MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 501 Chen Xueying's prestige in the yard

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  Chapter 501 Chen Xueying's Prestige in the Yard


  Yi Zhonghai was transferred to a detention center, awaiting the outcome of the trial.

  Jiang Ping'an sent a lot of supplies out for Yi Zhonghai's affairs.

  The materials are all in the space. These days, materials are the hard currency, and they are more popular than little yellow croakers.

  So in the end, he didn't spend a penny, but on the contrary, he got in touch with many people because of it.

  The inside story, Da Ma, He Yuzhu, and the others naturally don't know.

  But the news from the police said that Yi Zhonghai's life was safe.

  I knew that Jiang Ping'an's strength had worked, and he believed that the house was not mortgaged in vain.

  Besides, even if those houses were sold, they wouldn't sell for much money.

  So even if they can't get the house back in the future, they still have to pay back thousands of dollars.

   Because of the large number of gaps, Jiang Ping'an borrowed favors, which is equivalent to the money he advanced.

  In the future, He Yuzhu and Da Ma will work hard to earn money and return it to Jiang Pingan.

  For this reason, the two also discussed that they would also take time to pick up trash after get off work.

  As for He Yuzhu, he picks up when he has private work, and picks up trash when he doesn't have private work. Anyway, he is going to suffer.

   Picking up **** is not ashamed these days, labor is the most glorious thing!

   Doesn't Yan Bugui go out to pick up trash when he has nothing to do?

  His second-hand bicycle was earned by picking up garbage. No one said he was ashamed.

   It’s just that you earn less money picking up garbage, and you can’t support your family unless the garbage station has a staff.

  So most people work hard, and no one will work hard to earn money for three melons and two dates when they are free.

   Regarding the matter of Yi Zhonghai, the rolling mill and the street both sent special personnel to investigate the case.

  For the time being, only focus on the situation, and when the result comes out, there must be no less punishment.

  On the street side, at most, his uncle status will be revoked.

  The steel rolling mill is different. They have to hold a meeting to fire him, and even their superiors come over.

  The job these days is an iron rice bowl.

   If the employee does not commit a crime, he cannot be fired, and at most he will be transferred from his post.

   can only be transferred from the post, unless the worker has caused something very bad in nature, he can be demoted.

  The salaries of Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu were downgraded one after another last time.

   It was because the incident was big enough and of a bad nature, otherwise the salary would not have been downgraded.

   Didn’t you see that when Deputy Factory Manager Li punished He Yuzhu, didn’t he just punish him for cleaning the toilet instead of cutting his salary?

   It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that even if He Yuzhu contradicted the leader at that time, it wasn't enough to be downgraded.

  At night, every household in the courtyard was discussing Yi Zhonghai's affairs.

   But after all, Chen Xueying was mentioned.

  No way, this woman's fighting power is too strong, she can kill people at every turn.

  The last time He Yuzhu was punished, I heard that Jiang Ping'an hadn't rescued him, so he would have to eat it.

  It's all right this time, even if Jiang Ping'an comes forward, Yi Zhonghai will still inevitably suffer the fate of being muddled.

   "This woman is cruel, stay away from her in the future, she is too sinister and vicious."

   "She was born in the wrong age. If ancient times entered the palace, there must be a place for her!"

   "Fart, she only has mental calculations without intention, plus a vicious heart, to get people right."

   "You can't say that. Last time she made a fool of yourself, it was a blatant move. Didn't she almost kill someone?"

   "Do you think she really wants to kill Shazhu? This is good for her."

   "Not to mention, if Shazhu dies now, the family house and job quota will all belong to her."

   "Good guy, this woman has no good intentions when she marries Sha Zhu. She has six children and is still in business..."

   "The old saying is good, what is ruthless, what is unrighteous, the ancestors have already summed it up."


   After dinner, the people in the yard got together in twos and threes and talked about Chen Xueying.

  In the words, most of them are very afraid of her.

  Chen Xueying married into the courtyard, and in less than a year, she used her record to prove that she is not easy to mess with.


   "Nan Yi, you have to stay away from Chen Xueying in the future, she is too scary." Ran Qiuye reminded.

  Nanyi laughed and said, "I haven't said a word to her until now, is it far enough away?"

  Paused, he pondered: "It's you, I'm afraid she will come to you."

   "She has two children studying in your school, you have to be careful of her in the future."

  Ran Qiuye nodded and said, "I will pay attention to it when we divide classes in the future."

   Liu Haizhong's home.

   "Dad, Chen Xueying is doing well in our yard." Liu Guangqi said in a strange way.

   Liu Haizhong frowned and said: "This woman is indeed a troublemaker, but it's hard to deal with it!"

  Chen Xueying is usually very responsible, going to work, leaving get off work, taking care of the children, and rarely communicates with the people in the courtyard.

   "Do you think it is possible to find an opportunity to report her business?" Liu Haizhong asked.

  Liu Guangqi shook his head and said: "This kind of thing is easy to do, and it is not easy to do it."

   "This woman has been in business for so many years, and she is still safe and sound. It can be seen that all kinds of preparations are made."

   "If someone really has something bad on their minds, it is very likely that she will bite back if they don't keep it clean."

  "I once heard people say that three years ago, someone wanted to sue her, but she beat him up and got into a lawsuit."

  Liu Haizhong's spirit was shaken, and he said with great interest: "Tell me carefully."

   "It seems that someone thought she was charging too much, and then secretly reported her." Liu Guangqi said.

   "I don't know if it was Chen Xueying who had expected it earlier, or whether she was just chasing and biting randomly."

   "People from the security department went to arrest her, but they didn't catch Shuang, but she said on the spot that the reporter forced her to report the crime."

   "Not only that, she also found witnesses, evidence, and sent that person to be shot. You said this..."

   Liu Haizhong took a deep breath and said, "This woman is a bit evil!"

   "Isn't it? So when she married Sha Zhu, I said it was not easy." Liu Guangqi said.

   Liu Haizhong frowned and said, "It's too dangerous to have such a time bomb in our yard."

   "There is nothing to do about danger. We are all kind, but she is treacherous and vicious, so I can't afford to provoke her." Liu Guangqi said.

  Paused, then continued: "Unless Director Jiang comes forward and warns her to be more honest..."

  Liu Haizhong waved his hand and said: "He won't pay attention to these **** things, he is such a great leader, he is busy with work!"

   While talking, Xu Damao came in with two bottles of wine, smiled and said:

   "Second uncle, have you eaten yet? Do you want a drink?"

  Liu Haizhong raised his eyebrows and said: "There is nothing to show courteousness to, either adultery or robbery."

   "Xu Damao, I dare not drink your wine, I drink my own."

  The last time Xu Damao drank a few mouthfuls of cat urine, he couldn't find the southeast and northwest, and spoke ill of Jiang Ping'an.

   This incident frightened Liu Haizhong a lot, and later he made a small report, so he became the squad leader of the joint defense team.

  But this kind of thing happens once or twice.

  There were too many times, and he was also afraid of offending Jiang Pingan, thinking that he was messing with Xu Damao.

  Xu Damao stepped forward, put the wine on the table, sat down and said:

   "Second uncle, no, you will soon become the first uncle."

   "You are the Dinghaishenzhen in our yard, what are you afraid of?"

   "Don't worry, I apologized to Director Jiang, did you invite him to dinner yesterday?"

  Liu Haizhong's expression softened slightly, and he said in a deep thought: "Let's talk about something first! I'll decide whether to drink this wine or not."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion