MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 63 : Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

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"Mr. Lin, the appeal against Hu Changlong has been submitted, and the house rewarded to him has been taken back. Look, is there anything else that needs to be emphasized."

Knowing that Lin Feng was in a bad mood, Tang Hui deliberately lowered his tone.

"Notify all agents that as long as they represent our game business, they are not allowed to contact other game companies, and once they find out, they will cancel their agency rights."

Tang Hui nodded: "This has already been arranged."

Seeing that Lin Feng's mood was not good, Tang Hui hurriedly left after reporting the work.

After Tang Hui left, Lin Feng stood up and quietly went to the window to look downstairs.

Lin Feng is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, so it is difficult for him to accept such an ending for a while after such an incident.

Although Hu Changlong has not been in the company for a long time, he has also fought with each other for more than a year, which can be regarded as sharing weal and woe.

Sending a comrade-in-arms who fought with me into prison with my own hands is like slashing a knife in myself.

Being slashed in the back by a comrade-in-arms, and then slashing yourself again, life is impermanent.

The incident of Hu Changlong made Lin Feng start to face up to this problem, and the company's financial supervision and confidentiality system seemed to need to be strengthened again.

Zhang Bo walked in at some point, and handed himself a cigarette.

The two smoked cigarettes and looked at the clear sky outside, but their hearts seemed to be covered with a layer of smog.

Lin Feng knew what Zhang Bo wanted to say, but he was smoking a cigarette in silence, without even looking at the other party.

Hu Changlong has made contributions to the development of the company. Although he made an irreparable mistake this time, if he did according to Lin Feng's request, such a punishment might be devastating.

But Lin Feng knew that he couldn't be merciful at this time.

A company will definitely face such a situation when it grows, so it needs to kill the chickens and set an example.

Only when everyone clearly understands the price they need to pay after stepping on the line can they stay awake in the face of temptation.

After smoking a cigarette, Zhang Bo silently backed out.

He was very relieved, relieved that Lin Feng finally had the decisiveness that an entrepreneur must have, but at the same time he was also a little sad. The innocent boy with a good heart has finally become mature.

Maybe this is son of a **** youth.


Although there are mandatory requirements for the following agents, Lin Feng knows that it is very difficult to supervise the other party comprehensively.

As long as those local agents do a little bit of cover-up or some tricks, 168 is also out of reach.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but admire Chen Tianqiao.

Through some means, copying your own sales channels not only does not require a lot of effort, but also reduces the strength of your opponents.

Good way.

Thinking of the opponent who seemed to have disappeared from the arena, Lin Feng couldn't help frowning tightly.

Originally, he was still in a dilemma, ready to give the other party a chance to make a comeback, but since the other party took the initiative to provoke the war, then Lin Feng would not have any psychological burden.

Luck, year after year.

After entering 2003, the weather in Modu seems to have improved.

Looking at the clear sky every day, Chen Tianqiao felt that his mood seemed to be much clearer.

It has been more than ten days since the open beta of Legend 3, the number of registrations has exceeded 1 million, and the highest online number has also exceeded 200,000.

This is a reassuring achievement. All Chen Tianqiao has to do is to start the online order at a suitable time.

Thinking of the preparations before the official operation, Chen Tianqiao couldn't help but be proud.

It took no effort to obtain Lin Feng's powerful channels, and placed a disturbing time bomb inside the opponent's company. If the attack is launched under the trouble of Legend's private servers, then this series of attacks is worth looking forward to. .

"It's finally time to collect debts." Chen Tianqiao has never been so confident.

Also full of confidence is Zhou Hongyi.

Since the test results of Legend 3 have been rising all the way, his happy laughter can often be heard inside the 3721 company.

Although Legend 3 has not been officially put into operation, he has already planned the direction of the use of the proceeds.

As long as his funds are plentiful, he'll have a good chance of calling up some of the top talent in search.

At that time, gather your powerful channel advantages and determine your leading position in one fell swoop.

That picture is so beautiful...

The first half of January is quietly over, and major colleges and universities have also completed their final exams. The main force of the game market is finally about to go to the major battlefields.

The time has come for Legend 3 to go public.

Sometimes Zhou Hongyi thinks this is fate.

Grab the status of the rivers and lakes in the political center of Kyoto, and reap the benefits in the economic center of the magic capital.

Thinking that the two most important cities in China will have their own legends, Zhou Hongyi felt that the world was extremely exciting.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, Chen Tianqiao, who was picking up the plane, quickly took his suitcase.

"Is there no problem with the market preparing in advance?" Zhou Hongyi asked impatiently as soon as he got in the car.

This is his top priority. Those points are all money until tomorrow.

Chen Tianqiao quickly replied: "Don't worry, all the preparations have been done, this time our point card reserves are very There will never be a phenomenon of out of stock."

Zhou Hongyi nodded in satisfaction.

It is good to keep the stock, but it is not a problem to sell out of stock.

"How can you say that a product that is not in stock is a good product? Have you ever seen the legendary and miracle MU's point cards out of stock?"

Zhou Hongyi thought happily, unaware that her mobile phone was turned on after getting off the plane.

"How about the security issues of Legend 3?" Zhou Hongyi asked, thinking of the private server troubles Legend was currently suffering from.

Chen Tianqiao said: "You can rest assured that South Korea has learned the lessons of the legend, and this time they have upgraded in all aspects of security."

"After all, they also occupy 30% of the profit dividend." Chen Tianqiao continued.

Zhou Hongyi's mouth twitched.

Goryeo's Goryeo sticks are really dark, and they took so many shares at once, but if it wasn't for their dark hearts, maybe they wouldn't be able to take advantage of this.

Thinking of this, Lao Zhou also looked at it.

The two walked towards Shanda Company while chatting, during which Chen Tianqiao's phone kept ringing, not knowing what Chen Xiaonian had to do with him.

But seeing Zhou Hongyi in a good mood, Chen Tianqiao also pressed the hang up button and focused on chatting with Zhou Hongyi.

After all, the actual controller of his company usually rarely gives such opportunities for peaceful communication.

The car finally reached its destination.

As soon as the car stopped, Chen Tianqiao quickly got out of the car and helped Zhou Hongyi open the door.

But as soon as he got out of the car, he saw his brother Chen Xiaonian, who was usually calm, ran towards him with an anxious look on his face.

"What's so urgent?" Chen Tianqiao frowned slightly, and a bad premonition flashed in his heart.


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