MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 94 absorb

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In the middle of the night, the Great Hall of the Gorefiend Sect of the Kingdom of Koboga.

The three demon blood had just received the news of the demise of the Wuxin Evil Sect, and they were suddenly shocked.

After a moment of silence, he murmured subconsciously, "Why is this Six Profound Sword Saint again..."

Flying Swordsman...

Trigger the thunder...

While thinking about it, the faces of the three demon blood gradually became solemn.

If the news is accurate and not exaggerated in the slightest, then this…

Thinking of this, the face of the three demon blood changed, and his heart sank.

Could it be that the so-called Six Profound Sword Saint is not from this world, but from the guys outside? !

Yes, it must be so.

How could those trash warriors have such a powerful force!

The more the demon blood three thought about it, the more they felt that their thoughts were very correct.


At the same time, the three demons are also very puzzled. If it is as he thought, but the time has not yet reached, how did this mysterious Six Profound Sword Saint come in?

and many more!

Suddenly, at this time, he seemed to have thought of something again, and exclaimed, "It is also possible that this so-called Six Profound Sword Saint has acquired some remarkable inheritance!"

At the same time, on Qingfeng Mountain.

In the dead of night, most people have already fallen asleep, but Su Yu has not fallen asleep.

Because of Su Yu's secret protection.

After several days of traveling, just yesterday afternoon, Wang Xiaoxiao and Elder Wang led some Liuxuanmen disciples who had survived the disaster and returned to Liuxuanmen safely.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

In the room, Su Yu meditated on the wooden bed with his knees closed and his eyes closed, and a blood-red heart was floating not far in front of him.

This is exactly the demon heart that he obtained through signing not long ago.

After strands of scarlet blood escaped from the heart, it was quickly inhaled by Su Yu, and after purification, it merged into his body.

With the passage of time, this demon heart can clearly see that it is a few circles smaller than before.

About a quarter of an hour later, Su Yu suddenly opened his eyes in surprise.

"The first stage of the Xianwu Holy Body 6%"

Looking at the line of golden small characters floating in front of him, he felt the growing power within his body, and he was very satisfied.

"It was only 3% before, but now it's 6%!"

Since that time he awakened the Immortal Martial Saint Body because he fell into enlightenment, his own strength has made a qualitative leap.

"Just a small 3% increase, I feel that the strength has improved a lot. I really don't know what to do with 100%?"

Su Yu couldn't help but secretly look forward to it.

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the demon's heart, making an estimate in his heart.

"Well... Although this guy looks a few laps smaller, but after absorbing it, it should allow me to reach about 8%."

While thinking, Su Yu suppressed the joy in his heart and began to absorb the energy contained in the heart of this demon again.

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye it is an hour.

With the passage of time, Su Yu finally absorbed the demon's heart completely.



Su Yu opened his eyes, and there was an undisguised joy in his eyes.

The line of small print appeared in front of him again.

"Xianwu Holy Body Stage 1 9%"

It was exactly what I expected!

Su Yu was very happy when his expectations were met.

However, this is not the most joyous thing for him.

Just now, that is, the moment he had just completely absorbed this demon's heart.

He was suddenly pleasantly surprised to discover that it turned out that the heart of the demon contained more than just the power of strong blood.

While absorbing the power of qi and blood to strengthen himself, what made him even more excited was that he also obtained some unknown secrets.

That is the secret about this world and the demons.

Recalling the extra information in his mind just now, Su Yu's mood couldn't help becoming a little passionate.

No wonder the monsters I met before were always talking viciously about the guy outside, and it turned out to be like this.

According to the information obtained, the world in which he is now turned out to be a sealed world.

The main purpose of the seal is to target those demons.

And the role of the seal is those outside existences.

It is precisely because of this that those demons are so afraid and hated of the existence outside.

In recent years, the reason why Martial Saint powerhouses have disappeared is also closely related to this seal.

Reiki is a kind of special energy that strays between heaven and earth.

And if you want to take that step from the semi-sacred realm to reach the Martial Saint, it is inseparable from this spiritual energy.

It is precisely because of this seal that the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth gradually disappears, which makes the world gradually disappear from the appearance of the Martial Dao Holy Land for thousands of years.

To put it simply, it is not that the qualifications of the semi-sacred warriors today are not good, but the conditions of the world do not allow the appearance of warriors.

"There really is a fairy tale in this world!"

At this moment, Su Yu was extremely excited.

It wasn't that he was thinking alone.

But just now, he got some legends about immortals from the heart of this demon.

Qi practice, foundation building, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying...

These realms are not the realm of martial arts in this world, but a set of systems cultivated by these monsters and those in the outside world.

"I don't know what stage my strength has reached now?"

Comparing these realms, Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little curious in his heart.

"It should at least have reached the realm of Jindan..."

According to estimates, Su Yu thought so in his heart.

Because according to the information obtained, the existence of Jindan realm can fly with the sword.

And Su Yu can also do this at this time, and it is precisely because of this that he thinks so.

But what exactly is going on, you have to really play a game to understand.

After a while, Su Yu put away his thoughts and secretly planned in his heart.

Now the power of seal in this world is getting weaker and weaker, and it won't be long before more and more demons get out of trouble.

At the same time, as the power of the seal weakens, spiritual energy will reappear between heaven and earth.

The emergence of aura seems to be a blessing to the warriors, but in fact it is also a disaster...

Because the spiritual energy can not only be absorbed by the warriors, so that they can reach the realm of martial arts.

At the same time, those monsters can also use the appearance of aura to make their own strength reach a higher level.

Compared with the improvement of the demons, the improvement of the warriors is also great, but the comparison between the two seems a little insignificant.

And not only that, because the power of the seal weakens or even disappears completely, those who placed the seal in those days will definitely be alarmed.

By then, many more powerful beings will emerge.

It seems that time is running out, and I have to take advantage of this time to be stronger!

Su Yu thought in his heart, and then fell into cultivation again.

And at this time.

In the Liuxuanmen hall, the head of the sect, Wang Chujue, and his wife did not sleep either.

Sitting in front of them is the elder Wang Muwang and another elder who went to participate in this plan of eliminating demons and defending the road together.

In addition, the other elders in the door were also present.

When it was getting dark yesterday afternoon, they had just returned, and after a while of rest, they hurried over.

"Senior Sect Master, that's probably what happened. If it wasn't for the mysterious senior who made another move this time, I'm afraid I'd be dead like the rest of the martial arts channel for a long time now..."

As he spoke, Elder Wang felt sighed in his heart, as if he recalled what happened that day and night.

At the same time, after talking about such a mysterious senior, deep awe and gratitude appeared in the depths of his eyes.

For this mysterious sword saint senior, he obviously showed great respect.

Sect Leader Wang Chujue and some of the other elders in the sect revealed joy and admiration after they understood the cause and effect of this matter.

Such a bizarre and bizarre narrative may sound so incredible and unbelievable to other people's ears.

However, for them, this is not the case.

After all, just a few years ago, when the Dugu family was bullying others, that mysterious senior had already made a move!

Everyone present had seen with their own eyes the mysterious senior who stepped on a long sword, flew in the sky, and disappeared into the distant sky in the blink of an eye!

What is even more shocking is that not long after this senior disappeared, the news of the annihilation of the Dugu family in Wushuangcheng came!


At this time, Wang Chu Jue, the head of Liuxuanmen, seemed to have thought of something, but he sighed slightly.

"I'm ashamed to say that it was this senior who came to help me again. The senior helped me to solve the crisis in Liuxuanmen many times, but I haven't seen the senior's true face yet, and I haven't been able to thank him personally. I'm so ashamed, ashamed..."

The voice fell, and the other elders were also sighing, and nodded in agreement.

"Senior brother in charge is right, but what kind of supernatural powers are the seniors. If the old man doesn't want to show up, how can ordinary people like me find it?"

"Hey... what's wrong with what Senior Brother Lu said?"

"Well, yes, unless the senior and the old man are willing to show up, I'm afraid that no matter how much I wait, no matter what, I won't be able to see the senior and the old man."

"But that being said, then I have been helped by the seniors many times, and I am a little bit hard to calm down in my heart. I always feel that we should do something."

"Yes, yes, the old man suddenly had an idea, if not, I think so, since the old man doesn't want to appear, why don't we build an ancestral hall in the door, dedicated to his old man, so that the old man can know about me Waiting mind."

Suddenly, an elder with slightly gray hair said so.

As soon as these words came out, everyone pondered and nodded slightly, as if they thought this idea was a good idea.

"Building an ancestral hall is a good idea."

Wang Sect opened his mouth to speak, and then he continued to ask: "If everyone has no opinion, then let's do things like this. From tomorrow onwards, an ancestral hall will be built to worship this senior."

"So good."

"Well, senior, he has an extraordinary status as an old man. It is our blessing that we can worship him."

Seeing that the elders agreed and there was no objection, Sect Leader Wang nodded.

"Okay, since that's the case, this matter is settled like this. It's getting late, everyone, go back and rest."

After all the elders left, Wang Xiaoxiao timidly walked in from outside the hall.

"Father, mother..."

She whispered a little embarrassedly, although everyone is responsible for the demon slayer, but this time she sneaked out after all, and didn't tell her parents.

"Wang Xiaoxiao!"

Mrs. Wang looked very angry. While speaking, she took a few steps forward and grabbed Wang Xiaoxiao's ear.

"Oh, mother..." Wang Xiaoxiao quickly begged for mercy.

Madam Wang let go of Wang Xiaoxiao and scolded angrily.

"You dead girl, it's fortunate that this senior has taken action this time, otherwise, do you think you can come back?

Seriously, if you dare to sneak out without telling your father and me next time, you dead girl, my mother will definitely not forgive you lightly!

By the way, when the ancestral hall of the predecessors is built tomorrow, you can go to me in person, and I must be very grateful to the seniors, the old man understands! "

"Okay, go to sleep, and write a good test for me tomorrow." Madam Wang said fiercely.

"Yeah!" Wang Xiaoxiao nodded heavily and said quickly, "I don't dare anymore..."

After speaking, she quickly slipped back to her room.

"Hey, this girl is so big, it's still not worrying."

Madam Wang shook her head, and then said: "Hey, I don't know what kind of husband this girl can find?"

Early the next morning, just after Su Yu had finished practicing, Wang Xiaoxiao came.

"Brother Yu!"

Su Yu had just met Wang Xiaoxiao and was about to say hello, but at this time, he hadn't waited for him to speak.

However, Wang Xiaoxiao rushed towards him for the first time, threw himself into his arms, and hugged him tightly.


Su Yu was a little confused about this.

He subconsciously wanted to pull away, but just when he wanted to do so, he noticed that the girl in his arms was secretly wiping tears.

Immediately, he felt a little softer.

Looking at this little girl who buried her head on his shoulder and secretly wiped her tears, he really couldn't bear this heart.


This time, this girl has suffered a lot.

Forget it, so be it.

Su Yu sighed inwardly and could only let Wang Xiaoxiao hold it.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wang Xiaoxiao came back to her senses. After realizing that she had lost her way, she hurriedly took a few steps back.

At this moment, her cheeks were flushed red on her pretty little face.


Really, how can you do this!

I blame myself for being too excited. UU reading is over. Brother Yu, he won't be angry, right?

Wang Xiaoxiao felt extremely regretful in her heart, and it was really rude to keep blaming herself.

The reason why Fang Cai couldn't help but rushed over was completely subconscious.

After all, the summoning order this time made her almost never come back...

It is because of this that this makes her so gaffe.

The shyness on her face made her dare not look at Su Yu. After pinching for a while, she saw that Su Yu didn't blame herself, nor did she show any anger, and then she let out a sigh of relief.

Then, she took out an exquisite small wooden box from her arms.

"Brother Yu, guess what good things I brought you this time?"


Su Yu was a little curious when he heard the words, so he didn't reply immediately, but blinked his eyes and looked at the wooden box.

Read The Duke's Passion