MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 497 The principal welcomes the new students in person

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  Chapter 497 The principal personally greets the new students

  Principal Li stood at the reception desk for freshmen with a smile on his face.

  The principals are all here, so a large group of deans and deans from various departments have been blown out, so they hurried to the freshman reception.

  The sun was shining brightly during the daytime in September, and the sun was still very strong. After a while, these deans and professors were sweating profusely.

  Today is the first day of registration for freshmen. The principal of Haidong Medical University personally stood at the reception to welcome the freshmen, which immediately caused a sensation.

  Whether they are old classmates or young birds who have just stepped into the university campus, they all waved excitedly.

   "Hello, Principal Li~~~"

   "Wow son, this is your principal, such a big cadre is really kind~~~"

   "Daughter, you are right to come to Haidong Medical University. The principal is so approachable. This is definitely a good school for studying and educating people~~~"

   Suddenly, the small square in front of the school reception was crowded with students and parents.

  Principal Li also had a smile on his face. Whenever he greeted classmates or parents, he would nod or wave his hand in the same way, as if he was visiting privately.

   Only a robe is missing, those who don’t know think it is the principal of the Republic of China.

  The Dean of the School of Clinical Medicine, Yue Haiqing, touched the Office Director Ma Xiaoguang next to him:

   "Hey, old horse, what's going on with Principal Li today? He ran out to bask in the sun in this hot weather. I haven't seen him come to welcome freshmen in previous years."

  Ma Xiaoguang also shook his head, also full of doubts in his heart:

   "I'm also wondering, why did you suddenly come to welcome the new students? Could it be that Principal Li is going to be promoted and needs public opinion now?"

  Sun Fuyang, dean of the School of Pharmacy, had a good ear, and came over all at once:

   "Hey, what are you talking about? Principal Li is going to be promoted? Let me tell you, our school has been very popular in the past few years. Who will be promoted if Principal Li is not promoted?"

  Dai Zifeng, Director of Admissions Office, laughed after hearing this:

   "You guys, listen to the wind and rain. Others don't know, but I can't know? Principal Li is not here to show his closeness to the people today, but to pick people up."

   "Pick up someone? Pick up who? Is it worth Principal Li to pick him up in person? Old Dai, please tell me what's going on?"

  Dai Zifeng saw that the principal didn't pay attention here from a distance, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hands and said softly:

   "Does Chen Qi know?"

   "I know, the dean of the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong University, a great hero of our school, is still a graduate student. Lao Yue of this clinical hospital knows best."

   "Yes, this is the master. His younger brother and younger sister are going to report to our school today, so Principal Li came to greet him in person. This is enough for Chen Qi."

  Yue Haiqing was happy when he heard it:

"Ah, this is a good thing. No wonder Principal Li has personally dispatched. Old Dai, you are not mean enough to tell us until today. By the way, which department do these two freshmen go to? My brother is a doctor, so they should also choose us. Clinical hospital? Haha."

  Dai Zifeng shook his head: "No, no, only the younger sister chose the clinical school, and the younger brother chose the pharmacy school."

  Sun Fuyang, the dean of the School of Pharmacy who thought he had nothing to do, was delighted when he heard this:

"Hey, there is such a good thing. This brother has come to our school of pharmacy. It seems that our school of pharmacy will also send out in the future. Nothing good is your clinical benefit. The paper is yours, the machine is yours, and the sponsorship is also yours. of."


   A group of old men laughed lightly.

   Teachers Li Baotian and Xu Jinxing, who cooperated with Chen Qi on a project, are both doctors from the First Affiliated Hospital and teachers from Haidong Medical University.

   Each of these two shared a Crown car. This incident caused a sensation in the entire medical field, and aroused the envy and hatred of many people.

  It’s all right now, I sent my younger brother and sister to Haidong Medical University, which means that the relationship between the two parties will be further confirmed, and they will always be tied together in the future.

  Bound with a future "great god", the whole family is a student of Haidong Medical University, and worry about not sharing the benefits in the future.

   Therefore, all teachers are happy to hear and see the results.

  The gate of Haidong Medical University.

   A Poussin drove over and was stopped by the guard.

   Lan Lijuan stretched out her head and waved her graduate student ID: "Master, I am a student of this school."

   A few guards saw that he belonged to the school and drove a Santana. They knew that this person had a complicated background and did not make things difficult for him:

   "Okay, let's go in, the car is parked on the side of the road, don't get in the way of people, there are many new students reporting today, so be careful when driving."

   "Thank you, Master."

  The geographical location of Haidong Medical University is very good. It is located on the edge of the beautiful West Lake. This place has always been expensive, so the campus area is not very large.

   That is to say, there were few cars in the 1980s. If there were too many cars, the campus would definitely not be able to park.

  Lan Lijuan drove Poussin and carefully parked in front of a teaching building. She is also a graduate student and is familiar with the campus environment.

  Silly big sister vomited to death as soon as she got out of the car.

   "Ouch~~~~ My god, it's really hard to ride a car, it's better to ride a bicycle."

   After vomiting, the silly elder sister wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, hugged Chen Yixin who was running around,

   "Hey, my little baby, you can't run around, look at so many people, it will be troublesome if you lose it."

  Chen Huazheng was holding his eldest niece Chen Yiyi, and said with a smile: "Boys are too naughty, but Xiao Yiyi is the most obedient, my sister-in-law likes it the most."

   Lan Lijuan took out a few trolley cases from the trunk, which are relatively fashionable things in China right now.

  Others come to school with big cloth bags, snakeskin bags, and those that can be pulled into a trolley case. There are not many people on the entire campus.

   "Come on, brother and sister, each of you has two boxes, one box contains blankets and bedding, and the other is full of changes of clothes. Let's make it clear that there is no accident. You must go home every two weeks. Do you hear me?"

  Chen Hua replied sweetly: "Understood, sister-in-law~~~"

  Chen Shu was a little confused: "Sister-in-law, why do you have to go home every two weeks? I heard that college students go home every six months, and some college students don't even go home for several years."

  The silly elder sister said angrily:

"That's someone else. How close we are to Zhongzhong. It's only an hour away by train. Isn't sister-in-law afraid that you will make messy friends outside, especially my younger sister? Girls have to respect themselves when they go to college. Don't talk about it." Love, do you hear me?"

  Chen Hua was unconvinced: "Sister, why can't college students fall in love? Look at elder brother and sister-in-law, they are not students in love."

"Ah, you child, this is what your elder brother said. He said that college students are from all over the world. What will you do if you marry far away after falling in love? Your elder brother also said that the scope of your marriage in the future is limited to bicycles. Wherever you ride, beyond this distance is a long-distance marriage."

   "Brother, this is a typical patriarchal style, I don't accept it!"

   "If you don't accept it, go to Africa to find your elder brother!"

  Lan Lijuan laughed after hearing this:

   "That's enough, that's enough. I really like someone who is worthy of entrustment. My sister-in-law supports you in falling in love, but let's say it first, girls should respect themselves, and don't do shameful things before getting married, do you understand?"

  Chen Shu laughed out loud when he heard this, and was suddenly beaten by the silly elder sister.

   "Don't laugh at my little sister, you are the same. Our Chen family's family style is very upright. Look at your elder brother, he is very promising. You can't embarrass your parents, elder brother and sister-in-law, understand?"

   "Understood, dear eldest sister, you two should do me a favor and give me some pocket money."

  Lan Lijuan snorted:

"Now the university has a subsidy of 23.5 yuan per month, is it enough for you to eat? In addition, I will give you 20 yuan of pocket money every month. Let me tell you, it is definitely 43 yuan a month in the university. few.

  Do you know the salary of a new doctor in our hospital? It’s only 65 yuan, which is not much more than you. With this money, we need to support our family and fall in love and get married. When your eldest brother and I were in school, we only had 10 yuan a month, so we had to save it and send it home. "

  The silly elder sister nodded again and again: "Yes, your sister-in-law is right, children should not spend money recklessly."

  The Chen family is rich, that is, they are really rich. It is no exaggeration to say that the richest man in Xiaze Village, the annual income from rent alone can reach one million.

   But Chen Qi is the only one in the Chen family who likes to spend money and enjoy things, and doesn’t like electric fans and air conditioners.

  Whether it is Lan Lijuan or the silly eldest sister, the keynote of daily life is to be "diligent and thrifty", not to mention stingy, but definitely not extravagant.

  If Santana hadn’t been sending two new college students to school today, with a lot of luggage, Lan Lijuan would not drive normally, and would still insist on riding a bicycle to and from get off work.

  So Lan Lijuan and Silly Big Sister’s point of view on consumption is to have enough money and not let children spend too much money, especially college students, they should continue to maintain a hard and simple style.

  For traditional people, those who know how to spend money are all performances of prodigal sons, such as a certain chess...

   (Chen Qi sneezed in Africa.)

  Chen Shu and Chen Hua glanced at each other, knowing that it would be impossible to get more pocket money from the sister-in-law, but they didn't care.

   "Okay, okay, listen to my sister-in-law and elder sister, we only have enough pocket money of 43 yuan and 50 cents a month."

  The silly elder sister then smiled: "This is good, let's go, where did you sign up? Yo, it's really hot today."

  Lan Lijuan also opened a parasol: "The freshman registration office is over there, let's go, my little brother and sister will pull the trolley case by themselves."

  Actually, what Lan Lijuan and Sister Silly didn’t know was that Chen Qi quietly gave Chen Shu and Chen Hua a pocket money of 10,000 yuan each when they returned home during the Chinese New Year.

  Let the two of them deposit in the bank, and Qian reminded Wan to keep the passbook carefully, and don't be discovered by others, otherwise the three of them will have nothing to eat.

  Chen Qi’s ideas are different from Lan Lijuan and the others. He believes that money is for spending, not for saving.

   When you are able to afford it at home, there is nothing wrong with spending some money to buy something that you can live comfortably, eat well, drink well, and use well. It can also promote consumption and stimulate domestic demand, right?

  Besides, college students also have a lot of social activities, and it’s not like high school students just read books by heart.

  Go out to play with classmates, go out for dinner, buy beautiful clothes, study materials, buy daily necessities, or even fall in love and open a house. Which one does not need money?

  Of course Chen Shu can open a room, but Chen Hua breaks his leg when he goes out to open a room!

   And he is also relieved, what kind of temperament is his younger brother and younger sister? What bad thoughts can Xueba have?

  Giving them money is to enhance their self-confidence. The Chen family should not be Long Aotian, but they can't be underestimated, right?

   Six people from four majors, two minors, appeared on campus, still driving through the school gate through which Santana entered, and pulling a rare trolley case, and someone had noticed it a long time ago.

  Lan Lijuan was holding the baby, and when she walked through the crowd to the freshman reception booth, she was captured by Principal Li.

  Principal Li was still politely smiling at everyone just now, but when he saw Lan Lijuan, his smile suddenly became more sincere, and he walked forward in a few steps:

   "Student Lijuan, this and this, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Lan Lijuan was surprised when she saw Principal Li, so she quickly put down Chen Yixin from her hand, and bowed lightly:

   "Principal Li, why are you so embarrassed to keep you waiting, wholeheartedly, call Grandpa Li."

  Chen Yixin and Chen Yiyi's EQ is like Chen Qi's, they are quite tall, and they called out sweetly: "Grandpa is good~~~"

   Principal Li smiled so much that his eyebrows curled up:

   "Okay, okay, wholeheartedly good, but grandpa didn't wear candy when he came out today, so he will make up for it next time, hehe, by the way, these two are Chen Shu and Chen Hua, right?"

  Hearing Principal Li's question, Lan Lijuan quickly introduced:

   "Principal Li, this is Chen Shu, and this is the youngest sister, Chen Hua. They all came to report today, and this is our eldest sister."

   "Okay, welcome, welcome, hahaha."

  An idiot can tell that Principal Li is in a particularly beautiful mood today.

"Chen Shu, Chen Hua, you two students are welcome to apply for our Haidong Medical University. This is the alma mater of your elder brother and sister-in-law, and will also be your alma mater. We are all one family. If there are any difficulties in school in the future, what problems will you have? Just tell me.

  But you also have to study hard, like your big brother Chen Qi, make a major contribution to medicine, become a useful talent in society, and become the greatest pride of our Haidong Medical University. Do you have confidence? "

  Chen Shu and Chen Hua were already overwhelmed with excitement. The president of the university came to greet them in person. Such a big cadre even specially came to encourage them. Young people are easy to get on top of.

   "Thank you, Principal Li, we must follow the example of our elder brother and strive to be the pride of our alma mater."

   "Hahaha, okay, then I will wait for this day. By the way, Lao Yue and Lao Sun, come here and introduce two outstanding students to you."

  The two deans, Yue Haiqing and Sun Fuyang, hurried forward and looked at the two students carefully.

   "Come on, let me introduce to you, these two are top students in the Vietnam High School Entrance Examination. They could have gone to the capital or Shanghai to study in universities. It was I who worked so hard to come to Haidong Medical University.

  By the way, you also know their eldest brother and sister-in-law. Nao, student Lan Lijuan is a graduate student in internal medicine, their eldest brother is even more amazing, and you are more familiar with Chen Qi. "

  (end of this chapter)

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