MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-~ eighty

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"Big... lord, not a village."

The yamen tried his best to calm himself, and replied, "Yes... it's the Ten Thousand Swordsmen."


The short three words seem to be like a thunder blast on the head of the Yuannan county magistrate, no, even the thunder will not be as fast as the news in front of you, so it is absolutely unpredictable!

This sudden news was so shocking and unbelievable that it made his eyes go black, and the blurred vision in his eyes twirled for a while, and the whole person was almost out of breath!

The yamen on the side was shocked when he saw this. He stepped forward in a hurry and grabbed the Yuannan County magistrate. He shouted anxiously: "Sir! How are you! Wake up!"

After about two or three breaths, the Yuannan county magistrate gradually eased.

"It's okay, no, I'm's okay."

His eyes slowly opened, he waved his hand weakly, and said weakly: "Little Sixth son, is what you said just now true? Then the Ten Thousand Swordsmen is really..."

"Report to your lord." The yamen was a little worried that the magistrate would faint again, so he said cautiously, "Indeed, this is indeed the case."

"All, all gone?" Yuannan county magistrate asked in a trembling voice.

The yamen on the side hurriedly opened his mouth again and replied:

"My subordinates have already gone to check it. The Wandaomen is in a mess, and there is no one alive. The modus operandi is the same as that of Xidong Village, and there are pale human bones everywhere..."

"This! This..." Yuannan county magistrate's lips turned pale, his hands trembled, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

Before that, he had already prepared for the worst, and was ready to accept the tragedy of a village being wiped out again.

But I never imagined that it would be... It would be Ten Thousand Swordsmen!

Although Wan Daomen is not a big force in the entire Zhao Kingdom, but in the territory of Yuannan County, which is not too small, it is a well-deserved local overlord in terms of strength!

The door of the Wandaomen advocates that the head master has superb swordsmanship and is fierce and domineering. There are nearly 10,000 disciples in the door, and the strength is strong. What's more, the mountain where Wandaomen is located is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack, not to mention It is an ordinary mountain bandit, even if a regular army wants to destroy the family overnight, it is not easy.

How, how is it possible, to be destroyed in this night!

"Liu Zi, you have worked hard too, go down first and let this official be alone."

"Sir, are you alright?" The yamen was a little worried, for fear that the magistrate might not be able to bear the stimulation for a while and fainted again, so he did not leave the house immediately.

"This official is fine, go down, and tell me to go down. No one is allowed to come in. This official wants to be quiet." Yuannan county magistrate waved his hand weakly.

Seeing this, the yamen did not dare to say more, so he slowly exited the room and gently closed the door.


Yuannan county magistrate let out a long sigh, but felt upset and didn't know what to do.

This sitting is one day until the afternoon and evening.

"My lord, my lord, my lord!"

There was a rush of shouts from outside the door, and then the door was opened, and the person who came was the yamen who had gone out earlier.

"Huh?!" Yuannan county magistrate frowned slightly and said dissatisfiedly: "Didn't I let you out, what's the matter?"

"Reporting to the adults, the adults above are outside the city!"

"What!" Hearing this, the Yuannan County magistrate was overjoyed, and his heart finally came, he hurriedly stood up and ordered: "Hurry up, go with this official to meet you outside the city, and you must not neglect these adults. them."


At the same time, Zhang Yunqing, the county magistrate of Wujun County, also received an urgent letter from his superior at this time.

When he read the urgent letter in his hand, he couldn't help but turn pale.

"Cough, cough, weird, weird, the bones in Xidong Village and the weird events in various places, what's going on..."

He stared at the letter in his hand, muttering to himself subconsciously, his brows furrowed, and his face was incredulous.

According to the expedited letter, in recent days, not only is the situation in Yuannan County not very peaceful, but even in the rest of the territory of Zhao State, many strange and strange events have occurred.

Although it is not as bad as the current massacre in the village, after some investigation and analysis, it is surprising to find that the various methods of committing crimes that have occurred in recent days are extremely cruel. Do it, there is a strange atmosphere everywhere.

It was the first time such a thing had happened since Zhao Guoguo.

This sudden occurrence made the Zhao Kingdom unable to do anything about it for a while, and could only temporarily order it to let officials in various localities try their best to stabilize the hearts of the people and wait for news.


The door was gently pushed open, and a dignified middle-aged woman walked in slowly with a bowl of medicinal soup.

"Master, it's time for you to drink medicine."

"It's Madam."

Master Zhang put down the letter in his hand and said with a smile, "Cough, cough, it's alright, it won't be too late to drink later."

"No, no!" Madam Zhang was firm and put the medicinal soup on the table, "Master, look at how tired you have been these days?

I work day and night all day long, and I often stay up late until almost dawn. It’s nothing for me to be alone in the empty room. My concubine knows that the adults are for the old folks in Wujun County.

But... but no matter what, sir, you should also pay attention to your body, right?

Besides, as the saying goes, there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and it is great to have no descendants. Even if the master doesn't think about himself, he doesn't plan to leave an descendant for the old Zhang family? "

As she spoke, seeing the pale face of her husband who was getting thinner and thinner, her heart ached.

In these days, because of the incident in Naxidong Village, the husband was heartbroken, which made his body, which was not very good, become weaker and weaker.

Hey, what should I do if it goes on like this...

"Ah, hahahaha..." Zhang Yunqing was stunned at first, but he quickly recovered, looking at the worried and worried lady beside him, his heart warmed, and he reached out to pick up the medicinal soup on the table He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, what the lady said makes sense, I'll drink it for my husband."

While speaking, Zhang Yunqing took the medicinal soup and poured it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhang smiled happily and said quickly, "Master, slow down, slow down, slow down to drink..."

After drinking the medicinal soup, Mrs. Zhang was about to exit the house, and at this moment, she suddenly felt that her little hand was being grabbed.

"Hahaha, Madam, come here." Zhang Yunqing said with a soft laugh, with a slight force on his hand, he pulled Madam Zhang to sit beside him.

"Master, you..." Madam Zhang said in a low voice, blushing slightly.

"Hahahaha, these days it's your husband's fault, it's your husband's fault, and you've been wronged."

While speaking, Mr. Zhang slowly stretched out his arm and gently placed it on the shoulder of his lover beside him, his face full of tenderness and love.

Feeling the faint body temperature of the person beside her, Mrs. Zhang only felt her cheeks were getting hotter, but her voice was a little lower, and she said, "Husband."



In the early morning of the second day, Su Yu rarely woke up early, and he planned to go shopping on the street when he had nothing to do.

After all, you can't always cultivate, you need to combine work and rest properly after cultivation, just relax and relax.

In the cold and freezing season, there are not many people on the streets.

Su Yu strolled for a walk, and unknowingly came to the door of Wanquan Pharmacy. Just outside the door, a guy in the pharmacy greeted him.

Su Yu smiled and nodded as a response.

I was just going to continue walking, but at this time, a maid of fifteen or six years old came running from not far away.

"Second brother, I'm here to sell medicinal herbs."

"It's Xiaohong." Known as the pharmacist of the second brother, he asked with some concern: "What? Is Mr. Zhang's illness still well?"

"It's coming, it's coming." The little girl replied, "After taking the medicine yesterday, my complexion looks much better than before!"

"That's good, that's good." The drugstore clerk heard this and let out a long sigh, obviously having a great relationship and love for the county magistrate.

Su Yu, who was not far away, heard the conversation between the two, and his heart moved.


He had some impressions of this Zhang Yunqing.

This young man is a good official. Since he took office, he has worked diligently every day to benefit the people. He has always thought of the people of Wujun County in both major and minor matters, and is loved and supported by the villagers.

When he was eating on weekdays, he often listened to his adoptive father, Old Man Su, and praised him.

Listening to the meaning of this maid, Zhang Yunqing seems to be ill?

But it should be fine.

Su Yu shook his head slightly and walked away from here.

After a while, he returned to the room. After closing the door, he opened the small blue light array. Then he lay on the bed and covered the quilt.

Then his mind moved, and a transparent and illusory Su Yu sat up slowly from the bed.

But it is the primordial spirit out of the body.

Anyway, there is nothing left or right. Su Yu intends to go and see how Zhang Yunqing's body is?

If it is all right, it is naturally the best, but if there is a disease, it is naturally better to be treated as soon as possible, which can make it less painful.

Primordial spirit soul is a special state, and Su Yu's current form is impossible for ordinary people to see.

Passing directly through the houses and the high walls, he entered the Zhang residence within a short time. With a thought, his consciousness spread and instantly enveloped the entire Zhang residence.

The layout of the house fell into Su Yu's mind, and he soon found Zhang Yunqing.

After arriving in the study, Zhang Yunqing was looking through a thick book called Analysis of Ancient and Modern Cases in the study. Su Yu had no interest in these books.

The purpose of his visit this time was to check whether Zhang Yunqing was healthy or not.

With Su Yu's current eyesight, just at a glance, he can see Zhang Yunqing's whole person completely.

After discovering that it was just overwork and that it was not a serious problem, I felt relieved.

Of course, what I said here is not a big problem, but it is only for him. If he was replaced by the rest of the rivers and lakes, there are also pharmacy doctors, most of them will be helpless in the face of Zhang Yunqing's current illness, and they can only sigh.

Su Yu thought about it, communicated with the system space, took out a big fitness pill from it, used the power of Yuanshen to turn it into powder, and then took advantage of Zhang Yunqing's inattentiveness, and landed it next to him. inside the teacup.

Although this medicinal pill doesn't sound like a good name, its effect is very significant. Taking one pill, Zhang Yunqing is not only not weak, but can make it more and more vigorous.

After a while, Su Yu decided to leave after seeing Zhang Yunqing drink the tea containing the medicinal herbs with his own eyes.

However, at this time, his eyes not only glanced, but he saw an urgent letter on the desk beside Zhang Yunqing.


The bones of Xidong Village?

This is……

It's just a quick glance, but how can Su Yu's eyesight be very comparable?

This casual glance made him a little interested in the contents of the letter, he stopped a few steps, and took a closer look.

After a while, Su Yu looked away from the letter, his heart couldn't help but thought.

Xidong Village was slaughtered, and the crime force was not a treasure of gold and silver, but left only the bones of a village?

Are there frequent strange cases in all parts of Zhao State?

Could it be that the so-called seal has begun to loosen or disappear, and have those terrifying demons that have been sealed for many years come back to the world?

After linking these pieces of information together, Su Yu subconsciously thought of the demon.

Maybe others will not do this. After all, this is too unbelievable, because since the founding of the Zhao Kingdom, even in the nearly thousand years before it, there have been no demons in the world.

What remains in people's memory are only those absurd and bizarre stories about monsters and monsters that are recorded in books.

As for the real monster, today's people have long forgotten it...

Of course, there may also be some long-standing families or forces that have a certain understanding of this, but after all, they are very few.

And although Su Yu is not a member of some aristocratic family and forces, but after all, he has personally contacted and played against demons several times, and he knows a lot.

"It seems that the incident in Xidong Village is very strange..."

Su Yu thought to himself, and then his primordial spirit gradually dissipated, and soon disappeared completely. Of course, this is not the soul flying away, but just a moment of his mind, which made the primordial spirit return to the body.

After Yuanshen returned to his body, Su Yu opened his eyes and sat But he planned to go to Xidong Village to have a look. Demons and monsters were born in the world. In the near future, it was inevitable. It is also necessary to fight against these so-called monsters, and the strength and ability possessed by these monsters are obviously beyond the scope of ordinary warriors, and should not be underestimated.

Moreover, Su Yu is also very interested in the origins of these monsters. Listening to what they say, it seems that there are other people outside this world?

people outside?

Su Yu pondered in his heart, and thought to himself, could the people outside be those immortals who are immortal and immortal in the legend?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly look forward to it.


At the same time, under the jurisdiction of Yuannan County, at the foot of Xuedaomen Mountain, dozens of people came. They were wearing uniform black clothes with five petals tattooed on their left shoulders. They had sharp eyes and tall and straight bodies. They are all masters, and the leader is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a majestic face.

Beside him, the county magistrate of Yuannan said respectfully, "Sir, this is the place, and this is the top of the mountain where the Blood Sword Gate is located."

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