MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 109 foodie

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110 (title)


Many thugs who haven't figured out the situation can't help but subconsciously take a breath.

what's going on!

This is the aloof Guo family patriarch!

Even if the royal family members came, they would not let this person treat him like this!

What is the origin of this young man in front of him! ?

All of a sudden, the thugs turned pale with fright, thinking deeply about it.

"I... I've been waiting to see senior!"

At this time, some thugs with eyesight came back to their senses.

Seeing that the owner of the family is so respectful at the moment, I didn't dare to delay immediately, and hurriedly saluted together, and spoke in unison, daring not to be disrespectful at all!

"You ever met me?"

Su Yu was slightly surprised and asked, "How can you recognize me?"

When the words fell, Guo Changduan, the head of the Guo family, replied quickly: "Reporting to the senior, before this, the junior has never seen the true face of the senior. The reason why I can know the senior is from a painting. This painting is said to be From the Shushan Sword Sect of Zhao State."

When speaking, Guo Zhang, the head of the Guo family, was trembling, as if he was afraid that he would say something wrong and cause trouble.

That's what happened, that's what happened...

After hearing the words, Su Yu suddenly realized.

He didn't think too much about it when the Shushan Sword Sect used the Divine Sword to Fight Thunder.

On that day, it seemed that many disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect had a glimpse of his appearance.

Su Yu didn't care about this, but he didn't expect someone to draw it now.

Looking at this, it seems that it is still widely circulated...


The head of the Guo family was uneasy in his heart, and there was a strong sense of unease on his face.

"The dog has eyes and no pearls, and inadvertently offended the seniors. I hope that the seniors can... raise your hand, and the juniors will be strictly disciplined and restrained in the future."

Glancing at the head of the Guo family, Su Yu said lightly, "I can give you a chance, but if you let me meet your Guo family again, you should understand the consequences."

The young master of the Guo family is a bit arrogant and domineering.

However, the head of the Guo family is quite sensible.

After all, he is not a murderous person.


When Guo Changduan, the head of the Guo family, heard this, he let out a long breath and nodded quickly.

"After the junior goes back, he will be strictly restrained, and he will not dare to commit it again."

"Remember what you said."

When the last voice fell, Su Yu's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and instantly disappeared from the spot.


With Su Yu's departure, the head of the Guo family suddenly let out a long breath.

With a thud, he just sat on the ground.

An expression of relief, as if a heavy burden has been lifted...

The existence of the mysterious young man just now was like a mountain.

A gust of mountain wind blew slightly, and Guo Changduan suddenly felt a coolness.

He raised his hand and wiped his forehead, but was surprised to find that he didn't know when, but a fine layer of cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and even his clothes were soaked with sweat. …

"Finally sent this one away!"

The matter of the Guo family is too trivial for Su Yu today.

After leaving, he wandered around the Jiayi Mountain for a while.

This time, no strange cave dwellings were found, or the remains of other immortal cultivators.

However, it was finally not empty-handed.

Along the way, he discovered many rare and rare medicinal materials like the black jade flower.

Moreover, because the aura of heaven and earth permeates the mountains and forests here, these medicinal materials also contain some spiritual energy more or less, which leads to special changes.

In the future, all of them can be used to refine medicine pills.

Put away these medicinal materials, Jia Yishan has nothing to miss.

Su Yu continued on his journey back to the Liuxuanmen of Zhao State.

This time, compared to when he came along the way, it was much more peaceful.

Those demons seem to have disappeared suddenly.

In this regard, although some people feel a little strange, but without the intrusion of demons, this is naturally a good phenomenon, at least for now...

Next, Su Yu passed through many borders. Although he did not find any demons, he did find that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here has become more and more intense.

This is obviously a sign of a drastic change in the discovery of heaven and earth.

On this day, it was late at night.

Before he knew it, Su Yu had already come to the territory of Zhao State.

In an upper room in the Tongfu Inn, the surrounding doors and windows were tightly closed.

If you look carefully around the walls of the house, you can find that there are lines of special and mysterious formations faintly appearing on them.

At this time, Su Yu specially used it to isolate the breath and movement.

Su Yu was sitting on the bed, and in front of him was a broken and irregular stone floating strangely.

Of course, this is not actually a stone block, it just looks a bit similar.

This is no ordinary thing.

One after another, white mists gathered together, so thick that they could be seen faintly by the naked eye.

These are all the auras of heaven and earth that have come together.

This thing is the treasure that Su Yu got from Jiayi Mountain not long ago, breaking open the natural small formation in that cave mansion.

After so many days of observation, Su Yu found that this piece of existence like a broken stone seemed to be formed by nature.

It is not man made.

He vaguely felt that this thing seemed to be a mark.

In addition, what surprised Su Yu the most is that although this mark is broken, it seems to be able to gather, or breed some spiritual energy!

As the spiritual energy of the world becomes more and more intense, the cultivation will naturally become faster.

This was a huge surprise for Su Yu today.

Although I don't know what this mark is for now, Su Yu has a faint feeling that this broken mark may not be simple...

Of course, now its only function can only be used to assist in cultivating one function.

It was already very late at night, and most of the people were already asleep.

After Su Yu practiced for a while, he also stopped.

Pack up, but also go to bed.

However, just after he put away the formation that concealed the movement in the house.

Then, just when the broken mark was put away, a dazzling light suddenly appeared from the gap of the closed window.


Su Yu looked at it, and suddenly felt a little weird.

Then, his heart moved, and his sight changed strangely. Through the wall of the house, he looked directly at the night sky in the distance.

I see, at this moment.

There seems to be a strange change in the night sky.

Just now, that dazzling light appeared from the distant horizon!

In the distant night sky, a crack appeared faintly.

It was as if space had been torn apart.

However, this crack seems to be healing continuously, and its healing speed is not slow.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that some outsider did it?"

"They seem to want to come in here?"

In Su Yu's heart, many possibilities flashed in an instant.

However, just as he was thinking about it, the crack in the void in the distant night sky quickly healed up in this short period of time.

It was just the blink of an eye, and it had completely disappeared.

As if it never happened.

It came and went suddenly.

Su Yu could see that the reason why those cracks could heal quickly was entirely because of a strange force.

If it is not expected, this should be the power of seal governance, which is the power that has not completely dissipated to prevent the crack from continuing to expand and heal it.

This seems to be related to those mysterious outside world cultivators, so Su Yu took it to heart without any carelessness.

Taking back his thoughts, Su Yu temporarily put this matter behind him and went back to sleep.

In the days that followed, Su Yu could clearly feel that the spiritual energy between the world became more and more intense.

Sometimes, it may be difficult to detect with the naked eye.

However, with his eyesight, he can clearly find that there are slight cracks in the sky from time to time.

And those auras penetrated from these cracks.

The recovery of spiritual energy is not a bad thing.

In recent days, Su Yu has heard that in recent days, many experts in the semi-sacred realm of martial arts have caught the step, which is the feeling of breaking through the martial arts.

One by one almost began to retreat to seek a breakthrough!

The next day, because now it has come to the territory of Zhao State.

It is very close to Liuxuanmen.

Therefore, within a few days, Su Yu had already arrived at Liuxuanmen, at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

As soon as he came here, he felt very surprised and puzzled.

I don't know what happened.

On this Qingfeng Mountain, as usual, there are not so many people gathered here.

But right now, I don't know what happened.

But it has become crowded.

After some inquiries, Su Yu finally understood.

There was also a sense of helplessness in my heart.

But I didn't expect that the people who came to Liuxuanmen to visit and burn incense were actually me...

Going up, these are all disciples of Liuxuanmen.

When he came to Qingfeng Mountain, after Liuxuanmen was in the middle, looking at the direction where the crowd gathered, Su Yu soon saw the "his own ancestral hall" built by Liuxuanmen at that time.

Of course you don't need to worship yourself.

So, he had no interest in it, and walked towards his own courtyard in the back mountain.

At this time, there were many disciples in Liuxuanmen. With the rapid development in the past few years, it was far from the small sect of the year that could be compared.

Su Yu's current identity has become a doctor with good medical skills in the door.

Many old disciples in the sect have been treated by him more or less.

Therefore, when he returned to his wooden hut in Houshan, many disciples who were walking in the door recognized him and greeted him one after another.

"Huh? Doctor Su is you?!"

"Doctor Su, you're back!"

"Great, we all thought you weren't coming back!"

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, where do you always run to you every day!"

In response, Su Yujie nodded and responded with a smile.

Familiar with the road, within a moment, he came to the cabin.

After many days, coming back here again made him feel a while, and he was still comfortable here...

"Brother Yu! You are finally back!"

Before Su Yu entered the house, a woman's voice came from not far behind him.

This voice is naturally very familiar to Su Yu.

It is Wang Xiaoxiao!

Sure enough, as the footsteps got closer.

Su Yu turned his head to look, but happened to see Wang Xiaoxiao running towards him.

Coming to Su Yu's approach, Wang Xiaoxiao seemed very excited and excited.

After looking at Su Yu up and down for a while, he seemed to have thought of something again. He glanced at him and complained angrily: "Brother Yu, how can you do this! Do you know how worried I am about you! "

"..." In the face of the little girl's questioning, Su Yuquan pretended not to hear, and looked around, obviously not planning to answer this matter.

When he left, although he did not leave without saying goodbye, he only left a note that he would be away for a while.

The reason why she didn't face Wang Xiaoxiao was because she was afraid of trouble, and secondly, she was afraid that the girl Wang Xiaoxiao would pester her.

So, for the sake of simplicity, he chose to do so.


Seeing that Su Yu was silent, Wang Xiaoxiao snorted angrily and put his head aside angrily.

In the past few months, she almost wanted to leave Qingfengshan to find Su Yu several times.

However, even though she was stopped by her parents and mother in the end, she was really worried about dying from the bottom of her heart!

After all, UU reading The world was not very peaceful at that time...

Just now, when she just got the news of Su Yu's return, she rushed over immediately.

Unexpectedly, this guy is actually like this...

Pretend to ignore yourself.

It's really irritating...

"Hahaha, why, are you still angry?"

Seeing that Wang Xiaoxiao seemed really angry, Su Yu felt a little funny looking at his expression.

"Okay, alright, such an old man is still angry with a child, so, in order to express my apology, you say, I will cook for you what you want to eat!"

After all, he grew up with Wang Xiaoxiao, and Su Yu knew in his heart that this guy was a foodie when he was a child, so he launched a gourmet attack.

Sure enough, not what he expected.

When his voice just fell.

Wang Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly changed, and her little face turned around immediately.

At the same time as the cloud turned clear, her two big watery eyes seemed to emit a bright light at this moment.

Like a little greedy cat, he quickly said, "Really?!"

While speaking, her eyes were still fixed on Su Yu.

It seemed that he was afraid that Su Yu would go back on it.

"Of course!"

Su Yu nodded, he didn't need to lie about this trivial matter.


Wang Xiaoxiao jumped up happily.

Immediately afterwards, she hurriedly jumped to prepare firewood.

Su Yu was not idle, and began to look for some small animals, and he was ready to cook later.