MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 152 Big Brother

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Hearing such words, many disciples of the Guiyuan Sect around were stunned!

There are many disciples of Guiyuan Sect, more than tens of thousands!

But the elders in the sect are only two digits.

These are all real big shots, powerful monks in the Nascent Soul realm!

An existence that can reach such a state is definitely not shallow.

In this world, there are very few things that interest them!

If there is no major event on weekdays, it is absolutely impossible to disturb them.

"There really is such a thing!"

"That's right, it really can't be real! I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Hey... So, this Su Yu will definitely be able to do a lot in the future. If he can arouse the attention of so many elders, he must be a peerless genius!"

"Well, that's what I said. If there are no accidents in the future, it will definitely be a sure thing for Su Yu to step into the Nascent Soul realm.

At that time, he was the elder of the sect.

If we have a good relationship with him, we will definitely be able to gain some benefits in the future. "

"It makes sense, it makes sense. When we go back, we can prepare some gifts so that we can have a good relationship with Su Yu."

Everyone, you speak, and I speak.

In the words, the meaning of being strong Su Yu was revealed.


"Do not!"

Inside the Guiyuan Sect, there is a small attic.

A roar sounded.

Xiao Yinpeng once again made an extremely frightened voice.

"How could this happen, what should I do!"

"What the **** happened to me!"

Xiao Yinpeng was about to collapse at this time!

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In just a few days, he felt more and more like a woman.

The pectoralis major became more and more obvious, and the Adam's apple began to disappear gradually...

As the young master of the Xiao family, where has he experienced such a thing?

This strange change is really too terrifying!

Besides, what made him feel even more embarrassed was.

This kind of thing makes it hard for him to speak!

This kind of thing is definitely a big scandal for the Xiao family!

As the young master of the Xiao family, although Xiao Yinpeng is a bit arrogant and domineering on weekdays, he is definitely not a fool.

If such a thing were known to the elders in the family, I am afraid that in order to scruple the family's face, they would not ask him to find any magical doctor to see.

Instead, he will be dealt with on the spot with a slap!


Suddenly, at this moment.

Xiao Yinpeng, who was extremely angry, suddenly distorted his expression and took in cold air.

At this moment, he only felt a throbbing under his body, incomparable pain!

The pain was terrible, and he almost fainted from the pain.

After about three or four breaths, the pain gradually disappeared.

Xiao Yinpeng hurriedly lowered his head and glanced down. When he realized that his lifeblood had shrunk a bit, and was about to disappear, he raised his head and roared again.


The voices became sharper and more and more towards women.

After realizing this change, Xiao Yinpeng became more and more flustered.

I really don't know what to do.

In a hurry, the anger and fire attacked the heart and passed out directly.


Su Yu and Li Xuan'er returned to the courtyard.

After a hearty meal, Meimei went back to their rooms.

Back in the room, Su Yu began to cultivate the true art of returning to the origin.

In the room here, he has already laid out layers of formations and many talismans to guard it.

Under the layers of protection, it can not only isolate the breath, but also play a protective role.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, with Su Yu's continuous breathing and the continuous operation of Guiyuan True Art, his skin gradually radiated a faint light.

Just now when he returned to Yuan Wanshu Pavilion, Su Yu read through many books.

From these books, there are some general introductions to Guiyuan Sect.

The Guiyuan Sect has a long heritage, and the sect has been inherited for 50,000 years!

The patriarch who founded the school was a man named Guiyuan.

Guiyuan Daoist's strength is said to be unfathomable!

Guiyuan Zhenjue is the supreme method in Guiyuan sect, created by the Taoist Guiyuan.

Time passed, and soon an hour passed quickly.

Su Yu exhaled, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.


When he signed in the Guiyuan Great Hall and got the Guiyuan True Judgment, he felt that this exercise had something in common with the three-point Guiyuan Qi.

However, at that time, he just swept it in a hurry, just guessing in his heart.

I never had time to practice carefully.

Right now, when he practiced for himself, he found that it was exactly what he thought.

The True Secret Art of Returning Yuan really complements the three-point return to Yuan Qi!

Su Yu spread out his palm, the light flickered in his palm, and in an instant, a transparent ball of terrifying energy appeared.

"Not bad."

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the three-point return ball in his hand, Su Yu was very satisfied.

Right now, he is just cultivating the True Return to the Origin Secret Art, and that's what it is.

After a long time in the future, with the help of Yuan Yuan Zhen Jue, it will definitely become more and more terrifying and powerful.

In the days that followed, Su Yu had nothing to do except to read books in the Wanshu Pavilion, so he practiced the True Essence Secret Art in the house.

Today, he is still an official disciple and can have a small courtyard of his own.

It's just that Li Xuan'er's mouth has already been fed by him, and Guiyuanzong's food can no longer satisfy her.

So, Su Yu didn't move out.

Besides, although it is a small courtyard, there are several houses in it, and it is more than enough for two people to live there.

Soon, half a month passed in a hurry.

On this day, Li Xuan'er went out to practice in the Monster Beast Mountains.

Su Yu was planning to go to Wanshu Pavilion to get some books.

However, it wasn't long before he left.

In front of him, a light flashed.

An old Taoist with immortal style showed his stature.

It is the Taoist Xuanjing.

Su Yu pretended to be surprised.

The next moment, he didn't wait for him to speak.

Xuanjing's voice already sounded, "Su Yu, come with me."

The moment the voice sounded, Xuan Jing's old Taoist sleeve robe lightly flicked.

A faint light rose from under Su Yu's feet, wrapping him around and heading towards the top of Guiyuan Peak again.

Not long after, Su Yu came to the Guiyuan Hall again.

At this moment, more than a dozen elders have already arrived in the spacious Guiyuan Hall.

"Brother in charge, you are here."

As soon as the old Taoist Xuanjing came with Su Yu, all the elders immediately spoke up.

Taoist Xuanjing nodded slightly in response when he heard the words, then he turned to look at Su Yu and said, "Your physique is a bit special, but..."

Facing Su Yu, Daoist Xuanjing talked about the Ningshi vein in detail.

Su Yu's heart naturally understood this for a long time, but he had a shocked and lost look on the surface, pretending to be very lost: "Master, then I really have no chance to practice? "

Glancing at Su Yu, Xuan Jingdao brushed his beard and said with a slight smile, "Don't panic, as the saying goes, there is no way out, even though you are the vein of Ningshi, you still have a chance of life.

Old Daoist told you this today, and he naturally already has some confidence in cracking the veins of this stone. "

While speaking, Taoist Xuanjing waved his sleeves.

A blue light flashed, and a sapphire stone platform appeared in the air of the hall.

The round stone platform is about one meter in size.

There are mysterious lines on it, exuding bursts of mysterious aura.

The sapphire stone platform is suspended in the void, surrounded by wisps of blue mist.

"This object is called Qingling Jade Terrace. It is a secret treasure in my Guiyuan Sect. It can gather spiritual energy. If you sit cross-legged on it, you won't care about anything."

Taoist Xuanjing spoke to Su Yu while speaking.

He raised his hand and pressed it lightly, and the originally suspended sapphire stone platform began to slowly fall to the ground.

After so many years of signing in, Su Yu is well-informed and has extraordinary eyesight.

As soon as he saw this sapphire stone platform, he immediately saw that it was a good treasure.

Su Yu came closer and sat down with his knees crossed.

Seeing this, Xuanjing looked at the other elders.

"Junior brothers, let's get started."

The voice fell, and more than a dozen elders of the Guiyuan Sect nodded.

Then they spread out, occupying different positions around the sapphire stone platform.

The same is true for Taoist Xuanjing, who sat cross-legged with all the elders at the same time.

In fact, there is no way to use the sapphire stone platform this time.

If it can be broken through the veins of Ningshi, it is naturally the best, but if it still cannot be broken, then it can only be done...

After everything was ready, they moved their hands slowly.

A vast and majestic spiritual power poured out from their respective bodies.

One after another, the majestic spiritual power is like a hundred rivers entering the sea, and they all converge towards the sapphire stone platform.

Suddenly, Su Yu felt that the spiritual energy around his body had become incomparably rich and pure.

Because I already had some understanding of this Ningshi meridian in advance.

So Su Yu blocked these spiritual qi out in advance.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Under the infusion of Taoist Xuanjing and the elders of Guiyuan Sect, the spiritual energy gathered by the sapphire stone platform became more and more intense.

But Su Yu still didn't seem to move.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Xuanjing frowned slightly, and was even more surprised in his heart.

Originally, according to the thoughts in his heart, he now has more than a dozen cultivators from the Nascent Soul realm to join him.

In this case, with the help of Qingling Jade Terrace, it will definitely be enough to help Su Yu clear the meridians in his body, so that he can enter into practice.

But now, the situation seems to be a little different from what he thought.

This means that the strength of Su Yu's meridians is much stronger than he thought. If he can clear the meridians and embark on the path of cultivation, his future achievements will definitely be even higher!

"Junior brothers and sisters, add more strength!"

Dao Xuanjing's heart moved, and there were many elders through voice transmission.

When all the elders heard the words, almost all the spiritual energy in their bodies poured out.

They understand in their hearts that success or failure is in this.

Now has reached a critical moment, whether it can break through the Ningshi meridian depends on this last chance!

It seems almost...

On the Qingling jade platform, Su Yu, who was meditating cross-legged, felt all this clearly.

Ben thought that the means of these elders were enough to open the meridians in his body.

However, it was not as expected.

Right now, the elders are obviously a little tired, and if it continues like this, I am afraid they will stop.

Su Yu doesn't want these elders to think that this time he has failed like this...

If this is the case, then he will be given the name of a waste that cannot be cultivated.

Being a waste will definitely be ridiculed by countless people, and every day will definitely be troublesome.

In this way, it is impossible to calm down and cultivate.

What's more, Guiyuan Sect has a long heritage, and there are many treasures in the sect.

Now that the Guiyuan Sect is paying attention, it will definitely be able to gain endless benefits.

As for the direct snatch, it's not that Su Yu didn't think about it.

However, after thinking about it, he rejected the idea.

After all, Guiyuan Sect is a sect of immortal cultivation, with a profound background.

In the past, there was also the power of the god-transforming powerhouse!

Right now, Taoist Xuanjing is the headmaster of Guiyuan Sect, and the cultivation base on the bright side is the peak cultivation base of Nascent Soul.

There must be some trump cards left by the cultivators in the sect, so it's better not to be too arrogant.

What's more, he has no grudges with the Guiyuan Sect, so he can't do this.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's mind moved slightly, and he pretended that the meridians were unclogged.

In an instant, the rich spiritual energy around his body poured into the meridians in his body.

Daoxing +3!

Daoxing +3!

Daoxing +3!


Dense hints flashed in front of his eyes.

It made Su Yu stunned for a moment, and there is such a thing...

Although it's a bit unexpected, it's a good thing.

In just a few short breaths, Taoism has already increased by a hundred years.


"It seems, it seems to be successful!"

At this time, an elder said with some uncertainty.

Hearing that, the other elders also stared at Su Yu.

The same goes for Taoist Xuanjing, who immediately reached out his spiritual sense to check.

Su Yu had already made up his mind. At this time, Taoist Xuanjing and a group of elders came to check, and he naturally cooperated very strongly.

"Sure enough!" Upon seeing the changes in Su Yu's meridians, Xuanjing was overjoyed.

At the same time he also quickly stopped, and said to the elders: "Stop, all juniors and brothers, now Su Yu has just dredged the meridians, the spiritual energy is too strong and it will hurt him."

After hearing this, many elders quickly stopped, everyone was afraid that Su Yu would suffer an accident.

The Ningshi meridian was broken, which means that Su Yu, a young man with extraordinary spiritual roots, can officially embark on the road of cultivation!

This is definitely a peerless genius!

It is an existence that may reach the realm of God Transformation in the future!

It is also the hope that the entire Guiyuan Sect can go one step closer in the future!

In this regard, Taoist Master Xuanjing and many elders are naturally extremely concerned.

Xuanjing Laodao walked up to Su Yu and said with a smile: "Now your meridians have been cleared, and you have officially become a monk. From now on, I will pass on your Guiyuan True Secret Art, and you will be my contemporary senior brother of Guiyuan Sect. .

In the future, if you have any doubts about your practice, you can come to Laodao and the rest of the elders to clarify your doubts at any time. "

While speaking, Taoist Xuanjing's palm flashed, and an extra piece of pure white jade slipped to Su Yu.

After Su Yu had just taken it, Wei Wei knew as soon as she sensed it that it was the True Secret of Returning Yuan.

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