MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 70 :smoke bomb

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On New Year's Eve, I went to the county town for breakfast, then brought Zhang Xiaoying back to Liujiashan for lunch, then sent Zhang Xiaoying home, and then returned to Liujiashan.

On the first day of the new year, I go to my grandfather's uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, on the second day of the new year I go to my uncle's house, and on the third day of the new year, I go to my future father-in-law's house and Teacher Gu's house.

The Chinese New Year was supposed to be a time for relaxation, but it was actually more tiring than usual.

But being able to meet many relatives and friends whom I haven't seen for a long time, everything is worth it.

Time always flies, and in a twinkling of an eye it is time to part.

At this time, Wang Guihua finally remembered the girl who was furthest away from home.

During the Chinese New Year, all her thoughts were on her daughter-in-law who had never been there, so that she ignored her daughter, so at this time, she became more and more reluctant to part.

Looking at his tearful daughter-in-law, Lin Kun felt agitated for a while.

"Why are you crying? If we miss our daughter, let's go to Kyoto to see. Haven't you been far away? Next time I'll take you by plane to see Tiananmen Square."

I don't know if it's because the ability to make money has improved now, and Lin Kun's status in the family is getting higher and higher. If it was normal, he would not dare to speak to Wang Guihua in such a tone.

And the strange thing is that now he not only dares to talk to Wang Guihua like this, but the effect is not bad.

Listening to her man's words, Wang Guihua wiped away her tears.

"It costs a lot of money to fly, and it's scary."

"It's okay not to take a plane, but to take a train. It's the kind of car we saw last time when we went to the provincial capital. Besides, it's fast." Lin Kun said as if he had done it before.

Lin Kun ran the train with his mouth full, but Wang Guihua just took his set. Under Lin Kun's comfort, Wang Guihua finally burst into laughter.

That's right, now that my children are all useful, my husband can earn a lot of money, and I don't have to worry about my life like in the past. If I really want my daughter, I will go to Kyoto and see the great Tiananmen Square.

Say goodbye to Lin Kun and Wang Guihua, and then come to the county to pick up Zhang Xiaoying, and the journey of the new year begins.

During the Chinese New Year, the online number of Legend finally got a blowout growth. On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, the number of simultaneous online users of Legend reached a terrifying 850,000, which also refreshed the simultaneous online record of a game to a new one. high.

It's just that the more people online, the more painful Liu Zhongjun will be.

He has been a little anxious recently, "Mr. Lin, when will we start virtual commodity trading and VIP services."

The number of legends has doubled after being free, and the impact caused by private servers has basically been compensated, but maintaining legends still costs a lot, and the free legends still have a certain impact on Miracle MU.

At such a high cost, it would be a great loss to the company's interests if no profitability measures were taken.

Legend's free policy has played a very good curb effect on Legend 3. According to the statistical analysis of the game market, Legend 3's market share only occupies a small part, which is quite different from the expectations of Chen Tianqiao and South Korea.

However, 168 also paid a heavy price in the short term, not only the loss of interests, but also the South Korean side completely torn their face, and they completely gave up the later maintenance of the legend.

According to Lin Feng's original plan, before the end of the year, the legend will be free, and the miracle MU will be free at the beginning of the year. Then, a free version of the self-developed Westward Journey online game will be launched. With this series of tactics, Shanda will be directly dragged to death, and then he will launch his own free profit. Way.

However, after the New Year, Lin Feng's thinking has undergone some changes.

Although Chen Tianqiao dug his own corner and copied his channel, he was extremely angry, but he also set up a game for the Chen brothers at the beginning, and everyone's courtesy and communication can be regarded as not owe each other.

The game market space is huge, without him, Chen Tianqiao will naturally appear other people, there is no need to lose the company's interests for an opponent whose size is far less than his own.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a long time, Lin Feng gave up the idea of ​​pursuing victory.

Chen Tianqiao has already paid the price for his actions, killing all his opponents, which is cool, but killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred is not worth it.

The key is that future opponents in the game market will definitely spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and you will not be able to kill them. Therefore, strengthening yourself is the most important task at present.

"You and Shi Jiahui will sort out the detailed plan first, and let's discuss it after the eighth day of work." Lin Feng said.

Liu Zhongjun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He nodded quickly and left in a hurry. It seemed that the worry of the day was killing him.

Looking at the back of Liu Zhongjun hurriedly leaving, Lin Feng flashed a hint of approval in his eyes.

The first batch of employees such as Liu Zhongjun and Jin Yan have made great progress. If it is left as usual, Liu Zhongjun will not consider these issues. It seems that he still feels the pressure of transferring Shi Jiahui to the game department. some facilitation.

"Should I adjust the competition system?"

While Lin Feng was thinking about it, Lei Jun's call arrived.

Lei Jun now visits his hometown once a year for New Year's Eve 168, which has become a practice.

The hometown friendship between Lin Feng and Lei Jun is very close, but the relationship with Zhou Hongyi is gradually drifting I have to say that it is really good fortune.

After hanging up Lei Jun's call, Lin Feng hurriedly arranged for a tea seat.

Lei Jun arrived soon, but looking at the far-fetched smile on his face, it seems that he has not been very happy recently.

Yes, Kingsoft is now completely behind in the Internet echelon. As the CEO of Kingsoft, the pressure he bears can be imagined.

However, seeing that he still cares about others, the situation may not be so bad.

"Have you contacted Lao Zhou recently?" Lei Jun asked with a smile.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Lei Jun sighed: "Lao Zhou has been having a hard time recently."

Lin Feng raised his head curiously: "3721's revenue has been good. Although their investment in Shanda did not meet expectations, the profitability is still there. He should not be sad."

Lei Jun looked at Lin Feng, and then said: "Last year, there have been frequent rumors that investment institutions are preparing to withdraw and cash out, and the future of 3721 has not been very clear, and it may not go very smoothly recently. So Lao Zhou probably had the idea of ​​selling the company."

"Sell the company? Could it be that the rumor is true?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Is it still the same as before?

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I still don't believe that Lao Zhou would be willing to sell his efforts."

Lao Zhou's recent unhappiness may have something to do with him, but 3721 is far from exhausted.

Even more than that, their channel advantages still allow 3721 to maintain a leading position in the search market.

"Could it be that Lao Zhou is making smoke bombs?"

Lei Jun thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"Probably not. It is said that Sina is already negotiating with Lao Zhou."

Lin Feng's face gradually became serious after hearing this.