MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 97 Ignored and angry

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This is already a boundary that is more than 500 meters deep below the ground here!

If you look at Xiaogushan as the main point, then this is located in the center of the entire Xiaogushan.

According to common sense, this should be a solid mountain, but in fact, what is located here is an empty space.

There are dense runes all around, emitting bursts of faint, even faint rune rays of light...

This is obviously a suppression formation!

And at the very center of the space suppressed by the runes, there are several thick rune chains that are scattered all over the place, and the intricately entwined one is the monstrous monster with cyan and long hair growing all over its body!

Two long fangs stick out of his mouth, exuding a cyan light, and his eyes exude a blood-red light, which makes people shudder.

At this time it opened its mouth wide and held its head up.

The moonlight fell from the ground, through the thick mountain, and finally fell into the mouth of this monster!

At the same time, bursts of dull roaring sounds came from the monster's mouth from time to time, causing the entire mountain to tremble slightly.

The rune iron chains that wrapped around him were densely covered with tiny cracks. Although they were not completely broken, they had already suffered extremely serious damage, and obviously they could not last for long.

This ferocious and ferocious monster may break the shackles at any time and get out of trouble!

And when all this fell into Su Yu's eyes, it immediately made his heart blossom.

When I really fell asleep, someone gave me a pillow...

Such a coincidence...

Come on, you don't have to go to the Dragon Tiger Mountain first, just make do with it and collect you.

Looking at the appearance of the demon, Su Yu felt that this guy seemed to be a bit like a zombie.

At the moment, looking at the appearance of the demon, it seems to be absorbing the essence of the moon.

Unexpectedly, there are also zombies here.

When I heard of existences like zombies, the most fearful thing was thunder.

Then it's good to use the magic sword of Yulei once.

Su Yu thought so in his heart, and then he started to do it.

But at this time, just as he raised his hand, the movement of his hand slowed down.

At this moment, the faint sound of breaking the sky came from a distance.


Su Yu stopped the movements in his hands, a suspicious look flashed in his eyes, and he was also a little puzzled.

It's late at night, and this little lonely mountain is not in front of the village or in the back of the store, and all around is desolate.

This was the place where the bandits of the Blood Sword Village were entrenched in the past.

Not to mention that it was late at night, even if the sun was shining brightly in the past, the people near Wujun County would hardly come here.

Because this small lonely mountain is basically a barren mountain, no medicinal materials grow on the mountain, and even the beasts are pitiful.

Who will come here?

And it's still in the middle of the night...

Su Yu was a little curious in his heart.

However, he also made a subconscious judgment in his heart, and most of the people who came here are not good people.

While thinking about it, he temporarily stopped the movement in his hand, and turned his eyes to look in the direction where the voice came from.

Just like before, at this moment, a strange black and white light flashed through the depths of his eyes.

Then, his sight passed through the layers of dense forest and other obstacles, and finally he saw a black figure galloping one after another.

"This is……"

Su Yu was a little surprised.

Su Yu was not surprised when he saw these figures.

However, in the hands of these galloping black figures were several comatose little girls.

The speed of these black figures was very fast, and within a short while, they had reached the top of the mountain.

At a glance, there were forty or fifty people, and each of them carried two virgins in their hands.

They stopped when they came to the **** moonlit ground.

A headed man in black looked around for a while, then nodded, turned and shouted at the people behind him: "Everyone listen to me, move quickly, if things are done, Lord Demon Lord But it's very rewarding!"


Then they placed the virgins in their hands in a specific orientation...

In the depths of the night sky, Su Yu stood on top of the flying sword. With his current eyesight, he just glanced at it and instantly understood the real purpose of these people.

This is obviously to arrange a formation to sacrifice these virgins to help the demons in this small lonely mountain get out of trouble!

After realizing this, Su Yu's eyes flashed a cold light.

If I didn't happen to come here tonight, then the lives of nearly a hundred virgins would have to be explained here!

It seems that it's time for you to come.

Thinking of this, Su Yu didn't delay, flicked his fingers, and suddenly an invisible sword energy burst out.


A slight to almost untraceable sound rang out, and the movement of the hands of a busy man in black suddenly stopped. The whole person seemed to be stiff in an instant. There.

The two comatose virgins that he was carrying in his hands also fell at his feet at this moment.


Behind him, another man in black came over with a cry.

"I said your kid is still lazy here?!"

He spoke with some dissatisfaction, then reached out and patted his companion on the shoulder.

But this book seemed to him to be extremely ordinary, but at this time, an unusual change had taken place!

Just when he put his hand on his companion's shoulder, his companion actually came straight down in front of his eyes, that is, at the moment when this companion's body fell on the ground, a bright red blood spurted out... …

"This, this, this!"

Seeing that his companion died silently in front of him, the man in black was stunned for a while, and then his face turned pale in shock!

"Everyone be careful!"

With a loud shout, the rest of the men in black immediately raised their vigilance, put down the things in their hands one by one, and gathered together at a very fast speed, looking around nervously.


"Get out of here!"

"If you have the guts, show up quickly, what kind of hero is a sneak attack from behind!"


The men in black pulled out their weapons one after another, and while shouting, they glanced around carefully. Once there was any trouble in a certain place, they would instantly slaughter them in a swarm!

Because, at this moment, there are icy cold lights flashing in his eyes!

A chilling breath permeated their bodies.

This is so murderous!

If he hadn't killed a lot of living beings, he wouldn't have shown such a strong murderous aura at all!

Obviously, the hands of each of these men in black are covered with blood!


At this moment, a man in black suddenly made a surprised exclamation!

"You! Who are you!"

The exclamation alarmed the rest of the men in black. After they turned to look at the place where the man in black exclaimed, they were all shocked!

I saw, not far away, and I don't know when, just four or five meters away from their body, there was a young man silently!

Wearing a blue robe, this man is handsome and tall. After he looks outstanding in appearance and temperament, there seems to be nothing special about him. The aura around him is also very gentle and not sharp at all.

However, when the young man was discovered, all the men in black did not dare to despise him in the slightest!

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the fact that this young man can appear here quietly, is already only four or five meters away from them, and they have only noticed this thing now, it is enough to explain everything. !

This guy is not easy!

"When did you appear here!"

"who are you!"

"You are so brave, you killed our people just now!"


Because it is not clear what means this young man in Tsing Yi has, the men in black did not dare to act rashly for a while, otherwise, if they were replaced by other martial artists who could be seen at a glance, they would be too lazy to talk nonsense and have long been He has already rushed up to dismember it!


At this time, the man in black called the head took a few steps forward, and at the same time, he signaled the men in black not to speak.

He turned his eyes and glanced at Su Yu a few times, and then said in a deep voice, "Who is your Excellency!

I don't know you before, what do you mean by that! "

Su Yu said lightly, "I'm just a passerby, what do you mean, you can experience it yourself."

The moment the words fell, the momentum around Su Yu's body suddenly froze, and it was extremely fierce in an instant.

The sound of clanging swords rang out suddenly, and invisible sword qi appeared out of thin air around his body.

Strangely, deep sword marks appeared on the ground. Countless weeds were swept away by the sword energy, and they were immediately shattered!


The people in black were shocked, but at the moment when the fear in their hearts just rose, it was not their turn to make any reaction at all. The sword qi storm swept over!

There was no scream, and all the men in black instantly turned into countless minced meat, and blood splattered everywhere.

Chong these men in black appeared with a girl named, and now Su Yu has taken action to kill them all, all this just happened in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the unconscious girl was still in a coma.

This was also Su Yu's intention. After all, these children are still young and are not suitable for seeing such a **** scene.

After performing the Great Movement of the Universe to temporarily transfer these girls to a safe place in the distance, Su Yu turned his eyes and looked at the place where the moonlight was shining again.

At this moment, because of the deaths of many people in black, the ground that was supposed to be soaked with a lot of blood did not develop according to common sense.

A large amount of blood just flowed on the ground, and suddenly disappeared at a very fast speed!

It's as if the ground is like a very absorbent sponge!


At this moment, a creepy dull roar came from the depths of Xiaogushan, and the whole ground began to tremble slightly.

"Hehehe, little baby, you are so brave!"

A harsh sneer came from above the ground, and at the same time, the moonlit ground not far in front of Su Yu made a loud rumbling sound at this moment!

With the loud noise, the mountain began to slowly tear apart!

In just one or two breaths, a tens of meters wide, deep crack appeared in front of you!

clap la la...

A sound of iron chains rubbing sounded, and soon, there were bursts of bang bang bang!

This seems to be the sound of the iron chain being broken!

The zombie-like green-haired monster seems to have gotten out of trouble!

Sure enough, it was just a few blinks, and a green light flashed from the crack, but it was the green-haired zombie demon from before!

He was suspended in the void, and his entire body was illuminated by the moonlight. Looking around, under the shroud of the moonlight, it seemed that countless dots of light quickly disappeared into his seven orifices and merged into his body!

"Very good, you are fine." The green-haired zombie demon stared at Su Yu and said in a deep voice, "You have successfully attracted the attention of this deity! Hahaha, since you chose the rations that saved the deity tonight and prepared to get out of trouble, then you must There's a price to pay, hehehehe..."

The green-haired zombie demon sneered, but at this moment, his laughter stopped abruptly!

It was replaced by a deep anger!


I saw that at this moment, the young man in the cyan robe didn't seem to be listening to him at all!

It's... it's a person who cares for himself and doesn't know what to look around there, and doesn't know what to do!

This is simply blatant ignorance!

The green-haired zombie demon felt humiliated, and immediately became extremely angry!

"I don't know where to sign in later?" Su Yu looked around, and he really didn't take the green-haired zombie in his heart, but at this time he was already looking for a good place to sign in.

Soon, he discovered a place where the essence of the moon was particularly rich.

Ignoring the angry green-haired zombie, he walked towards that place on his own.

"System, I want to sign in here." When he arrived at the destination, Su Yu thought about the communication system, and was ready to sign in.

"Sign in successfully, get an award..."

However, when the system's sign-in reward prompt sound just sounded, it has not yet fallen.

At the same time, the green-haired zombie demon who felt that he was being ignored finally couldn't bear it anymore!

"You! You... court death!"

He let out a low growl!

Immediately after lifting it up, he grabbed Su Yu's Tianling Gai fiercely!

The long fingernails emitting a cyan glow crossed the void, making a penetrating whistling sound.

At the same time, he opened his mouth wide, and two long fangs exuding a cyan glow slammed into Su Yu's neck fiercely!

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