pleasant to smell.

The medicinal pill melted in the mouth, and Su Yu only felt a coolness flowing in his throat, and then he felt a burst of warmth in his lower abdomen Dantian.

There are also more pure energy in the meridians of the whole body.

"13% in the first stage of Xianwu Holy Body"

Not bad!

Looking at the line of golden small characters that appeared in front of him.

Su Yu was very satisfied.

The efficacy of the drug has not been completely absorbed and refined, and it has increased by two percentage points. The bottom line is estimated to be about 15%.

"Try the Golden Light Charm."

Su Yu's heart moved, and he immediately ran the golden light spell.


The golden light appeared out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, Su Yu's whole body was already shrouded in dazzling golden light.

Su Yu raised his foot and stepped towards it.


First, there was a loud bang, and then with the soles of his feet as the center, cracks spread all around.

Kaka Kaka…

A slight voice sounded, and in an instant, the cracks on the ground were as dense as cobwebs, and they seemed to be struck glass pieces.

"not bad."

Looking around, Su Yu nodded slightly.

Although this golden light spell is mainly for self-defense, if it is blessed on the body, it can also increase a bit of combat effectiveness.

At this moment, there is a mess on Longhu Mountain.

It was supposed to be a tall palace, but now it has turned into a scorched ruin, with broken walls and broken walls everywhere, and all kinds of debris on the ground.

The golden light dissipated, and when he glanced at the desolate surroundings, Su Yu couldn't help feeling a little depressed again.

The main purpose of going to Longhu Mountain this time is not to sign in.

Instead, I want to try my luck and see if I can run into one or two monsters to kill.

But now it seems that my luck is not very good...

Where to start...

Su Yu's heart was clueless, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

It was already dawn, and the morning sun had just risen in the sky.

Su Yu stood motionless, but fell into deep thought.

After about a quarter of an hour, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and a look of joy appeared on his face.


"How could I forget about the Alliance of Demon Exorcism and Defending Dao!"

Although the Alliance of Demon Defenders does not seem to be very powerful in its own eyes, in terms of its intelligence capabilities, it is much stronger than itself.

If you want to inquire about the traces of the demons, the difficulty will be extremely high.

And if you rely on the intelligence network of the Alliance of Demon Defenders, you might get some unexpected gains!

"Looks like I'm going to this Demon Defender Alliance."

Open the system space, and take out a flying sword from it. After confirming the direction, Su Yu did not delay, and flew towards Yujian, who was flying towards the Alliance of Elimination of Demons and Guards.

At the same time, a group of monsters gathered here in the Gorefiend Sect Hall in the territory of the country of Koboko, and they seemed to be discussing something.

Suddenly, at this moment, a scarlet blood bead flew from outside the main hall.

The three blood demons reached out and grabbed the blood bead in the palm of their hand.


The moment the blood beads just touched the palm of the hand, the expression of the three demons suddenly changed, and a flash of horror flashed in their eyes.

"This... what's going on?"

"What's the news on the blood beads?!"

"Could it be that the guys outside have already come in?!"

Seeing the reaction of the three monsters, the rest of the monsters in the hall couldn't sit still, and they hurriedly asked.

Their hearts are very clear.

That drop of scarlet blood was no ordinary blood.

This is a kind of secret method of the demon blood three, which can pass messages back and forth from far away places through blood beads.

Now the drop of blood that suddenly broke into the hall is the one that brought back the news.

And the three demon bloods have such expressions as soon as they know the news in them.

Most of the time, it's not a good thing.

And because of the special period at the moment, all the demons couldn't hold back...


The three demon blood sighed, his face slightly ugly, and said solemnly: "The green-haired corpse king just got out of trouble not long ago, but now he has already died."


"And other things!"

When the demons heard the words, they were shocked at first, and then one by one, they were horrified, and subconsciously exclaimed!

"Even if it's because he just got out of trouble and his strength has not fully recovered, but the green-haired guy was originally a corpse to produce consciousness, who can kill him?!"

"Yes, yes, blood three, did you make a mistake?"

All the demons were talking, but soon, after thinking of the characteristics of the green-haired corpse king, they calmed down one by one.

The three demon bloods shook their heads slightly, their faces gloomy.

"You can't be wrong, last night was the day of Lumao's escape, so I specially sent someone to help him get out of trouble. The place where Lumao was sealed is not far from the Liuxuanmen. What the mysterious Sword Saint in Liuxuanmen did!"

The voice fell, and the hall suddenly became quiet. None of the monsters spoke, and they looked at each other subconsciously, and their expressions became a little weird.

Why is this guy again!

After a while, a demon was the first to speak, with a fierce look on his face, and he said in a deep voice, "What the **** is the Six Profound Sword Saint, I think we should join hands to eradicate this hateful guy!"

"No, no, this is absolutely impossible."

Before waiting for the rest of the demons to express their attitude, the three demon bloods hurriedly opened their mouths to stop them.

"According to the past, as well as the current green hair, can't you understand the power of the Six Profound Sword Saint?"


Hearing this, all the demons in the hall were stunned for a while.

The one who just proposed to unite to deal with the "Six Profound Sword Saint" monster was also speechless at this time, but he didn't know what to say.

After a while, a demon nodded in agreement and said, "Well, the blood three brothers are right, I think it's better to be careful."

"It's true, that Six Profound Sword Saint is indeed a bit powerful!"

"It seems that this matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

"It's just... It's just how I feel that the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this world is getting stronger and stronger. There is not much time left for us, and the guys outside are about to come in. We have to make plans for this earlier. Compared with those guys outside, they are much more difficult to deal with than this Six Xuanmen Sword Saint!"

"Yes, yes..."

As soon as they heard those guys outside, the faces of the demons suddenly looked a little bad.

Obviously, the "those out there" in their mouths brought them a lot of pressure.

At this time, the three demon bloods were a little different from everyone else. At this moment, he showed a faint smile.

"Hehehe, you guys, you don't have to worry so much."

The demon blood three laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid you forgot, did the old senior on Longhu Mountain get out of trouble not long ago?"

A lot of demons slapped their foreheads, with a look of joy on their faces, and quickly asked: "Yes, but I don't know where this old senior is now?"

For this old senior from Longhu Mountain, the demons present are naturally no strangers.

Between warriors, there is a distinction between strength and weakness.

They are both demons, but demons and demons were also different before.

And this senior from Longhu Mountain is an extremely powerful demon!

"That's right, where is the black-eyed Demon Lord senior in Longhu Mountain now, the old devil's family just got out of trouble, and those of us who are juniors should go to pay their respects."

"Yes, yes, as it should be."

All the demons asked in succession, but the three demons did not answer directly. They smiled and said:

"Everyone, don't worry, Senior Black-eyed Demon Lord is indeed out of trouble, but the big guy also understands that the current period is special, the power of the seal of heaven and earth is gradually disappearing, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will come again soon, this is a matter for us. Good things are good.

But as the power of this seal weakens, those outsiders may come in at any time. Senior Black-eyed Demon Lord has just gotten out of trouble now, and the first and foremost thing is to regain his strength.

As for us, the most important thing now is to rescue more seniors as soon as possible. Only with the strength and means of these seniors can I have a better chance of winning in the face of those guys outside. "

"Brother Xue San is right!"

"Well, then according to the blood three brothers said."

"Yes, that's all."

The demons had no objection and agreed.

And suddenly, at this moment, a strange look flashed on the face of a demon: "Huh? This..."

I saw that a drop of blood shot out from outside the main hall again.

The same as before, the three demon blood held the drop of blood in the palm of his hand, and when he understood the information passed on it, his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of ecstasy.

Afterwards, he couldn't help laughing, as if he got something extremely happy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The rest of the demons showed puzzled expressions and wanted to ask, but they were so excited to see the three **** demons, but it was difficult to interrupt them.

Seemingly noticing the expressions of the demons, the three demons quickly suppressed the excitement in their hearts and paused, then an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he explained: "Hahaha, I made you guys laugh, I'm telling you all. A piece of good news, the drop of blood just now brought the news of the various sealed places of our Lord Nether Blood Ancestor!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall was silent.

But just a moment later, there was an uproar and exclamations.

"Ah? Really!"

"It's really the Netherworld Gorefiend his old man!"

Not only are all the demons not unfamiliar with this name, they can even be said to be thunderous!

Netherworld Gorefiend Ancestor, also known as the boss of the three demon blood demons!

Although the black-eyed demon is already very powerful, if it is compared with this ghostly blood demon ancestor, it is still a lot worse!

Even thousands of years ago, for those guys outside, once they heard the name of this Netherworld Gorefiend ancestor, those guys were all terrified and scared enough!

And those guys outside, in order to seal this Netherworld Gorefiend ancestor, also paid a great price!

"Hahaha, that's great, if it's Senior Netherworld Gorefiend, what are the guys outside to be afraid of?"

"I don't think it's too late. If Senior Netherworld Gorefiend can get out of trouble a day earlier, we will have a better chance of winning!"

"Hahaha, my lord can get out of trouble, and I have to rely on you guys a lot." The three demon blood stood up and thanked him: "As for the location of this sealed land, please listen to me carefully..."

A few days later, in the Demon Defender Alliance.

In a secluded courtyard house, Su Yu was lying on the bed.

Since the incident on Longhu Mountain, not only the territory of Zhao Kingdom, but also the surrounding countries have all entered a state of combat readiness.

The major forces have played the spirit of twelve points.

In the Alliance of Elimination of Demons and Guards, it is natural that many high-level leaders of forces have gathered in recent days.

This courtyard is also a place used by the Slayer Alliance to entertain guests.

It's just that there are many courtyards in the Alliance of Elimination of Demons and Guards, and no one lives in the room where Su Yu is.

Lying on the bed, Su Yu closed his eyes.

In the eyes of outsiders, he seems to be sleeping.

But in fact this is not the case.

Su Yu's mind moved, and his soul escaped from his body.

In his soul state, he can't see it with the naked eye at all.

After passing through the walls, UU read very soon, and he came to the conference hall of the Alliance of Demon Defenders.

At this moment, in the hall, an old man with extraordinary reputation and temperament is sitting.

Each of them has different clothes, and the weapons they wear all over the body include swords and swords, or floating dust or spears, all kinds of weapons.

These are the heads of the major forces and many high-level leaders in the current state of Zhao.


At this time, an old man with white hair and beard sighed slightly.

Looking at this old Taoist, Su Yu was a little surprised. If he remembered correctly, this old Taoist was Zhang Tianshi from Longhu Mountain who he had met at the Shaolin Temple martial arts conference that day...

"Everyone, what happened on Longhu Mountain, I don't need to say anything more. There is definitely a demon behind these evil sects. Going to Longhu Mountain this time is not for anything else, but for the sake of it. Come to rescue the demon that was once sealed in the mountain!

Shushan Sword Sect, everyone in Shaolin Temple would like to be more vigilant..."

Read The Duke's Passion