MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 468 The instrument can not be given for free

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  Chapter 468 The instrument can’t be given for free

   Seeing Dean Guo looking around guiltily, Chen Qi waved his hands indifferently:

   "Don't, don't, I have a good reason for coming back this time. Isn't it that I went to the United States to hold an international surgical conference some time ago, so when I returned to Africa, I came back to celebrate the new year."

   "Okay, I'll come back when I come back. If someone really finds out, you can say that I asked you to come back, and leave after a year. I will take care of anything."

  President Guo, who is a leader, has relatively developed brain cells, and is already thinking about Chen Qi's retreat and explanation for his "private" return to China.

  Chen Qi smiled.

   "Old Comrade Guo, I haven't finished my words yet. When I come back this time, it's not just as simple as celebrating the new year. I also brought back a lot of good things. Do you want a medical refrigerator?"

   "Medical refrigerator? A medical refrigerator like the one in your wife's lab? It's a good thing, of course."

   "Then do you need a B-ultrasound machine? Or color Doppler ultrasound detection technology."

  Old Guo’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t stop saying:

   "Yes, yes, I've heard of this thing, it's much clearer than black and white B-ultrasound, but it's too expensive, I can't afford it."

  Chen Qi didn't stop: "Do you want a CT machine?"


  Dean Guo stopped and stared at Chen Qi viciously:

   "You are not kidding me, are you? Be careful I will kill you."

  Chen Qi was very relaxed. Seeing the surprised and terrified expression on the little old man's face, he laughed out loud. He said all this just to see his expression.

   "Hahaha, Comrade Guo, just say whether you want it or not. If you want it, I'll give you one. You can play with it~~~"

  Dean Guo gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Yes, why not, you dare to ask for it if you give it to me. Damn, I want a CT machine in my dreams. With this thing, I can raise the technical level of our Yuezhong People's Hospital to another level. No, it is two A grade, can become the boss in the whole province and even the prefecture-level cities in the whole country."

  Suddenly, the old man came to his senses, a little discouraged:

"But this thing is too expensive. A machine costs 50,000 to 600,000 U.S. dollars. You have to buy special supporting equipment and materials from abroad, and you need to pay for the deployment of engineers. It is impossible to get it without 800,000 U.S. dollars. I can only think about it."

"Okay, okay, don't cry poorly, this time I got more than 10 CT machines in Meiguo, and shipped them all back to China. As for other color Doppler ultrasound machines, X-ray machines, electrocardiogram machines, biochemical analyzers, blood three-classifiers There are more, how about I give you some at that time?"

  Chen Qi said it casually, but Dean Guo knew that Chen Qi would never lie, he said there must be.

   But at the same time, his heart was like a raging wave, and his adrenaline soared instantly.

   "Chen Qi, do you really have more than 10 CT machines?"

  Chen Qi thought to himself, in fact, he now has more than 20 CT machines and even MRI machines in his hand. It’s not that UCSF Medical Center can’t get these machines out yet.

   In addition, he also has the most advanced bedside CT machine from later generations, a treasure house.

  Chen Qi also lowered his voice and gave an affirmative answer:

"There are so many CT machines, but they are all second-hand. I bought them from the Mayo Clinic and the second-hand market. Although they are second-hand, they can be used normally, and they are no worse than the CT machine caused by the Provincial First Hospital. "

   "How many people still know about this?"

   "Uh, only you know now, what's the matter?"

  President Guo quickly calculated in his mind, and then stretched out two fingers: "The People's Hospital needs 2 CTs."

  Before Chen Qi could answer, Dean Guo made a silent motion and continued:

"If you really have 10 CTs and they really appear in China, it will definitely cause a sensation in the national health system. At that time, leaders at all levels will come to ask you to get the machine, will you give it? I am afraid that our hospitals in the Vietnam-China health system You can’t keep so many CTs.”

   Chen Qi can understand this, good guy, how many CTs did Huaguo have in the 1980s?

   Haidong, a province with a large population, only has one CT machine.

  CT machines were imported in large quantities, and it was not until the late 1990s that the "medical marketization" began. At that time, in order to make money and attract customers, hospitals borrowed money from banks to buy CT machines.

  In the 1980s, it was a mistake to have an X-ray machine in a city and county-level primary hospital. Do you want a CT machine? Beware of being scolded **** by the leader.

   If it is reported that there are 10 CT machines in "Yuezhong City" alone, it won't detonate the whole country, and be envied and hated by others. Is Yuezhong going to go against the sky?

  This is also the reason why Dean Guo said that if Chen Qi really took out 10 CTs, Yuezhong would not be able to keep them.

  Dean Guo then continued:

"So you must not give away CT machines for free. Everyone wants to grab free things, and those who can't get them will feel resentful. This is not good for you. So you have to charge money, and of course you can't charge too much. It's a pity that there are too many people who can't afford such good things."

  Chen Qi then asked: "Then how many ones should I accept?"

  Dean Guo asked back: "How much did you spend to get a CT in the country? Besides, how much is the tax when you come in through the customs?"

   Chen Qi is a little embarrassed:

   "This, this, if you have to count the money, I spent a total of 50,000 US dollars to move the second-hand equipment in two warehouses. As for the customs, well, this, this, I took an unusual path."

   Haidong is a coastal province, including the nearby Hujian Province, Dongguang Province, and Nanhai Province. The long coastline has always been dependent on the sea.

  In the 1980s and 1990s, ahem, basically no tax was paid, and the logistics was faster, the ship would be transported away when it arrived, and the materials would disappear quickly.

  So when Chen Qi said that he did not take an unusual path, Dean Guo knew what kind of path it was in seconds. This is not the key.

  The key is that the second-hand medical equipment in the two warehouses is only 50,000 US dollars?

  Dean Guo thinks he should go to the country to pick up foreign trash? Maybe they can also pick up medical equipment for the country that can equip hospitals across the country.

"50,000 U.S. dollars, **** it, you're such a mess, but I don't care how much you got it, anyway, our People's Hospital will give you 200,000 yuan, and the current dollar exchange rate is 1:4, which is 50,000 One dollar, remember, that’s the price!”

  Chen Qi swallowed his saliva, "If I take money, this, will this be reported again?"

"Report? Whoever dares to report you will not sell it and go back to your Africa. Those who report will be scolded to death by the whole province and even the national health system. Your second-hand set of equipment only costs 10% of the original price. It's less than one-tenth, so it's a good thing to take advantage of?

At that time, if you take a few more color ultrasound machines, I am afraid that everyone will rush to break their heads. The superiors will definitely know, but the superiors will definitely turn a blind eye to such a good thing that is beneficial to our country, or even turn a blind eye to it. It will also encourage you to get more cheap foreign garbage, believe it or not? "

  Take out 10 CTs, that is 2 million RMB, a huge profit.

  Thinking about those major domestic hospitals that are waiting for food and urgently need high-tech medical equipment, this is really a timely rain. Compared with imported equipment, 2 million yuan is simply a drizzle.

   In addition, there are other medical equipment. Even if they don’t sell them, they give them away for free. Chen Qi not only earns a lot of money, but also earns a lot of favors.

   Thinking of so much money, Chen Qi was so happy from ear to ear:

   "Haha, then listen to your godfather, do you want to give you a kickback for the dean?"

  Dean Guo said disdainfully: "If you dare to give kickbacks, I will take them. If you are capable, you can get me a Crown car, and see if I dare to take it?"

In the 1980s, in the eyes of ordinary people in the south, luxury cars were not Mercedes-Benz BMWs, but "Crown cars" or "Lexus cars". Who can drive this car, a proper symbol of identity and status, so arrogant that they have no friends .

   Now it's Chen Qi's turn to look at him with disdain:

   "That's what you said. If I dare to give you a crown, you dare to take it. Let's go to the parking lot. Today I really gave you a crown!"

  Dean Guo asked for CT for the benefit of the hospital. Dean Guo was justified and his throat was loud, but now when he heard that Chen Qi was going to give him a car, Dean Guo was scared instantly.

  If someone said to give it away, Guo Yuanhang would not believe it even if he was beaten to death, but Chen Qi was so evil that he was really scared.

   Sure enough, when Chen Qi took Dean Guo to the backyard, there was already a large group of employees surrounding him.

   "This is the talking Crown car?..."

   "Wow, this is a luxury car, this is a real car, look at the lines, look at the headlights..."

   "Be careful not to break it, we can't afford it..."

   "What kind of big shot came to our hospital? He actually drove two Crowns? Be darling..."

  People around were discussing, Chen Qi had already squeezed over with Dean Guo, and when passing by the crowd, he even asked a little doctor to invite Director Zhu Huoyan.

  Dean Guo stared at the two Crown cars in front of him, his eyes really fell off the ground, and his hands shook a little:

   "Chen Chenqi, what's going on with this car?"

  Chen Qi said calmly and deliberately in front of everyone:

"Didn't we do a project called "Genetic Testing Applied in the Diagnosis of Children's Lung Cancer"? We also received a sponsorship fee from a foreign company before. I went to Germany this time and gave a speech on this topic at the World Congress of Surgery. .

Later, foreign businessmen thought our project was very good and made a huge contribution to the promotion of medical research, and then sponsored us an extra sum of money. Of course, the money was not much, and then I bought 4 second-hand Crown cars for our research team. Each person in charge of the company has a car.

   How is it, is Gao happy? Let me tell you, Comrade Guo, ah, it just so happens that Teacher Zhu is here too. This car is not given to you by someone, but deducted from your labor fee. Japanese cars in Japan are worthless, and a second-hand Crown is only worth it. 5,000 US dollars, I will make my own decision, you can say whether you will accept it or not. "

  Dean Guo and Zhu Huoyan who just arrived know Chen Qi's character very well.

   There is no problem with sponsorship, but I am afraid that this sponsorship fee is for Chen Qi personally.

   As a result, the child bought a large amount of second-hand medical equipment for the country, and bought second-hand cars for several teachers, all of which must have been paid out of his own pocket.

   Such a good boy, I really can't find him with a lantern.

   In front of so many people, they deliberately said that it was their own labor fee, just to explain clearly the source of the car purchase funds, so that these old guys can have the confidence to drive this luxury car, and no one can question anything.

  Who doesn't know that Chen Qi is the "Million Chen" of the health system?

  Who doesn't know his ability to make money? The national health system is said to be second, and no one dares to say first?

  While Dean Guo and Director Zhu were still in a daze, Chen Qi was already booing with the young doctors onlookers:

   "Come on, comrades, shall we let Dean Guo and Director Zhu get in the car for a walk? After the walk, take us for a ride?"

  There is no fool who can be a doctor, and the dean and director must be praised, so they all followed suit:

   "Dean, Director Zhu, take us out for a drive..."

   "Crown, when I get married next month, can you borrow me to pick up a bride, it will save face..."

   "Why does this seat look like real leather? What a **** luxury..."

   Facing the earnest eyes of the employees and the encouraging gaze of Chen Qi, Dean Guo and Director Zhu both went all out and got into the car one after another.

   They both knew how to drive. In fact, most of the small leaders these days can drive. After all, there is a shortage of drivers, and sometimes they need to play in person.

  President Guo laughed loudly: "Okay, since I bought it with my labor fee, I will drive around!"

  Director Zhu usually doesn’t talk much, but now he’s smiling all the time. A man who doesn’t talk much is a man, and there’s no man who doesn’t love cars. The crown these days is even better than giving you a Mercedes-Benz S600 later.

   "Come on, get in the car, let's go for a drive and try the devil's car."

  For a while, the People's Hospital was a sensation. Many doctors, patients, and family members sat at the window to see what kind of luxury car only foreign businessmen and super rich could afford.

   After leaving the People's Hospital, two Crown vehicles drove around Jiefang Road, which is the busiest street in the city, and the return rate is definitely a 100% thing.

  Finally got off the car, Dean Guo touched the smooth, clean Crown car, full of emotion:

"Hey, this car is really exciting to drive. It is much better than our 212 jeep. Chen Qi, thank you. I have been a crown car in my life. I guess I am also the number one in the national health system. A dean in a Crown car."

  Zhu Huoyan also joked: "And I, the first department director in the national health system to receive a crown."


  Chen Qi is also high-spirited. If he is rich, he is not rich. His relatives and friends around him will get rich together and live a better and better life together. This is what he wants to see.

   There is nothing wrong with enjoying, and there is nothing wrong with making money reasonably, legally and reasonably.

   Only doctors who love themselves and their families can love patients and strangers.

  Those who are ruthless to themselves, their parents, wives and children are sick, and even critically ill have no time to visit, why are they so focused on work. Such a ruthless person, do you expect him to love you?

Do not make jokes.

   It took a long time for Chen Qi to know that Dean Guo "lend" his Crown car to the city, and used it as a car for official reception of foreign guests.

   Director Zhu's Crown car has become a public car for the entire People's Hospital. Employees can apply to use it if they want to marry a wife or husband, as long as they pay for it and fill up the gas.

  From beginning to end, neither of them used the car privately.

  Chen Qi is "ignorant", they don't dare to be ignorant, some level of cars are not for them to drive...

  (end of this chapter)

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