MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 3 Chatting about Ru's family in Qinhuai

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  Chapter 3 Talking about Qinhuai Ru Family

   Come out of the room.

  Jiang Pingan took four eggs in the basket, and was going to let Qin Jingru fry them.

  Because he often goes to the countryside, the kitchen here is not short of stick noodles, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

   "Fried eggs, it consumes too much oil. How about cooking poached eggs?" Qin Jingru pursed her lips, took the eggs, and asked hesitantly.

  Jiang Pingan said: "Just eat fried eggs and fry them in wide oil. Don't be too old. Too old will not taste good."

   As he spoke, he took a clay pot with a lid from the cupboard, which was full of lard.

  Jiang Pingan opened the lid, handed it to Qin Jingru, and said, "Look, there is still a lot of oil."

   "It smells so good!" Qin Jingru leaned closer and smelled it, her mouth drooling.

   "I haven't eaten eggs for a long time, and I haven't smelled oily smell for a long time!"

  Qin Jingru put four eggs in a bowl, turned around, and said pitifully.

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said: "Then you can eat more today, I only eat one, you eat three, how about it?"

   "No, you have to eat at least two, or I won't eat any more." Qin Jingru shook his head again and again, disagreeing.

  Jiang Pingan didn't argue with her, and nodded in agreement.

  Qin Jingru smiled slightly and asked, "Do you have any unwashed clothes at home? I'll help you wash them after dinner."

   "No, but there are still a lot of unwashed clothes in the city." Jiang Pingan shook his head and replied.

  Qin Jingru blinked his eyes, smiled and tentatively said: "How about I go to the city to wash it for you? It's winter, you old man, I'm afraid you can't wash it clean?"

  Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Forget it, someone will wash my clothes for me."

   "In our yard, there is a man named Sha Zhu. He has a younger sister who just entered high school. Every time I change my clothes, she takes the time to wash them for me. She can't stop me."

   "Stupid?" Qin Jingru tilted her head and muttered to herself, then said impatiently:

   "His sister likes you? Otherwise, why do you do your laundry?"

  Jiang Ping'an answered the wrong question and asked, "What's the matter, you want to take care of my family affairs before you go through the door?"

   "No, no, don't get me wrong, I just think that the girl will help you with the laundry, and the influence is not very good." Qin Jingru waved his hands repeatedly.

   Seeing Jiang Pingan looking at her narrowly, Qin Jingru blushed, knowing that she was similar to that girl.

  So he turned around quickly, blushed, bit his lip and whispered: "I'm busy first, I'll call you when the meal is ready."

  Jiang Ping'an smiled, stopped teasing her, turned around with his hands behind his back and left the kitchen, and came to the yard.

  The yard and the roof are covered with thick snow.

  Jiang Ping'an walked along the eaves and came to the corner of the house to look out.

   Not far away, a meandering brook gurgled by.

  Across the creek, there is a farmer, which is Qin Jingru's home.

  With the creek as the boundary, Qinjia Village is on the opposite side, and most of the villagers are surnamed Qin.

  This is Liangjia Village, most of the villagers are surnamed Liang.

   It is strange to say that the second village of Qinliang is so close, but the people in the two villages do not have close contacts.

  Phenomena like this exist in many places, and there is not much enmity between them, so it formed naturally.

  The cold wind blows, and the sky and the earth are white, like a beautiful landscape painting.

  Qinjia Village and Liangjia Village are both large villages, but at this moment, there is almost no smoke rising from the kitchen.

   No one came out to walk around, and most people stayed at home to save energy.

  In addition, many people do not have a set of winter clothes at home, so it is inconvenient to go out.

  So when you go to someone else's house, you have to make some noise in advance to let others prepare a little bit, which is also mutual respect.

  Actually, not only in rural areas, but also in many homes in cities, clothes are also sewn and sewn, mended and mended.

   Wearing patched clothes to go out is not shameful, but a symbol of frugality, which makes people honorable.

   Soon, after Jiang Pingan blew the wind for a while, Qin Jingru shouted to eat.

   "I steamed 20 steamed buns, and I'm not afraid of spoiling them in winter. If you can't finish them, keep them for lunch. If you want to go out and visit villages, you can take them with you."

  In the kitchen, Qin Jingru whispered while placing the bowls and chopsticks.

   The two sat down to eat.

  Jiang Ping'an couldn't get used to stick noodles, so he took small bites of egg soup, but he still ate it with relish.

  Qin Jingru was so hungry that he stopped talking.

  She held a bun in one hand, chopsticks in the other, and a bowl in both hands. She took a bite of the bun for a snack, chewed it a few times, and took a sip of egg soup. She squinted her eyes and showed a sweet and satisfied smile on her face.

  Jiang Pingan glanced at her, feeling strange.

  Although this Qin Jingru often does not have enough to eat, she is not thin, not to mention plump and plump, and there is also baby fat on her face. Although she is a bit disheveled, it does not affect her beauty.

   "It's easy to feed." Jiang Ping'an thought to himself.

   In addition, Qin Jingru has a good temper, generous, never holds grudges, and rarely takes things to heart, so she lives happily.

   "It's delicious and fragrant!" Qin Jingru said with a silly smile seeing Jiang Ping'an looking at her.

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said: "Eat more if it tastes good, but don't eat too much. It's uncomfortable to be bloated."

   "It's better to be bloated than to be hungry." Qin Jingru pursed her lips.

   After taking a bite of the fried egg, she asked curiously again: "Brother Pingan, you city people, can you eat stick noodles?"

   "That's not true. It's normal to not have enough to eat." Jiang Pingan shook his head slowly.

  Qin Jingru said: "Where is my cousin's house? I heard that my cousin's husband is a first-class fitter, and he earns more than 30 yuan a month. Can he have enough to eat?"

  Jiang Ping'an said: "I can't get enough to eat, because your cousin's husband is the only one with urban household registration in your cousin's family."

   "She, her mother-in-law, and several children all have rural household registrations. They all count on your cousin-in-law's quota. How can they have enough food?"

  Qin Jingru frowned and said: "So, going to the city is not as good as imagined?"

   "That's natural, but in comparison, it's better to be in the city than in the countryside." Jiang Ping'an nodded.

  Qin Jingru seemed to understand but nodded and said: "That's right, why don't you say you want to run to the city?"

  Paused, she frowned again and said: "Speaking of my cousin, she went back to her natal family a few years ago, but she exaggerated her family's conditions to the sky."

   "I was overwhelmed by what she said, and wanted to go to the city with her for a few days, but she refused in every possible way. It's really stingy."

  Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "You are welcome, your cousin's house only has one room, and the whole family is crowded on the Kang. Where did you go to live?"

   "Huh? Then what should my cousin and her husband do if they are interested in the evening?" Qin Jingru blurted out.

   After speaking, she blushed again, feeling that she was too straightforward.

  Jiang Pingan didn't make fun of her, and replied: "That's easy. Although there is only one kang in their house, they are separated by a cloth curtain."

   "The inside is a kang, the outside is a living room, with tables, benches and sewing machines, and a stove is built outside for cooking."

   "Her mother-in-law sleeps late at night, and usually stays in the living room, waiting for there to be no movement inside the curtain, and then goes back to her room to rest silently..."

  Qin Jingru whispered: "It's so crowded? Her house is not as good as she said!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion