MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 423 Defeat doubts with professionalism

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  Chapter 423 Overcoming Doubts with Profession

  As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, the scene fell silent.

  The man in the suit had more question marks on his head, "Did I have lung cancer?"

  The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he got up, grabbed Chen Qi by the collar and started spraying, and the saliva flew all over Chen Qi's face:

"I have lung cancer? Fuck your mother, shouldn't lung cancer be coughing to death? You just cough a few times, and you say I have lung cancer? What's wrong with my blushing? It's because I drink a lot. What does lung cancer have to do with it?

  伱 Tell me clearly, if you don’t make it clear, I beat you to death today, 62, okay, you intellectuals like to turn corners when you curse, don’t you just dislike me jumping in line? Do you have to curse me like this? What a **** doctor, how old are you, do you dare to say you are a doctor? "

  When the man in the suit said this, many people around nodded slightly.

  In the minds of ordinary people, what are the most important clinical features of lung cancer?

   That's a cough, and it's a severe cough that can't be stopped.

   Not only cough, but also the patient's physical fitness will be very poor, often sallow and emaciated, and even have no strength to speak, looking sickly.

   Looking back at the man in the suit, it has been half an hour since he entered the telephone building, and he has basically not heard him coughing.

   Not only did he not cough, but he looked like he was fighting and swearing just now, a tiger could have beaten him to death, how could he look like a lung cancer patient?

  This is actually a misunderstanding of the common people. The clinical manifestations of lung cancer are various, and it is definitely not just a severe cough.

  There may be two reasons for this misunderstanding. One is that medical care was underdeveloped in the 1980s. Because there was no such thing as a "severe cough", many people didn't know even if they got lung cancer, and they died inexplicably in the end.

  Another reason is also due to insufficient medical conditions. The lung cancer patients seen by ordinary people are often diagnosed at an advanced stage and dying. Most of these people have severe cough and sallow complexion.

  So everyone mistakenly thinks that all lung cancers have the same disease, but they never thought that lung cancers in different periods and parts will have different clinical manifestations.

  But from a clinical point of view, it is definitely not just a severe cough that should be careful of lung cancer.

  For example, the facial features of the man in the suit in front of Chen Qi are actually the main points of suspicion.

  Now that he has become a "villain", Chen Qi decided to speak clearly.

"Comrade, don't worry, take your hands off my collar first, I'm saving your life, if you think I'm insulting you, then you can drag it, anyway, your body is your own of."

   What Chen Qi said made the man in the suit unsure. After all, getting cancer is not a joke, so he put his hands down angrily, but still cursed:

   "Okay, tell me, you can't tell me today, I'm not finished with you, I'm going to your unit to complain about you!"

  Chen Qi smoothed the clothes on his chest, thinking that he still suffered from his age. If he were a white-haired old grandfather doctor, he would definitely not encounter the suspicions he has today.

   "Anyway, everyone is ruling it out, so let me explain a few more words. When it comes to lung cancer, do you think of irritating dry cough, accompanied by fatigue, sometimes chest pain, and even blood in the sputum."

  The onlookers nodded repeatedly.

  Even the employees of the post and telecommunications office who were doing business at the counter stopped their work and listened to the young doctor's lecture.

   Chen Qi shook his head, pointed to his chest and said:

"Then you are all wrong. Coughing is only the main manifestation of lung cancer, but it is definitely not the only manifestation. When lung cancer is advanced, patients will have symptoms in the lungs and symptoms outside the lungs. The symptoms in the lungs are mainly wheezing and dyspnea. like this."

  Chen Qi performed a live performance of the shortness of breath of a terminal lung cancer patient.

"What I did just now, I guess most comrades think that I may have asthma, or a bad heart and pulmonary heart disease, like those old people with chronic bronchitis, or coal workers who have pneumoconiosis, so I walk a few minutes. Panting for a long time?

In fact, you are wrong. This is because you have a malignant tumor in your lungs. As the lung cancer grows bigger and bigger, it begins to compress and block the airway, leading to a decline in lung function, causing chest tightness, suffocation, and dyspnea. .

  Also, cancer can spread to distant places at an advanced stage. Good guy, the symptoms are even more bizarre. For example, when cancer cells metastasize to the brain, patients will experience dizziness and headaches.

If it is transferred to the liver, the patient will experience epigastric pain, chest tightness, and loss of appetite; if it is transferred to the head, the patient will have headache, nausea and vomiting; Pain and more.

   What does this mean? Just let me use an analogy, you have lung cancer, you are ruthless, because you don’t have a long-term severe cough and you don’t care, but then you find that your head hurts more and more, and you can’t stop it even after taking painkillers. It may also be lung cancer. And it was transferred to the head.

  The sad thing is that our current medical level is not high, and the inspection equipment is not enough, so you can't make a diagnosis. After all, you said you have a headache, so it is impossible to check the lungs, right? So many people died without knowing why. "

  Chen Qi talked for a long time, but most of the people understood half understood and half understood.

  But there are also many intellectuals, I understand.

   "Little doctor, do you want to say that many people don't know that they have lung cancer, and then there will be various symptoms all over the body, which are actually caused by lung cancer."

  Chen Qi gave the man with the eyes a thumbs up when he spoke: "This big brother understands."

  The onlookers immediately started talking about it. After Chen Qi said this, everyone felt that their pains and pains seemed to be compatible with lung cancer, and many people began to worry about their bodies.

   At this time, the man in the suit quit, probably because he was scared, and his tone was a little anxious:

   "Hey, little doctor, but the symptoms you just mentioned don't match me. Tell me, what's wrong with me? Why do you suspect that I might have lung cancer?"

   "Yes, yes, little doctor, tell me about his situation."

   "If you really hit the mark, in case we encounter such a situation in the future, we can give an early warning."

  The onlookers also urged Chen Qi, but the man in the suit quit: "Bah, you just got hit."

   Seeing that these people were about to quarrel again, Chen Qi hurriedly pressed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet:

   "Why do I think you might have lung cancer? Let's talk about this separately. For example, this blush. Everyone, look at it. Is the face here different from normal people? The blush is different when you are drunk or arguing?"

  The onlookers poked their heads one after another, "That's right, it's different."

  Chen Qi explained:

   “This is because lung tumors release different vasoactive substances, such as serotonin, bradykinin, bradykinin, and catecholamines. Endocrine disorders cause blood vessels to dilate, which leads to facial flushing. This is called carcinoid syndrome.”


   There was a soft cry from the crowd. In fact, no one could understand it, but it sounded professional anyway.

  The man in the suit became even more anxious when he heard that, "Then tell me about my eyes, what's wrong with my eyes?"

  Chen Qi asked rhetorically:

   "When you look in the mirror, you don't notice that your right eyelid is drooping now? Also, look at your eyeball. Compared with your left eye, is it sunken?"

"Yes, I found out, but my wife said it might be facial paralysis. An old lady in our hospital has facial paralysis. I went to the hospital to see it. The doctor prescribed some medicine for me and gave me acupuncture. .”

   "No, this is not facial paralysis. Facial paralysis will cause unilateral forehead lines, eyelid muscles and facial expression paralysis. That is to say, patients with facial paralysis will have drooping corners of the mouth, drooling, water leakage when brushing their teeth, and slurred speech.

  And you have no other symptoms of facial paralysis except drooping eyelids? Come on, whistle and listen. Look, can't you blow? The corners of the mouth with real facial paralysis cannot be closed tightly, so the possibility of facial paralysis can be ruled out. "

   At this time, a teller asked: "Then this doctor, tell me what is the reason for his drooping eyelids?"

   "Not only did he have drooping eyelids, but also miosis and enophthalmos. These three symptoms perfectly explained that he had a Horner syndrome, which was caused by a malignant tumor compressing the cervical sympathetic nerve."


   There was another exclamation from the crowd, and everyone turned their sympathetic eyes to the man in the suit.

  The man in the suit burst into tears at this moment:

  "Really? I'm only 45 years old, I'm still young, how could I get lung cancer? I don't want to die, woo woo woo~~~"

  The crowd of onlookers sighed for a while. They came out to make a long-distance call, but they got lung cancer. No one could bear it.

  The man in the suit was suddenly agitated, and he grabbed Chen Qi's arm with both hands:

"Doctor, listen to me, doctor, which hospital are you from? You treat me. I have money. I have money. As long as I get cured, you can pay as much as you want. You save me. Save me, save me."

  Chen Qi shook off the man in the suit. Thinking about how rude this action was, he had a nervous breakdown, so he patted the man on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, medicine can only be said to be a conclusion drawn by a doctor based on his own experience before a diagnosis is made. You didn't hear what I just said, it's possible, so you should hurry up and save yourself. The hospital checks and checks, and the key point is to do a CT."

   "Okay, okay, the Provincial First Hospital, right? I'll go now, I'll go right away!"

  The man in the suit has lost his mind at this time, his previous arrogance has completely disappeared, and his hair that has been rubbed with mousse is also a mess. He picked up his bag and ran to the door.

  Everyone in the call building watched the unlucky guy leave with sympathy in their eyes.

   At this time, the female teller couldn't help asking:

   "Doctor, did you just scare him into not queuing, or are you serious? He really might have lung cancer?"

  Chen Qi nodded, and took out a lot of materials from his bag:

   "How can we doctors lie, see? I have been doing research in this area recently, and this is all information, so I am very familiar with the various manifestations of lung cancer, and they are almost inseparable."

  As soon as Chen Qi said this, everyone on the scene looked at him with admiration.

  The more the female teller looked at Chen Qi, the more pleasing she was, and then she looked at such a long queue, which could not be completed in less than three hours, so she kindly shouted:

"Come on, everyone, give way to this doctor and let him call first. I think he is going to call a Japanese pharmaceutical company to discuss business for the patient. Let's show our spirit and let the doctor Priority, okay?"

  If you said this half an hour earlier, the people in the queue would have scoffed, who the **** cut the queue for you?

  But just now Chen Qi’s professional knowledge has conquered everyone. There is a tradition of worshiping miracle doctors among the people. When they heard that doctors are given priority, they responded one after another:

   "Okay, okay, this doctor, you come first and wait in front of me."

   "Hello, Comrade Doctor, this is my business card. Can you give me my contact information, and we will keep in touch in the future."

   "This little doctor is doing a good job, serving the people, he should jump in the queue."

   Facing the enthusiastic crowd, Chen Qi bowed again and again, and said politely:

   "Then I'm sorry, thank you, thank you."

   Joining a team can save a few hours. Idiots don't want this kind of VIP treatment.

   At this time, another burst of warm applause erupted from the crowd, and many people were applauding. The atmosphere at the scene was as enthusiastic as it was.

  In the picture, there is only the lonely background of the man in the suit...

  Chen Qi managed to squeeze into the phone booth, which is a small room separated by glass, and picked up the phone.

   After a while, the operator's voice came from the receiver: "Comrade, the number you want for Japan's Nipro Medical Devices Company has been connected."

   Before Chen Qi could speak, a pleasant voice came from the receiver:

   "Ooh, is that Mr. Chen Qi? I'm Masako Chie, very happy to receive your call."

   "Hello Miss Masako, hehe, long time no see, I'm calling this time to ask you to do me a favor."

   "Please tell me, Mr. Chen, I will do my best to do it."

"It's like this. I have a newborn lung cancer specimen here and I want to do a genetic test. I don't know if your company has a cooperative laboratory. In addition, I am working on this subject. Are you interested in the topic of pediatric lung cancer?"

   Masako Qianhui was still a bit puzzled by what Chen Qi said, thinking that he is not a plastic surgeon? How did lung cancer research start?

  But she is also a medical graduate, and she understands that neonatal lung cancer is a rare disease, which is of great scientific research value, so she immediately agreed:

   "Okay Mr. Chen, I have written down your request, and I will reply to you as soon as possible."

  When Chen Qi came out of the phone booth and ran to the toll window, he was shocked when he calculated it. It was 25 yuan per minute. After calling for 20 minutes in total, the 500 yuan was gone.

  500 yuan is almost half a year's wages for ordinary workers, but it made Chen Qi feel bad.

   "It's so expensive, I knew I was rude just now, and I said a few more nonsense, and the money for several pairs of leather shoes is gone."

  (end of this chapter)

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