MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 32 : Rogue meets robber

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Today is a special day for Lin Feng, but a sudden change instantly dispelled his good mood.

It was 10 o'clock in the evening when I rushed to the provincial capital in a hurry.

Tang Hui, Xiao Dan and Jin Yan are still waiting here, which shows the importance of the matter.

"How is the situation?" Lin Feng asked impatiently as soon as he entered the door.

Jin Yan was relieved when he saw Lin Feng coming, he quickly said: "There is no action against us at present, their goal seems to be only 3721."

Lin Feng came to Xiao Dan's computer with a solemn expression and said, "Show me the demo."

Xiao Dan quickly opened the browser.

"The address bar plug-in of 3721 is installed on this computer now." Xiao Dan said softly.

Lin Feng nodded, he had already seen the small 3721 sign near the address bar.

Then, Xiao Dan clicked on a webpage.

"This webpage should carry the Trojan horse of Baidu Search Companion." Xiao Dan continued.

Sure enough, at this moment, a small pop-up window appeared in the upper left corner of the screen.

‘Are you trying to install the latest version of Baidu Search Companion? ’

A yes and a no appeared on the small pop-up window.

Xiao Dan slides the mouse to the 'Yes' position.

Soon, the computer's installation program ran, and Lin Feng knew that this was Baidu's plug-in being installed.

Originally, this was a very common process, and Yisou followed suit and launched such a rogue plug-in, but this time it seems to be different.

With the installation of Baidu Search Companion, the 3721 sign near the address bar quietly disappeared, but was replaced by Baidu Search Companion.

Why is this?

Lin Feng looked at the programs installed in the background of the computer with a serious look, and saw that there was no trace of the 3721 plug-in on the computer in front of him, just like that plug-in had never appeared.

"This is a malicious competition, which is even worse than rogue software." Lin Feng whispered.

Tang Hui also nodded: "I really didn't expect Li Yanhong to look so gentle, but he was so ruthless as soon as he shot."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It is estimated that the listing of our PPC made him feel the pressure and let them sink their boats."

Xiao Dan said puzzledly: "But since he did this, why didn't he target us?"

Lin Feng laughed at himself and said, "It is estimated that we don't value our share."

Xiao Dan was stunned for a moment, then embarrassed.

"This, this is what we didn't do well."

Lin Feng slowly shook his head.

Yisou's address bar plugin started late, and it is reasonable that they are not as good.

Moreover, Lin Feng feels that this method is not a long-term solution after all, and making his search portal useful and long-term stickiness among netizens is the top priority.

What's more, Lin Feng, who has previous life experience, can learn from the 360 ​​model at any time to make the empire they built collapse and disintegrate.

However, before Lin Feng did this, he had to consider whether he had the courage to fire at everyone like Zhou Hongyi.

After a long time, Lin Feng said solemnly: "Although Baidu is not targeting us at present, we can't be careless."

Jin Yan nodded and said, "I will keep my eyes on Baidu."

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Just staring at Baidu is not enough, 3721 should always pay attention."

Lin Feng knew Zhou Hongyi's character well, Li Yanhong didn't dare to stretch his battle line, but the old Zhou, who had a temper, would ignore it.

Based on what Lin Feng knew about Lao Zhou, it was inevitable for him to launch a counterattack. If his counterattack was only aimed at Baidu, that would be great, maybe Lin Feng would benefit from it.

It was because he was afraid that Lao Zhou would not do that. He was a master who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos. Maybe he would pull everyone into this battlefield.

However, Lin Feng is not afraid, because he still has some advantages. He has the least share in the address bar, and even the loss is limited. Unlike 3721, maybe he will suffer a huge loss today.

For some reason, Lin Feng suddenly wanted to see Zhou Hongyi's expression at the moment.

What kind of picture will it be when a rogue meets a robber?

At the headquarters of 3721, the atmosphere was like a mountain pressing on the chest, making people breathless.

Those subordinates who didn't dare to let out the air, looked at the boss who didn't know how many cups he had dropped, and were at a loss.

They, who had been in the leading position for a long time, were caught off guard by Baidu's sudden attack.

Who would have thought that they would attack during such a holiday? Who would have thought that Baidu would be so bold?

"Have you sent the letter to Baidu?" Zhou Hongyi frowned and said solemnly.

A subordinate quickly returned: "I have sent it many times, but they have not responded."

"Mom, this is trying to be a hooligan." Senior hooligan Zhou Hongyi raised his fist and slammed on the table.

After a while, he went on to ask, "Can you estimate our losses?"

The subordinate whispered: "The traffic on our website today has dropped by 3 percentage points compared to usual."

Zhou Hongyi's face was so gloomy that water was about to drip.

3 percentage points seems to be a very small figure, but today is the May Day holiday, and the traffic has increased by several percentage points than usual.

As a result, 3721 does not know how many plugins should be uninstalled today.

"Mom, don't blame me for the fifth day of the first year of junior high Zhou Hongyi said gloomily.

"We also make a plug-in like this, how long will it take?" After a long time, Zhou Hongyi looked up and asked.

The subordinate thought for a moment, and then said softly, "Five days should be about the same."

"Five days, five days, the day lily will be cold." Zhou Hongyi said sharply: "Three days, three days, make me an identical one."

The subordinate looked embarrassed, "Well, everyone is on vacation at this time, so..."

"Take a hairy vacation." Zhou Hongyi jumped high, "When the company is at this moment of life and death, who the **** is still in the mood to take a vacation, hurry up and let them come back."

"Yes yes yes." The subordinate quickly trotted out.

After a long time, Zhou Hongyi's breathing gradually calmed down.

What Baidu has done has touched his bottom line, which is not even a description of malicious competition.

He usually only bullies others, but he can't swallow this breath. This time, he must let Baidu have a long memory.

Looking at the pop-up window on the computer screen, Zhou Hongyi's eyes filled with murderous intent.

Seeing that Zhou Hongyi gradually became calm, the deputy general manager of 3721 who had been beside him whispered: "Let's ask the lawyer to send a letter and then go and sue them."

Zhou Hongyi was stunned, then shook his head.

"Didn't we consult when we made plug-ins, there are no legal regulations on these, even if we sue them, we can't do anything with them.

Besides, the rivers and lakes are all over the world. If he stabs me, I will shoot him back and bring it to court. Isn't this the same as a child fighting to find a parent? How embarrassing? "

Looking at Zhou Hongyi's stubborn expression, the vice president sighed softly.


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