MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 485 There are babies in foreign trash

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  Chapter 485 There are treasures in the foreign garbage

  Chen Qi didn't give up, got out of the car and asked around, but the pedestrians who came and went couldn't understand English.

   It was hard to find an intellectual-looking uncle Hei. After talking with him, I learned that in Sierra Lean, only the offices of high-ranking officials such as the General T’s Office have air-conditioning.

   It’s not that the common rich can’t afford it, but that the power requirements for air conditioners are too high for ordinary circuits to bear.

  In this hellish place where electricity is not guaranteed, and there will be a power outage for 4 days a week, the air conditioners you buy are just decorations, which is why Chen Qi has searched the entire city of Freetown and has not seen air conditioners for sale.

   Of course, you can buy it if you insist. Go to the largest department store and wait slowly after paying the deposit.

  Waiting for imported air conditioners, it will never be possible to install them in your home within half a year.

   Half a year later, I am afraid that the grass on the grave of Commander Teodoro will be 2 meters high.

  Chen Qi couldn't find the air conditioner, and Chen Qi was a little worried. The money was collected, and the bullshit, if the patient died of infection, it would be unreasonable to handle this matter.

  And the other party's status is special, maybe it will affect the two diplomacy, then no matter how much credit he has, Chen Qi will be strangled to death by the Ministry.

  Chen Qi parked next to a fruit stall. Because this poor country is located in the tropics, there are a lot of fruit varieties.

   I don’t know how this country with a suitable climate and fertile land can turn into a situation where even the problem of food and clothing cannot be solved, and everything needs foreign support.

  Chen Qi squatted down, saw that the street vendor was a smiling Aunt Hei and felt good about it, thinking that it was the Aunt Hei's luck to meet him today.

  Then the two of them gesticulated for a long time, and Chen Qi packed all the fruits in the booth, such as mango, watermelon, butter fire, thorn melon, achi fruit, etc., anyway, they are all fruits that cannot be seen in China.

  Because these fruits are naturally ripe, the taste is very sweet.

  Chen Qi buys a lot every time he goes to the street, and then loads them into the car and takes them home for his colleagues to eat, which is very popular with everyone.

  Finally, with the help of several black people, the huge space of this Lamborghini LMA002 was almost filled, and it only cost more than 20 dollars.

   It can be said to be the price of cabbage. At this price, Chen Qi estimated that he should have been slaughtered, and it would definitely be cheaper to replace it with a local.

   Still on the hillside by the sea, Chen Qi faced the sea, sitting on the grass and gnawing on the horned melon, splashing the juice.

  The horned melon is also called African horned melon, Martian fruit, and sea cucumber fruit. It is a local specialty. It is yellow in appearance, like a fat sea cucumber or a fried hairball.

  The pulp is gelatinous. It tastes like a mixture of cucumber+lemon+banana. It is fresh and refreshing with full water content. It is an important source of vitamins and water for local people.

  Chen Qi thought that this fruit was delicious and cheap, so he should buy more and bring it back to China to let his family try it out.



  Chen Qi suddenly thought of something.

  Speaking of the space, when he brought back a pile of "foreign garbage" from the Mayo Clinic, there were not only all kinds of medical equipment in it, but also all kinds of obsolete office supplies, home appliances and furniture from Mayo Clinic.

  For the convenience of cleaning, people directly packed them from the two warehouses together, and they didn't pick and choose at all.

  Chen Qi didn't clean up this huge pile of rubbish. Perhaps there is an unexpected surprise in it?

  Chen Qi stood up, looked around from a distance, and after confirming that there was no one within a few kilometers, he quickly flashed into the space.

  By the time he came out, there were already two window air conditioners on the ground, second-hand.

   Window air conditioner know wow?

  In later generations, this thing is neither seen nor bought in Huaguo. The home appliance stores either have cabinet-type air conditioners or wall-mounted air conditioners.

  The so-called window air conditioner, as the name suggests, is a small air conditioner that can be installed on the window.

  Among household or office air conditioners, window air conditioners are the earliest models, which have the advantages of simple structure, low production cost, cheap price, convenient installation and reliable operation.

  It still maintains a high market share in North America, Latin America, Australia, the Middle East and Hong Kong.

  When many people watch Hong Kong movies, they pay a little attention to the fact that the air conditioners in homes in ordinary cities are almost all window-type air conditioners, because there are too many old houses in Hong Kong, and the floor space is too small, so there is no place for an external air conditioner.

   Even in the wild, you can’t try whether the machine still has cooling effect.

  At the time, Mayo’s logistics manager, Terplow, once said that all the machines in the warehouse were in normal use, but they were a little old.

  Old home appliances and old equipment that are really unusable will not be put into storage at all, and have long been taken away by garbage removal companies.

  But it is unknown whether second-hand things, especially machines that have been dusted in the warehouse for a long time, can be used. Thinking of this, Chen Qi didn't have the heart to be lazy. He got in the car and ran to the hospital quickly.

  As soon as the car arrived at the hospital, Chen Qi honked the horn and shouted to his colleagues:

   "Hurry up, everyone come down to carry fruit, I bought a lot of fruit for you, eat it while it's fresh."

  The doctors and nurses who were not at work were overjoyed when they heard it, and they all rushed up, lifting, carrying, and stealing food together.

  Yi Zewen and Zhang Xing ran out slowly, obviously more concerned about whether the legendary air conditioner was bought:

   "Dean Chen, have you bought the air conditioner? What does it look like?"

  Chen Qi pointed to the two old machines on the roof of the car: "Nao, these are the two. I didn't buy a new one, so I just got two second-hand phones. Hurry up and unload them."

  As soon as they heard that there was an air conditioner, many young doctors rushed over. Wherever there is excitement, Mao Mingming is indispensable.

   Mao Mingming turned around twice, and asked in disbelief:

   "Boss Chen, only these two machines can blow out air-conditioning? Where do you put these ice cubes?"

  Chen Qi is angry and funny:

"Idiot, this air conditioner works with a compressor. Using ice cubes is a local method in our country. Hurry up and move the machine to me. I will install it now. Commander Teodoro's illness can't wait. "

  As soon as the patient was in urgent need, everyone took it seriously, so they stepped forward and carried the machine to the "temporary sterile ward".

  Chen Qi walked around, and found that the "sterile ward" was clean, and the surrounding area was sealed with plastic film, and the ultraviolet light inside was being disinfected all the time.

  Two logistics staff also came, bringing a full set of working tools.

  Although Chen Qi has never used a "window air conditioner", he knows how to install it after watching too many Hong Kong movies. It is so simple that no professional installer is needed.

"Old Zhang, measure the size and open an opening in the window. The air conditioner can just fit in, and then seal the window without leaving any gaps. Xiao Han, try to build a shelf and put the air conditioner's **** Hold on tight, don't fall off."

   The two logisticians saw that the work was simple, and they immediately pulled out the wood and started to build it.

   It took more than an hour to wait for the air conditioner to be installed.

  Now everyone in the entire camp knows that Dean Chen has brought in two air conditioners, and everyone is full of curiosity, wanting to experience the coolness of being able to blow cold wind on a hot day.

  So the crowd is three layers inside and surrounded by three layers outside.

  After the logistics staff pulled the wire over, Qi Yunming couldn't wait to turn on the switch.

  At this time, the room was full of people watching the excitement. You must know that this sterile ward is sealed and airtight, and everyone is sweating.

  As soon as the air conditioner is powered on, the compressor immediately starts to run, and the sound is quite loud.

  No way, this is a second-hand mobile phone, coupled with the resonance of the window and the wall, it is no wonder that the sound is not small.

   After a while, an unpleasant smell rushed out, and Qi Yunming and Chen Qi, who were sticking their faces to the air outlet, were covered in ashes. They were about to scold their mothers when they immediately felt a gust of cool wind blowing.

  Chen Qi had enjoyed air-conditioning in his previous life. Knowing that it was air-conditioning, he felt at ease, as long as the machine is not broken.

   But Qi Yunming has never tasted the taste of air conditioning. When the cold wind blows, the pores shrink, and more than half of the sweat all over his body immediately dissipates, and his whole body feels indescribably comfortable.

   "Ah, cool, cool, cool! This air conditioner is really a good thing, it's chilly, oh, it's so **** comfortable."

  The cold wind blew past Chen Qi and Qi Yunming, and onto Hu Shixing and other senior doctors, making these middle-aged doctors feel so comfortable that they wanted to groan.

  The old grandson of traditional Chinese medicine shook his head and commented:

   "This cold wind belongs to wind-cold pathogenic energy. The pathogenic wind-dampness invades the limb joints and overflows in the muscles, so that it cannot be left behind. Qi and blood are blocked, so it cannot be blown for a long time."

  Director Hu glanced at Dr. Sun with contempt:

   "Old grandson, you said that you would get sick when you just blew it, roll it, you go outside to bask in the sun, so that you can live a long and warm life."

  Medical Doctor Sun closed his eyes: "I won't leave, I'm also afraid of heat."

  Hahaha, several people all laughed, and then squeezed forward one after another, wanting to catch more cool breeze.

  The leader and the old doctors were caught in the cold wind, and the young doctors in the back quit.

  The air conditioner is slow to cool down the whole room. In addition, there are at least a dozen people in the room. The heat from the breath is mixed with the sweat from the body, and the people behind can't feel the cool breeze at all.

   Then they all stopped working. They were the main force of the work just now, and now they have no part to use the air conditioner?

   "Hey, Qi Chu, it's good if you blow it over, let us feel it too..."

   "That's right, Dean Chen, you who often go abroad have never seen an air conditioner, so don't block it..."

   "Miraculous doctor Sun, be careful that you become facial paralyzed, get out of the way quickly, let us suffer this kind of pain..."

  The people in front are still enjoying it, how can they give in? The people behind squeezed forward desperately for a bit of cool breeze. Not only did the temperature in the room not drop, but it became hotter and hotter.

  Suddenly there was a bang, the air conditioner stopped working, and everyone in the room was shocked.

  Qi Yunming took a few shots like a TV, and asked strangely, "Why didn't it move? Is it broken?"

  Chen Qi was also tense, thinking that this second-hand product is a second-hand product, no wonder it was replaced, and now the commander-in-chief's illness will be troublesome.

  The other doctors were obviously even more disappointed. After working for a long time, they didn't get a cool breeze, but covered themselves in sweat. What a broken air conditioner.

   Outside the house, Lao Zhang was shouting: "Chief Qi, Dean Chen, it's not that the machine is broken, it's a trip. The power of the air conditioner is probably too high, and the current electricity cannot bear it."

   "Fuck, what kind of electricity is this..."

   "This **** country doesn't even have enough electricity..."

   "Isn't this watching the air conditioner heat up to death..."

  People in the room complained one after another. It happened that Chief Laodo came to visit his son and heard that the Friendship Hospital was building a new "sterile ward" for his son. He was so moved.

  Then came in a hurry, saw the crowd on the third floor and the third floor, thought something happened, and squeezed in desperately.

  When I went in, I saw the air conditioner, and my eyes were brightened. I thought that Dr. Hua Guochen is really an honest person, and he really does things when he gives money.

  The old man is familiar with air conditioners, he is a big chief and landowner, and his home is also equipped with air conditioners.

  So he waved his hand: "Dean Chen, the line is on my shoulders. I will immediately ask the power company to install a new line."

  With the help of the money ability, a new wire was pulled in that afternoon.

   And the chief also worked hard for his son, and at the same time brought a high-power diesel generator, which can be used as a backup in an emergency.

  The power problem was solved, and the commander-in-chief of the roast duck was admitted to the "sterile ward" that evening.

  Chen Qi claimed to take care of patients nearby, so an air conditioner was installed in a room not far from the sterile ward, and it was planned to be used as a "doctor's duty room". In fact, it was Chen Qi's dormitory.

  That night, after Chen Qi took a shower, wearing a pair of trousers, when he walked into the cool air-conditioned room, he felt like a fairy.

  He took out another bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator, lay on the bed and listened to music while drinking the Coke, swinging his legs up and down.

   All I need is a mobile phone and a girlfriend, otherwise life would be perfect.

  At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Qi had a bad feeling. He opened the door, and it was indeed Deputy Director Qi Yunming standing at the door with a smile.

   "Well, Xiao Chen, let you be on duty alone. I, the team leader, feel sorry for it. So, I will accompany you on the night shift tonight."

  Chen Qi curled his lips, probably because he came to use the air conditioner?

   "Hey, the leader is on the night shift in person, welcome, welcome, just in time, I have Coke, how about some?"

  As soon as Qi Yunming walked into the room, his whole body felt extremely refreshed from inside to outside, from top to bottom, from front to back.

   "Be a man, it's you Chen Qi, come on, give me two cans of iced Coke."

   Just as the two were about to sit down and chat, the knock on the door sounded again:

   "Dong dong dong, Dean Chen, you should go to rest tonight, let us young people be on duty."

  As soon as Chen Qi opened the door, he saw Yi Zewen, Zhang Xing, Ruan Jifeng and a group of young doctors standing outside the door, and sneered:

   "Fart less, I'm a few years younger than you, whoever is a young man, if you want to use the air conditioner, just say it."

  A few young doctors outside the room rubbed their hands embarrassedly: "Hey, it's too hot to sleep, why don't you sit and chat together."

   "Come in, the air-conditioning has escaped."

   "Wow, so comfortable~~~"

   "The person who invented the air conditioner is really a genius, he is the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva~~~"

   "I really envy the life of the rich, this air conditioner is so **** cool~~~"

  Chen Qi felt helpless seeing the crowd, knowing that he must not be able to sleep well tonight, so he took out a deck of poker and played with everyone.

   After a while, there was another knock on the door. Chen Qi opened the door and saw that there were lesbians outside.

   Mao Mingming took the lead and said loudly:

"Dean Chen, we are here to criticize you. You old men are hiding in air-conditioned rooms to enjoy themselves, while we weak lesbians are suffering in the scorching heat. You are too unmannered and selfish. We Dissatisfied!"

   "Yes, not convinced!!"

   "Dean Chen, you have confidence!!"

   "We want an air-conditioned room too!!"

  More than a dozen women called out, like hundreds of ducks, chirping and quacking~~~

  Chen Qi has grown up, knowing that women cannot be offended, so he quickly explained:

   "Well, this is the duty room, see? It is clearly written on the signboard, this is work, not enjoyment, you can't mess with people!"

   Mao Mingming put his hands on his waist:

"Men's mouth, deceiving ghost, Dean Chen, do you think we are three-year-olds? Our hospital is on night shift, when is the doctor on duty? Aren't all our nurses staying up late to take care of patients? You just say Will you let it go?"

  Chen Qi was at a loss for words, because the inpatient department of the hospital was on a night shift, and the doctors did sleep in the duty room.

  Only the nurses sit at the nursing station, and then their eyes widen to deal with emergencies at any time. Some first-level nurses have to check their vital signs every 2 hours, which is very hard.

  Chen Qi looked back at the many doctors in the room, and could only shrug his shoulders:

   "Comrades, it seems that we have been revolutionized by lesbians, let's go, let's come out."

  Finally, the male doctors walked out of the air-conditioned room cursing, and the female compatriots happily occupied the cold room, shouting excitedly.

  Chen Qi returned to his dormitory, a ceiling fan was dangling feebly, and his heart was full of helplessness.

  (end of this chapter)

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