MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 462 Steal equipment and think of a way out

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  Chen Qi didn't care about Professor Dewey's unintentional gaffe, but smiled instead:

   "It's okay, it's true that our country is still relatively poor, so I want to purchase some medical equipment that can still be used, but this is temporary, and sooner or later I will buy a brand new machine."

  Dewey breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded and said:

   "No need to recommend second-hand dealers. There is the largest second-hand market on the West Coast in Eureka Port. There is everything you need there. You can go and have a look."

  It is not a taboo or shameful thing to buy second-hand goods in Mold Country.

  For example, second-hand cars are the first choice of young people. When they have no money, or the first money they earn from part-time jobs, they will choose to buy a favorite second-hand car.

  Similarly, second-hand clothes are also very popular in the mold country, and you don’t dislike them just because others wear them.

  So the flea market first emerged in the country of mildew.

  There is also a "warehouse auction" or "container auction" that Jianbao Novels like to write very much. In fact, most of the sales are second-hand goods, but everyone still enjoys it.

  Similarly, major hospitals in the country will eliminate a large number of medical equipment and testing instruments every year and resell them to the second-hand market by middlemen.

  Some of the machines have reached the age when they should be phased out and have to be replaced.

  If in China, these iron lumps can be sold for a lot of money by selling scrap products. Those who collect scrap products like these instruments, because they can be used to refine various precious metals.

   But in the country of mold, you have to dispose of these big guys. Not only will the hospital not receive the money, but they will also pay an extra garbage cleaning fee, otherwise the cleaning company will not come to collect it.

  Therefore, in order to save costs, many hospitals will choose to have some intermediaries and let them take them away in the name of reselling. As for whether the intermediaries sell or refine it is their business.

This is the same as in some residential areas, such as an old refrigerator. If you throw it away, you have to pay a sum of money to the garbage removal company, and then the residents will put the refrigerator on the side of the road, put a label on it, and whoever needs it will pick it up Walk.

  In the same scene, large appliances and large furniture are handled in this way. If they look good, they can be sold in the community flea market.

  When China was poor, I often heard a rumor that you could buy big color TVs and big refrigerators for free without spending a penny abroad.

  At that time, everyone was poor, and they felt that foreign countries were really paradise, and they didn’t even need to spend money on such precious home appliances?

  This situation will continue until the price of domestic home appliances is so low that no one wants to go abroad to pick up foreign garbage...

  The second-hand medical equipment flowing out of major hospitals in the country is not purely junk, but there are actually quite a few good ones inside.

   There are some gray areas or unspoken rules, which are actually very popular in Mold Country. After all, who doesn’t love money?

  For example, if a purchaser wants to get a kickback, he has to purchase a brand new medical device. The problem is that your hospital already has an old-fashioned machine with the same function, what should you do?

   Then you can only scrap all the machines that can still be used, and then sell them as scraps.

   Because these second-hand instruments are fully functional, most of them will be refurbished and sold to other countries. Even if they are disassembled and sold as parts, the market is very huge.

  Chen Qi has just stolen a piece of hospital equipment in his space. He is not going to sell it. He sells it at this critical moment. He is looking for death. The police are not stupid, and they must have sent someone to secretly monitor the second-hand market.

  He wants to buy it.

  Chen Qi has now stolen so many medical equipment and testing instruments from the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, and some high-end equipment will definitely be used in the future.

   Otherwise, guarding Jinshan and starving to death, thanks? Domestic hospitals are starved for food and urgently need these medical equipment.

   Then you have to find a good excuse for the source of this part of the machine.

  There is no formal sales record in the second-hand market, and cash transactions can also be used, which can evade the supervision of relevant departments.

  At that time, it will be shipped to Huaguo or Sierra Lean under the name of "foreign garbage".

  When Chen Qi took out some B-ultrasound machine or some CT parts, he had a reasonable reason and excuse.

  Even if the police in the U.S. have a solid line, they must check the source of Chen Qi's medical equipment. Now there is a complete and closed-loop evidence chain, which shows that he bought it from the second-hand market, and the doubts can be eliminated.

  In order to ensure that his plan was foolproof, Chen Qi sneaked away halfway through the plenary meeting, borrowed Professor Dewey's car, and quickly went to the San Francisco branch of Sumitomo Bank to withdraw 200,000 yuan in cash.

   Now the chain of evidence is more complete. The source of funds has been clearly stated. Are there any loopholes?

  When Chen Qi appeared in Yuri Harbor near San Francisco, he was shocked by the huge second-hand trading market in front of him.

  He originally thought that this market was like a domestic vegetable market, with a few business rooms, a few warehouses, and then a group of boring shopkeepers gathered in twos and threes to eat sunflower seeds.

  As a result, the second-hand market in Port Yuri can only be described as huge.

  Let’s put it this way, Chen Qi drove a car around the entire market trading area, the car was always driving, and was always in the market.

  There are general store areas, automobile areas, household appliances areas, electronic product areas, furniture areas, clothing areas, and even agricultural product areas, which shows the huge scale.

   Originally, Chen Qi was planning to go straight to the second-hand medical equipment area, just to go through the motions and make a quick decision.

   Now that the market is so bustling, with cars coming and going, and people buzzing, he became interested for a while and was ready to take a stroll.

  For example, in the second-hand car market, there are dozens or even hundreds of second-hand cars parked in the open space in front of every shop.

   After Chen Qi got out of the car, he checked among various models of cars by himself, touching this one and looking at that one.

  In fact, whether these are sedans or off-road vehicles, for Chen Qi from 2022, they can only be described as backward, and the models are also very old.

  But reborn in the 1980s, especially since he has been in China and now lives and works in Africa, which are all backward areas, let alone those cars.

   Now seeing so many state-of-the-art cars from the 1980s, Chen Qi couldn't help itching.

  For example, the Lamborghini LMA002 in front of him, which he had seen in a magazine in his previous life.

   This was originally a military vehicle made for the U.S. military, but after failing to compete with the Hummer military vehicle, Lamborghini decided to transform it into a civilian vehicle. For this reason, it was replaced with other V8 engines and maintained the front four-wheel drive form.

   It is definitely a tough guy car, and it can adapt to a variety of complex terrains.

  Chen Qi thought to himself, driving such a cool car out in a ghostly place like Africa is absolutely awesome, and it is also practical. In case of any emergency, you can use this "quasi-military car" to hit the opponent.

   A heavy machine gun is installed on the roof, and it is a proper military vehicle.

  In addition, there are many popular pickup trucks in the used car market, ranging from Ford to Dodge, and even Japanese pickup trucks. It is simply a paradise for used car fans.

  It's a pity that Chen Qi doesn't know which cars are valuable for collection. Otherwise, if he picks and chooses now, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

   While Chen Qi was looking around, a salesman came over and asked politely:

   "Sir, what can I do for you."

  Chen Qi thought of a logistics problem, so he asked:

   "Hello, I'm a foreigner and I'm here for a meeting in China. If I want to buy these second-hand cars, is there any way to transport them to China?"

   It is estimated that this is not the first time that sales have encountered this kind of problem, so they answered with a smile:

"Don't worry, sir, we are a port here. If you really want to buy a car, you can find an agency company at that time, and then resell it in the name of scrap, and ship it to the address you need by sea, but you will have to pay a lot of taxes. fee, and..."

  The salesman obviously wanted to facilitate the deal, so he whispered:

   "In addition, there are some companies in Yuri Port. They can help you avoid these taxes and fees, but they also charge a certain fee. They can also help you deliver what you need to any corner of the world."

  Chen Qi understood in seconds, isn’t this just smuggling, secretly packing cars into containers, as long as the customs inspectors are his own people, they can smuggle away anything.

  It is said that it is the company, I am afraid that more people involved in the underworld are doing this kind of thing.

  Chen Qi asked curiously again:

  "If I want to buy more second-hand cars, or other second-hand products, the quantity is large and it is impossible to purchase in one day, how should I do it?"

"That's also very simple, sir, you just need to rent a warehouse in the warehouse area over there, and then store the purchased materials in there every day, and then transfer them at one time after you purchase, and the warehouse can be used daily Rented, very convenient."

  It’s no loss that it is an old capitalist country, with considerate service and everything you can think of.

   This daily rented warehouse is tailor-made for Chen Qi, because the warehouse area is full of densely packed, large and small warehouses.

  Chen Qi looked over, there were at least a few hundred of them, and there were cars coming and going in the warehouse area, it seemed that the business was very busy.

   This gave Chen Qi the opportunity to cheat by cheating, put all the materials to be purchased into the warehouse, and then secretly put them into the space, and finally returned the lease.

  As for the removal of the things in the warehouse, no one will pay attention, and the lessor will not care, anyway, as long as you rent a lot.

   This time Chen Qi enjoyed the game, thinking that this salesman has a good attitude, and he deserves to make a small fortune today.

"Well, then I want to buy more cars in your store, such as pickup trucks, this Lamborghini off-road vehicle, and other classic cars. Please recommend them to me, but the quality must be good. In addition, I need to be able to buy Models with accessories, not unpopular cars.”

   Sales eyes lit up:

   "Really? Sir, how many cars do you need to buy? Don't worry, I will definitely recommend the best quality car in the store to you, and I can even apply for the biggest discount with the manager."

  Chen Qi doesn't understand cars, what kind of engineering knowledge do you expect a medical student to know?

  He bought the car purely for transportation, and the price of another second-hand car in a bad country is too cheap.

  For example, the most famous "farmer's car" Ford Raptor, which is probably new, only costs $1,200.

  Chen Qi's favorite Lamborghini LMA002, because the sales of new cars are not good, so second-hand cars are cheaper, and Chen Qi only needs 2,500 US dollars.

   The most expensive is the Mercedes-Benz W126, which is a classic S model from the early 1980s. It is almost new and costs $10,000.

   In this way, Chen Qi bought 20 second-hand cars of various models, from trucks to cars, from low-end to high-end, and only spent more than 50,000 US dollars, one flying knife.

  For Chen Qi, this business is simply too cost-effective, so whether he is in Africa or back to China, the car problem will be solved.

  Some people will say, how can you drive a smuggled car in China? How can I get on the road?

  Ahem, this is really too little understanding of the domestic auto market in the 1980s and 1990s, these are not problems at all.

   As for Africa, what license plate do you need? What is the vehicle tax? If you have a car, you are the uncle, and you can drive it as you like.

  The happiest thing is that the second car was sold, and I definitely earned a lot of rebates today.

   You must know that in 1987, the per capita income in the country was only over 10,000. In addition, the second-hand car market was originally dominated by the poor, and the turnover of more than 50,000 US dollars in one go was definitely a big deal.

  Finally, with a wave of his hand, the manager sent a lot of spare parts of related models in the warehouse, and happily sent them to the warehouse that Chen Qi rented.

  When the salesman sent all the cars to the warehouse, he secretly slipped a business card to Chen Qi:

   "Sir, if you need to transfer something, you can call the number on this business card. This company has the best reputation and can definitely help you deliver your things to where you want to go, and the charges are reasonable."

  Chen Qi got the business card, thinking that it really is the money ability, but he is too underestimated, he still needs a transporter?

  Come out of the second-hand car market, and Chen Qi went to the second-hand clothing area to look around again. This African black uncle is basically naked, and even the black girls don’t wear clothes, which is too unpopular.

   Of course, it’s not that black people don’t want to wear clothes. In fact, Sierra Leone doesn’t even have a textile factory except for the pharmaceutical industry.

  All the clothes are imported. T-shirts sold for $1 in foreign supermarkets may require a sheep to change in Sierra Lean.

  Chen Qi has bought a lot of second-hand clothes now, and when the time comes, he will take out a bunch of clothes and pick them at random, and he will definitely gain the greatest friendship.

   As for whether the clothes are expensive?

   Well, let’s put it this way, these clothes, trousers and shoes are sold in “bundles”, and the price of a pile ranges from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, and you can have as much as you want.

  The cheapness of the clothes is outrageous.

  Of course some people will say whether it was picked up from a dead person? It's so frustrating to wear second-hand clothes.

  Chen Qi wants to say: You don’t even have to wear clothes, no matter where they come from, as long as you can wear them, don’t be hypocritical when you have no money.

   After shopping for a long time, Chen Qi finally came to the second-hand medical equipment market.

   You don’t even need to look at the machine, the signboard outside says various types of precision instruments, ranging from B-ultrasound machines to CT machines, in any year.

  It’s here that the price becomes expensive. The old CT 10 years ago was about 500,000 to 600,000 US dollars when it was new, and it will sell for more than 78,000 US dollars here.

  Common electrocardiogram machines, blood three-category analyzers and other mainland products are much cheaper, but they also cost from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars each.

  It can be seen that the second-hand medical equipment market is highly profitable. There is no way, this industry is too professional, and there are too few engineers who can repair and maintain these precision instruments, so the price cannot go down at all.

   Moreover, this second-hand market is mainly for foreign customers. What kind of country will come to buy second-hand goods? Of course they are poor.

  New phones can’t afford to buy old phones. Although they are still expensive, compared with those sky-high new phones, there are too many discounts on second-hand phones, so the market transactions are still very prosperous.

  Chen Qi didn't really come to buy second-hand medical equipment, he just came to pretend.

  In this market, there are at least a hundred second-hand equipment dealers. No one can find out which store he went to buy and what he bought.

  So Chen Qi just wandered around for a long time, looking at this store, walking around that store, and finally took a lot of materials and promotional papers, and patted his **** to avoid people.

   The task is considered complete.

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