MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 444 Take care of Chen Qi as much as possible

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  Chapter 444 Try to take care of Chen Qi

  The health system of Haidong Province has a total of 100 medical personnel in the aid mission to Sierra Lean this time.

  The departments formed are also relatively complete, such as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Otolaryngology Departments have doctors there, and there are also a lot of medical technicians and nurses in the auxiliary departments.

   In addition, there are some logistics support personnel, such as translators, plumbers, chefs and so on.

  In addition to the major hospitals in the province, more than 5 to 8 people are assigned to each city.

  The number of people in the Vietnam-China region is 6. In order to make full use of Chen Qi's advantages, the province decided that the Vietnam-China working group should consist of 3 surgeons, 2 nurses, and 1 anesthesiologist.

   This is equivalent to a surgical team, and it can be regarded as the best use of Chen Qiren in the province.

  Actually, when Chen Qi’s aid list was reported to Africa, the Department of Health had different opinions, and repeatedly asked whether there was any problem with the list of Vietnam and China.

  Who is Chen Qi?

  That is the only director of the International Medical Association in China. How could such a talent be sent to Africa to count orangutans?

   Did Vietnam and China misunderstand the international director? Is there such a staff?

  Unfortunately, the opinion of the Ministry of Health was not considered by Vietnam and China.

  You treat the international dual directors as a treasure in the medical field, but if you jump out of the health system, what impact does a doctor have on the overall situation?

  Vietnam and China did not make any changes to the list and insisted on following the original list.

  Since Chen Qi’s trip to Africa cannot be changed, the health system, from the perspective of protecting Chen Qi and making full use of Chen Qi, changed all the aid quotas for Vietnam to surgery.

  When the villagers saw the fellow villagers, their eyes were full of tears. The leaders of the health system all hoped that Chen Qi could spend two years in Africa smoothly.

  At the airport, Chen Qi stood behind Qi Yunming, the deputy director of the Medical Administration Department of the Health Department, listening to Qi Yunming's passionate speech, and looked at the medical staff who were aiding Africa.

  Qi Yunming, as the leader of the provincial department and the deputy director level, was appointed as the "Head of the Haidong Provincial Medical Assistance Group to Africa" ​​this time.

Chen Qi, as the dean of the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong, has reached the level of "quasi-deputy department" (currently the official level), and is also an international double director, so he was appointed as the deputy head of the medical team, and also served as the Medical team leader.

  Don't look at this as a false job, it looks useless.

   But when you get promoted and make a fortune in the future, it will be a beautiful resume, and that effect will be reflected. After all, under the same conditions in the country, those who have foreign aid will be given priority.

  Of course this is a clear rule, but if your father..., your uncle..., your second uncle..., these clear rules will give way to unspoken rules...

  Chen Qi's mind is still wandering, and the head next to him has already finished speaking.

   "President Chen, come on, tell everyone a few words. After all, there are more than 100 of us, and we will be brothers and sisters on the same trench in the future."

  Chen Qi touched his nose, and said a little embarrassedly:

   "Leader Qi gave a very good speech just now, and he finished my heartfelt speech, which made me suddenly very nervous now, and I didn't know what to say."

  Hehehe~~~ Everyone at the scene let out a chuckle.

  Chen Qi is well-known in the health system of Haidong Province, not only because of his superb medical skills, but also because of the arrogance and wealth of the legendary man who bought half of the textile market with a single dollar.

   Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, but when everyone saw it, Chen Qi was actually such a young leader who was too young.

  This made the hundreds of medical staff feel all kinds of feelings, including envy, disdain, indifference, and more curiosity. What is the difference between this young dean?

  Chen Qi saw that the atmosphere at the scene was very good, and he was happy to say a few words:

"Anyway, in the next two years, we must listen to Commander Qi's command in our actions. Of course, if you have any needs in life, such as what you want to eat, you can tell me. I will help you find a way to ensure that you will not be hungry. Son."

   As soon as the words came out, there was a burst of applause at the scene.

  If the applause given to Commander Qi was more polite just now, the applause given to Chen Qi now is a little more enthusiastic and sincere.

  What do Chinese people pay attention to most? Of course it’s food, especially during festive seasons…

  Qi Yunming saw that the atmosphere was good, and waved his hand cheerfully: "Then let's go!"

  Chen Qi was about to pull his suitcase, when Yi Zewen suddenly rushed out from the sidelines and snatched Chen Qi's suitcase.

   "Chen, Dean Chen, I'll come, I'll get it, hehehe."

  Yi Zewen, a surgeon at the People's Hospital of Yuezhong City, when Chen Qigang was an intern, because he was a technical secondary school student and was not taken seriously, so the teacher who taught him was the young doctor Yi Zewen in front of him.

   As a result, 6 years have passed, the teacher Yi Zewen is still a young doctor, and the student Chen Qi has soared into the sky and became the dean.

  The key point is that the dean is amazing.

   It is rumored that after Chen Qi Africa returns, he will be the president or executive vice president of Yuezhong City People's Hospital, and that will be Yi Zewen's immediate boss.

  If you don't flatter me at this time, when will you wait?

  Yi Zewen himself has no psychological barriers.

  One is that when Chen Qi showed great power during the internship, he regarded Chen Qi as a student at all, and did not regard himself as a teacher. The two were brothers.

  The second Yi Zewen's personality is not of the lofty type, and he knows how to assess the situation.

   In the next 2 years, you can have a good relationship with the "alternate dean", so will you lose his benefits in the future?

  Don’t forget that Chen Qi is famous for promoting his cronies. Jin Tao from Huangtan Health Center is now the vice president of the health center. Even Chang Xihua, who has no diploma, has been promoted to the director of surgery.

  As for Yan Shifan and Bian Meng of the Fourth Hospital, these two little doctors have now become the director and deputy director of the trump department.

  What does this mean, if you follow Chen Qi, you can eat well and drink spicy food, the future is boundless.

  So when the quota for aid in Vietnam came out, and after knowing that Chen Qi was leading the team, Yi Zewen made a careful decision, fought out from among the many surgeons, and snatched the quota.

  The reason is that he taught Chen Qi during his internship. The two of them set up a stage to perform surgery very well, and they can carry out surgery better after going to Africa.

   Director Zhu thought so too, so he ordered Yi Zewen's general, and let him get his wish.

  Chen Qi saw Yi Zewen, the former teacher, rushing to help him carry his luggage, so he quickly became polite:

   "Brother Yi, aren't you trying to frustrate me, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

  Yi Zewen doesn't care, since carrying a lot of luggage is exhausting, this attitude must be shown from the very beginning.

   "President Chen, how can the leader do this kind of rough work? Look at me, I am as strong as a cow, and I stand for 24 hours during the operation. No problem, I am strong."

   After speaking, Yi Zewen picked up the box and prepared to move forward.

  Chen Qi shouted again and again from behind: "Hey, Brother Yi, don't need to carry it, there are wheels under this box, you just pull the lever and just pull it~~~"

  Yi Zewen is a bit embarrassed:

   "Ah, it's the first time I've seen a box with wheels, ha ha."

  Chen Qi actually likes this little surgeon very much in his heart. In fact, during the student internship, the instructors either look down on you, make things difficult, or let you do all the rough work alone.

  But Yi Zewen still took good care of him at the beginning, and even let Chen Qi be the chief surgeon in the later surgery, and he acted as the deputy himself. This is 100% trust in Chen Qi, the intern.

  Yi Zewen knows how to behave, and Chen Qi is naturally willing to get along with such a doctor.

   Two years, if the interpersonal relationship is not good, bumps and bumps will not only make you feel unhappy at work, but also delay things. After all, the operation can only be completed by a team.

  Thinking of this, Chen Qi looked at his other assistants.

  Zhang Xing, a junior surgeon from the Second Hospital, is 30 years old this year. He has a certain amount of clinical experience.

   This is the "assistant" personally selected by Dean Gai of the Second Academy for Chen Qi, which can be regarded as a kind of support for Chen Qi.

  The other two nurses are Chen Li from Jiyang County Hospital and Yang Xiuxiu from Shangyu County Hospital.

  These two young nurses are both only 20 years old, unmarried, young and beautiful, especially Chen Li, who has crooked eyes when she smiles, and she is very good-looking.

  As soon as the two little girls saw Chen Qi, they yelled "Dean Chen, Dean Chen" non-stop, making people's bones crisp.

  Chen Qi is very satisfied with the two little nurses. Although he is not going to do anything outrageous to them, having two beauties with him every day makes him feel much happier, right?

  What if an aunt in the operating room comes and scolds her mother with a bucket in her waist every day, who can stand it?

  Director Sun of the city bureau is also worried about Chen Qi. Of course, this is also the time to test Chen Qi's endurance, to see if he can control his little head.

  I know that foreign aid work is very boring. If you stay in the camp every day, you can get bored over time, but you can also develop love over time.

  Especially for some team leaders, they will chat with female colleagues and nurses every day, have a heart-to-heart talk, and report on their ideological work.

  The remaining anesthesiologist is He Fule from the Sixth Hospital.

  He Fule is the oldest among them. He is 45 years old this year, and he has nothing to say about his clinical experience.

At this age, he is still willing to rush to the front line of aiding Africa and voluntarily sign up. It is not because of his high ideological awareness. It is because his ambition is too strong. He wants to come back after two years of aiding Africa and be able to successfully become an anesthesiologist. Director.

  Everyone is selfish, and Chen Qi is not at all disgusted by helping Africa for the sake of promotion.

  Two years, two years in a place where the birds don't shit, and I have to see a doctor for the black uncles, let alone a promotion to a department director, even a promotion to a deputy dean.

   What's more, He Fule's experience and level are there, which Chen Qi is happy to see.

  Many people don't pay much attention to anesthesiologists. During surgery, their eyes are fixed on the surgeon.

   But these people don't understand at all. Surgeons are at most "curing diseases", and anesthesiologists are really "saving lives" during operations.

  For example, the preoperative evaluation is done by the anesthesiologist. If the anesthesiologist thinks it is not suitable for surgery, your surgeon can only stare blankly.

   Another example is that during the operation, all vital signs are monitored by the anesthesiologist throughout the process. They not only want to relieve your pain, but also make sure that there are no problems in other parts of your body.

  If the surgeon has an accident during the operation, the first person to rescue you is not the surgeon, but the anesthesiologist. For example, the tracheal intubation is inserted by the anesthesiologist.

  Some people think that anesthesiologists are idle in the operating room, doctors are busy, and anesthesiologists may be playing with their mobile phones next to them.

   But when the anesthesiologist turned pale and got busy, it was basically time to play the suona.

  So an excellent anesthesiologist is absolutely indispensable to a surgical team. If others don’t understand, how can Chen Qi understand?

  Looking at his team, there are acquaintances and acquaintances, beautiful women and experienced old doctors, plus himself as a "cheat doctor", Chen Qi is completely relaxed.

   "Come on, Xiao Zhang, Chen Li, Yang Xiuxiu, Dr. He, let's keep up, don't be left behind by Yi Zewen."

   "Alright, Dean Chen, let's go!"

  Where the Huaguo Medical Corps is going to Sierra Lean in Africa, it will definitely not be a direct flight from later generations, but will have to go around several times.

  First take a train from Xihu City, Haidong Province to Shanghai Stock Exchange, then take a plane from Shanghai to Xiangjiang, Xiangjiang transfers to Frankfurt, and finally flies directly from Europe to Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone.

   Just this, it has already taken two full days and two nights.

  The excitement of taking the big plane for the first time has long passed, and the only thing left is exhaustion. What I want most is to find a bed and sleep well for three days and three nights.

   There is no way, Huaguo is poor, how can we afford a room for everyone to sleep in the airport hotel when they are transiting?

  Including Captain Qi and Chen Qi, everyone found an empty corner at the airport, either leaning on the luggage or sleeping directly on the ground. The conditions were very difficult.

  Of course, there are also things that are not difficult. For example, when changing planes in Frankfurt, Chen Qi's sponsor, Japan's Nipro Company, has arranged for people to deliver dozens of boxes of German sausages, sauced elbows, and beer.

  In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he even opened a room in the airport hotel. This was specially confessed by Chen Qi, otherwise, how could he enter the space in front of everyone?

  So when the tired crowd saw Chen Qi appearing in front of everyone pushing a few boxes of soy sauce, the members of the medical team really believed that this deputy head Chen really has the ability to find delicious food for everyone.

  Chen Qi also handed over a hall of beer to Qi Yunming.

   "Here, Qi Chu, take a sip to relieve fatigue."

  Qi Yunming had some doubts: "Chen Qi, you paid for so much food yourself? How bad is this, I can't cause trouble for you."

  Chen Qi also opened a can of dark beer, took a few sips, and said indifferently:

   "It's okay to have a treat once in a while. When we get to Africa, we won't be able to eat. I heard that even food and clothing are a problem there, and the locals even eat bugs."

  Qi Yunming also sighed:

"Yeah, we have to be mentally prepared. First of all, we must ensure the personal safety of all members of the regiment. The wars over there were fought to the death. You said that these Africans are also boring. Isn't it good to have the strength to farm? Fighting to death every day of."

  Chen Qi was also a little worried. He didn't worry about the problem of eating, but he was worried about when a group of black uncles suddenly rushed out and rushed everyone with an AK47.

  In troubled times, living is the first priority.

  (end of this chapter)

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