MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 23 : This bad old man is very bad

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Lin Feng was infected by Ma Yun's story, but Ma Yun was quietly observing Lin Feng.

Seeing that Lin Feng gradually fell into a frenzy under his infection, Ma Yun slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

As an old fried dough stick who has been wandering in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, Ma Yun naturally will not be like what she described.

He has always positioned himself as a hero, just like Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms.

If you want to compete in the chaotic rivers and lakes, it is natural to have a thick face and a black heart, but the most important thing is to make yourself a beautiful business card and show your most positive and trustworthy side in front of others.

Ma Yun is best at inciting other people's emotions, and at the same time, he can also judge a person's rationality through this.

Seeing that Lin Feng fell into his own rhythm unconsciously, he smiled slightly.

A young man who is still full of enthusiasm is naturally easier to deal with than an old Jianghu like Sun Zhengyi. It seems that it is the right choice to introduce Lin Feng into Alibaba.

At the very least, he's a lot more foolish.

Lin Feng didn't know that Ma Yun's words were trying to test himself. Although he was a human being in two lifetimes, due to the environment he was in, he would still appear immature in front of an old river and lake like Ma Yun.

Moreover, even if he knew what Ma Yun thought, he wouldn't care.

Ma Yun just wanted to reassure himself of the Alibaba he led, but he didn't know that Lin Feng never had any idea of ​​interfering with Alibaba.

Some things can only be done by certain people in certain circumstances.

For example, if Lin Feng created Taobao at this moment, would he definitely replace Alibaba in future generations?

Some things are not as simple as you think.

Alibaba's success is full of too many coincidences, and no one has ever been able to replicate the success of others.

Besides, Lin Feng has been in a state of winning from the moment he invested in Alibaba. In this case, who cares about that?

After eating, the two returned to the hotel to rest early, because they agreed to visit the Great Wall together the next day.

Speaking of the Great Wall, we have to talk about Ma Yun's second trip to Kyoto.

In 1997, Ma Yun and his team were invited to Kyoto to develop a series of national-level websites such as the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Online China Commodity Exchange, the Online China Technology Export Fair, the China Investment Promotion, the Online Canton Fair and the China Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

It was circulated on the Internet that this was Ma Yun's second escape from Beijing, and Ma Yun later mentioned this painful experience in many places.

It is said that they had a pretty good life in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, but because of their dreams, they made difficult choices and then chose to go home again to start a business.

Before they left, they also came to the Great Wall to take a photo, which later became precious evidence to witness the establishment of Alibaba.

Lin Feng and Ma Yun slowly climbed to the high tower along the flow of tourists.

Climbing high and looking into the distance, Ma Yun is full of pride.

"This is the second time I have come to the Great Wall." Ma Yun looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"When was the last time you came?" Lin Feng asked knowingly.

Ma Yun looked at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains outside the city wall, and said with a smile: "The last time was when I was going to start Alibaba."

"Oh?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "Then Teacher Ma and the Great Wall are really destined."

Ma Yun smiled, her expression full of pride.

"It was 1998. In 1997, because our Yellow Pages did a good job in Hangzhou, under the introduction of a friend, I was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to participate in the construction of a series of trading websites."

Having said that, Ma Yun paused.

"At that time, I was going to refuse, but the development of the Yellow Pages had reached a bottleneck at that time, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation gave us the management shares of the website."

Speaking of this, Ma Yun's eyes flashed with excitement.

"It was at that time that I suddenly realized that the e-commerce market is very promising."

Perhaps in order to show her candor in front of Lin Feng, Ma Yun seemed to open her heart.

"I felt that we could do it and whether we could do it were two different things. At that time, we had a bad eye on how to do e-commerce, so I made a decision at that time."

"Is your decision to agree to the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation?" Lin Feng asked.

Ma Yun nodded: "At that time, I realized that this was an opportunity to learn experience and understand the market, so I led my team to Beijing at that time.

In this way, one stay is more than a year. "

"Then why did you leave after that?" Lin Feng was very curious about Ma Yun's experience.

Ma Yun grinned, which was meaningful.

"We helped the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to generate millions of income in the first year, so our people were allocated hundreds of thousands. After more than a year, we gradually understood the e-commerce market. Therefore, we started our own e-commerce company. The conditions are ripe."

"Wait... You mean that your trip to Kyoto was premeditated?" Lin Feng said in surprise.

Ma Yun nodded of course.

"At the beginning, although our Yellow Pages were in a bottleneck, there was no problem in earning millions of dollars a year. Of course, we came to Kyoto with a purpose."

Ma Yun turned her head to look at Lin Feng and said: "Because we are in an official institution, the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the online Chinese commodity trading market we developed quickly established the direction of Chinese e-commerce serving small and medium-sized enterprises. Later, Alibaba It is also based on this foundation.”

Lin Feng said in disbelief, "When you came to Kyoto from Hangzhou, did you have such thoughts?"

"Of course, people give me money to train my troops and accumulate contacts. Who wouldn't want to do such a thing?"

Lin Feng helped his forehead: "Wait... You mean, UU reading That time you left Kyoto was not considered a defeat?"

Ma Yun was taken aback and said, "Leaving Beijing this time is not only not a failure, it can even be described as a great victory."

Looking at the puzzled Lin Feng, Ma Yun continued with a smile: "In the 14 months we have been here, not only have my team's capabilities been improved, but I have also become familiar with the e-commerce model and know all the policies well.

We also obtained the support of almost all media and newspapers in Beijing through various relationships, and even took down the People's Daily Online and put it on the Internet. Think about how important these relationships are. Yesterday's press conference, they were have come. "

Ma Yun looked at Lin Feng's stunned look, and continued proudly: "And the most important thing is that we went back with 500,000 start-up funds, and we used this 500,000 funds to start the website and reach the today.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was the 14-month trip to Kyoto that made Alibaba today. "

Lin Feng looked at the smug Ma Yun, and said in his heart: "When you once gave a speech about this hard experience, it was a completely different story. You don't know how many people's entrepreneurial dreams were aroused by your story, and how many people were brought to tears. Have you ever had an eyeful?

Now, when you say that these are your plans, a perfect setting collapses. Have you ever thought about those young people who are full of blood? Have you ever thought about those teenagers who look up to you as their idols in future generations?

Since you old fox had ulterior motives from the beginning, don't make these nasty things so great..."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng just wanted to say to Ma Yun in front of him: "You bad old man, very bad!"


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