MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 491 He Yushui: My sister-in-law is ruthless

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  Chapter 491 He Yushui: My sister-in-law is ruthless (610 is added for the leader "I really trust")

  Li Tianjiao couldn't hold back.

  She is so proud of herself. Today, she let Jiang Pingan eat and drink without talking about it, and even took the initiative to confess her love.

  But Jiang Ping'an didn't recognize anyone after she wiped it all away, even if she didn't even bother to talk to her.

  Li Tianjiao hugged his waist and said aggrievedly: "You lied to me, so you can't lie to me?"

   "Hehe, that won't work, I'm going to lie to you, so you take it seriously." Jiang Ping'an would not be fooled by her.

  Li Tianjiao was a little disappointed and was about to back away, but was held tightly by Jiang Ping'an, unable to move.

   "Hmph, now you don't want to part with me anymore? I shouldn't be so generous to you." Li Tianjiao gritted his teeth and said.

  Jiang Pingan buried his head in her neck, smelled her hair, and whispered:

   "I have a house here, let's go there later."

  Li Tianjiao spat lightly and said, "No, I will ignore you from now on."

   "Really ignore it? If you ignore it, I won't look for you!" Jiang Pingan raised his head and said with a smile.

  Li Tianjiao glared at him and said, "Are you angry with me?"

  After thinking about it, he leaned into Jiang Ping'an's ear and whispered a few words shyly, with a shy expression on his face.

  Jiang Ping'an also whispered to her a few words.

   Li Tian glanced at him with eyes like autumn water, his face was ruddy, and he nodded shyly.

   "It's just a little scary. I was frightened just now, and I was scared." She whispered.

  Jiang Ping'an reassured: "Don't be afraid, you'll know after trying it, this thing is not scary."

   "Hey, I won't try, and I won't let you take advantage of me again." Li Tianjiao insisted.

   Having said that, she hugged Jiang Ping'an even tighter.

   "You said, if I work in the future and come to your rolling mill, will there be any prospects for development?"

  Jiang Pingan shook his head and said: "The major is not suitable, you'd better go to a machinery factory or an equipment factory."

   "Although we have a subordinate machine repair unit, they all belong to the maintenance category, and there is no research and development department."

   "A talent like you should make the best use of it, otherwise it would be a pity."

  In the original play, Li Tianjiao was an engineer, and later became a cadre, at the same level as Jiang Ping'an.

   Obviously, Li Tianjiao's ability is beyond doubt, she is a strong woman.

   "Okay, we'll see when the time comes, anyway, it's still more than a year before graduation." Li Tianjiao nodded.

   "By the way, do you have a lot of alumni rosters? Can you give me a copy?"

  Jiang Ping'an wondered: "Why do you want someone? You don't want to make connections in my name, do you?"

   "Sure enough, there are not many cadres who are not smart, that's what I think." Li Tianjiao nodded.

  She didn't hide it. For a person of her background, she knew the importance of connections since she was a child.

  Besides, the people on the roster revised by Jiang Ping'an are all top students from major universities, and none of them are bad.

  Li Tianjiao is a caring person, so he naturally knows the importance of getting to know and have a good relationship with those people.

  Jiang Ping'an pondered and said, "Okay, I'll give you an extra copy later."

   "I took advantage of you and made it convenient for you, but you can't spread it indiscriminately!"

  If Li Tianjiao really wanted it, even if Jiang Pingan didn't give it to her, she could go back to school and ask someone else to ask for it.

   It would be better to give her a share generously, lest she jump up and down.

  Li Tianjiao wrinkled his nose and said, "After all, I still suffer."

   "Oh, don't hold on to this matter, we are helping each other." Jiang Ping'an laughed.

  Li Tianjiao freed his hands, hugged his neck, tiptoed, nose to nose with him, and said with a smile:

   "Now I find that you are very thick-skinned, and it's up to you to decide what to do."

  Jiang Pingan lightly pecked her small mouth, and said with a smile:

   "I'm telling the truth, you can't always look at me with prejudice."

  Hearing this, Li Tianjiao couldn't stop giggling, and the flowers and branches trembled wildly.

   She rubbed against Jiang Ping'an's face, winking like silk, bit her lip and smiled:

   "You are just bad, and I just like your bad temper."

   "Do you think I am abnormal? As the saying goes, I am a bad person, right?"

  Jiang Pingan laughed and said casually, "Who knows? Maybe you are really a bad person!"

  While talking, Jiang Pingan heard the footsteps of the rain, so he let go of Li Tianjiao and said:

   "The rain is coming, please pay attention later."

   Li Tianjiao was surprised: "You didn't even look, you knew she was here?"

   "Hehe, in our courtyard, if you want to live freely, you have to see all directions and listen to all directions."

  Li Tianjiao shook his head and said, "Isn't life very tiring? Why don't you move out?"

   "I have my own considerations, so don't ask too many questions." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

  The two returned to the kang and sat down.

  Li Tianjiao sniffed his nose, blushed, ran to the window and opened it.

  The cold wind suddenly poured in, and with the fresh air, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

  Li Tianjiao looked out the window and found that He Yushui really came.

   He couldn't help turning his head to look at Jiang Ping'an with admiration.

  He Yushui came in, saw Li Tianjiao standing in front of the window, smiled and said:

   "Sister Tianjiao, why did you open the window? The cold wind blows straight into the room, and all the heat escapes."

  Li Tianjiao pursed his lips, stepped forward and took her hand and said, "The room is a bit stuffy, let's open it first."

  He Yushui nodded slightly, but without thinking too much, he dragged Li Tianjiao to the kang and sat down.

   "Brother Ping An, I talked to my brother not long ago, and he said..."

  He Yushui explained He Yuzhu's thoughts, and then said:

   "Do you think my sister-in-law will hold on to the house when the house is transferred to my name?"

  Jiang Pingan pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "This is also a way."

   "If the house is really transferred to your name, Chen Xueying won't make any more plans for the house. She has a sense of propriety."

  Chen Xueying has been doing business for so many years, so she naturally knows who can be messed with and who can't.

   Besides, no one else knew what happened to Xia Youjun last time. Could she, Chen Xueying, not know the inside story?

   "The question now is whether your brother can get the house deed smoothly. It's not easy for me to come forward."

  He Yushui nodded and said: "Yeah, don't talk about you, even I can't get involved."

   "At the end of the day, I'm just a sister-in-law. It's good that my sister-in-law didn't think about my room."

  Li Tianjiao interjected: "Listen to what you say, Yushui's sister-in-law is not easy!"

   "That's not right! I almost killed my brother last time, but Brother Pingan went to save my brother." He Yushui said.

   "I heard the ins and outs afterwards, and I also had lingering fears. My sister-in-law went crazy, and I really didn't care about it."

   "Speaking of which, my brother is also a bastard, but when he met my sister-in-law, he also felt guilty. Last time he was frightened."

  Li Tianjiao nodded slightly, and said: "Actually, I'm not afraid of her playing tricks in an upright manner, but I'm afraid of making cold hands behind her back."

   "Yes, my brother is also afraid of this." He Yushui nodded.

   "My sister-in-law is cruel and ruthless, she dares to use any means, regardless of the consequences."

   "As the saying goes, those who are arrogant are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying. My sister-in-law is neither arrogant nor stunned, and only punishes people to death!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion