MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 54 : farewell station

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I was going to come to Edong to relax for a few days, but Ma Huateng couldn't wait to go back before his **** was hot.

Looking at Brother Ma's burning eyes, Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, there is a day when Brother Ma also needs his own guidance.

As soon as Ma Huateng returned home, the old sister Lin Li came from her hometown.

Looking at her mountain-like luggage, Lin Feng knew that this must be the work of the old lady.

"Is this moving the family here? Why didn't you let me pick you up at the station?" Lin Feng said.

Lin Li put down the luggage on her back and panted heavily: "You're out of the society, how can you find you in everything? People who don't know will think I'm your sister later."

Lin Li opened her backpack and continued, "This is the bacon brought by my mother, this is the egg..."

Seeing that Lin Li's backpack instantly turned into a treasure chest, Lin Feng suddenly looked forward to it again.

"Where's Xiaoying?" Lin Li asked, looking at Lin Feng.

"Go shopping."

Lin Li frowned and said, "I bring so many vegetables, why do I buy them?"

Lin Feng said angrily: "You didn't tell us in advance, my sister."

Lin Li smiled embarrassedly, and then quickly went to the kitchen to cook.

After a while, Zhang Xiaoying also returned, and she followed into the kitchen with the vegetables she just bought.

Lin Feng, who had nothing to do, sat on the sofa as Ge You lying down, listening to the sound of cooking vegetables coming from the kitchen, smelling the rich aroma, and feeling warm in his heart.

Fried bacon with garlic, scrambled eggs with chives, soup with sliced ​​mushrooms...

The old lady has learned all the craftsmanship of the old lady.

Tasting the familiar taste, for some reason, Lin Feng felt a touch of sadness in his heart.

Before Lin Li went to school, Lin Feng and her only met once every six months, but for some reason, he had never been so reluctant to part with her.

Perhaps after entering the society, they will eventually have their own careers and form their own families, and the days of getting along day and night will be gone.

No more bickering with her, no more eating the chicken legs she handed over, and no one will help him carry his backpack on the way down from Liujiashan.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he once said that he was going to visit Lin Li's school, but she graduated in a blink of an eye, and his commitment was like what he said when he was begging for snacks in front of her when he was a child, 'just eat A 'that ghosts don't believe, but she always believes in the general rhetoric.

There is a faint regret lingering.

"Is it okay not to go to Kyoto? You can find any place you want without working in our company. I don't expect you to make money anyway."

Lin Li glared at Lin Feng: "What do you mean by not expecting me to make money? If I don't go out to make money, isn't my university study for nothing?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, but was immediately speechless by Lin Li's bizarre remarks.

After eating, the three of them sat in the small courtyard by the door to enjoy the shade.

The starry sky is still the same, and those flickering positions seem to last forever.

But there were no bugs chirping in my ears, no fireflies fluttering in front of my eyes, no scolding from my mother, and no laughter from my father. It always felt like something was missing, and no matter how long I sat, I couldn't get back the feeling of my childhood.

"Sleep and sleep." Lin Feng felt nameless and irritable in his heart.

When he was about to follow Zhang Xiaoying into the room, he pushed him out with a blushing face.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then his anger grew even stronger.

Tossing and turning in bed.

When I was a child, I always wanted to grow up, and I always wanted to see the world outside the mountains.

But when I grow up, I have seen intrigues outside and hidden knives in laughter. I always feel that the childhood paradise is the most worth remembering and cherishing.

It's just that everyone grows up, and everyone can't go back to the past.

"Prepare the money, don't lose your ID card, keep an eye on everything, and call me if you have anything. I have a lot of friends in Kyoto..."

Listening to Lin Feng's long-winded instructions, Lin Li's heart warmed.

"I know, I found that you are more verbose than the old lady."

Lin Feng took the eggs cut by Zhang Xiaoying, picked up chopsticks and put them in Lin Li's bowl.

"Eat more, the food on the train is not good."

Zhang Xiaoying also whispered: "Isn't it bad to take a plane? Why do you have to squeeze the train?"

With eggs in her mouth, Lin Li said vaguely, "I'm here to work, not to enjoy happiness. What kind of plane are I on?"

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

She knew the old lady's temperament. She was as stubborn as the old lady, and it was difficult for her to change her mind.

After Lin Li finished eating, Lin Feng loaded her salute into the car and sent her to the train station.

"Call me when you're settled, don't be reluctant to spend money, eat well and live well, and I'll come to see you in Kyoto after a while."

"Understood, I'm not a child." Lin Li said angrily.

Perhaps because there were too many people on the platform, Lin Li was a little embarrassed by what she said, and Lin Feng stopped exhorting. UU reading

The car slowly entered the station, and the long whistle sounded as it was far away, like a parting horn.

At first, she was careless, but when she was about to leave, Lin Li suddenly felt a little sore in her eyes.

"I'm not at home, you have to go back to see my mother more." Lin Li said with red eyes.

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "Father knows that he will be jealous, and a daughter who is so grown up only knows how to think of her mother, and it has been in vain for so many years."

Lin Li said, "Father knows that he should stand by himself, but the old lady is too strong. She can't lose in everything. You have to persuade her more."

Lin Feng was startled, then nodded.

That's exactly what the old lady said.

The old man, Lin Kun, has a soft personality. Although his status in the village has improved over the years, his temperament is still the same, and he can stand it and think freely.

But the old lady was different. In the past, when she was rushing to harvest food, she worked hard with other men and didn't give in at all, but only Lin Feng knew how swollen her feet were when she lay in bed at night.

"You and Xiaoying should also be good, and don't quarrel." Lin Li continued.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I see, but when you find my brother-in-law, you have to let me slap me in advance."

"Fuck you." Lin Li glared at Lin Feng angrily, then picked up her luggage and got into the car with a smile.

The carriage moved slowly, and Lin Li, who was sitting inside, raised her hand vigorously and waved goodbye.

Watching the list gradually exit the station and disappear into his line of sight, Lin Feng felt that his heart was empty.

The same is true for Lin Li, who was traveling for the first time.

When the younger brother disappeared from his sight, when the train began to speed up, a sense of nervousness and loss quickly pervaded, instantly diluting the previous yearning for the metropolis.

She lowered her head and lay on the table in front of her, as if preparing to take a nap.

Two lines of tears fell quietly, wetting the front of the shirt.