MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 89 huge gain

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This invisible aura swept through and spread, and many disciples of the Unintentional Evil Sect felt a huge pressure.


All the Wuxin Xie Sect disciples were shocked. At this moment, the movements in their hands were forced to slow down a bit, and the internal force in their bodies was also stunned.

At this time, it is a life-and-death struggle, not to mention that the movement is a little slow, and the internal force in the body is slightly hindered, even if you are not careful, it is extremely dangerous!

Life and death are between this thought!

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

And at this critical moment, a hoarse sneer sounded from the depths of the Wuxin Evil Sect.

Just like when the old Aoki and others showed up before, this sneering person is obviously also an extremely strong person.

Invisible coercion filled the void, and at the same time as the laughter sounded, the disciples of the Heartless Evil Sect immediately felt that the pressure in their bodies dissipated, and the internal forces in their bodies also ran freely.

On the Right Way Alliance side, it is the exact opposite.

Taking advantage of this gap, the disciples of the Unintentional Evil Sect hurriedly retreated and came to the outside, forming a circular encirclement that surrounded the warriors!

A black shadow galloped from the depths of the Wuxin Evil Sect, leaving behind afterimages in the void, and after falling outside the Wuxin Evil Sect mountain gate, it showed its shape.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a black robe, with a hideous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

The moment they saw this person, many disciples of the Unintentional Evil Sect were half-knelt on the ground and shouted in unison.


All the righteous path alliance warriors heard the words, and they all looked at it.

The suzerain of the Wuxin Evil Sect is notorious. It is said that he once led a group of his men to bloodbath several martial arts sects in a row!

The middle-aged warrior on the left of the old man Qingmu took a deep look at the suzerain of the unintentional evil sect, and then said in a deep voice: "So you are the chief of all evils, good good, since you showed up today, then the old man You must do the right thing for the heavens and get rid of you, the evil-doer!"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous."

The Sect Master of the Wuxinxie Sect smiled coldly, glanced at the three old Aoki people lightly, and immediately pouted, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, how dare a few old and immortal people dare to make nonsense on this Sect Master's side?!"

"The devil, are you still stubborn when you die?"

"That's right, evil is out of control, kill him!"

"Kill them!"

All the warriors scolded them one after another. The suzerain of this unintentional evil sect is strong and true, but now there are three old seniors who have taken action in person, can this devil still be able to defeat three with one enemy?


At this moment, the white-haired old man beside the old man Aoki suddenly frowned slightly and looked towards the deep forest on one side.

After about a breath or two, the white-haired old man's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "Who is your Excellency, why do you hide?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, to be able to find the old man, but underestimated you."

In the strange laughter, a scrawny, almost skinny old man with a yellow face and thin muscles walked out of the dense forest slowly.

His whole body was hunched over, and his face was very wretched. As soon as he appeared, his two small eyes began to look up and down on the bodies of the many warriors in the field.

Among them, after seeing those women who looked pretty good, there was a strong greed in his eyes.

Clearly, this is a womanizer.


"It turned out to be you, Ye Fengliu!"

The complexion of the old man Aoki changed slightly, revealing the identity of this wretched old man.

In recent years, evil factions have spread everywhere.

In addition to this unintentional evil sect in Zhao State, there are many evil sects and evil sects doing evil everywhere.

And among them there is an evil sect, the most shameless.

This is the festivities!

In fact, the Huanhe faction had been annihilated by the major sects as early as decades ago, and its disciples had almost been wiped out.

It stands to reason that there is no Huanhe faction in the world, but in recent years, I don't know what happened, but this Huanhe faction is making a comeback again.

Moreover, the forces within their sect are much stronger than they were decades ago!

The Huanhe Sect does all kinds of evil, and its disciples have special hobbies in addition to liking beautiful women.

And this Ye Fengliu is the great elder of the Huanhe faction. Even though he is thin and small, his strength should not be underestimated!


The Huanhe faction should also be being attacked by the people of the alliance at this time. Ye Fengliu, as the chief elder of the Huanhe faction, is not in the Huanhe faction at this time, so why is he here?

Could it be that there is something strange here?

The old man Aoki was secretly suspicious, and at the same time, he used his eyes to signal the two beside him to be more careful.


At this time, the Sect Master of Wuxinxie Sect suddenly spoke in a deep voice. At the same time as he spoke, his figure suddenly became violent, so that he could be a black shadow and kill the three of the old Aoki!

The wretched old man Ye Fengliu was not idle, and immediately killed him.

As for the rest of the many disciples of the Wuxin Evil Sect and many alliance warriors, they also fought together again at this time, and for a while, the sound of shouting and killing echoed in the field.

When the old man Aoki saw the two killing them, there was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and the True Qi in his body was running, but he was going to make a move!

The same goes for the white-haired old man beside him.


Suddenly, just when the two were about to make a move, at this moment, a scene that made everyone unbelievable happened!

But I saw that the middle-aged man next to the old Aoki raised his palms and shot it!

The palm wind whistled, but it was not aimed at the Sect Master of the Unintentional Evil Sect and the Great Elder Ye Fengliu of the Huanhe faction, but hit the old Aoki and the white-haired old man beside him!

Two muffled hums came, and the two of them staggered. They quickly pulled away and opened the distance.

After stabilizing their bodies, the two only felt the qi and blood in their bodies surging, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!


After the old man Aoki and the old man with white hair looked at the middle-aged man, anger rose in their hearts, and they glared at him!


The Aoki old man and the white-haired old man were shocked and angry, but at this time it was not their turn to think too much, because the Sect Master of the Innocent Evil Sect and Ye Fengliu had already killed him!

The two forcibly suppressed the injuries on their bodies, took a deep breath, and went up to them!

However, they were seriously injured after all.

In less than a moment, in the face of the fierce attack of the unintentional evil sect master and Ye Fengliu, he became more and more powerless.

"Hehe, brother Aoki, brother Mu Qing."

Not far away, the middle-aged man looked at this scene and couldn't help but sneer and muttered to himself:

"It's no wonder I am. The old man has been trapped in this half-sage realm of martial arts for too long. Now the suzerain of this unintentional evil sect has a way to break through to the martial arts. How can I miss it?"

At the same time, many of the warriors who saw this scene were also stunned, and a bad feeling came up one after another!

At the same time, on the Xiaogu Mountain in Wujun County.

On a huge bluestone, Su Yu still hadn't woken up from that special state of enlightenment.

At this time, he was still immersed in that mysterious state...

As time passed by, the sky gradually became dark, and soon it was from dusk to late night.

The moonlight fell on Su Yu's motionless body.


Su Yu let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his mind moved, and a line of small words slowly appeared in front of him.

Xianwu Holy Body opens the first stage (3%)

Looking at the small golden characters that appeared in this row, Su Yu couldn't help feeling a burst of ecstasy!

Feeling the incomparably pure energy in his body at this time, he was even more shocked by this!


Su Yu was very happy in his heart.

After reaching the peak of Martial Saint, he has always had doubts about the so-called Broken Void...

To put it simply, I don’t know that I am a little confused about my future cultivation path.

But now, he no longer has to worry about the path of future cultivation.

In this enlightenment, he neither had any further profound understanding of the exercises, nor did he have any new breakthroughs in his own realm.

However, apart from these, the benefits he has obtained at this moment are far more than these!

As you can see in this small horizontal character, his Immortal Martial Saint Physique has actually made a new breakthrough!

At this time, he can clearly feel that the Martial Dao True Essence in his body has undergone a strange change. It is no longer the former True Essence, but has formed a more powerful strange energy because of the Martial Dao Holy Body. .

This strange energy is at least five times stronger than the true essence of martial arts!

This means that Su Yu's strength at this time is at least five times stronger than the previous peak of martial arts!

Moreover, what really excites Su Yu is that this is only the first stage, it is so powerful, and I don't know the second stage, the third stage...

It can be expected that with the awakening of the Immortal Martial Saint Physique, it will become more and more powerful!


Suddenly, at this moment, a piece of jade pendant on Su Yu's waist emitted bursts of blue light.

Seeing this, Su Yu frowned slightly.

This jade pendant is not an ordinary item. It has a special connection with the jade pendant he gave to Wang Xiaoxiao at the beginning.

With such a vision at this time, it means that Wang Xiaoxiao is very likely to encounter danger.

How is this going?

After sensing the jade pendant, Su Yu became more and more puzzled.

This little girl is not in Liuxuanmen...

where did it go...

It's just that although he was suspicious, he didn't think much about it.

The next moment, he thought to communicate with the system space, took out a long sword, leaped up and used the sword to fly, and in an instant he disappeared into the night sky without a trace.

And on Xiaogu Mountain, not long after Su Yu left, a strange red light flashed faintly on a barren ground...


At the same time, inside the Wuxin Evil Sect, on a strangely wide altar, there was an incomparably huge iron cage.

It was already late at night, and it was pitch black in the deep forest.

Four candles were placed around the wide altar, and the light flickered, making it even more eerie.

Although there is a bright moon hanging high in the sky, it is covered by the clouds.

There was only a faint moonlight falling on the ground. Suddenly, at this moment, the clouds drifted away and the moon was fully revealed. With the help of the moonlight, I saw that this iron cage above the altar was actually locked in a name. Musha!

Their faces were not good-looking at this time, pale and bloodless.

"Damn traitor!"

"How can there be so many demon disciples, how can these demons be so powerful!"

"It's over..."

Some of the warriors were angry, while others showed despair.

I thought this eradication of the Unintentional Evil Sect was a sure thing. After all, there were three big seniors taking action at the same time, so how could a small Unintentional Evil Sect make waves.

However, what they never imagined was that the Sect Master of this Wuxin Evil Sect was so powerful!

Even the old man Aoki is not his opponent!

In addition, the elders of the Wuxin Evil Sect are also very powerful, and the moves of these evil people are vicious and strange, and they are often hard to guard against when they fight for the first time, and they will be transferred to the hole if they are not careful!

In light of a broken arm and a broken leg, in the worst case, you will be killed on the spot!

If it was just that, it would still be possible to fight.

But after this Wuxin Evil Sect plus a group of people from the Huanhe faction, it is not easy to deal with.

What's more, what they never expected was that there was a traitor hidden among the three seniors who took action this time!

In a corner of the iron cage, several disciples of Liuxuanmen gathered together.

Like the rest of the warriors, they were poisoned at this time, unable to mobilize their internal strength, their whole body was weak, their limbs were weak, their hearts were also shocked and angry, and they didn't know what to do.


A hoarse sneer suddenly sounded in the silent night.

"Little beauties, here I come!"

With this unpleasant and harsh sound, the wretched old man Ye Fengliu came out of the iron cage with a wretched smile on his face.

Ye Fengliu first stared at the cage for a few times, then smiled and said to a guard beside him, "Open the cage and let me choose a few beauties to go back and love them."


The guard quickly replied that he had already received the order from above, so he immediately stepped forward and opened the cage.

Ye Fengliu rubbed his hands, and after stepping into the cage, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. A pair of small and wretched eyes swept across the body of many female warriors, swishing around.

Suddenly, Ye Fengliu's eyes narrowed and he walked towards a pretty woman not far away.

"Hey hey, little beauty, let me take good care of you, old man..."

Ye Fengliu laughed strangely, and while he was talking, he had to do something with this woman.


"don't want!"

The woman was naturally shocked and angry at this time, and she tried to dodge backwards as much as possible, but it was a pity that her body had no strength at this time, and everything was in vain.

"Go away!" the woman yelled angrily.



Ye Fengliu slapped her with a slap, directly slapping the woman to the ground, blood flowing from the corners of her mouth.

"It's your blessing for the old man to see you, don't give a **** about him!"

After all, he grabbed the woman's hair and started to tear her clothes with the other hand. He actually wanted to do something wrong on the spot!



When the warriors saw this scene, they all stared at the boss, and they were extremely angry.

They can't wait to rush up and smash this beast into ten thousand pieces!

However, they couldn't exert any strength at this time, and suddenly felt a deep powerlessness and despair in their hearts.

Stab it!

Stab it!

Seeing that woman is about to be brutally murdered.

Suddenly, at this moment, a strong wind swept in.

Ye Fengliu's expression changed, and he immediately raised his hand to block it easily.

Then, he looked intently, but saw that it was a warrior in the iron cage who shot.

"Hehehe, it turned out to be a little beauty disguised as a man, I like it!"


Suddenly, at this time, the elder Wang Muwang among the people in the Six Profound Sect was staring at this warrior, and his heart skipped a beat!


Isn't this the girl Wang Xiaoxiao!

When did she slip out!


Read The Duke's Passion