MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 102 : Wealth and Dreams

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Stewed chicken, braised pork feet, fresh bamboo shoots, fresh toon, Lin Feng still remembered the last time he had dinner with Lei Jun and Zhou Hongyi, but in a blink of an eye, a year passed quietly.

Lin Feng was fascinated by the report titled "Where is the Edong Gang going?" in front of him.

"Lei Jun, the IT super idol ten years ago, but now it is rare to see him at major Internet summits. Jinshan led by him is gradually falling behind in the competition of the Internet, and the superheroes of the past are about to disappear?

Zhou Hongyi, a super fighter five years ago, has been silent since he sold 3721 to Yahoo. He who was able to compete with the three major portals in the past put down his weapons and chose to become a knife in the hands of others.

After Yahoo Huaxia sadly left, he was active in the investment market, but the downhill tiger of the past has long ceased to exist.

Lin Feng, a cutting-edge diamond in the Internet world, but he has destroyed himself.

Although 168 is still active on the Internet stage, 168 is now more like an investment company. Although its game business is hot, it is difficult to bring positive energy to the society.

They have the opportunity to expand into various fields, but they always seem to be happy to make wedding dresses for others.

168 is just a company that is good at making money, but not a great company.

All of them who were born in Edong had a good hand, but they were all messed up. "

Lin Feng sighed, then put down the newspaper in his hand.

In the past life, this evaluation was referring to Zhang Chaoyang, but now he has become himself.

The Internet landscape in 2005 has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

Baidu and Tencent have rapidly risen to become the largest Internet giants in China. Alibaba has quickly become the largest e-commerce company. The three giants have begun to show their decline and are seeking transformation. The reshuffle of the Internet is accelerating.

Lei Jun is still the same Lei Jun, and he has long been invisible at major Internet summits.

Zhou Hongyi was also tired of fighting alone and ended the marriage that was a mistake from the beginning.

Lin Feng's situation is getting better and better.

Whether it is Tencent, Alibaba or Baidu, they are growing rapidly and gradually become the leading companies in China Internet.

But as those media people said before, Lin Feng just invested in those companies. Tencent is undoubtedly owned by Ma Huateng, and Alibaba is naturally owned by Ma Yun. Although Baidu is absolutely controlled by 168, they Li Yanhong has long been deeply marked by his own label.

When everyone talks about Lin Feng, they will only call him a famous angel investor and a famous game entrepreneur.

He is like the Warren Buffett of the United States. No matter how much money he has, people will only envy him when he talks about it, but he rarely shows the respect for wealth that is not as high as that of his Steve Jobs.

Rebirth is not a panacea. Although the life of opening and hanging is smooth, the defects in the pattern and character are still irreparable.

Looking out the window, imagining the cherry blossoms that may be blooming not far away, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a deep sense of exhaustion in his heart.

Xiao Dan's departure made him feel a deep sense of frustration. He finally failed to keep his original partner. It is said that he is now very happy in Baidu's business department.

The person who likes the computer network more than anything has made his own choice after all.

Lin Feng once said that he wanted to lead him to a career that would change the world, but games alone would definitely not work.

Maybe he made the right choice.

Zhang Bo walked in at an unknown time. Looking at his serious expression, Lin Feng suddenly felt an unprecedented nervousness.

Zhang Bo handed Lin Feng a cigarette, and the two smoked silently.

A cigarette seems to have been smoked for a century, but there is always a moment to finish it.

"When are you going to leave?" Lin Feng asked in a hoarse voice.

Zhang Bo threw away the cigarette **** and said, "Let's go after getting married. She wants to travel around the world, and I also want to see those great buildings around the world."

Lin Feng nodded, then waved his hand.

Zhang Bo looked at Lin Feng, his lips moved, but in the end he didn't say anything and left with a sigh.

Lin Feng looked out the window, suddenly a little upset in his heart.

In a few years, I will become the richest man in China. I have earned money that I cannot earn in several lifetimes. I have become the largest investor in the Internet, and I have created a wealth myth.

I am successful, but why?

Why do all the partners around you choose to leave, aren't all dreams ultimately about making money?

Zhang Bo, Xiaodan and Wang Shuang are now all worth over 100 million, and everyone has achieved financial freedom.

Am I leading everyone to make money wrong?

What the **** is ideal so important?

"I don't have a **** dream, my dream is to make money!" Lin Feng looked out the window and exclaimed.

There was a knock on the door again from the office, and after a while, Wang Shuang came in.

"Why, are you leaving too?" Lin Feng's voice was a little cold.

"No, Facebook is going to make the next round of investment. They asked if you would continue to increase your holdings?" Wang Shuang looked at Lin Feng with concern, and quickly said Lin Feng waved his hand and said impatiently: " You decide for yourself!"

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and was about to say something, but looking at Lin Feng's ugly face, he backed out softly, and closed the office door.

There was a lot of traffic outside the window, and things were changing with each passing day, but for some reason, Lin Feng suddenly felt like he was eliminated from this world.

He felt very tired, tired as never before.

He stands at the top of the wealth pyramid, he has wealth that is unattainable, but why did he fail so much?

There was another knock on the door outside the office.

Lin Feng frowned tightly.

After a while, the door was opened and Zhang Xiaoying walked in slowly.

"I want to be quiet." Lin Feng said.

Zhang Xiaoying slowly came to Lin Feng, and then slowly poured him a cup of tea.

"I said I want to be quiet." Lin Feng roared with red eyes.

Zhang Xiaoying was startled, then stepped forward and hugged Lin Feng tightly.

Lin Feng struggled desperately to embrace, and then suddenly threw off the ashtray on the desk.

Zhang Xiaoying was stunned, then stepped forward and hugged Lin Feng tightly again.

Lin Feng couldn't hold back any longer, and then lay helplessly in Zhang Xiaoying's arms, crying like a child.

"I think everyone is fine." Lin Feng murmured.

"I know, I know." Zhang Xiaoying said softly like a child.

He patted Lin Feng's back lightly and muttered, "Take a break when you're tired."

"I'm not tired, I just don't know what to do, what to do."

A trace of pity flashed in Zhang Xiaoying's eyes, and then the strength of her arms increased unconsciously.

She felt the loneliness of her man, and she just wanted to hug him tightly.