MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 1 Start with a janitor

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  Chapter 1 starts with a medical student

  The operating room in the No. 1 Hospital of Haidong Province was very quiet, except for the occasional beeping sound of monitoring instruments and the slight clicking sound of surgical instruments opening and closing.

  Dr. Chen Lin, who was standing at the chief surgeon's position, finished the last important step of the operation. After carefully checking the surgical field of view to make sure there was no abnormality, he let out a long sigh of relief, raised his head and said:

   "Director Jiang, I've finished this choledochojejunostomy, and I'm going to shut down the abdomen soon, do you want to come and check it?"

  In the corner of the operating room, Jiang Xiangwen, the deputy director of hepatobiliary surgery, who was sitting on a stool, opened his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall of the operating room:

   "Are you done? It took 90 minutes. Xiao Chen's skills have improved very quickly. I don't worry about your surgery. Shut up. Oh, my old waist, I really can't stand this high-intensity operation."

  Chen Lin also said with a smile: "I would like to thank Director Jiang for giving me this opportunity to operate. If I change to another small doctor, I will have no chance to go on stage."

  Jiang Xiangwen stood up, twisted his body, and said with a smile:

   "That's right, you are the talent that our department focuses on training. Others do this kind of tertiary surgery, and I don't give them a chance."

  Chen Lin lowered his head and began to finish the final operation. In fact, he kept complaining in his heart:

  Jiang Papi, the family members received the red envelopes by themselves, but he was asked to perform the operation as a small attending doctor. Isn't this obviously deceiving the family members. The postoperative credits belong to him, the deputy director, and the little doctor who actually performs the surgery doesn't even have to pay for the surgery.

  Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, Chen Lin would never show it. Instead, he would thank the superior doctor for giving him the opportunity to perform the surgery.

   No way, who told him that this little attending doctor has no status in the department and no right to speak.

   Still want to die, this year it's his turn to be the "inpatient chief", 24 hours on standby in the hospital, so that free labor is not needed, so he is no longer a senior doctor.

  Chen Lin got off the operating table and was still washing his hands when the phone on duty rang again.

   "Hello, Chen Lin? Hurry up, there is a car accident patient in the emergency room, with multiple tissue and multiple organ injuries all over his body, and suspected liver rupture. We need you to come to the hepatobiliary department for consultation, and it is estimated that he will have to go to the stage for surgery."

  The person who called was Zhang Yu, the little attending doctor of the emergency department, who was also Chen Lin’s undergraduate classmate. He didn’t study for a master’s degree back then, so he was directly admitted to the emergency department where he was suffering, tired and often beaten.

   "Okay, I see, you guys deal with it first, and I'll arrange for a doctor to come over."

   "Hurry up, our emergency department will be uneasy again after someone dies."

   "Got it, Director Zhang."

  The phone hung up, and Chen Lin quickly opened the phone book, looking for a doctor who might be free today.

  As the "general resident", Chen Lin needs to coordinate and arrange the specific daily work of the entire department, so any consultation requests from other departments in the hospital are directly reported to him.

   "Hello, Director Wang? There is an emergency consultation in the emergency department. What, you are in a meeting, oh good."

   "Hey, Mr. Qian, there is a ruptured liver in the emergency department that needs consultation. That's right... Are you throwing a knife in W City? Okay, I'll call someone else."

   "Hey, Director Jiang, please don't leave, there is a consultation in the emergency department, ah, you are going to the medical school, okay, I see."

  Chen Lin made a round of phone calls to the superior doctors, each of them was either busy or had a meeting. The rough old surgeons didn't give him any face in this little hospital.

   "A group of old hooligans went to earn extra money one by one, and I have to do everything."

  Chen Lin put down the phone and quickly washed his hands. He didn't even have time to change into the short-sleeved surgical gown inside. He put on a pair of slippers and ran to the emergency building as fast as possible.

  When turning a corner, one of the brakes failed, and he fell directly on the ground, without caring about rubbing, stood up and continued to run. Human life is at stake. If you arrive a minute earlier, you will have more hope.

  By the time he came out of the emergency operating room, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He missed his lunch time and his stomach was growling with hunger.

  There are still 5 large and small operations to be done, Chen Lin can only quickly run to the 24-hour convenience store downstairs, buy a few breads and swallow them in his stomach, almost rolling his eyes due to choking.

  The little girl in the convenience store couldn't stand it anymore: "Doctor Chen, would you like a bottle of drink? Look at what you've done..."

   "No, no, I have to go to the bathroom after drinking a drink. I have a lot of operations in the afternoon."

   "Wow, Dr. Chen, you are amazing. With so many operations, your salary must be very high? Unlike us, it is only 3,000 a month, and you have to work night shifts."

  Chen Lin was about to take out his mobile phone to pay, when he saw the salary text message from the bank, he fell into deep thought

  The text message said: "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: Your 7489 account has a salary income of 6384 yuan at 13:15 on the 24th, and the available balance..."

  He can only comfort himself, he is fine, and when he becomes a great doctor in the future, he will have bread and milk.

  What salary, bonus, lecture fee, flying knife fee, project subsidy, as well as red envelopes, medicine discounts, equipment rebates, beautiful **** and understanding drug substitute MM...

  If you don’t get tens of millions a year, you will be ashamed to say that you belong to the provincial first hospital.


  The patient was pushed out of the operating room. Tired all day, Chen Lin sat down on the ground, unscrewed the glucose solution and filled a few bags, and then took out his mobile phone to look at it.

  Last time, it was densely packed with missed calls and text messages from senior doctors, which made him feel like vomiting blood.

   At this time, the little nurse in the operating room came in to clean up. Seeing Chen Lin sitting on the ground, she joked:

   "Doctor Chen, why don't you leave? Do you love work so much and want to make the operating room your home?"

   Hearing this, Chen Lin immediately lay back on the ground, with his hands resting behind his head.

   "I love a fart. If I didn't bend my waist for five buckets of rice, I wouldn't want to stay in the operating room every day. You see, I've been tired all day. Please help me get a clean sheet. I'll lie down for a while."

  The little nurse was also very polite: "OK, then wait for me."

  Chen Lin was the only one left in the operating room. He closed his eyes and thought that if he could time travel, he would return to the Ming Dynasty and be a prince who bullied men and women. He never wanted to be a doctor again.

  Before he knew it, Chen Lin fell asleep, and the phone rang again and again.

  After the little nurse came in, she found Chen Lin lying motionless on the ground, not even answering the phone. She felt very sympathetic to the poor operation dog, so she walked over and pushed him a few times:

   "Dr. Chen, Dr. Chen wake up, there is a call. Dr. Chen??? Dr. Chen!!"

  At this time, Chen Lin felt as if he was being sucked away by a huge suction force, and he had a clear sense of weightlessness. Although he heard the little nurse's cry, he couldn't answer it.

   In the end, it was even difficult to breathe, and I lost consciousness all of a sudden...


  The prelude to "Singing the Motherland" sounded abruptly.

  Chen Lin was woken up by the music, and felt a little confused in a daze. In what age, who would play this kind of ancient music in the operating room?

  During the epidemic, shouldn't something be played: "Listen to me, thank you, because of you, the four seasons are warm."

   While he was half asleep and half awake, he heard a magnetic male voice start to speak along with the music:

   "National Radio, National Radio, it's national news and newspaper digest time.

Good morning, listeners, today is Thursday, July 16, 1981, the fifteenth day of the sixth lunar month. The main content of this program is: The Thirty-fourth World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization was held in Sri Lanka. Attended as a member of our delegation. "

  Chen Lin suddenly opened his eyes, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

   What appeared in front of his eyes was not the familiar operating room, without shadowless lamps and operating beds, but an old-fashioned mosquito net made of linen, a little yellowish and gray.

  He looked down again, and he was not wearing a dark green short-sleeved surgical gown, but a white vest and a pair of shorts. There were four big words written on the vest:

   "Vietnam Health School"

  Chen Lin sat up all of a sudden, and the bed under him creaked. It was obviously not a serious bed, but a bamboo raft made of bamboo.

  Chen Lin looked around blankly. Apart from the mosquito net, there was only a broken straw mat and a thin white-washed quilt. When he smelled it carefully, he could smell the faint scent of wormwood.

   "Who am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?"

  The three major philosophies of life, it is also difficult to describe Chen Lin's shocked mood now.

  He clearly remembered that he performed 6 operations in a row in a day, and after the last operation, he couldn't bear it anymore and lay down on the floor of the operating room to sleep for a while.

   At that time, he asked the little nurse to help him get a clean sheet to cover it.

  Why did he wake up, the operating room was gone, and the sheets on his body were gone, so he turned into such a ghostly look? The alarm bell in Chen Lin's mind rang loudly.

   "Who the **** is kidding me while I'm asleep? Or me..."

   As soon as Chen Lin read this, he immediately opened the mosquito net.

  The scene in the room in front of him surprised him even more. This is a typical old rural house.

  The furnishings in the room are very simple, with three crowded beds and only one wooden wardrobe. The walls are made of wood, and the floor is paved with slate. There are no appliances in the room, no TV, no air conditioner.

   If there is, there is only a lamp hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room, and it is still the round, most old-fashioned light bulb.

  The radio outside the house continued to broadcast news:

"Comrade Wu Mengchao resected and treated 181 cases of primary liver cancer from 1964 to 1980, with a total operation success rate of 91.2%, which shocked the international medical community. At the meeting, Wu Mengchao was elected as a member of the International Society of Surgery, as a member of the International Medical Society The world's affirmation of Chinese liver surgery."

  A terrible intuition appeared in Chen Lin's mind: "I, TM time travel? 1981?"

  At this time, there was a loud noise from outside the house

   "Second Aunt, my second child was so tired that he passed out yesterday. I just wanted to ask you to borrow two yuan to buy some meat at the commune. If you don't borrow it, it's fine. Is it worth talking so badly?"

"Oh, silly elder sister, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Now you have four children in your family, only you work to support the family, and all three of them can go to school. Don't you feel that you are in a panic? Besides, what's the use of studying? You Dad went to high school, didn’t he go back to the village to be a substitute teacher, and was poor all his life.”

"No, my dad said that everything is inferior, only studies are high. What my dad said is absolutely impossible to be wrong. And before my dad died, I promised him that as long as my younger brothers and sisters want to study, I will definitely support them. .”

   "Oh, you kid, what do you say about you? You really are so short-sighted. Do you want to borrow money? If you want to borrow money, tell your grandparents. Where did I get the money? I still eat meat. I haven't eaten meat for half a year."

   "If you don't borrow it, you won't borrow it, hum!"

  The conversation between the two was obviously not pleasant.

  Chen Lin heard the outside door being pushed open and footsteps coming towards him. Just as he was about to hide under the mosquito net, he suddenly felt dark and fell on the bed.

  During his sleep, countless memories of the original owner flooded into his mind.

  Chen Lin finally confirmed that he really traveled to 1981, and the location was Haidong Province, Yuezhong Region, Huiji County, Xingtang Commune, and Xiaze Village.

  Unfortunately, the parents passed away in the 1970s, leaving four children to depend on each other.

   There is an elder sister who is 2 years older than me, named Chen Qin, who has supported the family with her weak shoulders since she was 16 years old.

  Although her name is literary and artistic, she has a bit of a bad temper, and she can't pull back the nine cows that she is sure about. People in the village like to call her "Silly Big Sister".

  My name is Chen Qi, I am 19 years old, and I am currently a student at the health school in Yuezhong District. This is a rare secondary school student in the commune.

  The younger brother is Chen Shu, and the younger sister is Chen Hua. They are twins. They are both 13 years old this year. They are in the village primary school and will be in the fifth grade soon.

  Receiving this information, Chen Lin smacked his lips in his dream, thinking that this is too miserable, not only has he traveled to the Qidian Orphanage, but more importantly, Xiaze Village is a mountainous village, very poor and backward.

  How poor is Xia Ze Village?

  Using later generations of Internet language, it is called:

  Basically rely on walking for transportation, roaring for communication, dogs for public security, shaking for heating, hands for digging, cattle for arable land, no entertainment, and shopping for wives.

   To make it sound better, this is to maintain the original flavor of the country.

  It’s hard to hear. It’s been more than 30 years since Liberation. The whole village has been connected to electricity, a radio station is set up at the entrance of the village, and the secretary of the village party committee has a bicycle. Nothing has changed.

  One word: "poor".

   Without the help of parents, one can imagine the economic conditions of a family of four orphans, that is, "poor and poor".

  The family’s rations rely on a few terraced fields, and the silly elder sister goes to the kiln factory at the entrance of the village to carry bricks to earn some pocket money. It can almost only be described as a bare house.

Fortunately, the original owner "Chen Qi" who "Chen Lin" traveled through is more competitive. He has been a seed for reading since he was a child. In elementary school, he was the first in Xingtang Commune. In junior high school, he was the first in the joint examination of 13 communes in Keqiao District. .

   After graduating from junior high school, Chen Qi did not choose to go to high school, but chose to go to a technical secondary school.

  Because there is no tuition fee in the technical secondary school, a monthly subsidy of 10 yuan is given. In the future, after graduation, he will become a "cadre establishment", and he can eat at the public house.

  Thinking of this, Chen Lin patted his chest. It was a great fortune among misfortunes. Although he had traveled to this poor and conservative era, at least he had a professional counterpart, and they all studied medicine.

If this allows him to travel to some agricultural school, normal school, financial school, engineering school, etc., then he will be in trouble. He will not know anything about the wrong major, and he will get zero marks in the exams, and he will be expelled. .

   Rebirth starts with death.

  (end of this chapter)

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