MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 493 rat eats man and man eats rat

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  Chapter 493 Rats eat humans and humans eat rats

   When the sun is burning,

  Chen Qi was digging the soil with shovel after shovel at the bottom of the pit, and the little doctors around him who were wielding hoes were also covered in mud all over their bodies, looking like mud monkeys.

  Sweat flows down from the head and body, washing out "sweat roads" on the soil on the body surface, and there is the sound of breathing like a bellows.

  Chen Qi lifted up a box of soil vigorously, and Wang Jiliang hurriedly followed up on it, and then went out to pour the soil.

   "Oh my god, the sun is too poisonous, water, give me a kettle."

  The people above the mud pit hurriedly handed over a military jug, and Chen Qi opened the lid and drank freely, which made the little doctors at the bottom of the pit swallow their mouths.

  Chen Qi was almost drunk, hiccupped, looked at several subordinates and said apologetically:

   "If you want to drink water, find your own kettle. Forget about mine. I've drank it for you, and you've drank it for him. We're contributing to infectious diseases."

  Shen Baolian dropped the **** and sat at the bottom of the pit, not wanting to move anymore:

   "Dean Chen, this is so unfair, we are working hard, look at these victims, each of them would rather sleep and catch lice than come to help, what are we trying to do?"

  Chen Qi and the others dug this hole to make a septic tank.

  Because the sanitation conditions in the entire refugee camp are particularly poor, for example, these black people defecate at will, and it is easy to step on feces if they are not careful while walking on the road.

   This is no longer a question of nausea or not, but that the hygienic conditions are too bad, which will provide the best conditions for the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and plagues.

  Hunger can kill people, thirst can kill people, but the dead people are all one by one.

  If there is a plague, there will be a lot of dead people in this refugee camp, which is worse than harvesting wheat.

  So Chen Qi’s idea is to build a septic tank around the camp, and the victims’ defecation should be collected together. In addition, all garbage should be treated centrally and buried deep.

  In addition, corpses can no longer be thrown on the "Jingguan", and even the Jingguan must find a way to burn it. Once the corpse plague occurs, it is not a joke.

   But the idea is good, but it is too difficult to implement it.

  Chen Qi’s idea is that these disaster victims are idle anyway. Although most of the women, children, and elderly people have lost their labor force, there are always some young and middle-aged black people who are relatively strong.

  Anyway, on the second day Chen Qi came to the camp, he saw several fights over food.

  If you have the strength to fight, you must also have the strength to dig holes, right?

   As a result, good guy, the tweeter yelled for a long time, calling on everyone to work together to build a clean and tidy new home and prevent the spread of diseases.

   Not a single black person came to sign up.

  They would rather lie on the ground doing nothing, or go to the camp to find some edible weeds and bark, rather than work.

   Not to mention that the victims were unwilling to sign up, not even one of the more than 200 black soldiers who managed the refugee camp signed up.

  When these soldiers heard that they were going to do physical work, their heads shook like rattles, and they lay down in the tents and could not come out.

  Chen Qi realized the evaluation of black people on the Internet in his previous life.

  One word: "lazy".

   If there were a few more words to add, it would be: "How **** lazy!"

  Chen Qi’s mentor in his previous life had experience in aiding Africa. During the chat, he said that Africa is really very suitable for growing various grains, fruits and vegetables.

  For example, Chinese people are very happy when they arrive in Africa. They grow all kinds of vegetables and fruits in the garden.

  Because the land is fertile, the temperature is suitable, and the sun is sufficient, there is no need for intensive cultivation, but the yield is quite gratifying, and the rhythm is simply endless.

   But what about Africans? They don't want to farm, so they find some wild fruits to eat when they are hungry, or they simply wait for relief.

   If you can't even get relief, go grab and steal.

   Farming, it is impossible to farm, and you will never know how to farm in your life.

  Even the hardest-working black Africans just scatter the seeds in the land. As for how much they can harvest, it depends on God’s will. It is impossible for them to plow the land, weed, and catch insects.

  At that time, the doctor's expression of sorrow and anger towards Africans was deeply etched in Chen Qi's memory.

  It turned out that after he came to Africa, he had a good impression of Vivian and these hard-working blacks, and his impression changed.

   As a result, when I arrived at the Makeni refugee camp, I found out that what my previous teacher said was true, and there was nothing wrong with it.

  As long as these Africans are a little more aggressive and willing to help Huaguo doctors dig holes and channels, Chen Qi will not treat them badly at all.

   At worst, take some food from the space, set up a porridge factory, and give these black people who are willing to work as coolies a sip of porridge, so that they will not starve to death.

   As a result, no one came.

  Chen Qi himself is a scholar, and the 40 young male doctors he brought are also a group of scholars.

  If you expect such a group of frail scholars to dig deep pits and ditches, you will know that this task is too difficult.

  Besides, this refugee camp has a population of 20,000. Even if there are 200 people in a "latrine", at least 100 are needed, and 41 doctors are required to dig it?

  This is really an international joke.

  Chen Qi dug at the bottom of the pit for a long time, and couldn't take it anymore, so he crawled out from the bottom of the pit, ran to the tent and lay down on the ground, unable to recover for a long time.

   At this time, his lips were dry and cracked, and the thing he wanted to do the most was to hide in the space, drink a can of iced Coke beautifully, and then burp happily.

  Luo Wei saw Chen Qi lying on the ground, so he quickly took a fan and fanned the leader, and then he seemed hesitant to speak.

  Chen Qi let out a long breath and said, "Luo Wei, just say what you want, she looks like a bitch."

  Luo Wei also went all out, summoned up his courage and said:

"President Chen, I don't think it makes sense for us to do this. The plan on the drawing requires at least a thousand people to complete it. Just 41 of us can't do it at all. Let me first declare that it's not that I am not well-educated. I, I... .”

  Chen Qi raised his head and chuckled: "What, you complained after only a few days of working?"

   "No, no, I, I'm just a little bit upset."

"If you complain, just complain. Don't talk about you. I'm not happy. Damn, who are we doing this for? Isn't it for them, the victims of the disaster? As a result, they would rather lie down than work and save themselves, just waiting for others to come save?"

  Chen Qi threw away the enamel cup in his hand, and sat up all of a sudden:

   "Luo Wei, go out and tell everyone, quit, let's build a wall around our own camp, dig a trench, and don't forget the septic tank. We can't manage others, we can only manage ourselves."

  Chen Qi originally wanted to do a big job, just like in the country, the people responded one after another when the order was issued, and then the tweeter played revolutionary songs, and everyone worked in full swing.

  Strive to transform this refugee camp into a model refugee camp, improve sanitation, and minimize deaths.

  But these black people didn’t cooperate, so they had no choice but to give up.

   To be honest, Chen Qi was a little confused all of a sudden. If he couldn't find a way to save people on a large scale, how many people could he save with these 41 doctors?

  The key point is the limitation of medicines. This is an additional task, so the medicines are only brought half a truck. How many people can be saved by these medicines?

  The cruel reality was in front of him, let Chen Qi know that he brought so many people to see it, it can only be soy sauce.

   While Chen Qi was lying on the ground thinking about the future, he heard someone outside the "temporary hospital" exclaiming and booing.

  Chen Qi had the experience of being kidnapped by the rebels, and he had a psychological shadow. Hearing the commotion outside, his heart beat quickened. This refugee camp is going to be taken by rebels again? But no gunfire was heard.

  Chen Qi hurriedly got up from the ground, quickly ran outside the tent, grabbed someone and asked:

   "What's going on, what are these black people doing? Why are they running around?"

  Because of the drought, when hundreds and thousands of people ran, the dust that was raised was like a thick fog. Inside the dust, a group of black people ran around, yelling non-stop, the scene was quite spectacular.

   "This is, what kind of traditional festival did this encounter?"

   At this time, Shen Baolian ran in from the door, and said, holding back his nausea, "These people are all catching mice."

   "Catching mice? Oh, what do you think?"

  Everyone understands that there is an absolute lack of food now, as long as there is food, it will be snatched up. Mice are meat anyway, and they are much tastier than bark.

  This African has the habit of eating roasted rats or rat sashimi, so it's not surprising.

   Seeing everyone's disapproval, Shen Baolian took a breath, and then said unbearably:

   "It's fine if it's just catching mice. Do you know that these mice are not human at all, oh no, they are not human in the first place."

  Chen Qi looked at Shen Baolian a little strangely: "What's wrong? You look so angry."

  Shen Baolian pointed to a broken tent in the distance and said:

"Just over there, did you see that broken tent? There are a lot of people around now. There were originally a family of 6 people living in it. Those who can live in a tent have some conditions. Then I don't know what happened. All 6 people died. Even the child was killed, probably because of food grabbing again."

   "Yo, how pathetic!"

"What's more pitiful is still to come. The six members of this family were killed, but they were captured by rats before they were discovered. A group of rats hid in the tent and gnawed on the family's corpses. They were finally found. Run away, look, the **** are catching rats."

  Rats eat people, and people eat mice. When thinking of this scene, many people feel disgusted again.

  Muttering in his mouth, Chen Qi couldn't help but think of the song "Sorrow for Vegetables" by Qu Dajun, a poet in the early Qing Dynasty.

  The husband and wife starve to death together every year, so it is better to go to the vegetable market as a concubine.

   If you get three thousand money, you can travel one mile with one ride.

  The texture of hibiscus is delicious, and the milk is used as wonton.

  The two arms are broken first and hung in the butcher shop, and Xu cuts the stock and holds it for soup.

   Do not order fresh meat, slices of it will fill the stomachs of hungry people.

  Men's meat is fishy and smelly, but women's skin is fat and sweaty.

   In three days, the flesh is gone and the soul is gone, where is the setting sun and the fainting sun.

  Natural women are good at cooking, and they can make their husbands live forever.

  Life buried a few people, but fortunately, Wu Yuan didn't peck it early.

  Luo Wei couldn't hear clearly from the side, so he asked one more question: "Dean Chen, what does this mean?"

  Chen Qi smiled wryly:

  “This poem describes the situation of people eating people and even selling human flesh during the famine. Look at this group of black people, and then look at this refugee camp. Is it like the end of the world? Even the rats have started to eat people.

  War is always a tool manipulated by careerists. No matter which leader is clamoring for war, especially if he invades other countries or engages in civil war, please remember that this leader must be a bad person, a sinner of history, and a scum of the country and nation.

  Because in order to satisfy their selfish desires, they have to sacrifice thousands of soldiers and the lives of ordinary people. So what if it succeeds? The success accumulated over many bones made him the emperor of all ages? Why? "

  Everyone was silent, looking at the group of black people in the distance who were desperately looking for mice in the dust, so that they could have their next meal.

   After being silent for a long time, Chen Qi let out a long sigh:

   "Let's go, there are so many rats and so many dead people. If we don't disinfect them in time, it may cause plague again. This is a Class A infectious disease, and we may not even be able to escape by then."

  Chen Qi took out the spray barrels used for spraying pesticides one by one, put on his back, and then took out piles of disinfectant powder.

  It just happened to be Wang Jiliang's turn to be in charge of logistics today:

   "Dean Chen, we don't have enough water. The drinking water is all transported from Freetown. It's too precious. If it's all used to prepare disinfectant, this, this price will be too high."

   "No water?"

  Chen Qi was a little surprised. He spent a long time lavishly using water, drinking water, and even washing his face and hair with water. Didn't that take up other people's water?

   "Why didn't you remind me when there was no water? No wonder you were reluctant to drink water when digging the pit, ah, this, this, I really didn't mean it."

  The little doctors next to him all laughed: "Isn't it right to ask the leader to use some water? We young people can overcome it."

  Chen Qi looked at these subordinates who were all dirty from head to toe, feeling unspeakable guilt in his heart:

   "Fart, in terms of age, I am only 25 years old this year. How old are you? Wang Jiliang, you are 31 years old. Shen Baolian and Luo Wei are 30 years old, right? Gao Haishi, you are younger, that is also 28 years old, who is younger than me."

  Everyone laughed lightly when they heard it.

  Chen Qi belongs to the "quasi-deputy department level". In the 1980s when the official standard was still serious, he was a very high-ranking figure.

  In the eyes of this group of young doctors, they are great leaders. After all, their dean level may not be as high as Chen Qi.

  The age of those who can become leaders is often blurred.

  Chen Qi is not afraid of running out of water, he is prepared, there are still a lot of mineral water purchased from a country in the space, and there are dozens of large water tanks.

   It was precisely because of this reason that his mind was paralyzed. He did not expect the wealth of water in this war-torn area.

   Chen Qi can guarantee everyone's drinking water,

  But if he uses mineral water to prepare disinfectant, do sanitation, and do cleaning. In this arid refugee camp, where so many people are dying of thirst, I fear being struck by lightning.

   Have to find another way.

   "By the way, do you know where the drinking water for these refugees comes from? I think there should be some well or river near here?"

  Shen Baolian was more clever, and quickly raised his hand: "I have already inquired about this. There are still several water sources nearby, but it is difficult to get water."

   "Water is fine", Chen Qi waved his hand:

   "Everyone, bring your weapons and buckets, and let's get some water too. By the way, let's see how the water source is hygienic. Maybe this is also a major source of the plague."

  A group of young doctors quickly packed up their things, took up their weapons, raised their vigilance, and walked towards the source of the water they inquired about.

  (end of this chapter)

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