MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 52 : 1 cup cold coffee

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David Drummond is about 190 feet tall, standing in front of Zhou Hongyi, giving people an invisible sense of coercion.

"Hello, Mr. David, I'm Zhou Hongyi from Huaxia 3721." Zhou Hongyi hurried forward and stretched out his hand.

David Drummond hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand and shook Zhou Hongyi gently, then under the guidance of Zhou Hongyi, he came to the table and sat down.

When the other party sat down, Zhou Hongyi asked with a smile, "Mr. David, what flavor of coffee do you like?"

David Drummond waved his hand and said lightly, "I'll just drink plain water."

David Drummond has a loud voice and a thick beard on his face, giving Zhou Hongyi the feeling of being out of a certain movie.

"I hope this meeting will be of great historical significance like the scenes in the movie." Zhou Hongyi said silently in his heart.

"What is the purpose of your coming to me?" After sitting down, David Drummond asked Zhou Hongyi straight to the point.

Zhou Hongyi was stunned for a moment, and then asked suspiciously, "Didn't Mr. Begor tell you?"

David Drummond frowned, then shook his head slightly.

Hearing David Drummond's words, Zhou Hongyi's heart sank, and he looked at Wang Gongquan dissatisfied, only to see the other party shrug helplessly.

Listening to David Drummond's inquiry, Zhou Hongyi quickly said: "We are from Huaxia 3721 Company. Our company is currently mainly engaged in Chinese Internet services. The 3721 website has the highest traffic in Huaxia. This time I came to you to seek cooperation on the search."

After speaking, Zhou Hongyi quickly took out the documents she had prepared from her bag and handed them over.

David Drummond did not pick up the document handed by Zhou Hongyi, but motioned Zhou Hongyi to put it in front of him.

He looked down at his watch, and then said slowly, "As far as I know, there are not many decent search companies in Huaxia yet."

Zhou Hongyi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Since last year, Huaxia has gradually started to have some companies that make search portals, but because of their late start, the scale is not very large at present. I think this time is also us. The best time to step in."

David Drummond nodded noncommittally, his eyes wandering, as if he hadn't slept well last night.

"At present, there are three companies that mainly do search in China, one is our 3721, and the other two are Baidu and 168.

Baidu has just launched its PPC strategy, but their sales channel has just been established, and there is still a long way to go before making a profit.

Yisou is in the same situation as Baidu, but their technology is not as good as Baidu's, but they have an advantage, which is that they have a lot of cash flow..."

Although the atmosphere was somewhat different from what Zhou Hongyi expected, he still patiently explained the current situation of the China search market and the current advantages and disadvantages of 3721.

But the opposite David Drummond seems to care nothing about these, and his attitude is completely different from what Zhou Hongyi imagined.

After listening to Zhou Hongyi's incessant explanation, David Drummond yawned boredly.

"The Chinese market is naturally very important to our company, and we have always attached great importance to this area."

David Drummond looked up at Zhou Hongyi and said, "But our company has not yet defined its own China strategy."

Zhou Hongyi said anxiously, "But this is the best time to enter the Huaxia market."

David Drummond squinted and smiled: "Maybe, we'll take your opinion into consideration, but probably not right now."

Feeling David Drummond's perfunctory attitude and listening to the pile of meaningless nonsense said by the other party, Zhou Hongyi felt a nameless fire burning in his chest.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he suppressed the anger in his heart and continued: "The Chinese market is changing with each passing day, and Yahoo has already taken the lead. If your company hesitates at this time, you will miss this huge market in the future."

David Drummond looked at his watch again and said, "I will consider your suggestion, and if we have a plan, I will contact you."

After finishing speaking, David Drummond slowly stood up and said, "That's it, I have an appointment with a friend to play golf in the afternoon."

Seeing that David Drummond was leaving, Zhou Hongyi was anxious.

"Mr. David, can you tell me your contact information?"

David Drummond smiled condescendingly, then shook his head slowly.

"3721, I have already remembered you. If possible, I will let you contact you."

Looking at the figure of the other party leaving, Zhou Hongyi couldn't bear the anger in her heart any longer.

"Mom drop a slap." Zhou Hongyi slammed the table in front of him fiercely.

After spending 100,000 dollars and preparing for more than a month, I came here to have a pointless half-hour one-sided conversation.

The conversation was fruitless and not even a relationship was established for the possibility of follow-up later.

Wang Gongquan's mouth also showed a wry Who would have thought it would end like this?

Zhou Hongyi looked out the window through the glass window.

The meeting was undeniably hilarious, a world away from what he had initially suspected.

Although 3721 has a pivotal position in Huaxia, Zhou Hongyi at this moment has a profound realization that in the eyes of those American companies, they have never faced Huaxia Internet Company squarely.

Maybe in their eyes, Zhou Hongyi and others are just a bunch of clowns who can only plagiarize, and there is nothing worthy of their respect.

Before, I simply thought that the two sides could communicate on an equal footing, and that I was extremely confident in the value of my company. Thinking of this, Zhou Hongyi's mouth turned a bit bitter and self-deprecating.

Feeling the arrogance and discrimination that David Drummond radiated from his bones, Zhou Hongyi felt a deep sense of shame.

Thinking of the 100,000 US dollars he spent, he felt even more deceived.

Looking at the towering buildings outside, Zhou Hongyi's heart no longer had any adoration in his heart, but only uncontrollable hostility.

He picked up the cold coffee in front of him and drank it.

The taste is bitter and cool, just like his mood at the moment.

Wang Gongquan patted him on the shoulder silently, and said, "This is the reality, Huaxia Internet Company, it is difficult to get respect here."

"This is only temporary." Zhou Hongyi's expression was a little grim, and her voice was a little hoarse: "One day, I will make their contempt pay the price."

Zhou Hongyi looked out the window, dazed.

He seemed to see a road again, although it was not the Avenue of Stars he had imagined before.

But his gaze became firmer.

No matter how winding and rugged the road is, as long as you have a firm heart and a clear goal, you can still reach the other side.

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